Showing Posts For Seraphx.4152:

Dec 20 - HoD/SF/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Seraphx.4152


“Not HoD again!!!” -cries FC.

Wait what the kitten? I thought leagues were over? Why the kitten do I have to deal with HoD AGAIN? Oh my kittening god, I thought I was going to be able to play for kittening once after two weeks of kittening massive pains in the kitten . This is kittening ridiculous. Why the kitten are we dealing with HoD? Why the kitten aren’t they in another league? Are there even leagues anymore? kittening god kittenmit.. See you next friday.

Editted: Include quote.

“I’m Zimme”
Henge Of Denravi

HoD/FC/KN : 11/29/2013 : Bronze Week 7

in Match-ups

Posted by: Seraphx.4152


im sorry hod but this is a Hendge of kitten s moment right here.

There’s 7 AC in the tower.

“I’m Zimme”
Henge Of Denravi

HoD/FC/GoM : 11/22/2013 : Bronze Week 6

in Match-ups

Posted by: Seraphx.4152


Also I would like to add about HoD. They do have more numbers than FC but with their numbers they are so organized compared to other servers that I have been on. They can queue up multiple BGs because all the large WvW guilds coordinate with each other daily. FC does it once a week it seems like. They don’t treat their “PUGs” like trash they recruit them and train them up (FKB for instance is always turning baddies into goodies). FC we tend to harshly criticize our “PUGs” for not running certain builds. Overall HoD is a great server with awesome players and their player skill is far better than that of FC due to them welcoming new players and giving them advice about WvW. [MU] is a TC guild(?) from what I have learned and HoD welcomed them openly and already coordinates with them like they have been there for ages. We got [PPK] and we basically ignored their existence. They are now super small and not very viable in a zerg fight (You guys are still good players and keep up with the awesome fights!) Overall I’m having a blast fighting you noobs at the windmill. This will be an awesome 2 weeks for me and the others that joined me on this vacation. It is really sad that I read back on previous match ups and FC accuses HoD of being full of scrubs when they overall have better players. A hint towards FC, learn to coordinate better with each other and quit using the word “PUGs” when talking to your zerg, no one likes that kitten.

TLDR: Don’t say a server is bad until you see how they run. HoD is an awesome server and I wish them the best in Silver League!

You sir, have my like.

Lately I haven’t seen much people recognize opponents skill and admitting their own flaw.

But you point out something that your server could work on, it’s up to the rest of the server to step out and change for better.

Keep on improving, I do hope the overall WvW standard gets higher and everyone enjoy the good fights, regardless of server.

“I’m Zimme”
Henge Of Denravi

Season1: In the event of a Tie?

in WvW

Posted by: Seraphx.4152


“I’m Zimme”
Henge Of Denravi

HoD/SF/DR : 11/15/2013 : Bronze Week 5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Seraphx.4152


Awesome GvG with [CoSa]!! You guys did a really good job! had me worried a bit, this was my first GvG so I was a little nervous ^^ Cant wait to do it some more! (:

Good Fight CoSa and MU, it is enjoyable to watch.


“I’m Zimme”
Henge Of Denravi

SF/HoD/GoM Week of 11/8/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Seraphx.4152


Being the main Asian guild in HoD, a lot of times we couldn’t find a good enemy group to fight with. Not only in this matchup.

But this is the first time we do this, sending 10 Omega…
No hard feelings SF, we are just bored.

Yea its coverage wars.



“I’m Zimme”
Henge Of Denravi

Henge of Denravi [HoD] tribute

in Community Creations

Posted by: Seraphx.4152


The epicness of this soundtrack!

Good work there!

“I’m Zimme”
Henge Of Denravi

HoD "Gathering on the Green" Event

in WvW

Posted by: Seraphx.4152


I will be there!
Thanks Talia for organizing this.

“I’m Zimme”
Henge Of Denravi

Henge of Denravi welcomes you!

in WvW

Posted by: Seraphx.4152


I just made the transfer off of SoR. I liked the server, but playing against 100 man JQ zergs every time I got on was just not a ton of fun.

Looking for a new guild home here on HoD.

80 Mesmer, 80 Guard, 80 Necro, max crafter…

Any guilds recruiting a casual (mostly WvW) player who transplanted to Henge?

We have a list of guilds in HoD on , i am sure you can fin a guild that suits you. Welcome aboard.

“I’m Zimme”
Henge Of Denravi

SEA WvW Guild Looking For New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Seraphx.4152


We just want to have fun thats all.

If that’s what you all want then you shouldn’t be transferring anywhere.

