Showing Posts For Shinju.1083:

OMFG. Insta-buy. #finallysomemaleskimpy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shinju.1083


-Strokes abs, wiggles toes, bites lip- Mmm, kinda wish I had a male character just for this outfit… Just gonna have to stand awkwardly close to the guys that get it when it comes out I guess.

I literally lol’d at this.

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

OMFG. Insta-buy. #finallysomemaleskimpy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shinju.1083


This is something I’d like to see for the summer season (as outfits):

towel cape
swimming trunks/speedo

towel cape
bikini/one piece bathing suits
flip flops

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

Engi MOA ?!

in PvP

Posted by: Shinju.1083


I agree, even though I’m an engi. I don’t think it matches the build at all..

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

Proposed Changes for Engineer Turrets

in PvP

Posted by: Shinju.1083


Humm! let me think.. ??? Yes..they did.

Really? Is that because you don’t know or want to try to counter them?

Listen, trust me when i say your in the minority that thinks turrets don’t need balancing. Cuz not only the peeps of the Gw2 community thinks it needs it, Seems like Anet also think it needs it. & yes, ive tried. Countering them is not fun. It takes skills. Your not happy cuz the role has reversed. & for once you need skills to counter us. So plzz.

Have you not read the sentence properly? I said, and I quote, “I agree they needed to be nerfed but not this bad.” And I’ve never seen your username before which means you’re not up at my playing level.

So plzz.

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

Proposed Changes for Engineer Turrets

in PvP

Posted by: Shinju.1083


Humm! let me think.. ??? Yes..they did.

Really? Is that because you don’t know or want to try to counter them?

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

Proposed Changes for Engineer Turrets

in PvP

Posted by: Shinju.1083


The funny part is that none of these changes will have any effect on tournaments, or even ranked matches for that matter.

By no effect I mean none of substance—unless you consider the random Q’ing turreteer or troll-team.

Players who had issues with turrets still won’t be winning tournaments, and there was never a turret epidemic in ranked or tournament play to begin with. I guess this is a celebration for the little man.

Do we really need to get into this again? YOU PERSONALLY WERE ON A TEAM THAT DID PRETTY WELL IN WTS QUALS WTIH TWO TURRET ENGIS. A team with two turret engis made an absolute mockery of APeX Prime in an ESL monthly, and 6 of the top 10 players on leaderboards are turret engi mains. Stop saying this wont change anything it’ll change a lot and you know it

It doesn’t matter if he was on a team that did well with turrets or if it will change a lot or a little. His team can make new builds on different classes and still do as good. Like he said, they were winning long before they started playing turrets. I would know, I’m on the team.

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

Proposed Changes for Engineer Turrets

in PvP

Posted by: Shinju.1083


The only time I ever laughed at someone trying to decap me was when I was facing a truly bad player. He didn’t dodge anything. And I mean literally didn’t dodge at all. I killed him in 10 seconds.

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

Proposed Changes for Engineer Turrets

in PvP

Posted by: Shinju.1083


I still disagree with this nerf, however. Turret builds need changes, yes, but this is hitting them with the nerf hammer to the point of ruining them completely in the only game mode they’re actually used as turrets. Either conditions affecting them or crits affecting them would be more than enough of a nerf, both is simple overkill.

Turrets and turret traits need a large rework to make them more active and strategic. Simply destroying the build is not the correct solution. We need more build diversity, not less.


I don’t mind finding a new build or class, but I enjoy playing turrets. I agree they needed to be nerfed but not this bad.

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

Proposed Changes for Engineer Turrets

in PvP

Posted by: Shinju.1083


Thumper Turret: 11950
Flame Turret: 8960
Rifle Turret: 7470
Net Turret: 7470
Rocket Turret: 7470

Just a heads up, this means:
1 Conbustive shot + 1 Geomancy sigil proc (alone) with celestial gear and no might stacking (less than 500 condi damage) and no bleed duration trait (standard shoutbow)

Combustive shot (3 bars) does 460 damagex12+ 278 damage x4
Total: 5520 + 1112
And 3 stacks of bleed for 10 seconds does 194×10
Total: 1940.

Thats 8572 damage on something that doesn’t move, doesn’t cleanse etc. This is why pets already don’t exist in PVP except turrets.

1 move and a weapon swap (both aoe) can literally kill 3/5 of the turrets in no time at all. Given actual combat scenarios, yes, these are completely useless. Doesn’t take rocket science to realize that this will make them obsolete.

I completely agree

Epidemic will absolutely ruin turret engineers now, I can’t wait. Necromancers will be able to counter them well like they’re supposed to.

There will be no countering. There will just be 2 seconds of destruction and then they’re gone. Read what Ronpierce said. That is just a regular warrior with no might.

This is a very simplistic view though. No one who is smart puts their turrets in one place. Sure, if I put all my turrets on point together where they can be aoe’d then this is correct but you don’t. You put them around the point off to the side where they can’t be aoe’d. At most you will get thumper and healing turret together with the engi.

Any good player will never put all of the turrets on the point. That’s turret suicide. But with the update it won’t matter anyway, just put one well down, or send the pet to kill it, anything that makes YOU not have to attack it, and it will die in less than 10 seconds.

Delicious turret engis tears. I know its sad but you will actually have to l2p the game instead of letting the AI do the work for you. I can’t wait till they implement this

Why don’t you try the build that I play (non-meta version). You’ll see that it isn’t just about auto attacking and waiting for the turrets to do their auto attacks. Not all turret engis do the cheap build.

