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Found a great PVP build for Berserker

in Warrior

Posted by: Sharky.1470


Q: Why doged march over shield master?

Berserker BWE3 Feedback

in Warrior

Posted by: Sharky.1470


Reaper vs Berserker


Impractical ideas to make warrior OP.

in Warrior

Posted by: Sharky.1470


Play Reaper?!?!!?!?

Increase Eviscerate range and speed….Eviscerate 100% crit. chance. Eviscerate that hits and doesn’t kill, daze, intterupt and applyes 5 stacks of distraction.

Shield bash speed and range increase. Stuns for 4 seconds.

Bulls charge stuns for 3 seconds instead of knckback and does 700 dmg. Bulls charge is affected by swiftness and quickness. Bulls charge range is doubled. If it crits it applyes cripple for 2 seconds after the duration of stund ends.

Mending heals for 10k and cures 5 conditions. Mending CD 15 seconds. Mending is a phisical skill that applyes 3 seconds of resistence to nearby allies that are in 1k range and 10 stacks of bleeding to foes in the same area.

Final Thurst is a whirl leap skill that allways crits. Deals the same dmg, but applyes vurnerabiliy.

Rush is affected by swiftness. When affected by switfness rush travels twice the distance. Rush cripples.

Mace skull crack has a leap and it’s instant.(Funk you Tarcis)

When having 3 bars of adrenaline warriors can’t be blinded, crippled or chilled for 5 seconds. The same buff applies for 5 seconds after spending them.

Swap Counter Blow with tremor. Tremor is 15 seconds CD and cripples foes that it hits after the knckdown ends.
Pomel Bash has 10 seconds cd and applies 5 stacs of distraction when interupts.

Using 100b gives you special quickness. 100b quickeness: atack speed is increased by 100%…Hundred Blades applies vurnerability.

Banners are mobile – Casting a banner doesn’t place it on the ground but put’s it on the warriors back for its durations. Casted abilities that applies banner boons like Inspire and Furios Rally are now pulsing auto applied every 2 seconds. The rest of the “passive” boons are applied on the area where the warrior is. Area of efect is doubled 600->1200. (the numbers could be changed but I think it would be quality of life change).

@Choppy: Your rampage made me LOL so hard !!!!

(edited by Sharky.1470)

Berserker BWE3 Feedback

in Warrior

Posted by: Sharky.1470


(and playing Revenant).

I kindly REFUSE!!!

Berserker BWE3 Feedback

in Warrior

Posted by: Sharky.1470


Bump. This needs to stay up, maybe one day Anet will read it !

Let's Balance Warriors Next :)

in PvP

Posted by: Sharky.1470


A lot of great reviews on the forums, a lot of reviews on popular streams and decent amount of reviews from players that mains other proffesions saying the same thing: warrior needs rework. Anet reaction: 00000000000.
Patch after patch you’ve killed us bit by bit, now you’ve burried us too. I won’t start with wthat warrior needs, there are pages and pages of feedback, but I still main my warrior, I still have hope. Dieing hope, but still hope.
Please Anet, I’m fed up with getting flamed in PvP cuz playing warrior. PLEASE !!!
We don’t want OP warrior, we just want a viable one, we are liability!!!

(edited by Sharky.1470)

How there is gonna to be the time...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sharky.1470


So warrior is so bad that people who mains other proffesions are feeling bad for us…kitten , the sadness in my heart is real…Gj Anet you did it !!

Berserker BWE3 Feedback

in Warrior

Posted by: Sharky.1470


Shinryuku tested Berserker last night on stream and expresed his feelings about it, and about warrior in general.
Link is here: – at 1h 38m he starts sharing his oppinions on it.
All the problems he stated are allready written here by the comunity, but i hope it helps with the devs that popular streamers point them out too. Tarcis is also a top warrior that stated his oppinios on stream in BW3 and as far as I know he told them to Nightmare too, as they were playing together.

“I will never drop warrior, warrior is my main and I will never drop it” it’s the line that I remember and hold to it through the hard time. Looking back to this 3 years I feel like the prezent is the hardest time we ever had on warrior.

Berserker BWE3 Feedback

in Warrior

Posted by: Sharky.1470


For me it’s not that the elite spec is weak, or bad or undertuned (you name it) anymore. Ok, it is what it is, but I find it very rude and insulting, yes this is the word – INSULTING, that in 5 pages and 200+ feedback replies not one answer from Anet was given. I guess they don’t have one funk to give to us warrior players.
3 years of continuos warrior play (ONLY warrior) might come to an end as I consider swaping proffesions. Brakes my heart as a love warrior so much.
I could go full kitten and insult and swear R. Gee, but I guess the guy is just not worth it, and I am an old guy and a good cristhian :P

(edited by Sharky.1470)

Is HoT the death of solo players?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sharky.1470


Same thought came into my mind the moment I entered the jugle.
kittenmit, I can’t fap, eat a sandwitch and play GW2 in the same time, game got hard…

Q: Will HOT bring multiple CPU core usage?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sharky.1470


I know it requires recoding, but i hoped. Maybe one day they will change the engine, a lot of games does it.
Thank you for the answer.
We are doomed !

