Showing Posts For Servant.4053:

Can`t connect to download servers

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Servant.4053


Try to download the 64bit Beta client.

Laucher won't work

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Servant.4053


I had the same problem: It appeared after a Win10 update.
So now I am downloading the win 64bit beta client: This seems to work!

My exe disappeared

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Servant.4053


I had this problem after a win10 update.
So I now am downloading the win 64bit Beta client: This seems to work!

Laucher won't work

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Servant.4053


I got the same problem: GW2.exe deleted itself completely,
ckient download fails: A warning says that I can’t run the program ad if a version for a my computer I need to contact the software house…as Twoineone

Client suddenly stopped working

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Servant.4053


My Client too suddenly stopped working.
By starting GW2 an update begun, broke down suddenly.
Trying to start GW2 again: shall contact the support.
Trying to download the client again: stops after few seconds, telling that it can´tget installed

Day 10 in Diamond

in PvP

Posted by: Servant.4053


“Sorry, most people blame MMR but I say its actually your poor playing styles. Unless you post videos of how you play no one will believe you. Everyone who cries MRRhell think they deserve to be in legendary when they simply don’t.”

Another example for forgetting about:" Just walk in my shoes, before you judge me"

Wins/Losses... how to get a win streak

in PvP

Posted by: Servant.4053


“Playing 100 more games Will get you to ruby no matter any of the above”
How do you come on that?

The nature of MMR hell

in PvP

Posted by: Servant.4053


Thank you for your great analysis.
I put a link into the German forum, because I think, it can help there, too, to understand what is happening.
A-Net should give a big reward to you!