There’s fun everyhere, even when you’re losing, even when your outmanned and lose every keep/tower/camp when you went to sleep.
HoD know this better than any other server, we lose for about 3 months with more and more people leaving the server. We enjoyed when we only have 1 last tower left and everyone worked together to defend against enemy zerg. There’s fun everywhere depends how you look at it.

I don’t know the exact situatiokittenoS now, but your server needs your guild to be there. If you are tired of losing 5 to1 then just take a break from wvw and wait till your server settle at tiers that match its strength, meanwhile you all can get some better gears like ascended.
HoD have gone thru this, we those who stay beome even stronger because we have met all kinds of defeat. When guilds left the server it’s the beginning of the domino, it’s your choice whether to become a part of domino.

“I’m Zimme”
Henge Of Denravi

SEA WvW Guild Looking For New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Seraphx.4152


Most of our members are not getting rewarded for joining WvW. We have to put in extra hours just to chase for PPT every week. Nobody like losing after we put in so much effort in points.

What do you mean members are not getting reward?
Is your guild leaving SoS because others left and your server keep losing?

“I’m Zimme”
Henge Of Denravi

SEA WvW Guild Looking For New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Seraphx.4152


Our guilds that are not North American(both have about 200)
Shimmering Darkness[SD]
Charter Vanguard[CV]

Greetings, I am from Malaysia, WvW officer and commander for guild SD of Henge of Denravi. SD is also an international guild, we have about the same number of member as AFS i think. We are not a WvW oriented guild, but as a guild we do WvW from time to time. And there’s some members that only do WvW. (Screenshot 1)

A little background of HoD. This was once the rank 1 server and then suffered a free-fall after a lot of people transferred away. When I started to play GW2, HoD is already dropping. I stay because there are people that won’t give up and keep on fighting. After 14 weeks of losing, HoD finally moved up 1 rank(week 3) and that was the effort of all the people that stayed. We held our position in tier 7, and right now, we are fighting even harder as SF is catching up from tier 8. But we don’t worry about it, this is because we slowly rebuilt our community and doing better and better each week.
We have a server forum so that people of different guilds and timezone could stay connected.

During SEA nighttime, HoD could be doing good or bad depends on participation(Screenshot 2&3). Since CV and SD are not wvw oriented, some of the times it was the HoD people of various guilds that work things out and held our ground.

Hope you all found a new home and enjoy it.

(A little side note, i was look for server that have strong SEA presence when i started to play, based on a facebook group, they said lots of SEA players are in SoS and CD. But they are full at my first time choosing server so i picked HoD instead, and here i am)


“I’m Zimme”
Henge Of Denravi

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: Seraphx.4152


There’s no point to comparing the Kaineng that was in tier 8 for months to the post-migration Kaineng that plowed through 4 other tiers just as badly as tier 7.

You’re right. I but am comparing POST-Migration Kain across all the Tiers it stomped. IE: Week 52 to Week 1

Lets look at that shall we:

Week 52: This was after Kain received it’s Powerful forces, after War machine joined them. This is Post-Migration Kain.
Kain: 501
FC: 48
ET: 38

The very next week… This is the same Kain that was in Tier 8, just last week. Week 52.

Week 1:
Kain: 548
GoM: 36
HoD: 26

See that. T7 did worse then T8, against the same opponent. But then again that has been what T7 has always done, always done worse then T8 against the same opponents.

Look at DR’s numbers:

Week: 49: Tier 8
DR: 378
FC: 124
Kain: 109

Week 50: Tier 7
DR (Same server that was in T8 last week): 532
SF: 41
HoD: 39

Just been the nature of T7 to be less then T8, because we have to work harder to get out of this hole.

Week 1:
FC: 215
SF: 211
ET: 189

Note: SF had been doing better then HoD for quite some time, and just had a bad week before Kain pulled out of T8 or else it would have been HoD in T8 just the same. Luck or they kitten of GoM when GoM got a surge of players. But really HoD was not doing better then SF and SF got a surge of players in week 3, which.. HoD has been showing rather dismal and constant numbers, so, SF today has far more manpower then the SF that used to be in T7.

Thanks for the numbers but you haven’t taking account of the free transfer that time. Kaineng gained more people in week 1 than week 52. And yea, we saw it coming so most of us agree to take a break from wvw until Kaineng move up, this is not the first time HoD face big number of opponent an we all fed up with it.

We’ll see whether SF is really better than HoD. but SF vs. HoD is not gonna happen anytime soon, with HoD in first place this week.
maybe it’s NSP going to tier 8, you just don’t know what will happen.

“I’m Zimme”
Henge Of Denravi