ET – Heavens Blades
Showing Posts For Ryner.6895:
ET – Heavens Blades
The only use for mist form is “jumping” off a cliff to delay the enemy zerg a bit, for those who really try to follow you =P
You still take fall damage while in mistform, its just a suicide.
ET – Heavens Blades
“We do have some improvements in mind for the elementalist’s main-hand dagger, along with reworking the downed state a bit. Keep in mind that you might not see this for a bit, but it is in the works.”
I see, just gotta wait and see what they change now.
ET – Heavens Blades
I’m sure it’s not a coincidence, but the 6 piece bonus of the vampiric (I think) set, is also becoming a mist when reaching 10% health… and it’s also not working.
Since it doesn’t work, I can’t compare if it really is the same. But I think there’s some game mechanic having issues with something.
As for timers during downed state: I think some have it too easy, and some have to be lucky the stomper is doing something else first…
Well, what I am saying is that the initial cd on mist is just way too long right now and if you have someone about to cap you as soon as you are down there no way to escape but in the case of the other classes, they get to push you away or teleport around in a few seconds after being downed. I just feel like the initial cd needs to be reduced like maybe 2 sec or so( i think its 7s now) and you can actually get to use it once in a while on time. I don’t care if they even reduced the mist linger time by 1 sec or so to compensate for faster use of the skill. Also even worse is the skill says you are supposed to invulnerable and you still take full fall damage and condition damage if you have any on you, I don’t know if this is intentional or a bug.
ET – Heavens Blades
Never up ever to used in time. Thiefs and mesmers and guardians jump all around the place, knock you down when down. ele’s just lie there saying come stab me now.
ET – Heavens Blades
same here, died and loading forever
ET – Heavens Blades
sweet, 1-375 cost me only 60silver
ET – Heavens Blades
Makes me wanna transfer over, but I gonna lose all my one man guild accomplishments. I wish you the best and hope to face off against you guys one day.
ET – Heavens Blades
(edited by Ryner.6895)
Maybe if half you server didn’t camp puzzle you guys might be doing better.
Last night there was like 3 ballistas in there.
ET – Heavens Blades
The only sub worthy game I would ever go back to eve online. F2p or b2p is the future.
ET – Heavens Blades
I cant do the part where it tellkitteno below deck, it keep respawning me on top of the ship.
ET – Heavens Blades
I honestly hate lvl scaling. I am 80 and I still don’t find a reason to go to low lvl areas other than to maybe to dungeon, even then I just sit at its entrance.
ET – Heavens Blades
Ryner.. this isnt crying over balancing… this is people abusing the system to waste resources cause they getting rolled left and right so they xfer and place 10-15 flame rams to waste resources in towers/keeps we own… That is getting really Effin old.
Like I said its temporary, till they put the stop on transfers just chill instead of making a new thread about it everyday.
ET – Heavens Blades
Can we stop this free transfer thing raging. Its been said a million times already its temporary to balance out server population.
ET – Heavens Blades
Is it me or can ET simply not hold their own? How high would they be without their alliances with other servers? It makes you wonder if this is actually how they got to the top and how false their ranking actually is
Lol? Do you seriously think that IoJ is that good that we have to double team you? Sorry to burst your bubble, but that’s what every single server thinks. I’m from CD and i’ve been observing IoJ and ET double-teaming us all day long.
There is a huge difference between the double teaming you’re talking about and collusion, which is what other people are talking about. The poster wasn’t saying the ET and CD are colluding.
There is a certain guild (could be more) on ET that is known to collude with other servers. The most guilds of IoJ and CD are against collusion, so its interesting to see how this match will turn out.
Please spit out the name of this certain guild or are you just blabbering nonsense? I don’t get it, how is people come up with this stuff
ET – Heavens Blades
Just reply with the usual “Umadbro?”
ET – Heavens Blades
totally, correct?
ET – Heavens Blades
I haven’t played Guild Wars 1 but coming into GW2 I was expecting something of a GvG experience rather than a Server V Server. I love WvW, its fun but joining a guild currently is useless, nothing to do. Going into WvWvW 2 or 3 of the top guilds control everything from commanding the rest of the server, I have no issue with that. The problem I have smaller guilds don’t have a way to shine or show off themselves. Your thoughs on this please community.
I personally wish to GvG style matches, Guild competing for territory or stuff or something along that line.
With that being said I want to also see more guild related options such as being able to see all the Guilds on the server, Option to apply to a guild, see their details such as leader, member count and basic info about it.
ET – Heavens Blades
Can we have an option to not be able to target friendlies. I am there trying to aim skills as ele while a warrior or guardian or pets are on top of the target and click them sometimes.
ET – Heavens Blades
ET – Heavens Blades
I saw some today, all grouped up standing in one spot, non stop killing while one guy loots.
ET – Heavens Blades
I felt bad for you guys til I made an ELE and facerolled sPvP.
in Elementalist
Posted by: Ryner.6895
Nice video on how not to play an Elementalist +10.
I like it.
ET – Heavens Blades
loving this drama. LOVIN IT
ET – Heavens Blades
1 lv 64 – 45% completion. Started playing 10days ago I think.
ET – Heavens Blades