Showing Posts For Serra.8069:
Every predator in the world is morphologically divided into one of three branches: Feliform, Caniform and Primate.
What about predatory birds? Or reptiles, fish, insects, etc… As terrifyingly awesome as it would be to have a lion-shaped eagle flying through the air, I am kind of glad eagles do not fall into one of those branches :P But I assume you are mostly talking about the mammalian order carnivora!
Sorry to be pedantic, I just gotta stick up for the “lesser classes,” dang mammals always getting all the attention.
Anyway, I do wish we had more information about their origins, that’s the kind of lore I love. But I agree that if they evolved, they and their ancestors likely occupied the same position big cats have in our world.
Or who knows, maybe we’re all just part of the same multiverse and Melandru thought saber-toothed cats looked neat and whisked some of them off earth, threw nature magic at them, and they became charr. Fantasy, man!
I wanted this flute so bad that I eventually convinced myself that if nothing else came out this week that I wanted, I’d buy gems and get it. I’m glad I waited, but now I am so disappointed… I feel like my flute playing dreams have been crushed! Unless the change is reverted I don’t think I’ll be getting one. Please change it back!
No matter what you like to do, MF does a little bit of everything, so come join in on the fun! You won’t be disappointed in this great community (:
I’ve been eyeing this legendary as my next in-game goal, but now I’m seriously reconsidering if this change sticks. What an awful decision. The rifle’s sound effects before were unique and desirable, now they are just something that would make me turn my sound down.
Really disappointed, please change it back!
I’m having this issue as well, needing to manually end the process before I can launch the game again. Hope there’s a fix coming soon, it’s pretty annoying!
Greetings! We are three gamers looking for a new home.
Having started our own guild when GW2 first came out, we thought we’d be set with friends and acquaintances from real life and games past. Unfortunately, most of them have since quit.
In our searches for a similar home, we’ve been let down by a couple of smaller guilds who claim they have a “small but active core” of members who run dungeons and are on frequently. This has only proved true after we joined the guild and became those people.
So now we are looking for a large-ish guild, one that has an active community with people on at all hours of the day and whose members love dungeons, because we love dungeons. A place with a relatively mature atmosphere and chill people who don’t like to skimp out on 90% of a dungeon just because they’re too lazy to kill things that aren’t bosses.
Currently we are on Crystal Desert, but are open to transferring to another US server before free transfers end.
Hey people, I am one of these three amigos; someone’s gotta have a good home for us out there! Already looking like there are some fine places here, but a few more options wouldn’t hurt :>
Sword/shield and hammer, I love this build! You really want to use omnomberry ghosts/pies with it since it’s focused around critting a lot and healing yourself from those crits. Also use maintenance oil!
The way I play it is pure melee, but you could swap out the hammer with a rifle/longbow (I swap to longbow on mandatory range fights). I usually run with Signet of Rage, but use the Battle Standard on dungeon bosses. I also change the defensive traits depending on what I might need, which you can do with a number of traits in this spec, really.
I use knight’s armour (with soldier runes), soldier’s weapons, berserker jewelry and a cavalier’s quiver. Bloodlust sigil on hammer, blood sigil on sword and accuracy sigil on shield. I see some good numbers with this build and I don’t die often, but when I do it’s usually my fault anyway
I find that a common excuse that people who want a legendary but don’t have one yet use, but yes, of course they do :P What’s wrong with long term goals?
And what is wrong with players wanting to be rewarded for being skilled or for having fun, instead of for being willing to “endure” playing the game?
It’s interesting that a common comment in this kind of topic (or a common “excuse”, if you want to call it like that
) is “if you want it, work for it, just like you work in real life”. I wonder, do people who state those comments have a job in real life?
Doing mindless activities over and over again, like farming… That’s not a “real” job in real life. Sure, some people can’t find better things to do due to a lack of better opportunities… But those who actually make careers, who have big jobs? Doctors, laywers, engineers, teachers, and etc? They don’t “grind” real life, they do the work they want to do. They don’t “endure” their work, they have chosen their work based on what they like to do.
