Showing Posts For Sabaz.6978:
Elite: Often I fight alone 1v1 on the enemy node, having the Spirit of Nature is great for many reasons. 1) SoN ussually grants 320 HP per second to the player, with shamans amulet that goes up to about 500, it also removes conditions and when you cast the seconds ability, the Spirit rises his arm and smashes it into the ground reviving players. If I feel I will benefit most from the extra hp regen ill cast SoN earlier rather than later, otherwise I try and save a petswap and quickness cast him as Im about to go down. The tick is that when he is cast he will give you hp, so it takes some good timing but it can be very nice. The huge negative is the cooldown and general spirit flawns (cough* AOE) For this reason Entangle can be a viable option especially when combo’d with Torch 5.
Utilities: Protect me: The spider has 3k vit so he can tank a nice chunk. I prefer being overly defensive but if this utility doesn’t suite you you can swap it out with flame trap or something more offensive.
Spiketrap: i didnt want to make the combo more complicated, but if you are fast enought, you can Petswap, Weaponswap, Axe2,Dagger5 and spike trap and get about 15 stacks of bleeding off, Remeber to cast axe3 and f2 after you successfully land the combo, Most ppl have condition removal, but it is random and so you want to get as many conditions on them as possible when you have the DMGing condition like burn and bleed on.
Lightning Reflexes: While it does NOT break Immobilize, you still evade all attacks, this hold true for Dagger4 and Sword3. You want to space you evades with you dodge rolls to get maximum evasion. Which brings me to Poison, except for your spider, the sword3 and dagger 4 are the only ways of applying poison to you foe, poison is a very important condition and I’m considering adding in poison trap just so becuase the condition is so strong with -33% heal effectiveness.
Lastly I just wanna say that I was expecting much from this patch, and while they didn’t deliver in the Ranger department I am glad to see that action has been take against the Bunker and One shot specs out there. Thk you and good day!
Sup Guys, was up till 2am where I live to see the notes and yeh.. they were a bit ‘lackluster’ to say the least. Anyway I here to share my build I’ve been running in PvP.
In short it’s a condition build with high toughness and evasion. I favor being overly defensive as with any condition build you want to outlast your opponent.;1FFx-v2NDk-0;9k4E;1J-T4E21;226A;12;0awG1V;1KJGAhoHA9FT
Sword/Torch: I usually open combat with this set, I’ve mastered the (About face+sword2+turn in mid air+ walk one step and sword2 again) this is like the swoop on Greatsword and its a nifty trick to pull off but I agree it is very micro intensive with a large margin of error as u can not have your mouse buttons held in and often at the beginning you will be leaping backwards and then forwards, but keep practicing.
You want to get into the middle of the point and use Torch 5(bonfire) and torch 4(throw torch) on the guardian defending it.
Axe/Dagger(geomancy): Ok listen up, this is where 70% of you killing power lies. Standing toe-to-toe with you enemy you want to pull off this combo…
PetswapSwap Weapon+Axe2+dagger5, followed shortly by axe 3 and pet f2 ability.
Geomancy sigil =3 stacks of bleed +axe2 = 2-5 stacks and dagger5= 3 stacks so you can get up to 9-11 stacks of bleed on you opponent in a blink of an eye, the petswap is there for the quickness because axe2 cast time is very long imo) The Axe 3 adds a chill, and also reads, your pets next attack causes weakness.
Pets: Keep you pets on “Avoid Combat”, this means when you issue the attack command on a player (f1) the pets will use all of his good abilities (aka knockdown and immobilize) The wolf is one of the best pets we have, and with this spec and the II trait in marksmanships( increases duration of conditions caused by pets) is enough to add and extra second of fear.
The Cave Spider is going to be your best friends, First he is the tanky pet that you want to use “protect me” on, the wolf is not ideal but can also work. (remember to petswap b4 Protect Me, if you swap before the 6 second duration you lose that buff)
Heal: Initially I left this and the elite empty as I’m changing them often, all have their pro’s and con’s. I use Troll unguent because it heals the most and I usually am good at casting it early in the fight, but it lacks condi-removal and burst heal, For this reason you may want to pick up healing spring with that extra condi-removal and also the water combo-field with which you can use sword2 leap to get a splash heal of - 1500 HP, but you cant be as mobile as while other heals. Heal as One is also a poplar heal, with this spec it should heal 7000 HP out of you total 16000, also you can use petswapheal to get it off very fast (N.B. Quickening Zepher has a “Cannot heal during this time” condition, but petswap grants 2seconds of quickness! with no negative draw backs).
That’s not good enough Jon!
Dear Anet
Firstly I would like to say thank you and congratulations for making such a brilliant game. I have enjoyed many hours of levelling up, WvW and also PvP, and with the new ascended gear there is even more to do!
But, and this is a very big but, there is a niche in PC gaming for good Player v.s. Player action, this is made evident by the sheer number of people playing and watching games such as LoL, Dota, SC2 etc.
So Anet, you must ask yourselves, do you want your game to be one of the most watched and played titles out there ? If not, then continue in the same vein as you have been, but if the answer is yes, you do want your game to be huge, then more resources must be moved into the PvP department of the game. The PvP should almost be a stand-alone title.
The mechanics of GW2 are beautiful, complex, rich and brilliant! It’s the packaging that is rotting and putrid at the moment, and a pretty red ribbon to side track this fact in the form of a new map with not suffice if you really want to dominate the PvP scene.
One thing that must be done Immediately is to separate the PvP from the rest of the game. Right now I see that co-ordination must be a big issues and if you change one thing in a class it has a ripple affect into PvE, Dungeons, WvW and PvP. This should be done away with.
