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Is ranger in a terrible place right now?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


Yes, ranger is in a terrible place now and always has been. They are competitive in some of the game forms and suck in others, but the main problem is that most of their game mechanics just don’t work.

Bows are bad
Pets are really, really bad
Trait synergy is a complete mess
Sword 1 is broken

and a whole host of minor annoyances (that many other professions have) on top. The ranger CDI was massive and heated. Rangers are still waiting for some dev love but the devs are perm on their warrior/theif love trip so don;t hold your breath.

this exactly !!!!

& rlly wanna see how can a ranger can beat non kittened thief in 1v1 while the thief can reset the fight anytime & as many times as he wants… or a non-kittened warrior for that matter.

& bows r bad, no they r actually terribad !! unreliable with low damage simply worthless espeacially long bow if roaming

Is ranger in a terrible place right now?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


in wvw they r the most utterly useless .. don’t play ranger wvw until they fix it .. if ever

how to make stealth not so bad or cheese

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


[/quote] all classes otherwise we would end up with a boring nerf sword battle where everyone plays the same stick figure character with the same stats and skills. [/quote]

- this is true balance

& also i main a ranger (although i have every class at 80) because imo ranger has the highest skill cap seeing how bad rangers compared to other professions.

as i play other classes it feels like a true easymode & while i play ranger i actually have to be on toes the whole time for some "skilled back-stab thief* to try kill me & usually although they dont 1 shot me they wear me out … thief is the most forgiving profession out there with this broken stealth spam – most noob-friendly.

high stealth times ( untargetable) , VERY high mobility, very high damage & SOOO brokenly OP in wvw 1vx beyond imagining.

That’s what people rage about because stealth doesn’t have a normal counter like in more successful mmos there should be much more revealing skills & I’m talking about true ones not like the rangers -sic’em- for four sec of revealed debuff & trying to buff useless pet (which cannot hit moving targets)

we dont need an easymode master escapist & master of annoyance class.

thats why ppl spit on thieves when thy kill them & dance on their bodies.. thats what this stealth mechanic triggers – unfun gameplay & when a game is being unfun its not being played

- in this case it has nothing to do with the skills of back-stab receiving end player
you can dodge it once, twice may be three times but thief can always reset combat & wear you down in time. – that is what’s stealth broken for.

Ranger Longbow+Greatsword minimal changes

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


why wouldn’t you want piercing arrows ? especially in wvw.
I don’t see necros or mesmers complaining about their respectively staff & great sword AAs going through multiple targets. & they r not even an Archer type class … that’s just lame.

& read the wind would just make long bow reliable at hitting … definitely not overpowered

Ranger Longbow+Greatsword minimal changes

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


i would add Read the Wing & piercing arrows should also be passively available by default & not even traits

& Hunter’s Shot & Point blank shot should have a reliable character-rotating/turn animation like the short bow’s #3 because now if someone gets to you (which is rlly rlly veeeeeery easy) those two skills are almost worthless because most of the time they go on cd while not doing anything

(edited by Sasajoe.1509)

One question.....

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


warrior / thief … for wvw they r just too op

how to make stealth not so bad or cheese

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


well sorry i should have quoted some random guy from earier above but my point actually was

that stealth while the biggest of issues is not the single problem with this game & its incompetent developers… how can blizzard make so much better AI & Skills (even plain logic & common sense dicate) & Anet cannot ???

It’s not a problem with the development, it’s a problem with the players. I can’t even begin to say how much entitlement people who play this game think they have.

“Refund me this/Nerf that so killing them is easier/Change this so I don’t have to meet these requirements to get this.” It’s getting old, expecially when people give advice and no matter how much you give nothing ever changes.

As a thief I have issues with a couple of particular builds on a couple other classes that I find very difficult to beat while they seemingly mow through groups of enemies, and sure I complain to my friends and on Teamspeak but I don’t go on those forums all day and ask for nerfs. I either don’t fight them, or when I do I expect to lose until I learn how to fight them better. I know I’m nowhere near the most skilled of thief players and I accept that.

Well the thing is the problem is exactly with the development – when there is demand for better balance & it is not being delivered ppl start to leave this game & it becomes unpopular (which exactly represents)

If gw2 wants to be/climb to the top they should make their game balance better aka hire better developers & balance team & a better marketing team these r the 2 main things they should do.

