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Boon Stripping/Stealing Venoms

in Thief

Posted by: SeeBeyond.1486


We have an immobilize venom, which you actually see more in power builds then condition builds, a venom that applies vulnerability, chill is also effective on all builds really. etc etc.

If it was up to me Venoms would be F2-F4.
and would be toggles, but you could only have one of the venoms toggled at any given time and when you say have one venom toggled and toggle another, the previous one goes on cooldown. Something like this:

Spider Venom-
Toggle, 30s cooldown
Poison foes on every 3rd attack (504 dmg@ 6s)
33% chance per attack to deal 204 direct damage (can crit )

Skale Venom-
Toggle, forty five second cooldown
Applies 2 stacks of Vulnerability every 4th attack (8s)
20% chance per attack to apply 2 stacks of Torment (640 dmg @ 6s)

Ice Drake Venom-
Toggle, forty five second cooldown
Applies Chill every 5th attack (2s)
15% Chance to per attack to Daze the target (@1.5s)

Devourer Venom-
Toggle, forty five second cooldown
Apply Immobilize on your next 2 attacks (25s ICD), flashes when on internal cooldown
33% chance to apply cripple on your attack (3s duration)

Basilisk venom remains an elite but also becomes a toggle:

Basilisk Venom-
Toggle, forty five second cooldown
Your next attack turns your foe to stone (@ 1.5s with 30s ICD), Flashes when on Internal cooldown
20% chance per attack to remove revealed debuff on self

As for traits, Venomous Aura will still apply as it normally does but only grant the (on every X attack) function to allies NOT the % chance,
Residual venoms would reduce the amount of attacks required for the venom’s primary to apply (ex: poison on every 2nd attack instead of 3rd)

Venomous strength would give same might when a toggle is activated, Leeching venoms would not only proc off the (every X attack) function, but also whenever the %chance on attack goes off as well.

(edited by SeeBeyond.1486)

Proposed Thief Changes

in Thief

Posted by: SeeBeyond.1486


[P/P] –
1 .Body shot applies 5s weakness instead of 3s Vulnerability
2. Ricochet either made to be 100% on first bounce, 50% on second, or move it to adept trait.
3. Black powder has a small AOE anyway, have it place the pulsing blind AOE on yourself and any enemy hit by it (might make D/P too strong tho)
4. Change Unload to be 2 staged like FS/LS, first stage is the same as it is now, second is a dancing AOE attack (Gun-kata like) with an evade and does more damage based on how many conditions the target has. Only 1s allotted time after Unload stage 1 is completed to activate stage 2 before it reverts to stage 1 on the bar

I think P/P should look something like this (just not as OP)

[Signet of Shadow]
Activate: Gain Swiftness for 15s and blind nearby enemies
Passive: Ignore combat speed reduction

[Withdraw] + [ Roll for init]
1. Increase dodge distance (basically reverting a nerf)

[Signet of Agility]
1. Breaks stuns on activation
2. Removes a set 3 conditions on activation
3. Passive increases the length of all evade frames (on abilities) by 1/2s (or 1/4s if that is too OP) instead of precision

(edited by SeeBeyond.1486)

Boon Stripping/Stealing Venoms

in Thief

Posted by: SeeBeyond.1486


as many have said before, rather have venoms in the F2+ slots

Hail Thieves of SoS and IoJ

in Looking for...

Posted by: SeeBeyond.1486


As it was put to a vote in the Thief forums, I have created the guild “Only Whispers” [VoV], a Thief only WvW guild that will be participating on IoJ and SoS.

Any thief player from 1 of those 2 servers that is interested in joining a Thief only guild for WvW, Post here or message me in game.
24/7 rep NOT required. Officers/Leaders will have scheduled raiding nights for your server (where we all go out together in W3), once we get enough members and situated.

Stay thirsty my friends.

Calling all WvW Thieves

in Thief

Posted by: SeeBeyond.1486


Guild is made and is called “Only Whispers” [VoV]. Add me to contacts and message me in game for invite if you are on IoJ and SoS or are willing to transfer to one of those 2

Calling all WvW Thieves

in Thief

Posted by: SeeBeyond.1486


So Im ending the voting now. Since I have quite a few pple (in 1 guild I think) that want us on SoS, I might just invite everyone to the guild I made on SoS AND IoJ that voted. There is nothing really restricting us from having the guild on 2 servers, and that way if people get tired of a certain tier’s way of playing they can transfer and still have people to run with and as long as we have at least one player on each server that has some experience in driving (minimal required). What does everyone think? (it would be between 10-15 for each of the 2 servers from votes alone) I just want to make it fair, I was expecting more of a complete blowout in the voting

