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Stuck in a loop for hours now, Cannot exit because it is Solo Queue. Everytime the counter shows 0, the dc begin again. I have stopped trying now since the map doesn’t seem to get closed.
I am stuck in Foefire map, cannot exit because it is tPvP and the map doesn’t close. Endless loop. Cannot login for hours now, so I gave up to try playing.
I am stuck in a loop like forever. I cannot exit this loop because it is sPvP and the map doesn’t exist, so everytime the counter is at 0, Ill get moved to that map and disconnect. A new loop starts. Been like that for hours now. Cannot login anymore.
I’ll take Number 266. It’s not taken yet.
Serenity.6304 / Character Name: Miyu Chan
The last hope I have is that the changes for the necro are so huge and quantitatively SO many that they’re gonna wait for a bigger patch being able to change all the issues. But this is hard to believe since we are waiting for the real “love” that was promised here for months (when the game was not even released…)
There is a difference in WHAT you play with your necro.
PvE: Almost every profession can do well in PvE, so usually problems are not easy to be seen here. Maybe some bugs, that’s it. (there is a huge list of bugs atm!)
a) Normal / not-structured: Not that important, often messy and ppl running after ppl, in 1 vs 1 you can test a few things but generally you can do fine with a necro since you actually have to conquer some points etc. and that’s it to get most of the points.
b) Strcutured: Here you can see that the necro is not a well-balanced class. ( Many issues and bugs.
Yet it is possible to enjoy the necro! I like the profession though there are so many issues with it, but complaining here (even if it sounds harsh) is important since it is the only way to change something!
I agree. The underwater fight for warriors was patched today (more skills available), maybe sometimes the necro will get improved as well. Then underwater fight will be more enjoyable.
Here is a thread with the same issue :
I will test this again today. Usually I choose things or monsters to be attacked with “tab” and pressing 1 again and again. There is no sign that I am too far away or anything like that, often Lich-Form just does nothing. maybe someone can test it as well.
I experienced another bug:
In Lich-Form, you can’t attack objects. There are some boss monsters treated as objects (such as the fire bird in the asura region), the Lich-Form just stands there and does nothing. A huge bug.