Showing Posts For Schaffa Zeinadine.6342:
I believe the mapchat in Snowden Drift has become more and more toxic these days.. The fact that I have to camp there once in a while for the Friend of the Owl Spirit achievement, it’s just getting out of hand now.. It was kinda fun at first (honestly speaking) to read those toxic comments while grabbing a popcorn but after a while it’s getting annoying with all those constant negativity.. Besides, I feel bad for the levelers as well who has to go through this and this just give them bad experience and bad impression about this game.. I hope Anet can fix this problem soon.. I really like this game and a lot of the players but experience like this is just making me drifting away from this MMO.. Perhaps I should go back playing the sims 2 and 4.. At least I can drown some sims if I don’t like them.. (kidding, i never kill my sims) :P
ps: sorry for my bad English
If you’re around when they typically patch the game (late evening US time), then you can zone to the event when you see the “a new build will be available in 10 minutes” message then wait for new patch to be available. Most players will leave that instance immediately and no one new will coming into it, so you have a much better chance at successfully failing the event.
looks like that’s the only way right now.. so sad it has to depend on 10 mins before updates to complete such an achievement..
Seriously, are you trolling us Anet? For this achievement that gives us 0 AP we have to fail 2 freaking events. No skill used, just camping and time wasting. Now the best part, these 2 events are in the high traffic levelling zone with Veterans that are super easy to be killed. This makes it almost impossible to attain it.. Suggestion: Why not just make events that required failings in LA in front of that Mystic Forge? Seriously! I spent almost 1,500 gold for the prec and if I knew that this bs is what I have to face, I would have saved it for something more useful rather than aggravation and no-brainer activity. Anyway, I know some dudes there have been camping for days.. And not to mention a lot of new players there got salty comments and cursed by the veteran players. Why? Because of your poor game design (not at all but these event-failing requirement bs). Good job Anet
No reward for me as well.. ughh
I know people have been posting this kind of problem over and over again and I have always kept myself calm and positive BUT THIS TIME I REALLY CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!! I LOST THAT 20 MINS ACHIEVEMENT FOR KILLING MODREMOTH!! I am beyond aggravated.. I have been doing this Dragon Stand event since forever now and have been trying to get that achievement so much but NO, it has to EFFING crash right before I got it.. Please don’t make me hate your game cause I still wanna enjoy it though it starting to get so grindy and that RNG luck has never been on my side.. I am just asking for your kindness to please give me my achievement and stop this horrendous crashing issues.. yeah, sorry for my bad English
Texture Problem
Armor: Pit Fighter Chestguard
Problem: Texture
Description: What supposed to be the skin of the toon, it appears to be something like an overlay of another skin. So ugly I hate it so much..
Character: Female Warrior Charr
(edited by Schaffa Zeinadine.6342)
I once had a name called “Jehovahs Witnesses” for my Engi.. Once in a while, I mapchatted at LA and asking if anyone has a moment to talk about Jesus Christ.. Then I got bored of the toon and deleted it to make way for a much interesting name “Fooffy Booffy” for my super cute Charr
I really like the idea of the longer you attune to the element the stronger the overload gets.. It makes much more senses.. I was concerned as well for staff/range ele in wvw/pve who would have very little significance to need to use other overloads except for water globe to heal the allies since the overloads are very melee oriented.. (Sorry for my English as well)
I played the tempest in all the beta weekends and i’m still thinking it misses something: it lacks in the idea of the overload.
An overload should be something unique, amazingly powerful that leaves you exhausted after finishing it. I think overloads should be time dependant, i mean: after 2 seconds in an attunement you can overload it to create a minimal change (low damage, low healing or low condition). More you stay in an attunement, more effective and powerfull will be the overload. For example: if i overload the water attunement after 2s, i can heal myself or allies just for 1000hp; if i overload the water attunement after 20s of staying in that precise attunement, i can heal to 20.000 hp.
Of course bigger the effect, bigger the “punishment” for every attunement, we can have a condition on ourselves as payback: fire-> torment; air -> daze ; water -> weakness; earth->vulnerability. Of course the payback should be equal to the effect: if i overload after 2 s, i get 1 stack of confusion, if i overload after 20s i get 25 stack of confusion.In this way the overload could be more effective in gameplay and it could really be that powerful move of the elementalist we all want. Of course i know, this would mean camping in an attunement, but for some elementalist (staff one for example) this could be a great change.
Sorry for the poor english, not native speaker here. Hope you understood (numbers were completly casual just to help explaining my idea)
I literally was tearing up watching the season 2 finale cutscenes after one of the Sylvaries said “we are not the enemy” and everyone is going against them.. Still sad till now though
(edited by Schaffa Zeinadine.6342)
As long as the standard animations are used in PvP, I think this might be fun.
Well, why not?
So I see we have this not-so-new Mail Carriers animations, which I think is nice but… I wouldn’t waste my gems on personalizing something that is really unnecessary (at least for me)..
I was just thinking that wouldn’t it be better if Anet introduce something like an “animation override” on the gem store. Just something for players to customize or personalize their animations ( jump, stand, run, etc.) rather than those Mail Carriers animations.. After all, much of this game focus on the cosmetic purposes..
I think it would be a better idea than the Mail Carriers.. Just a suggestion
P/S: Sorry for my bad English
Same here! Since the megaserver update i can’t play this game anymore. It crashes everytime.. so frustrated
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Schaffa Zeinadine.6342
So 3 days ago I bought 2 ascended rings (Royal Signet of Dorik) both of a same kind after months of collecting laurels and badges of honor just to find out that they cannot be equipped side by side. After playing GW2 for more than a year only 3 days ago have I found out about a status of being “unique”. The ring I cannot equip is now sitting in my bank tab.
I know it is a silly mistake but I almost fell to tears to find this out in a very hard way. I just need enough ascended rings so i can equip myself with Agony Resistance so I don’t have to die every second in FOTM.. I would be very grateful and thankful if helpful Anet can refund me those laurels and badges of honor or replacing the ring with Lost Seal of Usoku. I have issued a ticket 3 days ago but I still haven’t got any response from the team yet..
By the way, this is my ticket number issued on the 4/02/14 somewhere at 3am in Switzerland : (326892:Cannot equip the second ascended ring)
Please add me too.. I’m tired of dealing with rude 12 yo American JB’s fan.. would be very nice to group up with the same wavelengths