PS: I will support you – Give us more GW 1 weapon and armor skins, please. COPY/PASTE ALREADY!!!!

Q: Will HOT bring multiple CPU core usage?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sharky.1470


As far as I know (at least this was the case) GW2 uses only 1 Cpu core witch, for me, is bad, as I have 6 of them and it’s very frustrating to play the game at 20 fps in large fight just because the game isn’t optimized to use more (yes, i have an AMD).
So, will HOT adress this issue ?

permanent quickness warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Sharky.1470


Did he run Rampage? What weapon set did he use? GS and no hammer isn’t that much info, and just from the top of my had i can’t think of 3 CC’s w/o the hammer.
Axe/Shield provides 1 stun;
Sword/Shield provides 1 immob and 1 stun.
Mace/Shield provides 2 stunes.
The only two things I can think he run is either Leg Specialis (extremly unlikely) or Bulls Charge(possible).
Quickness is provided by Frenzy, Heightened Focus, Sigil of Rage, from other proffesions buffs (you didn’t specified if it was 1v1’s or teamfights) and from runes: Rune of Orr, Rune of Balthazar and another one that I can’t remeber now- unlikely that he used this runes.

I can’t provide you an identical build, as I don’t know every detail, but warrior is pretty easy to read, so I can give you something similar:

Strenght: Peak performance, forceful GS, Berserker Power
Defense: Shield Master, defy pain, last stant/cleansing ire – i prefer last stand
Discipline: Warr sprint, Brawler recovery/ destruct of empower (i prefer brawler), Heightened Focus.

Sigils: Hydro Leech on GS – he might’ve run rage
Energy Rage on axe/shield – might’ve run another weapon

Rune: Pack, Strenght or Rage – I prefer Pack
Amulet: Marauder or Berserker – I prefer Berserker.

Skills: Healing Sig, Berserk Stance, Frenzy, Endure Pain, Rampage – he might’ve run Bulls CHarge for that 3rd CC, idk what he cut for. He might’ve run Sigil for elite instead of Rampage and in that case he uses Restorative Strengh instead of Peak Performance.

Note: If you’re new to warrior YOU WILL DIE with this build A LOT. If you’re new to warrior might’ve been the reason he melted you as you don’t know how to fight him.
I doubt he landed a full 100b, if he did, well, read note again GL buddy.

Discussion: Core Warrior Traits

in Warrior

Posted by: Sharky.1470


Oh, wow, 100b damage. Yea, it’s bad…if you’re a gollem))
And it’s a PvE build. Dude, srsly, go fish !

(edited by Sharky.1470)

Berserker BWE3 Feedback

in Warrior

Posted by: Sharky.1470


Berserker is underwhelming and offers nothing new to the class and nothing in that traitline makes you pick it over the others and the sinergy with the other trait lines, well, there is none. As it is, the only reason for taking this line is to funck arround and maybe have some fun.
Before it was revealed I had hope that the elite spec. will bring something new to warrior, solve some of the problems that it has and drag it away from the stances build in PvP and WvW and the BORIIIIIIIIIIIING banners in PvE. In reallity…?!? … well, you’ve seen it…
I don’t know who theory crafted Berserker, but the only nice thing about it is the name…When you see the name you think “oh scheise” and under the hood is just a weak spec. Like seeing a big shadow that comes from arround the corner, and you get scared of the beast, and behind the corner is just a puppey.
I like how Druid feels like a new class and it’s sad that Berserker is the same old warrior, even weaker, with some shinny new animations. It’s bad, and feels bad man.
I am sorry, but for it to work it needs a rework and it needs to adress the warrior problems, not to make a fiery theme you think it’s cool.
If you want a condi spec, just go to arms, where we have our bleeds, vurnerabilities and our condy dmg, and change or rework some bad traits there (plenty of them), add some fire and torch ones and there you go. Arms, even as bad as it is, I would take it over Berserker, Signet Mastery and Burst Precision, even Dual Wielding, makes it better than this eltie spec.
Sorry Anet, you funcked it up.
PS: This my oppinion and I would like people to respect it as I respect other people oppinions on Berserker being good or decent, or people who actually like condi warrior.