The current state of stealth ( & many other things for that matter) annoys ppl & customers don’t like being annoyed they simply change the game thus leaving gw2 in its current state = at the lowest places on the popularity list losing their playerbase as if on purpose.

The market is based on supply & demand → when the supplier doesn’t provide enough quality of service the demanding heads to another supplier who can provide better quality.

Stealth lowers the quality of game experience in gw2.

2+2=4 Pretty simple…

(edited by Sasajoe.1509)

how to make stealth not so bad or cheese

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


well sorry i should have quoted some random guy from earier above but my point actually was

that stealth while the biggest of issues is not the single problem with this game & its incompetent developers… how can blizzard make so much better AI & Skills (even plain logic & common sense dicate) & Anet cannot ???

how to make stealth not so bad or cheese

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


As much as i like GW2 i can’t say its not a big failure (while it certainly is) & popularity shows it all if it was better than certain game it would have been ahead in viewers (& may be playerbase).

now pls tell me where in the list is WoW & where is GW2 ?

Ranger Balance [Post CDI]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


just pathetic ai design i dont have anything else to add

how to make stealth not so bad or cheese

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


rogue is a much better concept compared to thief …

how to make stealth not so bad or cheese

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


Yeah this game needs to be like WoW. That would solve this problem! GW2 needs to be less like an individual game with its own set of mechanics we need to learn, and more like a game with pandas in it!

Or you can look at a game that probably has the best implemented stealth class ever to be seen in any MMO and compare it to GW2 which is easily the absolute worst ever conceived and understand that changes need to be made.

Look! I can fly off the handle too!

SO TRUE !!! this^

[Ranger][PvP][WvW] Longbow STILL needs help

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


Actually since thieves got stealth for more survivability i dont see why doesnt the ranger have like :

stealth spell with 60 seconds cd !!!!!!!!!!!!! that stealths him for 60 seconds & the ranger breaks it hes left with rest of the cooldown to handle with


since long bow power ranger is the squishiest target in the whole game it should deal MASSIVE amount of damage not a lackluster as it is currently

[Ranger][PvP][WvW] Longbow STILL needs help

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


There are different factors that come into play that determine your success …or lack of success. I think the analogy of a pocket QB vs a scrambling QB fits nicely.

You have your quick twitch players who are excellent at reading the enemies combos and avoiding the damage. They are great at skill combinations to do maximum damage in 1v1 (scrambling QB)

Then you have the guys are are good at positioning. Using terrain to your advantage. Recognizing when it’s time to move and reposition.

Two completely different styles. I think that’s what causes some of the disagreements here when people try and explain why a style works for them.

NO ! the easymode stealth of thieves & the underdeveloped traits, weps & utilities of rangers cause all this, in general the poor job of the developers & their lack of interest (or may be qualification) in fixing their own product.

for example if i play on my ranger & a thief kills me in 3 hits then its a l2p issie – what they say

After that i log on my mesmer & wipe the floor with those same thieves & then they are like – oh mesmer OP

i call for a fair balance !!

[Ranger][PvP][WvW] Longbow STILL needs help

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


If Longbow is so bad, then I must be a pro esport player.

I sniped and killed so many players using the 6/0/2/6/0 build.

Pewpewing noobs or newbs from afar proves nothing. A thief, mesmer, warrior, guardian, engineer or elementalist should be able to close the gap in no time. Anyone who lets the ranger utilizing his range does something wrong.
Against a LB ranger, you have to play aggressive. If you do so, the ranger is forced to switch the weapon or die painfully.

If any of those classes can close the gap and gank the ranger before he could see it coming, then that ranger is terrible. That ranger isn’t abusing the 1500 range and the terrain; he deserves to die.

You are so wrong on so many levels, in other mmos (more successful ones) the ranger/hunter/archer profession has many reliable kiting mechanisms unlike here in gw2. rangers have huge cooldowns & unreliable spells that very often even go on cd without doing anything.

Also if u r with a ranged – longbow build & some one like warrior or thief gets to you (which is very very very easy especially for thieves) you cannot escape they have superior mobility .

if you switch weapons .. well good luck with your ranged build holding a gs or sw/smth against a thief / warrior in close combat

its a loss-loss situation

Oh and almost forgot, even with the range you have you still dont have a huge burst like thives or warriors do (no matter even if you are “THE SNIPER CLASS”)

so as a conclusion – no burst, no kiting ability,no escapeability*, no good melee option if you have a ranged build – if you are the poor kitten to try play a bow ranger basically you a the free loot bad end of story & if you wanna tell me that this is a balanced game well i don’t think so a balance —->

I don’t think thats the case with gw2 pvp or at least the ranger position in all this crap.

