Showing Posts For Seige.4862:

WvW Fix. How to Barney style.

in WvW

Posted by: Seige.4862


1. Upgrade the servers? Maybe… Need to anyways imo.
2. DR would be needed if they removed the AoE limit would make for some seriously interesting zerg busting strats.
3. In DAOC (which I know this isn’t nor ever will be) the no brain zergers were alot lower on the realm rank ladder than the skilled 8 mans…. Meaning the players who devouted time into WvW and developed skill had more abilities.. Here comes the OHH NO we need everything even. Heaven forbid someone has something I don’t rant. Where did this mentality come from …
4. More siege allows for more complex keep defenses as well as captures.
5. Agreed.

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

WvW Fix. How to Barney style.

in WvW

Posted by: Seige.4862


1. Bad idea, not only for lag, think about retal and OP ranger classes. Try taking a keep now, every choke point is insta death.
2. No, you should manage those yourselve, stability + condi removal
3. Could happen
4. Are you crazy? WvW would die if it goes to sieging more. Go play chess if you want that.
5. Yup you are crazy, orbs were a terrible mechanic. Favourized the stronger server way to much.

Would insta quit WvW.

1. There are plenty of bubbles and reflect shields to control that. Not to mention your own AoEers should be knocking those clusters out.
2. Managing cc and condi removal goes without mentioning.
4. Fail to understand how chess equates to more siege…..
5. Orbs were done incorrectly. Look at the Relic system in Daoc. Implement a similar system and WHAM.. Meaningful WvW.

I take it you never played Daoc?
Sad that many have missed the greatest RvR game and have come from dumbed down arena based games. At least IMO.

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

WvW Fix. How to Barney style.

in WvW

Posted by: Seige.4862


1. Remove AoE limit.
2. Add diminishing returns to crowd control.
3. Add actual WvW abilities that have meaning. (Ex. )
4. Add more siege.
5. Put orbs back in.

Would do wonders for WvW.
That is all.

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Seige.4862


Glad you agree and enjoyed that :P

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Seige.4862


Maybe you should reread the posts then. Several valid points have been made. Although if your just here to make baseless comments please continue.

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Seige.4862


It appears more and more people who are pro confusion don’t understand the basics. Not surprised really .

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Seige.4862


Wow just wow………………………………..

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Seige.4862


Toughness does not effect cond damage. If you don’t know that, then you need to remove yourself from this conversation.

Also I am a mesmer. Been playing one since beta.

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

(edited by Seige.4862)

Female WvWers

in WvW

Posted by: Seige.4862


AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

Looking to Create WvW Class - Opinions Wanted

in WvW

Posted by: Seige.4862


With mesmer you can control a fight very well. Imo Mesmer is by far the best force multiplier. Hands down. Time warp, mass invis, Veil, aoe conf, Feedback, portal, temp curtain, warden, null field. The list goes on and on. Check out the Immortal mesmer guide in the mesmer forums.. He has some nice videos demonstrating the abilities of the mesmer.
Other than mesmer though I would say the Guard was the 2nd most fun..

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

How much blood is on your hands?

in WvW

Posted by: Seige.4862


78k wow..
Sitting at around 11k here. Will post SC when I get off. Hate you Dyn.

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

Looking to Create WvW Class - Opinions Wanted

in WvW

Posted by: Seige.4862


Mesmer is the best choice imo.. Currently a Mesmer can do almost anything. I hear that people have issues with leveling, but I never did. I have played a War,Ele,Guard,and an Eng. Nothing compares to the mesmer once you get decent with him. (IMO before the forums warriors descend on me)

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Seige.4862


The point of that post being?

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Seige.4862


And here I am, to tell of a story.
I was engaged in small group combat, just a half hour ago.

Against three invaders trying to ninja through our garrison’s water gate.
And no, this is not a 3v1 story where I talk about how awesome I am at pvp

At one point during the fight, I notice I’m taking heavy damage everytime I do anything.
10 stacks of confusion.