Berserker Review

in Warrior

Posted by: Sharky.1470


Berserker is underwhelming and offers nothing new to the class and nothing in that traitline makes you pick it over the others and the sinergy with the other trait lines, well, there is none. As it is, the only reason for taking this line is to funck arround and maybe have some fun.
Before it was revealed I had hope that the elite spec. will bring something new to warrior, solve some of the problems that it has and drag it away from the stances build in PvP and WvW and the BORIIIIIIIIIIIING banners in PvE. In reallity…?!? … well, you’ve seen it…
I don’t know who theory crafted Berserker, but the only nice thing about it is the name…When you see the name you think “oh scheise” and under the hood is just a weak spec. Like seeing a big shadow that comes from arround the corner, and you get scared of the beast, and behind the corner is just a puppey.
I like how Druid feels like a new class and it’s sad that Berserker is the same old warrior, even weaker, with some shinny new animations. It’s bad, and feels bad man.
I am sorry, but for it to work it needs a rework and it needs to adress the warrior problems, not to make a fiery theme you think it’s cool.
If you want a condi spec, just go to arms, where we have our bleeds, vurnerabilities and our condy dmg, and change or rework some bad traits there (plenty of them), add some fire and torch ones and there you go. Arms, even as bad as it is, I would take it over Berserker, Signet Mastery and Burst Precision, even Dual Wielding, makes it better than this eltie spec.
Sorry Anet, you funcked it up.

PS: This my oppinion and I would like people to respect it as I respect other people oppinions on Berserker being good or decent, or people who actually like condi warrior.

(edited by Sharky.1470)

enjoying my OP warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Sharky.1470


It’s a bug, it’s all over the forums…

please make cleansing ire more reliable

in Warrior

Posted by: Sharky.1470


Cleansing Ire is fine as it is. We have other problems, as warriors, this ain’t one of them. I take Last Stand over Cleansing Ire, as I feel I don’t need it…

Anet thank you SO MUCH <3 Hugh

in Warrior

Posted by: Sharky.1470


This is by far one of the funniest topics I’ve read in a while. Someone complaining about warriors….Made my day, dude !

Anyone else think burn gaurds are op?

in PvP

Posted by: Sharky.1470


Yes, it’s the burns not the proffesion…Guards are OK.

[Feedback - Berserker]

in Warrior

Posted by: Sharky.1470


Sorry what? Why should warrior not have a condi spec? How ridiculous, you must really get off to that Hunderp Blades.

It’s just an oppinion, you don’t have to act like a kid about it…There are enough condi classes in the game, warrior doesn’t need to be one.
I rarely use GS, so no, I don’t get off to HB, but even if, it’s way better to get off to HB than a condi bomb…Or you like to be dirty and stack burns with ele? So fun…
You don’t have to agree with me, but don’t be a jerk about it !

(edited by Sharky.1470)

[Feedback - Berserker]

in Warrior

Posted by: Sharky.1470


For me, the thing is that the ideea behind the spec is wrong. Trying to make warrior a condi class, when we know that warrior can’t condi or at least his condi is so kitten and other classes do it so much better that is worthless to even try to play a condi warrior. You can do it for fun if you like, shure, but it will never be a thing in warrior.
And it’s ok, warrior shouldn’t be a condi class and I think the majority of warrior players agree with me, and they wouldn’t like a condi warrior anyways!?!
What warrior should be it’s a power melee class, and what Berserker should be it’s that power taken to the limit. So much can be done with this class, with this ideea, that is really sad and questionable that Anet can’t make it work. The only reason that Bersek has a fire theme is the god kitten torch. But really the torch could just clean some condies and apply might and would be good, maybe 4 skill could knokdown. It’s doesn’t matter really, i wouldn’t mind if the new weapon is bad as long as the elite spec would be strong.
Please, go away from the fire theme, i don’t frinking want to be the opposite of Reaper, I think no1 does or care, we just want warrior to be good. Make Berserk what it should be, a fast, mad, raging, blood thirsting crazy mofo.
I think Rampage is more berserk than Berserker is, or sadly, will ever be. From there you should get inspired Anet, from Rampage, not from the kittenty torch, like wtf?
I wouldn’t mind if you take something from the old Frenzy, and we would take 25%-30% more dmg in Berserk if the spec would be what it should be, what the name says it should be, what everyone wants it to be.

[Feedback - Berserker]

in Warrior

Posted by: Sharky.1470


I’ll be blunt: it’s kitten. Fun, cool concept, but kitten.
No warrior will take this over any other trait lines.

New old story, every other class gets better while warrior stays the same or even gets worse. Ty Anet, you’re the best. It’s sad that my main gets kitten on over and over again.

Why do I love this game? why…

(edited by Sharky.1470)