(Edited for a typo)

(edited by Sasajoe.1509)

Ranger Balance [Post CDI]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


still this doesnt explain why r devs so slow in progress & fixing their game.

ppl want to know when will their favorite class be on par with others & not the underdog

[Ranger][PvP][WvW] Longbow STILL needs help

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


Just how often is ‘being effective at single target damage’ an actual desirable thing in this game? I am all for AOE vs. single target being a efficacy tradeoff, but not when focus firing is so rarely applied and you’re one of the few weapons in town that has to play by the rules.

When you play as a pure sniper.

Snipers in other games, the real world, and any story you ever read aren’t exactly known for being able to survive a one on one encounter at close range. So why should GW2 be any different if a Ranger decides to build for damage at long ranges?

Snipers in real life as u say dont have projectiles traveling at the speed of a dead snail & MOST importantly are known to kill their targets with 1 shot, thats what they r used for….

@The New Ranger GM Traits

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


i just came back to the forums to see whats going on with rangers & to be honest im glad i switched back to wow on my hunter & not having any more headaches with gw2

cya in wow lol

[Ranger] We need changes NOW not march

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


Ha to be honest I don’t expect a brain-dead person to win the Nobel prize in physics … if you know what i mean xD

(edited by Sasajoe.1509)

[Ranger] We need changes NOW not march

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


kittened devs will not even hear you i bet … they haven’t even moved their finger for an year and a half … they won’t do it anytime soon.

I actually think they will not even do the update in march (as they told us on stream it would come on jan 21st, & then delayed it to march)

Ranger Balance [Post CDI]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


ha if that is much to you tel me what do you think about this thief’s trait

I don’t really think this is fair either

[PvP][WvW] Thief shadow embrace OP

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


Zacc you seem to not understand me – when you try to use your bear cleanse it starts running towards the target (too which is the bugged part) & in order to for me to get the cleanse I have to go in there.

lets say it’s a 1v1 vs a condition spammer in wvw roaming & if i am heavily doted & no matter if i have commanded the bear to stay right next to meor i command it to come to me the moment i press the F2 button it starts running towards the target again & i have two choices there to get back in & get 2 condis removes & potentially get tons more on me or to run away & hope they don’t kill me…

Both things aren’t good & reliable ways to cope with conditions so no rangers don’t have any good condition cleaners.

On topic now that is why I require rangers to have EB pulled down to 10 pts trait. or even better entirely reworked

[PvP][WvW] Thief shadow embrace OP

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


Zacchary i know you are playing thief & you try to save your skin but the ranger’s pets are the buggiest thing there is & the forums support this fact also + having in mind your statement & obvious lack of knowledge of ranger profession I assume you have never ever really played a ranger.

If you had you would have probably known that when you press the f2 ability for example your pet starts automatically run towards your target & since the brown bear has cleanse on a 600 radius it is not reliable at all.

Also ranger pets can almost never hit moving targets because of the root animation for the worthless AI. But I assume you didn’t know that either.

Also if you choose a bear pet you sacrifice some of the usefulness of the cc pets like dogs & spiders (which both aren’t really that astounding by themselves too but have a use or two)

& last but not least thieves having the ability to stealth whenever they want is only a plus for them in most cases – wvw* (leaving structured out of the quiestion)

I think it would be great balance for starters if devs moved empathic bond to a 10 pts trait & also gave more stealth to rangers.

Since they don’t think the current state of stealth is broken there should be no problem for that to happen.

(edited by Sasajoe.1509)

The patch on the 21st of January - a hoax

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


hmm I’ll go check that Wildstar you say of, who knows might turn better than gw2 (with ease).

[PvP][WvW] Thief shadow embrace OP

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


Bear is very unreliable & slow cast, signet of renewal has a 10 sec interval effect on passive – active has HUGE cd & also kills the pet, healing spring cd is also too high & the healing is very little & also rangers don’t have a long stealth breaks in order to deny reapplications of conditions.

[PvP][WvW] Thief shadow embrace OP

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


Very simple and to the point:

Shadow embrace need to be put in grand master trait. If the thief want to have a survival build then let them spend 30 points in shadow arts.

