Showing Posts For Sadismo.7508:

Increasing movement speed ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


You will have a mount in a couple of weeks

Super Mario World Cape Glider??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


In my humble opinion, joke items (outfits, gliders, minis etc.) in the gemstore shouldn’t exceed 20% of all. I think we have enough immersion-breaking stuff in the game. Lion’s Arch looks like a rave fest.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


There is an unfinished Polymok Arena just north of Rata Sum. I wonder if Anet are going to eventually implement it in-game. That would be awesome.

Coming back to the game, been 5 years

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


Races don’t matter that much really. Warrior is your generic all in kinda guy, but the good thing about the class is it’s easy and fun to play and welcome in every instanced content. Ranger is all about your pet tanks – you pew pew by the side. Necro is a tank-mage you get a second health bar, dots and pets to tank for you if you are into it.
About HoT expansion, I wouldn’t rush it untill I actually decide if I enjoy the game and try-out some core features, like dungeons, fractals, pvp and wvw. However, HoT introduces you to raiding, verry difficult 10 man content, in which you can make your way in crafting legendary armor.

Coming back to the game, been 5 years

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


Hi and welcome back!
I would suggest rolling a new character and lvling it the old-fashioned way just to refresh your knowledge of the game. There are some changes to really vanilla vanilla game. If you are looking for an easy experience go for warrior, necro or ranger. If you like more complex professions go for engineer, elementalist or mesmer. The rest are in the middle of complexity/fun meter. The new profession is called revenant. I personally don’t have much of experience on it, but it seems not bad at all. HoT gives you the post lvl 80 mastery progression, gliding and more teritories and story to explore. I hope this helps. Welcome back and have fun!

Really Devs, One against 20 in the story mode

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


No encounter has 20 adds. Please dont exaggerate in order to bolster your point. Every boss more or less has the M3 mechanic where you are rewarded if you are quick to press it, and then the encounter get easier. Every classbuild are not able to defeat the bosses, you need to change it around based on the encounter. I do agree that these fights do require you as a player to understand whats happening in the fight and know your class well, but personall I enjoy that. You could always do them in group though yes?

I counted 10 adds, do I have to be completely accurate for you to understand my point. And after the reponse this has gotten, there is no way in hell that I will ever group with anyone in this game. I’ve played SWTOR, and I have to say most of the responses here are worse than there. And for the jack**s who called me a liar, I’ve got words for you but I’ll not say them here and get banned from a game that I just paid a lot for.

Go play your SWTOR , dude. Hope it’s easy enough for ya. Best wishes.

Mounts Suggestions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


pls, don’t implement no. 1

How do you get to Elonia?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


You can use your existing character on your current server

either this, but no progression would be saved; or you will have to create a new beta character (like in HoT) and get a boost to 80 with each one you make, still no progression and they are deleted after the beta ends.
I think the second option is the more likely.

How do you get to Elonia?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


When the beta event starts later today, you will be able to begin the first chapter of Pof story, that will lead you to the new map. Hope this helps.

8/8/2017 The Battle of Frankfurt

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


You are all wrong! It was a-me, Mario!!! Muhahahaha

Legendary Armor acquisition?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


No, there isn’t.

Vanilla vs Now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


I still use hybrids and most of my playtime goes to vanilla specs, I also experiment with elite/vanilla (elite spec/vanilla weapon) builds and find them so much fun. Try new things, don’t let the bias stop you from enjoying the game.
PS: looking forward to the new elite spec, when the builds get twice more interesting, especially PvP and WvW-wise

Vanilla vs Now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


Played since before release. Much, much preferred vanilla in most regards, and in terms of builds especially. I remember pulling off interesting hybrids which was great fun. Today we walk in lockstep and anything new added to the game simply becomes the new FOTM. It was fun designing builds back in the day.

I think about the changes in terms of a great conspiracy. (Here read The Stepford Wives if you haven’t read it or seen the movie.) My theory is that the original developers were replaced by surrogates to despoil the grand thing that was GW2 at release. The Stepford developers were all pretty much in place by November 2012.