Secondly, and this has been said multiple times, but conquest needs to looked at. I can explain myself better if you are familiar with games like Dota and LoL. The beginning of the is largely 1v1 or 2v2, players periodically roaming trying to get kill by ganging up on people. If the kill is made they are rewarded, but also if they don’t they pay for it in the time wasted where they could have lvled up or gotten gold. Team pushes happen 5v5 later on in the game and a team is usually made up of roles such as Tank/Support/DPS (the trinity yes) with extra things like junglers, initiators, disablers etc. There is a reason these type of games are fun, and gw2 has the potential to take this model and give it a very nice spin off that would be enjoyed be many. Anyway, that is all.
When all is said and done… there will still be a class that can for-full a role better than a Ranger….
Thief and Mesmer’s and Warriors will still be the best Roamers/DPSers
And Guardian, Engi and Ele will be better bunker/supports
And Necro will still outclass condi ranger
(edited by Sabaz.6978)
The Idea behind having a pet is that some sort of micro management is involved..And its really insulting when that micro management gets dumbed down to, Attack, Retreat, Use ability that probably won’t work if it isnt AOE, and then next Pokemon.
I don’t know why they don’t do away with pets dmging or foes and Instead have them set permanently stick to you, periodially doing Cool animations!
They should avoid dmg when you dodge roll, have hp that could be balanced according to the power of the skills they posses, and then just have the F1-F3 skills grant Boons/Conditions..or maybe if we lucky some unique ability.
Hell will they be to imba then? Is that the role of spirits? I feel that this would solve everything Who is completely appose to this idea and why ?
Can we get an update on were you dev’s stand at this point in time with one week to go till patch? I have this funny scenario in my head were all the Dev’s are in a room testing the ranger class against some of the cookie cutter mesmer shatter builds or thief spec’s and wondering how da faq any Ranger’s kill anything in PvP :p
ps, i dont alway make itinto the last map when pug’ing, but when I do my 4min CD spirit elite dies to one treb shot =.=
(edited by Sabaz.6978)
add an interrupt on one of the one handers plz!!! like mesmer pistol off hand… why do i have to use a two hander just to stop an enemy stomp !
Why do I have this horrible feeling that this patch will be very underwhelming …
My main reason for posting is to raise awareness that winter’s bite (axe 2) is bugged atm and is unaffected my condition duration. I see that some1 has alrdy posted this on the bug report page, but I decided to post here as-well to ask Anet to plz not get my hopes up for making my class more on par with the others and just to say I’d settle for a class with working abilities/traits (moment of clarity *cough *cough)
make F1-F3 the pet abilities (f4 is swap), making the pet into a support caster role. Open up balance melee/ranged power builds, also condi and bunker roles.
Another issue I find is in the Clock tower, sure I can dodge roll treb shots when I see then coming, but what about my pet? He just takes it in the face?, and even with 15 in BM for faster swaps, he will die! only possible solution is to stow him =.=
I’ve been thinking about this change and this is what I’ve come up with..
Firstly, I am only concerned with 5v5 tPvP, nothing else. As stated earlier by Zsymon.8457, pets are the major mechanic of the Ranger and so this is were I feel a change is needed.
I propose that we make 2 categories of pets, that behave similar to spirits. One set would grant Passive bonuses to the Ranger and potentially those around him, while the other set would offer an AOE spell that had little to no cast time. In short, pets will NO longer deal damage, and as a consequence the player will be responsible all his/her dmg output.
I also don’t think there should be as many pets availible in PvP as there are in PvE if they do this change, I’d be happy with 8 passive and 8 active pets for starters. Just the basic stuff like for example, having a bear out would give you a passive vitality boost, while having an eagle out could give you more crit chance/dmg. Or if you’re a more active pet player, I know a couple of rangers who would kill for a instant cast interrupt. Just make it AOE insta cast with a decent CD and I think we have a solution. I can see a pro Ranger spec’ing two pets, one with an AOE 0.25 sec stun and another with and AOE poison, and even with a 40-60 seconds, a pro could rly make it count. See right now you could argue that the Ranger alrdy has this (and was intended to have this) in the form of jungle spiders or other pets, but it has been sited many times that the AI control pet spells are unreliable for competitive play, and do no go off as intended, Neither is the dmg from some melee pets.
Lastly, I feel that it is an important decision to separate PvP from PvE as I do think that there is a large demographic who are very casual gamers and enjoy having a pet behave like a pet. (maybe it should be and option in PvE? I have not even considered WvW to be honest, but I do not think that there is a shortage of WvW ranger as there are PvP rangers, especially at to tier play!)
My biggest problem with Ranger in tPvP, (and I’ve been playing ranger since release) is…
What is my role in the team?
When it comes to condition damage, Necro’s are superior to Ranger because of the AOE and awesome utility synergies. Engi’s are also better than Rngrs in this regard, by being able to apply many conditions very quickly.
Power builds for ranger exist, but are inferior/inefficient compared to those those of the other clasess. Warrior has good AOE pwr dmg, Thiefs have stealth and massive crit and mobility, Mesmers can build glass and can have enough utility to get away with it.
At most rangers have a 6 sec invul that requires you to use a bear, or a stone signet that also must be traited into.
When it comes to Support or Bunker, the ranger is not even a candidate in my eyes, with little access to stability, and condi removal.
In summation, I just feel that if I want to bring something to my team, be it Pwr, Condi, Support or Bunker, you are better off playing a different class. This is the biggest issues I want to see fixed.