(edited by SeeBeyond.1486)

Calling all WvW Thieves

in Thief

Posted by: SeeBeyond.1486


So with a vote in game I got SoS is tied with IoJ. I will still be ending it tomm

Daggerstorm Evade

in Thief

Posted by: SeeBeyond.1486


I’d rather it be more like this:

Daggerstorm Elite:
90s Cooldown. 2 stages

On ability activation (stage 1) Spin clockwise instantly throwing 10 scorpion wires in random directions. 900 range. Grants 8s stability

Stage 2: Spin counterclockwise pulling targets hit by the scorpion wires to your feet, and continue spinning while throwing 5 daggers at once per second in random directions (range 900). Reflects projectiles until ability ends or is canceled. Duration 7s

Stage 1 Scorpion wire damage: 122
Stage 2 Scorpion wire pull: Applies 8s bleed @ 1100 base damage (bleeds still applied on targets that are immune to the pull)
Stage 2 Thrown daggers: 244 damage and applies 2s Cripple per dagger

Stage 1 would take 1s to complete, then stage 2 instantly activates, hence the 7s duration on stage 2.

you would get instantly pwned by the 10 warriors now clobbering at you in melee range.

Where does it say the scorpion wires would only pull warriors? hmm? Have you even used scorpion wire before? Target’s pulled aren’t still standing and swinging.
It still has everything else the current dagger storm has, it just has a better flavor, and more use with different kinds of builds.

Daggerstorm Evade

in Thief

Posted by: SeeBeyond.1486


I’d rather it be more like this:

Daggerstorm Elite:
90s Cooldown. 2 stages

On ability activation (stage 1) Spin clockwise instantly throwing 10 scorpion wires in random directions. 900 range. Grants 8s stability

Stage 2: Spin counterclockwise pulling targets hit by the scorpion wires to your feet, and continue spinning while throwing 5 daggers at once per second in random directions (range 900). Reflects projectiles until ability ends or is canceled. Duration 7s

Stage 1 Scorpion wire damage: 122
Stage 2 Scorpion wire pull: Applies 8s bleed @ 1100 base damage (bleeds still applied on targets that are immune to the pull)
Stage 2 Thrown daggers: 244 damage and applies 2s Cripple per dagger

Stage 1 would take 1s to complete, then stage 2 instantly activates, hence the 7s duration on stage 2.

Trait Idea: Piracy

in Thief

Posted by: SeeBeyond.1486


I’d rather see a new weapon choice like the traditional Kyoketsu Shoge or even the one from Ninja Assassin movie.

Could have multiple weapon skills that are AOE, and have low to moderate ini cost but are two pronged activation like S/D FS+LS, and probably a pull.

A new trait line would probably require more trait points allowed. I believe Anet is only planning on increasing the already existing trait lines (or am I wrong on that)

Note: Did not mean to hijack the thread in any way

Calling all WvW Thieves

in Thief

Posted by: SeeBeyond.1486


So the updated tally is:

Dragonbrand: 4 votes
Isle of Janthir: 8 votes
Sea of Sorrows: 7 votes
Tarnished Cost: 1 vote
Crystal Desert : 1 vote
Gates of Madness: 1 Vote

Looks like Isle of Janthir has quite a lead. I was hoping for SoS or CD but a vote is a vote. I will end the voting Sunday, as to give people a week to prepare and transfer

As for builds, it will depend on how many members we have any given night, and in the same group. If we actually managed 15-20, we could have a really good mix of builds, but if it is smaller in size it will probably be roaming viable builds.

The guild structure is going to be a good balance of casual and hardcore, and 24/7 rep not required. Just about everything of importance will be a vote between the members (or officers if we get big enough), but with such we will probably need some people that are willing to offer things like maybe a website (in the future), someone who is good at being a camera man for youtube vids, etc etc.

Also, this might be a stupid question but does IoJ have a public voice comm?

(edited by SeeBeyond.1486)

Calling all WvW Thieves

in Thief

Posted by: SeeBeyond.1486


Well I’m not looking to make a “Thief zerg”. 10-20 most nights actively would be perfect. Also thinking that a zerg of X class would be better is not thinking outside of the box. Fighting them head-on where they are strongest would certainly mean a loss/retreat for the thieves.

We would be, of course, playing to our strong suit and utilizing guerilla tactics. Picking off stragglers 1-2 by 1-2 instantly, maybe more. In and out attacks as well, and catching zergs off guard. We won’t be sitting in X tower/keep defending that is for sure.