My personal concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


1. I don’t really understand what do you mean.
2. When you press “F” or whatever your interact button is, you don’t interact with other PC’s – you interact with the NPC. I am against mounts in cities, but even if it’s possible to hide the vendor (bank, TP, etc.) with your mount, just going close to the NPC and pressing “F” will do the job.
3. I agree, just for the sake of immersion… But, a large percentage of the playerbase is non-natural English speaker. So, you propose either listening to an obscure africaan english accent, or putting the effort to do an africaan accent to all supported languages, which is part fiction, part too expensive.
4. This game was never meant to have 1 man guilds. And imo is far, FAR better if you are a part of a good, friendly guild (and there are no shortage of these).
5. I don’t see any problem here.

Vanilla vs Now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


Remember back in vanilla were traits were more complex and you had a long variety of playthroughs. There was even gear progression and gold came by harder.

Old vanilla Guild Wars 2 :

Back then you would kill a mob because you need the mats, right now mobs are just a nuisance to just make you go slower. Right now Traits are simplistic and too linear, even the raids are forcing you to play exact builds or you are worthless.

What the heck happened to you Guild Wars? Casul illness ?

I member!
And I like it more now than then!

New Expansion, Same Issue: Hairstyles

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


Bald headed is unisex, go with it. It even fits elonian lore.

how did they draw him ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


The monthly tournaments winners get to spawn creatures, waves and fire fields into the arena to screw with people there.

I will say one thing...

in PvP

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


Good for you! Spray your knowledge upon them unexperienced players!

Carry potential: druid vs scrapper

in PvP

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


Well, I main engie be it meta scrapper, drunk or full glass condi p/p one and here is my opinion:
meta scrapper is the best at the moment and not because the support only, yes you can double res/ double stomp/ stomp and res; not only because you can deny projectiles and you are generally tanky; you can also play the annoying role (usually played by a mobile thief). Yes, you are not that mobile, but you can easily contest far while defending close on most of the maps. Bunkering far vs 1 opponent is easy and you can hold a lot vs 2 or 3 while waiting for the +1. You can also play full support (with the same build) just keep an eye at downed allies and focus ressing them; also healing yourself, if done right will also heal your team.
The other 2 builds are in the current meta just for fun, anyway i do enjoy playing condi engie, because you just melt enyone before you. The one thing you need is not getting focused. It is also viable in 1v1 scenarios as it is not common and people aren’t expecting the melt. They will get used to it fast tho, so play your cards early and get as much of an advantage as you can.
Drunk engie is not anywhere near the top now, so play it for fun in unranked.
I hope this was helpful and good luck!

(edited by Sadismo.7508)

AB Vine Event Meta: Frustration inc ™

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


I didn’t understand what this topic is all about…

pvp league tickets

in PvP

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


And on the other side of the spectrum, once you’ve bought the 4 backpacks, your 5 certificates of support and your shards of glory converter, you end up with not so many things to spend your tickets on. Minis? Salvage tools? Shards of glory? Really?

viability of classes.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


since HOT, some classes absolutely should not be played without their elite spec (looking at you revenant, lesser extent engineer)

What are you talking about? I find it easier to roam the HoT maps/do meta events/HoT story with engie than scrapper. The thing is scrapper has more blocks, toughness and is generally a braindead spec. A skilled engie should not meet any problems at all (and is more fun to play).

Necro or Thief

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


Hi there!
In my personal experience and observation both classes can be verry fun to play. However, for open world and instanced pve I strongly recommend a necro. I play a full sinister gear hybrid build and can assure you that if played correctly you are close to immortal (given necro’s natural tankiness, you are free to build full damage and still be insanely hard to take down). As for WvW I think thieves are the better choice for roaming at least (high burst potential, stealth, traps etc.). Both classes are good in pvp, but have different roles. Thief’s role in spvp is to move around the arena with his high mobility, decap oponnent’s points, look for a small skirmishes to land a hand to an ally and generally be as annoying as possible. Necro’s job, however, is to be in the center of the teamfight, pull conditions from allies to himself and return them to the enemy, split enemy team with wells and create havoc.
I hope this helps! Happy adventuring

404 Elemental Sword not found

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


Got it on my third try. Don’t even like the skin. Well, life goes on.