If grind is something people avoid even in real life, if the most successful people in the world are not “grinders”, if the biggest salaries usually go to those who enjoy their jobs… Why, exactly, do you want grind to be the thing with the highest reward in the game?
Well, I did enjoy the road to my legendary. I just played the game for the most part; I did it because I wanted to, not because I had nothing better to do. I’m not a high profile career type, I’m an artist and barely get by, but because I love what I do it makes it that much more worthwhile to me.
I’m sorry if what I said made it sound like I equate MMO farming to real life jobs, because it’s not what I intended. I just meant that it takes a lot of time and willpower to get a legendary. I don’t think endless grinds/farms are fun, but if you stop looking at it like a mindless grind, it ceases to be one and can just be fun (: It helped a lot for me that I had great guildies to keep me company throughout the journey.
and those who think legendaries should only go to “skilled” players need to get off their high horse and remember what game they’re playing. Everyone deserves the chance to make a legendary
Do people with a life deserve to get a Legendary, too? :-P
I find that a common excuse that people who want a legendary but don’t have one yet use, but yes, of course they do :P What’s wrong with long term goals?
Legendaries are not going to be handed to you. Some of the components (cough lodestones) are a pain to get and arguably unfarmable, but you should know and accept that by now if you’re committed to crafting a legendary.
Now I agree precursors also suck. RNG sucks. But 500-600g is not “needed,” not by a long shot. Well, maybe if you want to be lazy and buy absolutely everything.
Aside from the 120g necessary for icy runestones and the 2 recipes from Miyani, I spent less than 100g in other mats for my Juggernaut (not counting the Colossus). Since September I had been putting in small buy orders for things here and there. Molten lodestones when they were around 20-30s, vicious fangs and claws for half a silver. Aside from that? I farmed. I farmed t5 mats and transmuted them into t6 when the t6 drop rates were too low for my tastes. I farmed t5 mats to craft lvl 80 rares to salvage for my ectos. I sold what I didn’t need. I ran a lot of dungeons.
Time, effort, dedication and planning. I believe anyone can get one, and those who think legendaries should only go to “skilled” players need to get off their high horse and remember what game they’re playing. Everyone deserves the chance to make a legendary.
Point is, don’t whine if you’re not willing to put in the effort just because you can’t get one right this second. You have not farmed “everything that isn’t gold related.” Take your time, it’ll be more rewarding in the end.
When I start GW2 I see the artifacts on my characters in character select right away. There are some strange, static green pixels on some textures as well…might be related? I’ve never overclocked, and my gpu hovers around 50°c with the game open.
Hey thanks for the reply, didn’t get a chance to check back yesterday. I ran the DirectX updater and it said I had the latest version, did the same for my drivers and everything seems to be updated. I reinstalled GW2 as well, and I’m still getting those buggy graphics. The search for a fix goes on…
Attached a dxdiag, maybe someone can decipher something from it.
For the past couple of weeks I’ve been getting some seriously strange screen tearing issues. Lately it’s been looking like someone installed strobe lights throughout Tyria, and it’s starting to drive me nuts that I can’t figure out how to fix it or what’s causing it. It’s especially frustrating since it only started a couple weeks ago and before that I could play the game and it looked flawless.
As far as I know I’ve got the latest driver for my graphic card, I have vsync enabled, I’ve gone through my AMD control center and tried everything that sounded like it could possibly do something to help. I’ve attached a screenshot where I managed to snag one of the multiple strobes, the awesome purple beam stuck to my character.
I’ve had no luck, what else can I do? :[
Icebreaker is a skin from the Hall of Monuments (25pts), and is one of the best looking hammers in game… in my opinion, of course
This happened to me in HotW the other day – easiest way we found was for me to relog on a different character, then back onto the one doing the dungeon. It’s worked for my group every time one of us has been locked out, much faster than waiting 15 min Hope it helps.
What do you need to get more people in for? There’s clearly no challenge :P You’d probably get more people queuing if there was an actual battle to be fought.
I do wish you guys the best in the hunt for bigger game though, since you’re not jerks about dominating like some other servers… But seeing a scoreboard like this certainly makes me hesitant about jumping in against you!