So the tally is:

Dragonbrand: 2 votes
Isle of Janthir: 2 votes
Sea of Sorrows: 2 votes
Tarnished Cost: 1 vote
Crystal Desert : 1 vote

As I said, my vote will be for CD or SoS, which I haven’t added to the tally because if it comes to a tie breaker I will utilize it in that way. I should have also mentioned that this will be for US servers NOT EU.

I will begin creation of the guild, and get setup, but am looking to transfer (and get all/most members on the same server) in around 2 weeks/3 max. I am still running with VS on SF, but they know of my plans.

Calling all WvW Thieves

in Thief

Posted by: SeeBeyond.1486


So far it is:

Dragonbrand: 2 votes (Im worried about ques in T2)
Isle of Janthir: 2 votes
Sea of Sorrows: 2 votes
Tarnished Cost: 1 vote

Note: Prob my vote will either go to SoS or CD, but I want to wait till we get more interested. We will probably need some people that are willing to transfer obviously.

Calling all WvW Thieves

in Thief

Posted by: SeeBeyond.1486


So I will make this short and sweet. I used to run an all thief wvw guild from around launch till about 4 months after launch. We had a great time, everyone contributed.
We did not require 24/7 rep, but had scheduled times to be on our thieves in wvw most days of the week and ran together.

Ever wonder what it would be like with 20 thieves popping Thieves’ Guild elite and scaring off a zerg? Done that.

Well, just as to get a little footing, I wanted to make a thread to see who would be interested in joining if such a guild was remade?

We would, of course vote on the server, and I’d def prefer one in with T3-5 range.


7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: SeeBeyond.1486


Official match results
BS disqualified themselves from the GvG.
- Caught with sigil stacks in the first fight. VS attempted to move back to the starting area 2 seconds into it after the 20+ stacks were pointed out on the majority of their members. BS continued to engage.
- BS Killed the peaceful spectator before hand that was only counting numbers as 20 were expected
- BS Pre-emptively attacked on a follow-up fight, continued to attack, killed all spectators to prevent any rezzing. Most VS just stood there, as no match began
- BS continued to attack VS members as they were returning to the starting area from spawn, to see if a real match was going to happen

Edited for accuracy.

If you don’t know the rules of GvG, just say so. People will certainly point you to the valid links. If you don’t know how to count, people can certainly point you to the proper educational system. (FYI Perma stealth thieves count in your GvG numbers and black powder fields aren’t invisible)

But of course, as even you, the leader of BS mentioned; You do not give a kitten about the rules. Well I’ll be nice here, and we can just all say that your DQ wasn’t a loss for BS, ignoring the proper definition, and let you all learn from this point as well as others that you may challenge.

Our videos and screens are soon to come, Just for the laughs.
I can’t help but feel bad for ET.

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: SeeBeyond.1486


Proof of what? I see some of your members go down, I see some of ours. I also guess you forgot to “highlight” the important aspect of you guys running back into Legendary range multiple times (some might have been out of it but was very close to it). I wasn’t there, so my only comments are based on watching the vid

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: SeeBeyond.1486


P.S. As the comment about running into a 50-60 man zerg all running 1v1 builds. That has already happened before, and it was found to be easier for us actually. The amount of AOE (both offensive and defensive) a 1v1 build puts out will be less then what we usually face.

60 people running “1v1” builds is actually easier than 10 people running “1v1” builds because, um… AoE. Got it!

I’m glad you understand! Then once you realize GvG is completely different then Zerg busting, you will then reach enlightenment.

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: SeeBeyond.1486


Why? Because you say so? I refer you to the last 2 paragraphs of my last post.

I read it, and referring me to useless dribble doesn’t make it any less useless. S/Tpvp still says hello.

False assumptions, ad hominem… Come on you’re better than that.

I never assume anything, and I would suggest you learn the definition of ad hominem before using the term. So you don’t appear even worse off then you already are. Just my advice bro.

While I somewhat tend to agree with this too, I’m not sure who you’re trying to defend since Pancakez has been posting misinformation from the start, it’s only fair for some BS members to retaliate. There has been exaggeration from both sides.

Feel free to point everyone to where he or any VS member was posting misinformation “from the start”. I certainly have not come across any, but feel free.

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: SeeBeyond.1486


Since [BS] Is so emotionally effected by VS so much that they have to get half their members post, I will just address your entire guild from now on.. I will warn you though it may be long.

Im a little different in opinion, where I come from being the leader of an all thief guild in wvw (more back in the earlier months of GW2), I know there is importance in roaming groups. Scouts, are also just as important.