Standard Noob Questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


At the moment the highest tier gear is ascended. There are multiple ways to get ascended gear pieces, so players who enjoy playing different game types (pve/pvp/wvw/fractals exclusively) all have their way to get some nice gear. It can also be crafted by a toon with maxed crafting proffesion.

Standard Noob Questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


Well, let me start by saying going as a necro is a verry good/lucky choice (a proffesion fun and verry forgiving at the same time). So, one by one:
– Masteries are like another end-game leveling system – you earn exp, collect mastery points and when you fill the bar and have enough mastery points, you gain a mastery of your choice. Mastery points are earned either by completing achievments or finding mastery spots on HoT maps.
– There are crafting guides for the easiest/cheapest ways to get max at a discipline complete with shopping lists and recipes. Try searching “GW2 crafting guide”
– For pvp at first try any build what you find viable in unraked games, then make corrections if necessery. If you are struggling try finding a fitting build in
– The same goes for WvW as for the pvp.
– The fractal system is somewhat more special. Fractals are kinda like dungeons with a few twists. They are leveled. With every fractal completed, you unlock the next level. Going higher you will need more agony resistance (agony is a unique condition happening in fractals that damages your toon, with higher agony resistance you decrease the negative effect of agony).

Fell in Love

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


Both guardian and warrior are easy to level. Both are wanted and valuable in dungeon/fractal runs. The guardian is more defense oriented while warior is all about offense. GW 2 is a game that does not put restrictions on you – you are free to play whatever proffesion and whatever build feels fun to you and fits your playstyle. After hitting lategame and getting a better understanding of your class you will eventually begin experimenting with different builds, tactics and synergetics. Until then you are free to experience the beauty of the game at your own pace and whatever way you feel like. That is the core point og guild wars 2. I hope this helped you. If you have any questions feel free to massage me in-game. Server – Seafarer’s Rest EU

Looking for advice on class

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


- Ranger – Pros: One of the easiest classes in pve, especially if you are not soloing. Good power AND condi builds right from the start. Pokemon trainer in gw2 (you must catch them all). May be the best healing class at the moment (with the elite spec “Druid”)
Cons: Squishy without your pet. Kinda getting boring after a while (imo). Never go into instanced content with longbow/brown bear equipped, pls.
- Engineer – Pros: One of the most fun proffesions to play. Has an answer for every situation with various kits (replacing your weapon skills). Can have up to 35 skills available at a time.
Cons: Playing an engie is like playing a piano. Jack of all trades, but master of none (still better than master of one). Limited weapon equipping options. Hard to play in either pvp/pve/wvw, but a master engie is a master of them all.
3. Light armor classes:
- Elementalist – Pros: Good damage dealer/support/healer/boon distributioner/condition remover. Good burst. Power and condi builds are both viable from the start. Good AoE for wvw with staff wielding.
Cons: Squishy. Hard to memorize what skill does what. Should constantly switching between attunements. Squishy!
- Mesmer – Pros: Has the most utility partywise. Good for soloing, as you never feel alone with 5 more of you. Good pvp-er. Fun to play.
Cons: Hard to master. Doesn’t have a good passive movement speed bonus till getting the elite spec. Condi builds are lackluster (imo). All skill have purple buterfly-ish effects (it’s a con for me.)
- Necromancer – Pros: you can never go wrong with necro. Probably the highest survivability off all. Heavy condition distributor, both for single and multiple targets. Playing a necro feels freaking cool. Pve is a breeze, pvp and wvw feel easy.
Cons: One can not fully enjoy the unlimited power until getting the elite spec “Reaper”. Limited power-based builds. Ranged combat is somewhat not enjoyable (imo).

