Showing Posts For Sai of Winter.2539:

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sai of Winter.2539

Sai of Winter.2539

If housing and guild halls were finally added to the game in the future, I hope they are not premade. Rather, give us the tools to make houses and halls on how we want them to look. Also include a crafting element to building, for example: seasoned wood planks = dark walls,floors,etc. I would love it if the game had sandbox elements and that could be a good start.

~Go Away Nexon~

GW1 main & your GW2 main

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sai of Winter.2539

Sai of Winter.2539

GW1: Monk and Necro
GW2: Guardian and Necro

I wasn’t into my monk that much, but he was the first one to be created. Enjoyed my necro a lot more and was fun to play. Liking my guardian and especially my necro in the sequel, since I can build her to be a melee tank and still dish out a decent amount of damage. Loving those wells.

~Go Away Nexon~

Do you really want a static game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sai of Winter.2539

Sai of Winter.2539

I dislike how people think there is only one way an MMO should be. Your way is not wrong, but it’s not the only way. Guild Wars 2 is a perfect example…excuse me, was a perfect example…

~Go Away Nexon~

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sai of Winter.2539

Sai of Winter.2539


I know I should wait and see until I give an opinion, but I’m worried and disappointed. I never liked the gear treadmill which is a reason why I don’t play a lot of traditional MMOs and enjoy GW1/GW2 style. Instead of increasing stats why not just add some flavor to the items? For example: Legendary weapons should have a unique twist to the weapon skills (no new skill sets and without becoming more powerful).

Tinfoil Hat
My fears of Nexon making the decisions for this game is becoming stronger and stronger.

~Go Away Nexon~