So I’m faced with this choice.
In this 3v1 situation, do I keep mashing buttons until I die or do I try to take the advice of everyone in this thread and just stop attacking for 3 seconds?
I decided to make an example out of the situation, so I turned away from them and ran for 3 seconds exactly.

Did I die?
Very few decent players would allow a mesmer 3 seconds of freedom. Unless they blinked which was another conf hit, stlhed another conf hit, or CA.

Moral of the story?
You fought some baddies :P

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

Confusion Should Be Nerfed in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Seige.4862


Arguing that confusion is outta whack right now is a moot point. Either your a moron and you really don’t see it or you don’t want to stop facerolling. This is coming from a mesmer. I have run the confusion builds, its extremely easy with little to no setup.. Hopefully Anet gets off their butt and starts tweaking it.

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

[Guide] The Immortal Mesmer Build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Seige.4862


Been using this build since release more or less. Usually run blink rather than defender. Getting into their lines or out in some cases seems much more appealing. Also helps a ton with setting up the combo for Ret. Glad to see more people are trying it out rather than sticking to the shatter specs. Great guide Pyro.

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal fairy tank

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Seige.4862


Oh I think my comment had the perfect impact. Enjoy the zerg Charlie

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Seige.4862


THEN we will see the quality of the Kaineng people. Until then it’s all conjecture.

You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting
Mhmm Knights Tale

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Seige.4862


Just tons? hmm not impressed

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Seige.4862


Whos crying … We are laughing at you..

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Seige.4862


Expected alot better outta WM. Apparently they are numbers only.. Lmao thanks for the endless supply of bags.

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Seige.4862


Wonderful another zerg server……

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

Intelligently Designed Realm Ranking System for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Seige.4862


Never said their wouldn’t be unforeseen consequences. What I did disagree with is not exploring the possibity of adding progression to WvW based on the arguments made. Do you even comprehend what you read? How do you know for a FACT that adding a reward system would be horrible for the game.. You don’t.. If you look at the past and the game that GW2 emulates you will see that Daoc flourished using such a system.
Lastly my point was made, I addressed the concerns with my previous posts. So once again the burden is not on myself.

P.S. Dear god please don’t say GW2 WvW is emulating WoW pvp.

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

Intelligently Designed Realm Ranking System for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Seige.4862


What said predictions did I make?
Please read my posts again before you claim something… On Yerffejs and Papyrus arguments they predicted what would happen.. The burden of proof is on them not myself my friend.

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

Intelligently Designed Realm Ranking System for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Seige.4862


Killing players is something that has to be done inorder to take any objective that is defended. If WvW is working as intended then those said objectives will be defended. (you said taking and HOLDING objectives) No if you slaughter 500 enemies it doesn’t mean you server is winning. What is does mean is that each of those players has to wait for a rez or walk back from spawn to be of any help to the assaulting or defending forces. So in essence in order to effectively contribute to WvW you have to kill other players.. To argue anything otherwise is meaningless.
I agree, killings players without doing anything else in WvW is detrimental to WvW as a whole. But you are speculating that this is what will happen if the reward system was implemented.

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

(edited by Seige.4862)

Intelligently Designed Realm Ranking System for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Seige.4862


I am guessing you never played Dark Age of Camelot. The best WvW game hands down. Which had a ranking system and reward system in it. Daoc is still around with amazing WvW. How is there no skill in WvW, you people touting that baffle me. On the other side of the coin you could be a 5-man team looking for zergs to backdoor or skirimsh. How is that not based on skill? Oh wait, it is………
Your entire post is flawed WvW is about killing other players. Without the players it would be PvE. Taking objectives without killing people is pointless.
You sir apparently fail to understand what true WvW is all about.

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

Intelligently Designed Realm Ranking System for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Seige.4862


I have read the full post.. Full of speculation. I made my point, which I can’t + 1 enough.