Simple, crystal clear.

End of story

No. Shadow’s Embrace is one of thieve’s best condition removal and it’s barely on par with other professions. I am not even going to ask what you plan to give thieves to compensate for such a big nerf because I know you will answer with “moar skill-based play”.

You’de have wasted less time and done more by just saying “delete thief”.

EDIT: btw if thief condition removal is OP then why are you not on a thief abusing this in the condition meta. Lemme guess… pride.

well I’d respond to that, some people don’t enjoy easy-mode while playing. & back to the thing :

Why should I with my ranger spend 30 points in WS trait line to get empathic bond which isn’t even close to how good Shadow’s Embrace is ?
Why shouldn’t rangers have equally good trait ?

(edited by Sasajoe.1509)

The patch on the 21st of January - a hoax

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


A feature patch is a defined term in software development, meaning it was today’s patch.

No it’s not. Do a google search and you won’t see any support for your claim that it’s a “defined term in software development”.

They said multiple times that the next feature patch would be after the current story ends.

I work for more than 15 years in the software business I don’t need to do a google search to know what a feature patch is.

Man, I’ve no idea who you are, but every post I can see from you is either fighting a player, arguing semantics or just general kittenery. I would consider taking some sort of relief medication or I am honestly afraid for your general well-being.

Actually LelouchViBritannia.3607 has right & I will stand by him or everyone in his situation (mine also) because when i come home from work i want to find a relief & fun in the game I’m playing .. It’s my hobby.

As it is now I only get more stress & kitten & unbalanced bullcrap which maddens me even further as if I’m having a second shift at work.
There is no actual point of playing a game this unbalanced with devs that lie to the community for so long.

If people don’t get their fun here they find it elsewhere – & this explains the fleeing playerbase from gw2.

The patch on the 21st of January - a hoax

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


ITT devs trying to wiggle their way out by arguing semantics.

ITT a bunch of whiny kids with entitlement issues.

ITT a dude who thinks paying customers complaining about legitimate issues about being lied to makes them “whiny kids”.

Just because you pay them doesn’t mean your issues move to the top of the queue. They gave you a timetable, what more do you want?

Well i see your point BUT those timetables have been around for long enough & honestly seeing the timetable doesn’t warm my heart as much as the actual change

There was a saying in economics – Money today is generally worth more than money tomorrow – that is true for getting the satisfaction value (having fun playing) of a game like GW2.

As I said in my prev post ppl want balance NOW !

(edited by Sasajoe.1509)

The patch on the 21st of January - a hoax

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


Ppl I know Josh Davis does his job & has no fault for the current state of the game – he’s not the one actually making the changes.

I will hold my spite and anger for this post, but currently the best constructive criticism I can give to the Balance team is to implement some changes NOW !!!!!!!!!!! (i can’t stress it more)

The current state of profession balance is complete mess & the forums burning show it those thousands topics “x class is better/OP” (which in most cases is true)
people are not blind and they see when something is overpowered – underpowered

& one more thing to add – while the developers add more living story stuff most of the playerbase is ditching the game exactly because of poor balance.

It doesn’t really matter whether you clarify the info from the stream to the community or not, the point is people are unsatisfied with the current balance state ( and they are right) & the balance changes must be done as soon as possible even before the living story bullkitten

When I play a game I usually get excited from the news of lets say new dungeon event, I go to it, finish it once & then it starts to get boring.

That’s a simple example of how you should make your game not a grind fest

While when I fight players I never really get tired of pummeling that other guy’s head with tons of bricks, & this is the human element which makes every fight different from the previous = interesting.

This human element is missing in fighting vs a giant npc wurm or boar whatever … after 1-2-3 times they get boring.

Honestly even my nephew sees this …

gw2 = best mmo pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


GW1 is still miles better and still has more competition and Teams in it.

This !

As far as it goes as i compare the 2 games gw1 & gw2 i kinda like more the 1st…
Gw2 has been a disappointment from the start

The patch on the 21st of January - a hoax

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


I don’t know if they (the devs) are blind or plain dumb not seeing/understanding that a game of pve & minor pvp is doomed to a very short life.
Players vs Players – in what ever gaming mode – demands CONSTANT balance which is being avoided deliberately here thus the diagnosis ( the exactly correct term because those devs are some nasty parasites & are poisoning it)

Ranger Balance [Post CDI]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


patch came & guess what .. a failure once more. no balance changes no sigil changes no rune changes NOTHING !

