Showing Posts For Shamurai.5976:

Wintersday + Development Teams:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shamurai.5976


I doubt this will be “standard” it’s just “that time of the year” where we string together 3 rather large holidays… what do we have between Dec and Halloween… Easter and… and?? I am going to assume they will make an “event” based on a Tyrian calendar in there but other than that I suspect they will address your concerns.

Cup Ever half Full!

Where does The Legend drops?

in Crafting

Posted by: Shamurai.5976


Does the Shatterer and Sunless also count as “Large chests?”

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shamurai.5976


I too have NEVER liked nor been good at PvP in any game… but I’ll admit I’ve tried WvWvW and PvP in GW2 and it’s not toooo bad.. in WvWvW find a group and just run with them mostly… you get some kills.. you get killed but as long as your group doesn’t wipe they fix you up.. for PvP.. maps are small.. teams are small… constantly moving, attacking, running, dying and respawning… I sucked at PvP in GW2.. but after 2 games i had 10 kills… probably 20 deaths but still.. not so bad.

Transmutation Stones

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shamurai.5976


Ok, two things that need clearing up:

1: There will ascended versions of ALL armor as stated by ArenaNet.

2: The level 80 transmutation stones are bought with actual money. Just because you get lucky a lot doesn’t mean all of us do.

Get lucky? I have like 50+ from map completions and I’ve only completed 60% of the map? I’ve never paid for any…. Possibly a couple may have come from black lion chests… but still are you really not getting stones from completing a map?

The ones you get from map completion are normal transmutation stones not the lvl 80 ones.

Weird I just looked I have 32 blue ones.. did I get them from Black Lion Chests? Alone with them boosters, revive orbs, repair canisters and other stuffs?

Transmutation Stones

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shamurai.5976


Ok, two things that need clearing up:

1: There will ascended versions of ALL armor as stated by ArenaNet.

2: The level 80 transmutation stones are bought with actual money. Just because you get lucky a lot doesn’t mean all of us do.

Get lucky? I have like 50+ from map completions and I’ve only completed 60% of the map? I’ve never paid for any…. Possibly a couple may have come from black lion chests… but still are you really not getting stones from completing a map?

Transmutation Stones

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shamurai.5976


I get more transmutation stones like every time I complete a map… on every character that does it… that and I thought I read that they are release back and trinket with this update… do you really neeed transmutation stones for that, or is this another whine about Ascended gear thread. As I see it… if this new gear is so UBER required it will not be transmuted over by other gear anyway as you will NEED (so I hear which is BS) to have Ascended gear to be accepted into a party anyway, what better and easier way to be accepted into said elitist parties then to look just like them…

Meh, I’ll still be wearing my exotics and loving them … and find parties that will accept me from the TREMENDOUS amount of people that are complaining that should be kitten near everyone.

Combat Bug - More common since last patch (11/14)?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shamurai.5976


I did notice this yesterday with a Champion Mob in Blazeridge.. me and 2 others keep taking him close to “half bar” and then pop he’d just magically reset to full health. This wasn’t a kiting issue.. we had a tank that pretty much just sat on him while my Elly blasted him and stacked bleeds on him… then POP full health.. after 5 attempts… we just wandered off.

This was great! Really great!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shamurai.5976


Great post!! Viva la Casual gamer! GW2 Rocks at this, one of the best ever in my opinion.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shamurai.5976


I haven’t read all 100 pages… but it does seem an overwhelming number of players are against this. There is good news… everyone fears they will now be REQUIRED to have this new “better” gear, or they will not be accepted into dungeons etc.. Looks to me like 100+ pages of people have PLENTY of people that dont’ want this gear, so take down the names and run with them as they will NOT require you to get ascended gear. Everything is optional in this game pretty much I’ll choose the option to enjoy the game JUST as I have since I started playing. If I am denied a party slot due to lack of Ascended gear, then it was a party I didn’t want to run with anyway.

Call me a fan boi, but I love this game and will continue to enjoy what it provides me.

Who uses repair canisters?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shamurai.5976


Agreed with above posters… I don’t buy any of those boosters but when I’ve felt comepelled to buy some gems to open up the piles of chests I’ve got sitting in my bank I get a few. As a life long dungeon PuG’er for every MMO I’ve ever played.. sometimes, well your team isn’t so good, and multiples wipes happen. One canister = MUCH savings, and a revive orb can be a HUGE benefit if everyone wipes and the aggro moves away… You can SINGLE handedly raise all our team and seem like some kind of HERO (LOL). I’ve not used bankers/ traders in the field but that is a pretty good idea!

Loving this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shamurai.5976


I’m a month in myself and LOVING it… I’ve one lvl 80 whom has finished his personal storyline and still has a TON left to do at endgame without even any thought of considering legendaries yet… What I’d love is a cool stuff you can do in Guild wars tip sheet..

Like I just found out that you can draw on the mini map while in a party.. Never knew that (in fact, as I type this, I can’t remember how I did it) but I’d also like to know how to mark where I am on map so like I can call for help on tough spots potentially. Is this possible? what other cool tips and tricks are there out there?

Dungeon DR?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shamurai.5976


Perhaps they should have a timer in the upper left or right hand corner of the screen when running dungeons so UBER teams can camp a minute or 5 before downing a boss… Unfortunately, I’m a purely PuG Dungeoneer and have NEVER come close to getting DR’ed for finishing too swiftly but I think if I did. I could pause to sip a bit of my Diet Dr. Pepper if it meant getting 15 extra tokens.

Almost all zones are dead. (Solution)?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shamurai.5976


I do like the idea of an underflow method but not to FILL a low level area just increase the number of players there a little.

- Regarding level loot: Yes the crafting ingrediants/ nodes are lower tier but I’ve got level 80 green and even at least one yellow item from a lvl 15 area DE, So it seems you can still get marketable kit in lower areas.
- Yes, I can ROFL Stomp most stuff in the 1-40 zones but I don’t really mind feeling that awesome now and then, being a casual gamer and all I still find it fun.

- Semi related: while waiting for a last spot for an AC run I kinda soloed that harpy DE 3 times and got over 60+ Vials of weak blood for the effort which was like 12 silver for really no effort at all.