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

Intelligently Designed Realm Ranking System for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Seige.4862


No, because Kill/Death Ratio, Damage to Player etc. as statistics for skill introduce competition between allies and discourage teamplay/supporting others while encouraging non-objective-based gameplay/zerging
No, because it gives people with more in-game-time an advantage over others, which is what GW2 has fortunately (!) removed (sPVP) or minimized (scaled up in WvW, exotics not that time-consuming to craft)
No, because even if you could accurately measure the player skill, why would you give a player an advantage in combat who already plays well and defeats almost every other player? To make it even more frustratingly difficult for bad players to get better and defeat players who are better than themselves?

1. Whoever heard of friendly competition between allies? Wow such a bad thing. Also there already is competition between allies. Look at the server plugs.. Also how does it encourage non-objective based gameplay?

2. Those with more time to play than others will always have an advantage over players with less. Experience, money, gear, and badges. What ever happened to rewarding players who invested there time into something? Seems to me a smart company would do so.

3. Why give them an advantage? B/c they earned it, they played harder, they learned more, they recieved more badges, and they earned more money? What is with this socialist thinking that everyone should have an even playing ground? Whatever happened to you are what you make of yourself? Your saying that we should cater to those that do not play as well or invest as much time into a game than those that do otherwise?

I agree if they do have rewards that those rewards need to be achievable by most. I.E. Daoc. Very easy to get high enough RR (realm rank) to be on an even playing ground.

ExOr -DragonBrand

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

Fort Aspenwood vs DragonBrand vs Blackgate

in WvW

Posted by: Seige.4862


“The older I get the less I listen to what people say and the more I look at what they do.”


AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

LOL @ dragonbrand camping puzzle with siege

in WvW

Posted by: Seige.4862


Lol personal skill plays alot into WvW. It is very easy for a skilled gank group to roll a zerg. Exalted Order has done it numerous times. The real threat to DB will be when we are pitched against a server that has a organized zerg.
P.S. ExOr hasn’t encountered a gg we can’t rofl stomp yet. But I do agree with the Daoc comment, would love to see it implemented.

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

WAR player looking for WvW guild (Any server)

in Guilds

Posted by: Seige.4862


[Dragonbrand] Exalted Order is a guild focused on WvWvW. We do enjoy PvE although and have a good amount of players actively dungeon running and PLing lower members. We require all members to have Ventrilo. You don’t have to speak, but you have to listen when WvWvWing. Most of us are Daoc vets so we live and breath RvR. We are a very tight well organized group of players. Currently we have around 35 members and 10+ levels 80s. We are also collecting funds for the commander buff. We are currently recruiting all classes, but would love to have some more mesmers, guardians, and necros. If you enjoy organized WvWvW please send one of our officers a tell.
Website and forums are currently in the works.
Officers to contact- Seige, Smitten, Exolin, Auryn or Hidden.

p.s.- We all played WAR aswell :P Hoping it would be the next Daoc.. Sadly it wasn’t, but GW2 is looking good so far.

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank

[Dragonbrand] Exalted Order WvWvW focused guild. Recruiting like minded players.

in Guilds

Posted by: Seige.4862


Exalted Order is a guild focused on WvWvW. We do enjoy PvE although and have a good amount of players actively dungeon running and PLing lower members. We require all members to have Ventrilo. You don’t have to speak, but you have to listen when WvWvWing. Most of us are Daoc vets so we live and breath RvR. We are a very tight well organized group of players. Currently we have around 35 members and 10+ levels 80s. We are also collecting funds for the commander buff. We are currently recruiting all classes, but would love to have some more mesmers, guardians, and necros. If you enjoy organized WvWvW please send one of our officers a tell.

Website and forums are currently in the works.

Officers to contact- Seige, Smitten, Exolin, Auryn or Hidden.

AD(Anonymous Defender)- Devonas Rest
The orginal Fairy tank