Showing Posts For Sefan.5791: don't work

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sefan.5791


The uninstaller gives you this link:

But it does not work.

(Ye, you have lost me, i wont play this game any more, my last bug report)

What this game really needs...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sefan.5791


+1 for
Capture the flag

we need this. If they get this i will stay in GW2, if not i will leave it…

Underwater Combat: The issues I have with it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sefan.5791


I like underwater more than normal combat.

What Endgame does GW2 have?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sefan.5791


nachtnebel, Why not add Raids in this game? This game does not have tanks, dps and healers like WoW. This will take raids to a new thing. Big bosses in DE works why not make a raid were ppl can try there skills.

Why am I not getting experience points from killing creatures and capturing towers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sefan.5791


you are to late on capturing or do to little dmg? or have you played alot of WvW? maybe the anti-bot system have find you.

Traits are boring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sefan.5791


I wish they didn’t make it into a talent tree system. It was fine in BWE1 when you could choose whatever you wanted that was true customization, This system is a hidden talent tree.

Hidden talent tree? It is a talent tree…

What Endgame does GW2 have?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sefan.5791


So let’s start by defining Endgame.
Endgame is anything that you require to be max level for. So you need to be max level to do endgame things. (let me know if you think I’m wrong?)

I made a list of things which may be is Endgame things. Lets look and see what endgame things we can find in it:

1. PVP
is NOT Endgame, becouse it do not request you to be lvl 80.

2. Farming (farming mobs for drops for crafting or gear. farming DE for karma)
is Endgame if you like it. But then Anet comes and says “No, this is not Endgame in this game” becouse the anti-bot system will get you and you will get less drops and karma.

3. Dungeons (it is a lvl 80 dengeon)
is Endgame.

4. Exploring (becouse you will likely be lvl 80 before you complite exploring)
is Endgame.

5. Personal Story (dont know how many lvl 80 quests it is in it, i have not complite it)
depends on you, if you complite it before you ding 80 or after.

6. Get the best gear (this is to easy, same day as you ding 80 you can like get 1 or 2 pieces of the best gear in game)
is Endagme.

When you ding 80 you can do many things, like Exploring, get gear, complited Personal Story and do Dungeons. But after som days you have complited Exploring, you have the gear you want, you have complited Personal Story. Then it is just farm the same Dungeon over and over agen, not so much to do.

So i would say that it is not much Endgame in this game, You dont get any new things to do at 80. It is just the same things you can do at lvl 30 (you get first Dungeon on 30) just little harder.

Is this a beta or real game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sefan.5791


Is this a beta?
Did i pay for this?

I mean it’s so much bugs and the classes are not balanced in PVE or PVP.

Some of the things that I know is bugged:
spells, specs, guild access, TP, DE, personal story and more.

(edited by Sefan.5791)