Showing Posts For Saphykun.3206:
it’s a multiplayer game ermehgerd op!
It is a multiplayer game, I mentioned I like that. (Otherwise I’d still be playing Dragon Age… oh wait, it’s not 2009 anymore).
As they say, sarcasm doesn’t translate well in text. I was fully aware of what you said, just wanted to be “that person” first
it’s a multiplayer game ermehgerd op
I fit the definition of “introvert” too. A little anti-social, prefer to play alone, but will play in a group only when there’s a group event in the open-world. Otherwise, if I can solo it, I’ll go alone \o/
Though weirdly enough, I like to talk in map chat sometimes, but as long as I’m not obligated to join someone’s group or something. So yeah, please don’t try to find me. Don’t send me group invites. DON’T INVADE MY PERSONAL SPACE!
Meanwhile, I’d like to know who was responsible for doing this to the FR wiki and why it hasn’t been spread to other localizations.
I think that for me, this takes the cake (especially with the new “legendary” item, Faren’s red slip) if Faren didn't take Bongo's other eye.
Warriors triple-wielding weapons with the third weapon on their head would be such a nice feature (but will never happen, obviously)… and so would crossbows à la Valla/Diablo 3. More old-fashioned pewpewpewing!
I actually would be against buffing Phalanx Strength despite maining a warrior class. Everything after fury is ridonkulous, and, well, just doesn’t work with the warrior if we take into account semantics and technicalities :P
But yeah, some of these features would be pretty cool to see in-game, but others… well, I got some giggles out of that (would love to see my elementalist get set on fire).
5 female and 2 male characters here. The main reason for this disproportion is partly due to my language settings; I play in French, so I’ve got FR VAs hollering in my ear. I absolutely -adore- the human male voice, charmed by the male sylvari, but I loathe the male voice for your norn. Voice acting is wonderful, but it’s not gruff and his voice is more fitting for a human or sylvari, not a norn. But I digress. I would definitely play a male norn if the VA was more appropriate (or I can just play in English, but my ear candy from the human male!).
Plus one female character is a joke character so she doesn’t count.
And, well, female outfits are just more pleasing and varied compared to their male counterparts.
The more serious reason for me not having many male characters is that I like putting thought into characters I create. For males I haven’t fleshed them out yet, so I’m putting off making new male characters until then.
Just my two cents.
For one thing, I don’t think the demand for ‘sexy/revealing’ armour is the same for both sexes. There’s always an extremely vocal group that challenges the status quo in these topics, but in-game you’ll see far more male characters of the tough, cool or stylish variety than anything else.
Because they have almost no choice save for certain pieces like the Lich/Daydreamer’s/Feathered. Speaking for myself here, I dropped money because I could make my human male run around half-naked. That’s the level of skimpy I want for my in-game males and wouldn’t hesitate to throw monies for some more stripperific guy costumes.
By no means am I a part of a “vocal minority” since I usually lurk, but I really wanted to add my voice to the crowd to support more smexy male armors. By all means keep/add the skimpy female costumes (imo)! Give the male characters some extra attention too
Throwing in my two cents: I bought the Lich outfit so that my human male can run shirtless. I was Not Happy at the lack of nekkid male costumes, especially with disparity between certain craftable armor sets.
It doesn’t have to be totally bare too. Wrap a guy’s abs with bandages and bare the upper chest, give him a loose-fitting shirt with all buttons undone, have floating feathers swirl around his torso and around the arms, or wrap belts around his chest. The open vest hoodie pic a couple of pages back is a great example of revealing armor without being -too- revealing.
So that’s five ideas right there that can be worked with varying degrees of nudity. If you can make a skimpy outfit taking into consideration the boobie size variations, I’m sure you can make a skimpy outfit for a (mostly) flatchested guy.
(edited by Saphykun.3206)
I dont mean to hijack your thread op but I have a question for these guys, do you think warrior would be for me? I like versatility, I love nearly all of my weapons being effective and not outmatched by others, I like switching builds and weapons kind of often. I also like a mix of ranged and melee depending on my mood, I enjoy being in groups. I also like flashy classes.