I had some little hope left but it’s totally dead now… I don’t know where did they get those clowns on the stream on friday but they need to go NOW !

It was the Living World content update. It would have been nice if there was an ETA or a confirmation or denial on whether or not the actual balance patch would be today, but I had my doubts considering ANet has probably only had about 3-4 actual weeks now with Winter vacations and such to actually work on balance, and with that considered, it means that the most recent balance patch probably feels extremely recent to the balance team, so much so that they haven’t been able to get a good footing on the next balance patch yet.

That being said, they really could have skipped the balance preview before a patch if the patch isn’t going to contain any balance fixes, especially with a “no ETA” policy.

I would at least wait to see what the actual balance update is going to look like before breaking anything. 3-4 weeks really isn’t a whole lot of time to be doing all of the fixes that were discussed, even just re-purposing and bug fixing all of the runes and sigils is going to take a lot of man hours and fine tooth combing, and from an admittedly (on their part) small group of personnel working on these balance patches.


To the pet AI fixing, it is definitely not an easy issue. Especially due to the understanding I get from some of ANets posts in the ranger subforum that suggests that the pet AI and mechanic inherits heavily from the open world monster AI and mechanics. Essentially, ANet would have to recode pets from the ground up, in order to not break the rest of the games AI, which would involve creating whole new sets of functions and more than likely redoing all of the pets animations to be in line with the new functionality. Not to mention having to code to allow a new type of object to exist in the current environment.

It would require lots of work and testing. It is extremely doubtful that ANet even has the resources to take on such a task currently, but at the same time, in order for the game to reach its highest possible quality, it may eventually reach the point where this needs to happen. It probably should have never been coded the way it was in the first place.

But either way, here we are now. Nothing we can do other than to suggest bandaid fixes while letting the devs know that the pet having its own functional AI system would be nice, and hope for the best.

Pff they only think of excuses to delay the inevitable fleeing of players away from this game & also they SAID balance changes would be next update – which is today january the 21st. go re-watch the video from the stream.

I just hope some of the new coming mmos comes faster at this point (at least this seems more likely to happen than an actual balance of gw2 lol .. pathetic)

(edited by Sasajoe.1509)

The patch on the 21st of January - a hoax

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


If the patch was only to add more PvE crap then i guess this has already become a Diablo 3 clone i.e. a dead failure game soon.

Cya, going to in search of more popular (balanced) games

Ranger Balance [Post CDI]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


patch came & guess what .. a failure once more. no balance changes no sigil changes no rune changes NOTHING !

I had some little hope left but it’s totally dead now… I don’t know where did they get those clowns on the stream on friday but they need to go NOW !

The patch on the 21st of January - a hoax

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


Just patched the game & guess my surprise no new sigils no new traits / skills nothing … what a disappointment … why do they promise balance changes & then it turns out they lie ??

Showcase for professions

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


Saying that the devs are “biased” toward the professions that “they” play is like saying that the NFL board is making rule changes to give themselves an edge in their backyard games with their families.

Only that we are all playing in their backyard game … & yes they are biased, it’s sooooo obvious

Showcase for professions

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


People that think the Devs are biased toward classes they helped create are immature and grabbing at anything they can to prove a point. I don’t think they need to do that. The community is far more biased then the Devs since most people only care about their “Main” and many don’t have extensive time with other classes.

Last dev I saw posting his profession he was playing his Hammer warrior on the Blackgate wvw server. Just an incident of course, I’m sure they play all professions…….

Haha seeing how much love (none) my ranger gets i highly doubt it (i get the sarcasm, but had to throw it out there)

Ranger Balance [Post CDI]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


The AI on pets is more then just half the problems we’re having. Traits and everything else can be easily fixed if Anet can get their heads out of their kitten. However, everyone has failed to remember that ANet has already stated that they WILL NOT touch pet AI anymore. They refuse to do anything to pet AI out of fear that they may mess up the AI for NPC’s in the game. This includes any of the F abilities. This leaves us with two choices…or both.
1.) remove pet damage and give full damage to ranger. Leaving pets in as a utility.
2.) rewrite pet code so it’s not leaching off of game AI so changes can be made without it affecting NPC’s.
I say both because they can implement #1 while they are working on #2, then revert the changes of #1 once #2 is complete. They claim they want a pet class in the game and they chose us for it, can’t they just see the necro’s as the pet class and leave us the kitten alone? I’m getting so tired of this crap. The pet is completely useless in WvW. The pet always dies within the first few seconds of the battle. And for those who say, oh you don’t know how to control your pet, keep him by your side and don’t send him in. blah blah blah. Question for your geniuses, What good is it to keep 30% of your damage next to you doing NOTHING! The hole idea is to have your pet in there doing the 30% damage that ANet claims they do for you!

