Showing Posts For Sherbniz.5938:

Mad Memories no lvl requirement dilemma

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sherbniz.5938


Allowing upgrades to be put in any item and that item then having the higher req. level of the two would be a good change, not only for this even item but the game in general.

I approve of that notion as well!

Please allow gifting Crafted Mystery Tonics to Friends

in Crafting

Posted by: Sherbniz.5938


It’s the same item as the black lion chest potion. We really don’t want to walk down the road of making more cash shop items sellable…

Hence I brought up the solution of making them unsellable.

Also, there is 3 different mystery potions! Only the one that turns you into various animals can be found in Black Lion Chests, as far as I know.

The plant and furniture mystery potions can only be crafted!

(edited by Sherbniz.5938)

Mad Memories no lvl requirement dilemma

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sherbniz.5938


Just to level up to 80 to be ready for the quest though…

I guess thats true, but leveling in GW2 is pretty fast, and there’s many other quest rewards earned until then.

Please allow gifting Crafted Mystery Tonics to Friends

in Crafting

Posted by: Sherbniz.5938


Once I discovered how to make Mystery Tonics as an Artificer, I was rather sad to see that they are account bound.

Why is it that we are not allowed to pass them around to friends to have a little fun time turning into chairs and various shrubbery?

I wouldn’t mind if you couldn’t sell them on the Trading Post, I just want to be able to supply others.

Think of all the fun to be had, for instance awesome tree Flashmobs in Lion’s Arch!

So what do you think about that?

(edited by Sherbniz.5938)

Mad Memories no lvl requirement dilemma

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sherbniz.5938


This took you more effort than the level 80 back item from personal story? or the level 0 item? I’d disagree with the former.

If I compare both quests, I’d say it was more time spent overall.
Trying to figure out what destination each page sends you to, travelling across Tyria and scouting out ghosts… all that spread out onto two seperate days.

Not everyone used guides to do that.

Screenshots of Mad King's Armor?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sherbniz.5938


I can confirm this, someone posted some parts into chat, and they look like the Lvl 70 exotic set.

Mad Memories no lvl requirement dilemma

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sherbniz.5938


I don’t think there’s any reason for it to not allow Level 80 gems.

The argument of “just transmute it” doesn’t cut it. I put more work into this book than the respective story backpack, I would really like to keep it and not “rip” it’s skin onto other equipment to stay viable.

Please make this happen!

(edited by Sherbniz.5938)

And now Plague signet is bugged...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sherbniz.5938


Last time I used the plague signet, conditions on allies persisted and were not transfered.
I was able to send condition to enemies via active, but that isn’t nearly enough incentive to use it.

I haven’t tried selecting allies to transfer conditions, I will try that next time if that does anything…

Reanimator Trait

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sherbniz.5938


I agree.
I temporarily used this trait when I hadn’t unlocked the last trait level yet, and it was a bad time.

The trait mostly got me into trouble and usually spawned when it was the least useful…
Even when the minion spawned when it could have been useful, it just right-out died or was slain in one strike.

It’s one reason I’ve made the desicion to stay away from the deathmagic tree.

Simin, High Priestess of Dwayna

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sherbniz.5938


Hey there,

After what seemed an eternity at trying to beat this boss, we found the only do-able solution was most likely not intended.

Apparently, when Simin goes invisible, she just stays where she is, and spamming poison to stall her healing abilities and just damaging her, while a single person sorts out the sparks is possible.
Of course, you have to pull her all the way out of her cave and create a stockpile of tears next to her… because the sparks are just endlessly fiddly and will aggro towards anyone standing around (not to mention she manages to sometimes petrify players even after she disappears, which results in sparks aggroing on immobile players and stalling the entire progress horribly…). And even then the rings the sparks belong to bug out and the sparks inside just fly away, leaving you witless at which circle still needs to be filled…

It’s a huge mess, it should have just been enough to kill the sparks, or just pull them in the general area.

A-Net should really consider re-designing some of these encounters.

And she isn’t even the end-boss…

Overall, path 4 is an absolute insanity and should be avoided by anyone who isn’t either really good at da vidya or certifiably bonkers. ó_ò