Looking for advice on class

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


Let me just sum-up the pros and cons of each class (imo), not delving too deep in each one tho:
1. Heavy armor classes
– Warrior – Pros: one of the easiest classes for leveling with the most weapon options. At max lvl they are still viable in pvp and wvw. High sustain and high damage.
Cons: A lot depends on your build (but this is true for all classes actually). Ranged options are a lot weaker than melee. They don’t have a good condition build until getting the elite specialization “Berserk” after hitting lvl 80.
- Guardian – Pros: Class with heavy defensive capabilities, featuring a lot of shields, defensive boon distributions and heals. Can utilize burning verry well. With staff wielding you can just spam skill 1 and tag a lot of targets (usefull for farming). One of the best pvp classes at the moment (with the elite spec)
Cons:One of the slowest moving classes with no passive speed boost. Some of their defensive spells need some party members, to be used to their full extent. You need to know when and what to use, otherwise you can be killed quite easily.
- Revenant – Pros: Great support class with a lot of boon sharing. They can swap sets of utility skills. Swinging your hammer results in ranged attacks!
Cons: Can not switch their utility skills, they are set in packs. Somewhat squishy if you don’t move all around the place.
2. Medium armor classes
-Thief – Pros:One of the best bursting classes. Stealth. One of the highest (if not the highest) mobility classes. Good pvp capper/decapper. Good wvw scout.
Cons: Squishy as kitten. One needs to utilize dodging at it’s full extent to be viable as it is core for thief gameplay. Not so viable in dungeons/fractals/raids in my observation.

Suggestion: Tomes of Knowledge

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


Please, don’t make ToK sellable! Let new players learn their proffesions, while leveling their toons to 80. Insta 80 boost already took care of increasing the chance of meta-fails.

Suggestion: Sell Minor button on merchants

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


We need one of these options badly.

[Suggestions] Future Elite Specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


Can I suggest: Necromancer – Defiler – Wherever you go on Tyria it is certain someone died there at some point. So the defiler uses the remains of the long lost souls to do his bidding. I am thinking skills like bone walls, reanimate 1-2 risen-like creatures from the ground to fight at his side etc. I haven’t really thought deep on the details, just an idea of mine. Feel free to expand it if you like it.

Thoughts on precursor crafting...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


Are you saying there is a person who would prefer to farm iron, platinum, mithril, and all kinds of wood everyday for 30 days, so he/she can craft the thing, rather than sell all the stuff and buy it from the TP?

Yes. Me for one.

I bought my first precursor, which meant logging in every day I could to farm as much gold as I could manage, selling anything and everything I didn’t need and hoping I could do it fast enough to outpace the constantly rising cost on the TP. I have no good memories of that process, except a friend being kind enough to give me the last 10g so I could finally get it. Once I had the precusor I took a break from the game for about a week and from making my legendary for about a month because I was so sick of it.

I crafted my second one and I found it much more enjoyable because I could take my time with it, if I decided to take a break I could easily catch up later because my target hadn’t changed. I did a pretty even split between farming the materials myself and buying them (and saved a lot over some estimates by buying the raw materials instead of the finished components), and I got Artificer to 500 and Huntsman to 488 in the process and got to repeat some events, jumping puzzles and things I’d not done in ages. Overall I found it much more interesting that franticly farming gold and it actually made me feel more motivated to carry on with the final legendary.

You’ve got a point there.

Thoughts on precursor crafting...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


Yeah? How much luck do you need to open the TP type the name of the precursor weapon and left click your mouse? However I understand your point. But IMO collections are not worth doing at the moment.

Thoughts on precursor crafting...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


But what is the point if the collection is more expensive than the precursor itself?

Thoughts on precursor crafting...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


Are you saying there is a person who would prefer to farm iron, platinum, mithril, and all kinds of wood everyday for 30 days, so he/she can craft the thing, rather than sell all the stuff and buy it from the TP?

Thoughts on precursor crafting...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


So, the other day i decided to start the collection for The Hunter. The first tier was nice and easy and all was ok untill I saw the required ingredients to actualy craft the first tier precursor (it’s 30 spiritwood planks and 30 deldrimor steel ingots). So I did some simple math and since I had the required materials I sold them at the TP, bought the entire precursor and made 100 g profit.
My question is “How exactly are collections the easier way to get precursors?”

Best Class to explore GW2 content

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


Consider playing a warrior.
– Has two ranged options (longbow and rifle)
– Good defensive capabilities
– A lot of damage
– One of the easiest classes to play when leveling
– + A lot of variety if you get bored with the current weapon set you are using. (Has the widest variety of usable weapons)
I hope this helps you.

Changes to minis I would like to see

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sadismo.7508


The only change I need about this useless feature is: please dont make them account bound so I can sell my 6 queen Jehnas, 15 proffesor Meaws, all the different birds from Black Lion chests and so on junk that dusts in my bank