But you know what kittenes me off even more then all of this. The fact that Warrior’s got a response to their thread. Thief’s got a response to their thread. Engineer got a response to their thread (although Engineer’s are not as great as warrior and thief but they are not as bad off as we are). Even Mesmer got a response to their thread although it was more of a generic question for any class with blast finishers. We haven’t seen a single response from a dev and we are bottom of the barrel while those classes are the best in the game. And all the stuff they mentioned in that chat the other day, all but one of them is NERF! I should have known we where the red headed stepchild when the first balance patch came out when the game began last year and ranger’s didn’t get one single bullet point in the patch notes. Then we where lied to saying that they had to pull all the changes for more testing, we where given a list of the changes, told they will be in on next patch and guess what, tool tip fixes is what we got, nothing that was promised. We should have seen this coming, it’s depressing.

I’m sorry to be venting but it just kittenes me off when ANet admits that our pets are broken and that we need help, yet they come on here and give attention to classes that are overpowered like Warriors and Thiefs! And then they saying in the pod cast that many things are coming for ranger’s just reminds me of that first patch when the game came out last year. Sorry, I won’t be holding my breath again!

Yeah, i agree with you.. seems the devs are pretty bad & i honestly don’t know why don’t they hire better ones.. probably they don’t have enough money though – many people quit the game already in the past year
That’s the only logical thing i can think of as a reason for such failure.

[PvP][WvW] Thief shadow embrace OP

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


I don’t know but seeing this OP & comparing thief’s traits with my ranger’s traits – the only condition removal from traits is empathic bond on 10 sec cd & requires to have your pet alive (which is not very possible in wvw) & also requires to invest 30 points in the trait line to get it.

so comparing empathic bond to this thief’s 10 point trait i think there must be something really really really wrong with the profession balance….

also empathic bond is not a controllable thing like the thief’s version

(edited by Sasajoe.1509)

The patch on the 21st of January - a hoax

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


It’s already 21st of January & the day is passing but where is the patch?

Does anyone have idea at what time GMT +/- are they going to patch the game ?

Well, for one, ArenaNet is an American company stationed in the West Coast. If you were to look at the date and time over there at the moment of myself posting this, it is 4:33 PST on Tuesday January 21, 2014. Their work day has yet to even start.

From past experiance, they tend to have an update up anywhere between 10:00 AM PST to 12:00 PM PST. Though, I’ve never kept track of all their update times.

Thank you.

The patch on the 21st of January - a hoax

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


It’s already 21st of January & the day is passing but where is the patch?

Does anyone have idea at what time GMT +/- are they going to patch the game ?

How to counter thief stealth

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


More 2 cents.

Many of the stealth supporters here seem to postulate that perma stealth is not a huge advantage that can be countered easily once people learn to play.

On a separate note, I think most people will agree that Rangers could use a little love in some other build diversity.

I am not going to agree or disagree only postulate this:

I think we should give rangers access to perma stealth. It seems fair right? It’s not that big of an advantage once one learns to play, it also makes sense for a scout to disappear into the wilderness. They already have some stealth with hunters shot.

Would anyone change their opinions of perma-stealth if rangers had access to it?

If stealth and evasion were the only viable survival mechanisms for Rangers, then no, I would not. Just be sure to remove their spirits, any and all damage/CC transference to pets, and any passive health regeneration outside of stealth. Oh, and be sure to limit their CC/condition output by making their traps identical to Thief traps.

It seems fair right?

Yeah & give the damage output & mobility of a thief to the ranger too

Ranger update ?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


Seeing as it took more than half a year of eles campaigning for developer attention, and only 2 weeks ago we finally got a “okay maybe eles need help in pvp” out of them, I wouldn’t count on it.

Oh come on is it that bad with rangers ?

I mean i know it’s pretty bad even hopeless at time ( I had many such times with ranger in gw2 ) but it would be nice if we could play our class & not being afraid of every other.

