Showing Posts For Sammie.2651:

Everyone on my map disappeared and I died?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sammie.2651


Right, so.. I was on a full Lion’s Arch map and while walking over to the Trading Post, everyone disappeared. I could see no one – not even NPCs. I had a friend join my party and enter my LA to let me know whether there were actually people in my map or not, and on his screen there are in fact other people on our map. I relogged and this solved the problem. Not even 10 minutes later the same thing happened, but I also died with my party member unable to rez me. In the attached picture you can see what I have on my screen. I can see my party member but no one else.

…why is the map trying to kill me? Was there some kind of apocalypse no one bothered to tell me about? Am I one of the only survivors? Send help.

..but, seriously..


(edited by Sammie.2651)

Guild gold transfer cap is broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sammie.2651


Have you been sending any gold though your inbox? If so, the cap is 500 g total for your mail + guild bank.

Salvaging is still crashing the game

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sammie.2651


I crash 99 % of time when using a one click macro to mass open bags, but now it seems that I’m crashing even when opening by manually clicking. I think this is part of the same problem.

Game crash when left-clicking too fast

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sammie.2651


Chiming in to say that I’m having the same problem, even when manually clicking.

Allow custom head-pieces with outfits?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sammie.2651


I completely agree, this should be a thing. I have outfits but in order to wear them I have to forfeit my bunny ear headpiece.

Transparency regarding unsalvageable items.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sammie.2651


To say that I should have to research any item I might consider salvaging is a little silly to me. Yes, I put the upgrade in to try it out. I trusted that it would be just like any other exotic of its type, and yes, as I stated in my first post, I understand that WvW items cannot be salvaged. Restating what I’ve said already: I’m not arguing my case, I’m arguing that Anet make this more transparent for future players that might run into the same problem.

Transparency regarding unsalvageable items.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sammie.2651


Have you tried an extractor?

Expensive, I know, but so is the item you stand to lose.

Mentioned in the OP. Very convenient for Anet that the only resolution to this issue is either sacrifice a lot more gold, or spend real money when there is no way to tell currently.

Well, the OP is also partially at fault for trusting the wiki to be 100% accurate about what can and cant be salvaged. It is, afterall, only managed by players. Unless someone went out of their way to test if something is salvageable, and then post on the wiki, there’s no way to know.

Right, but I’m not saying that I was depending on the wiki. I’m saying that I shouldn’t have to count on any website outside of the game to tell me whether an item is salvageable or not. As I said, in the past the only non-salvageable items in the game were ascended, WvW or karma. Because this is a regular exotic (yes, it is a collection item, but other exotic accessories (collection or not) have been salvageable), I was inclined to think that it would also be salvageable.

Regardless, this is more so about transparency regarding items in general, not trying to argue my support case (though I still believe it to be relevant to the discussion).

Also, Anet themselves trust the wiki enough for there to be an in-game command /wiki (item or word) that will take you there.

(edited by Sammie.2651)

Transparency regarding unsalvageable items.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sammie.2651


Right, so I was told by a GM to post in this forum. Recently, I purchased a Preserved Queen Bee for a friend which totaled at over 1,000 gold (all of the gold that I had on hand). Like I had done with the Ootz necklaces (refactor gems), I thought I would try the item on before sending it. The bee itself comes from a necklace that is meant to be salvaged. When I placed the bee in an exotic (non karma, non WvW), there is no reason why it shouldn’t have been salvageable. I say this because if you look at the Guild Wars 2 wiki page, it’s not listed under the list of exceptions.

There is no way I could have known, which makes this not a “me” problem, but a problem with the item itself. The issue was that I put it in a Twister in a Jar, the only exotic of its type which is not salvageable – something which isn’t made transparent. At the very least, the items description should tell you this (as the wiki doesn’t). Support was unable to help me, as they stated in two generic (partially copy-pasted) emails. They didn’t even tell me about the fact that this problem could be remedied by an upgrade extractor (something which, conveniently, would cost me gems).

I hope, for the sake of others that might make the same mistake that I did, this issue is fixed.