However, if all your server has is roaming groups, then you should be doing more then sitting at a south camp and 1v1ing all day (S/Tpvp says hello), and you should be doing more then following around a single guild all day like they stole your lunch money. That just makes you look not only desperate for attention, but also translates into possible real world self esteem issues. Issues that are further brought to light when you have nothing better to do but make a copy cat guild in a failed attempt to bring out emotion from the guild your targeting.

Why? You are already overflowing with emotion yourselves, and anyone can see that from just reading all the posts your guild has made on this very thread.

It’s pretty simple really, we are 2 completely different guilds. You practice and make your goals about small manning all day, fighting groups of equal or near equal strength (numbers). We practice and make OUR goals about fighting zergs/group far larger then our own. The builds required for one are completely different then the other.
The tactics required for one, are completely different then the other.

All I see is everyone in your guild having issues with counting. I blame the educational system.. You can come on here and claim you rolled 15 of us with only 6-8, or rolled 25 of us with 8. Your goal and the outcome of said claims are completely different, as you only seem to amuse everyone that knows the numbers you spew are way off. Lying to others is one thing, lying to yourselves just makes you all fools.

On a final note, I am almost always the necro in the group (some nights we have 2), and Im usually in mostly zerker myself. I also make and theory craft the builds for VS as a whole. I mold them specifically for 20-25 facing 50-60. We haven’t really had 20-25 with us except for a few nights. The guild is still in the rebuilding stages, as are most after a transfer.

P.S. As the comment about running into a 50-60 man zerg all running 1v1 builds. That has already happened before, and it was found to be easier for us actually. The amount of AOE (both offensive and defensive) a 1v1 build puts out will be less then what we usually face.

=TL:DR Grow up, and learn to count

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: SeeBeyond.1486


You just basically repeated the same thing..
So, yes I agree. You are F.i.n.e

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: SeeBeyond.1486


Are you emotionally distressed much?

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: SeeBeyond.1486


Yea I sincerely doubt that. We don’t have even a fraction of the siege. No matter where it is, your larger groups and even most of your mid-size ones will just hug any keep/sm with all the siege possible (no exaggeration). Also 20+ deep and always? Plugging that into the w3 → real counting system, means we have usually 10-15.
But I know for a fact someone from GoM wouldn’t be trying to label ET or SF as having more coverage/heads on the field then them, that would just be too silly.

I am not sure where BS members learn how to count, but I will be sure not to send my kids there. Of course you are going to win a 10v10 with you all running 1v1 builds, and VS running builds meant to support and synergize 25 facing 50. As for wiping us with less numbers, or “holding us at X with only 6”, there is that counting system again. So magical.
I guess in the eyes of BS, when we are charging a ball of 40 with 15-20 and you come up behind us with 10 and sandwich us while we are fighting, “you” wiped us with less numbers. Whatever makes you sleep at night partner.

Just a little tactical advice, sitting there at a south camp dueling all day doesn’t help your server in W3. Try S/Tpvp

Roaming, and sandwiching us and other enemy groups, however, does help. All you gotta do is get your counting methods tweaked, and you’ll be all set.

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: SeeBeyond.1486


Well, now we know why GoM is in such a low tier with soo much coverage. They are so bad they never fight outside siege range. That is, their own siege range, and they always have tons of siege.

[EB WvW] - Want a challenge?

in Looking for...

Posted by: SeeBeyond.1486


So to tell a little bit of myself, whilst I rarely venture on these forums to post, some in game will know me as Varknyn. Shortly after GW2 release, I Founded and Led the first wvw Thief only guild on Mag and we moved to EB shortly after that, known as The Assassin Clan [TAC]. There were times we had 25 thieves on the same map, but most of the time around 10-15. We had a grand ole time, but after the whole ascended gear fiasco and certain RL things I needed to take care of, I quit my thief and spent any time playing crafting new alts to 80.

After coming back to the game in full force after a few months, I am having a grand ole time again in WvW. This could also be due to joining this great guild on Ehmry Bay, called Victorious Secretz [VS]. It is a guild that mainly focuses on “zerg busting”. Almost everyone in the guild seems to have no problem with learning, adapting, and taking advice. We also love to have fun, and learn from wiping. While I may start [TAC] again in the future, [VS] is certainly a dedicated and persistent guild and where I intend to stay for quite some time. Also note, no one from VS asked me to do this, I just think they are worth my time.

If you are willing to: (Strict)

  • Be in Teamspeak
  • Play actively
  • Represent the guild at all (/almost all) times
  • Learn
  • Come to scheduled wvw raids
    and… are level 80 or willing to get your main to 80 fast.

Then consider Joining [VS]. Slots may be limited.

You can PM me here, reply here, or Message me in game. Please to do not message me unless you are on EB.