Ranger update ?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


hope so because the current state of ranger as i see it i feel i have to be a masochist continuing.
But I’m not quite sure because it’s not only the pet but the whole class with traits, utilities damage… btw does anyone know when is the next update/patch coming ?

Ranger update ?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


Hello, I (& I assume many others) would like to know if there would be some kind of ranger update (either on pets, or ranger traits/utilities/dps or more stealth) in near future ?

If nothing else at least some info would be appreciated. (y/n)

[PvP] Stealth penalty for spamming autoattack

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


Pff.. just give every class the option to put a revealed debuff to target for like 10 sec (not just 4 like sic’em – it should be more ), or make the stealth as in every other game .. move speed significantly slowed while in stealth & stealth removed if getting hit / dealing damage

I don’t see other (more successful MMOs) having problem with that concept.

please tell me which MMOs are those because

- stealth mehanics in other games are different, in MMOs i have played stealth was in fact permanent
- moving slow in stealth was removed in any MMOs i have played, simply because it was unfair due to positional requirement of backstab-like spells and moblity from targets

- in MMOs i have played stealth classes had way greater survivability and CC than thieves in this game, so outside of stealth they had other means to survive (including high passive evade rate, dmg immunities etc); thieves in this game might as well walk around naked since they can’t allow themself to get hit even if they build full bunker…more hard counters to stealth would just destroy the class and force people(who still would stick to class) to play perma evade build (which already got serverly nerfed).

Thieves are not suppose to stand still and take beating. Thief players are not NPC, they also should have chance to fight back and survive. Asking for ridicilous changes like this w/o any compensations just proves how little people, crying for nerf, know about the class so no wonder they want it nerfed.

I don’t see high rated players crying about stealth. They might complain about conditions, necros and what not but i have yet to see any of them complain about stealth.

WoW .. duh .. there you go much more successful even though old still has more players only because of better balance

[PvE,SPvP,WvW,DuN,FrA...] General Balancing

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


Nah. I don’t PvP. I don’t get enjoyment out of it. That is why I post strictly from a PVE/Dungeon point of view.

Pve doesn’t teach much skill & if you have that many hours on your character you should have known that.

The human factor is the one thing that teaches you & opponents in PVP not some npc in a dungeon which does the same thing over and over & over …

& i still think this thread is worth the developer’s notice since it only can make this game better – the current balance … well actually imo there isn’t any balance currently.

(edited by Sasajoe.1509)

[PVE][Ranger Pet] The Handicap

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


Well, Mr. Sad Pants, until they shut down the servers the game ain’t dead. Until then I’ll hold out hope they’ll fix my favorite class to play.

I sure will be glad if your hope is not in vain … but mine is already gone.

[WvW]Balancing the PU Mesmer

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


If you are talking about stealth & such I’d remond you thieves are much more annoying & deadly ..

Stealth is a tricky thing, but it’s not the main issue.

When the thief stealths, he is not attacking you. When the mesmer stealths, his phantasms and clones are still attacking and damaging you and those hurt a lot.

When both a thief or a mesmer stealth, I can deal damage to them with aoe effects, but because of Prismatic Understanding, the mesmer is gaining protection, aegis or regeneration every second. My damage is either blocked, healed over or significantly negated. It’s nearly impossible to take their life down unless you greatly outnumber the mesmer. I’ve seen PU mesmers fight 1v5 and win or reach a stalemate when the oposing players would have good survivability.

Now try dueling an average thief or an average PU mesmer. I can fight and beat even good thieves. But I talk to the most skilled players I know and they have zero chance against a PU mesmer unless they are running one themselves. I know WvW is not balanced on 1v1s, but PU mesmers can take greater numbers quite well and also chase if you run.

I don’t know haven’t seen a mesmer video but here’s a thief’s one

1v5 winning

& pls dont tell me they are not op, cuz even a blind man can see they are.

I wonder if i get in the same situation 1v5 with my ranger whats gonna happen ..i think all we get to the point

I could show you a video of every class doing the same.

Should I start the list?

Yes please show me a ranger in the same/similar situation in recent patches (doing 1v5 – AT THE SAME TIME [alone] & winning).

(edited by Sasajoe.1509)

[PVE][Ranger Pet] The Handicap

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sasajoe.1509


This game is dead already, they are not going to fix it …