I recently got my guardian to 80 but realized to many weapons feel to slow for me, its just not fun plus the build varity feels limited, im currently trying a revenant and they are fun but I hear allot of negative things about it like very boring rotations and stuff for pve, and you end up with very few builds? I dont know if its true but you do hear it quite a bit.
I am looking for a second class besides elementalist right now, anyways thanks for reading my question all!
I’m having fun experimenting with my warrior – going from shout build to phalanx to knockback (the idea of being a truck is fun, but I haven’t experimented with it much). I haven’t played as a revenant so I can’t give any advice, but since you like having a class that’s flashy and has effective weapons, I might recommend engineer. Flashy because you can explode turrets, bombs, and throw out grenades (ASPLOSIONS EVERYWHERE). You have kits which essentially serve as your secondary, tertiary, and quad-iary weapons which are as effective as you make them. I’m not sure how flexible engineers are as a class but they can hold their own in PvE and fractals.
You could always make your own thread asking for tips. I’m pretty sure you’ll get a response without needing to borrow someone’s thread <3
Btw did I miss it or did you gloss over warrior as an option?
Nope, I noticed it too, nothing about warrior.
EW pretty much hit it right on the nail. It sounds like the warrior profession would be the right fit for you. You’d have a few blast finishers (including throwing down a banner) so you can stack up quite a bit of might. Not to mention one of your traits allow you to grant other players might, so you can dish out damage while simultaneously supporting your teammates. Warriors are pretty robust, as long as you don’t play carelessly.
I laugh when people fail the last jump. And then I portal them, assuming I’m on my mesmer <3
<—- not nice
Maybe you already do this, but I hold down the right mouse button to lead my character wherever they need to go. Especially helpful when you have to jump quickly (*cough*HalloweenJP*cough*), and if you’re good enough you become one of those speed demons you described
this suggestion is realistic. sylvari can be pink and blue, orange, purple, red, green…
But that’s the sylvari skin (bark?) tone, not fur
(edited by Saphykun.3206)
I love your skirt! You pulled off the floating feathers look perfectly
Also, do you really want to see neon pink and bright green Charr running around?
You know this isn’t a question. Of course I want to see violently bright Charr running around in equally clashing armor colors
I agree, the first time I saw the Winged Armor on my necromancer my first reaction was “wtf wat is dis?”. Then I checked the male version of the same armor and, well… it’s incredibly prude compared to female Winged Armors. I was so, so disappointed :’(
I won’t lie, I’m not bothered about revealing armor for the most part (and I’m guilty of liking some of them! And that there’s heavy armor that actually looks like it does the job), but I feel that some armor is just… ridiculous. How has my necromancer not exhausted herself from using magic just to keep herself warm in Frostgorge Sound? :P (for what it’s worth, my necro is wearing “prudish” armor. Cabalist and something else)
But I’m pleased with the variety of armors and modesty (or lack thereof) in the GW2 wardrobe. Sometimes it’s nice to run around baring your midriffs ^^
Please don’t take this as “prudish” – I can’t see any charr wearing some of the armors; this has to do with the character’s character, they’d never wear half of what is available.
This: While I’ll have no problem running around in a Winged set as a mesmer or elementalist, I’d assume that necromancers would be much more prudish – there’s nothing horrifying about a hawt strippah chick in the flesh (fresh flesh I may add; if it was rotting or ectoplasmic flesh that would be different), even if she’s raining death on your head.
On the other hand (and where the OP and I may differ), I’d like to see more revealing armor for male characters, like you know, Lich-level revealing. I would totally drop cash for it
(edited by Saphykun.3206)
Not only changing characters, but when I switched regions (ex. Ascalon to Forest of Caledon), my dailies and monthlies were reset. Haven’t checked to see if returning to Ascalon would bring back the stats, too lazy to check (I know, I know, I’m bad ; ; )
Not the only ones having this problem as well: