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Ele specialization ..rumour

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shadelen.4053


Don’t want to sound like I’m jacking a thread but ideally I would like to see specialized elementalist like in gw. Give a general aura bonus for being in said specialization that passes to also your team mates. Being I enjoyed gw1 ele more so than gw2.

“No sense in starting new topic if already a thread was started”

Apparently every body roles the same builds

in Thief

Posted by: Shadelen.4053


Title should be: Apparently everybody roles Thieves.

(Spvp, WvW)

Na I meant this as a general.Maybe I should also put it in general fourms to its just its a class based thread and figuring it make it a strong subject since they have been wanting to nerf thieves since the beginning and have been. But they also have shunned eles and Rangers.

Apparently every body roles the same builds

in Thief

Posted by: Shadelen.4053


OMFG this DD thief backstab hit me for 14k
OMFG this other DD thief wont die easily from my 1337 attacks
conclusion: DD thieves hit for 14k and dont fold easily-thats what ive seen
same could be said for ele too
OMFG this DD ele is tanky
OMFG this other DD ele is powerful
conclusion: DD ele is tanky and powerful

two diff builds people

How many weapon sets and only two? Flexibility of crap

I was highlighting your point that just because two people use the same tools, they aren’t necessarily running the same build.
Of course there are more, but that wouldn’t have proven anything.

Sorry,I didnt mean to sound stabbing at you.I really just out for anet right now.Its like they worked so hard on gw1 but yet they got award winning mmo and they let it bloat there head up. I wont sit through another mythic with another game.

Apparently every body roles the same builds

in Thief

Posted by: Shadelen.4053


OMFG this DD thief backstab hit me for 14k
OMFG this other DD thief wont die easily from my 1337 attacks
conclusion: DD thieves hit for 14k and dont fold easily-thats what ive seen
same could be said for ele too
OMFG this DD ele is tanky
OMFG this other DD ele is powerful
conclusion: DD ele is tanky and powerful

two diff builds people

How many weapon sets and only two? Flexibility of crap

Apparently every body roles the same builds

in Thief

Posted by: Shadelen.4053


Something that has irritated me since this game has started is every body assumes every one of the same class roles the same builds and fotm builds. So classes get nerfed because of this and the QQ is based because of one or two skills or passives through trees.

Honestly I think a lot of the traits you can pick up with Eles and or Thieves are pointless traits.Yes there is some good ones but few.

But back to point we get nerfed because of the fotm build which in turn effects someone else who is roling a similar build that is there own but yet they nerf it. My point is flexibility.

Flexibility in this game hasnt existed. Its been a lot of nerf nerf nerf. Gw1 has a lot of flexibility. I know gw1 has been out longer but I really dont think anet is giving the care for this game as much as gw1. A lot of people like making there own play style and tailoring it to them. This is a reason why some are complaining. Your pigeon holding classes to have to play this way or your just not going to have fun. The state of thieves,Rangers and eles in this game compared to gw1 and how flexible they are is bad.

Just for example this last patch all they did to ele was nerf a lot of areas and buffed ranger pets to stand one or two more hits.Seriously if they didn’t take out the original pet management system they had in,pets would be much better than they are and rangers would enjoying being able to customize there pets with equipment and what not. Yes it needed work but it would of made rangers more enjoyable especially to the beast lovers. But since they couldn’t quick fixed it “Lazy” they got rid of it.I dont think all the pet problems that have cropped up would of happen besides the bugs and glitches. You reap what you sow and also the community of players now.


Class fixes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadelen.4053


I will take no events for three months if you all would actually do classes fixing and balancing. I am not saying it will be perfect balance but a lot of my friends are tired of being pigeon hold into one spec because it is seriously the only thing viable and every class outside of warrior and guardian is like this.“Except maybe thief but still I wish they would make thief more mobile then stealthy like gw” Seriously have had a lot of hope but you all have been leaving me a lot of disappointment.

ele after feb patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shadelen.4053


You know to be honest having played our class as a main since beta weekend one I’m beginning to wish they’d just nerf every good thing about us. I’ve grown so tired of all the complaining.

Many people complained about certain facets of the class during beta, only the QQ was listened to and we got nerfed to shreds, in fact I’d say we were the only class that never received the benefit of their “no knee jerk balances” approach in the history of the game.

Fast forward to release and the level 1-20 areas were full of everything, including elementalists, go past level 30 zones and I used to actually stop and say “hi” to other ele’s because it was that rare to find one. The vast majority complained about how under-powered we were and how little reward we received for the effort it took to play.

Then along came the Allstars, people like Excala, who had spent the time to master the class and understand how things fitted together. As grateful as I am to him I’m also a little disappointed that the bunker build reached such mainstream exposure resulting in what we have today. All of a sudden now we’re over-powered when nothing was buffed whatsoever.

As much as I love the class the history and future of it have become so tiresome.

Im with this guy on this one.Granted I didn’t play them since beta .What I find dumb is a glass cannon spec isn’t viable every where like it should be. Including Wvw and pvp where the D/D bunker build is. Eles have the biggest design flaw right now. Range caster"A Glass cannon" but we have nothing to prove it besides these heavy survivable D/d builds that have no damage and then the bare able staff build. I played to be a glass cannon with some survivability but I want damage!

Fixes today aren’t completely disappointing but there close.I was hoping more class stuff was done in general. I honestly would be willing to see one or two events go if it sped up the process on bug fixing and fixing classes in general to what there suppose to do. Even if Anet said were working on something new with certain weapon sets on certain classes and they said they needed time and they be willing to show progress or something I would be happy. But seriously Anet is starting to dissapoint me.

I really would like S/D to be look at.Its single target damage isnt that great.Its suppose to be great hitting single targets and its barley ok at best compared to beign able to live or probably going a staff spec.

(edited by Shadelen.4053)

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shadelen.4053


I would like to see the day Glass cannons are a build to play rather than bunker builds only for survivability. Glad its added and for the ones who want to play it but were a MAGE. I would like to see they actually look into fixing scepter dagger and Scepter focus a little more and hope they dont nerf Staff to much with this Aoe nerf.

Make Fire and Air traits more appealing.Make them Have some wants! Stuff that only those builds have.Your given 4 or 5 different passives you can pick up in each area of your tree out of three but only say 1 or 2 is good out of the Three differnt levels of traits. "No I dont have an exact but my point is I feel liek there is so much lack luster put in that people just dont find Air and Fire even appealing because there traits arent like the Survivability Water offers and The utility Arcane offers even though I know arcane has some lack luster Passive skills it gets too.

(edited by Shadelen.4053)

I love me Ele but bugs and traits

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shadelen.4053


You can say that but when there just willing to say we fixed tool tips and that’s fine and not actually say what else there going to do.Seriously I saw fix tool tips all the time in warrhammer online and they said things were fixed and they weren’t. They pull that I will leave.

Any word on the personality system?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shadelen.4053


SWOTOR RPG not mmo

I love me Ele but bugs and traits

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shadelen.4053


I enjoy playing my elementalist but from what I have played and read it seems the fotom ELe build is only about survivability. This is what I call ridiculous.The reason being is because we are a mage!!! A glass cannon that should be feared! We shouldnt be in fear.If you dont get what Im saying its because everyone is going Bunker builds for pvp and thats not what we are.Were suppose to be a glass CANNON that destroys. The amount of bugs still with the class and how traits arent beign looked at just baffles me and honestly Starting to make me second guess are we going to see fixes?

Make Fire and Air the trait lines they should be.Make them fun,viable and what they should do. Give them more potent abilities in the tree that makes them unique and only to their elements. This everyone having to go Water arcane because of survivability is complete crap.

I played Warrhammer online and they gave a lot of empty promises and as many mmos have in the past few years.Lets just leave it at many. The only game that has truly shown me they care about there game has been Trion.

I know theres many threads on what the bugs are but I havent seen as much responses from Anet themselves. We can talk events and expansions and new stuff all day but FIX whats already there!!! If you dont your making mistakes and issues every other mmo has already made in the past. Honestly Every class has bug issies adn trait lines that need to be looked at but my Ele is my main and I seriously want to play an Air ele that seems more viable than having to worry about surviving. Like I should be able to single target damage like mad. Dont get lazy on us now Arena net.

The norn Animal forms

in Norn

Posted by: Shadelen.4053


I really wanted to play norn only for shapeshifting and thought how cool it would be to use in combat but I am ready to be a smaller race and just not have it period.Seriously wish I could change my race now.Wanted to be a shapeshifting thief. Sounded cool in my head and on paper but in combat especially pvp it sucks unless you use snow lepored which I find that dumb.

The norn Animal forms

in Norn

Posted by: Shadelen.4053


I made a norn in thinking of wanting to have an epic Animal form.Well I got the epic animal form but its an epic let down for combat.Seriously the only animal form that has any heavy uses during combat is the snow lepord.“Especially pvp combat”

You can argue well you can still choose them but why when you have a better 30 point ability and or Elite on the bar.

Thieves and stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Shadelen.4053


I understand not having a permanent stealth in the game but I really dont think thieves have the stealthy feel as they should. Anything even with dagger its more of a lets run tactic rather than looking at it offensively. I know s/p isnt what you call stealthy compared to dagger but your a thief and I think it should but not as nearly as much as D/D should have. I also wish we had some more survivability in general.