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

Proposed Changes for Engineer Turrets

in PvP

Posted by: Shinju.1083


Mid air turrets need to be looked into and fixed.

As a celestial rifle engineer, the amount of CC turrets do on top of the rifle is a bit extreme. People claim simple rifle CC is over the top. If I was in the balancing team, I would look into maybe getting rid of rocket knock downs.

But if turrets are going to be easily cleavable then maybe not do that.

The whole purpose of Rocket turret is to knock down. -_-
If you get rid of that, it’s pointless. Also, if you get rid of the floating turrets, it will literally be game over for ANY turret. With the condis effect and the crits?

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

Proposed Changes for Engineer Turrets

in PvP

Posted by: Shinju.1083


Thumper Turret: 11950
Flame Turret: 8960
Rifle Turret: 7470
Net Turret: 7470
Rocket Turret: 7470

Just a heads up, this means:
1 Conbustive shot + 1 Geomancy sigil proc (alone) with celestial gear and no might stacking (less than 500 condi damage) and no bleed duration trait (standard shoutbow)

Combustive shot (3 bars) does 460 damagex12+ 278 damage x4
Total: 5520 + 1112
And 3 stacks of bleed for 10 seconds does 194×10
Total: 1940.

Thats 8572 damage on something that doesn’t move, doesn’t cleanse etc. This is why pets already don’t exist in PVP except turrets.

1 move and a weapon swap (both aoe) can literally kill 3/5 of the turrets in no time at all. Given actual combat scenarios, yes, these are completely useless. Doesn’t take rocket science to realize that this will make them obsolete.

I completely agree

Epidemic will absolutely ruin turret engineers now, I can’t wait. Necromancers will be able to counter them well like they’re supposed to.

There will be no countering. There will just be 2 seconds of destruction and then they’re gone. Read what Ronpierce said. That is just a regular warrior with no might.

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

Proposed Changes for Engineer Turrets

in PvP

Posted by: Shinju.1083


A good start, it especially makes condi and celestial builds truly stronger. I guess something like shatter mesmer can also stack up vuln on turrets too. However, if you still allow turrets to be placed mid-air, it won’t change too much.

Cele builds are already pushing a large number of possible builds to the side. Making them stronger will just make less builds viable to play at all. I don’t think that’s a good thing, having everyone play only a certain amount of builds because nothing else can survive is just dumb.

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

Proposed Changes for Engineer Turrets

in PvP

Posted by: Shinju.1083


Being a turret engi, I have to agree with what one of my friends said about this being a lazy fix. Instead of actually trying to balance it, you just straight up nerf turrets.

Not only can they get effected by critical hits and condis, there’s no way to even TRY to get rid of the condis. This is just a way to appease all of the lazy players who don’t try to find a counter to it. This will completely kill turrets, and why have something as an option if it won’t do any good. It’s just as good as taking them out of the game completely.

I kinda see where you’re coming from dude. If you view it in vacuum then yeah, it seems a bit lazy but you’ve got to give it to Them for one thing. The change is pretty much what the community has been calling for without being too heavy handed. It could have been much worse.

Most smart Engi’s put rocket or rifle turret out or cleave distance…. Where as complete mooks place them in mid air :-/

I wonder if aoe condi cleanse will affect them ie traited war shouts, cleansing burst, eg5 etc?

I think heals will help them, but I’m not sure if it will cleanse them. But not being able to cleanse of the condis is really painful. The fact that it IS exactly what the community wanted is why it’s lazy. They never try to go in the middle where both sides will be happy.

My friend brought up some ideas for changes that will make it less AI oriented and more player based and I agree: Make the auto attack damage like a fly in your face, annoying but not destructive, and instead make the damage have a chance of critical if the player activates it. “High risk, high reward.”
Let the turrets be damaged by crits and condis, but let the player cleanse if they need to. And this talk about it being like pets and minions is bull s***. Those can move out of the damage while turrets can’t. Rangers can just swap pets, if one dies you swap, if that onedies swap again. There is no comparison. And if you can’t cleanse them? GG.

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

Proposed Changes for Engineer Turrets

in PvP

Posted by: Shinju.1083


Being a turret engi, I have to agree with what one of my friends said about this being a lazy fix. Instead of actually trying to balance it, you just straight up nerf turrets.

Not only can they get effected by critical hits and condis, there’s no way to even TRY to get rid of the condis. This is just a way to appease all of the lazy players who don’t try to find a counter to it. This will completely kill turrets, and why have something as an option if it won’t do any good. It’s just as good as taking them out of the game completely.

I’m not disagreeing that they needed to be changed, but making them useless is going a bit too far.

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

(edited by Shinju.1083)

Guess results of ToG Qualifiers - win gems!

in PvP

Posted by: Shinju.1083


(16): Hashtag Believe, Unnur Niuroumian, Ping Pong Posse, Nightshade in June,Europe and Asia, Nonverbal Persuasion, Team Mini Llama, DOOMBLADE GLADIATORS, Sharks with Lasers, LOTD, Team Starfleet Dental, Shinjuku Volts, Team Teamwork, We Built They Came, Dhuum’s Crusaders, Paws for Dramatic Effect
(8): Hashtag Believe, Nightshade in June, Europe and Asia, Team Mini Llama, Sharks with Lasers, Shinjuku Volts, Team Teamwork, Paws for Dramatic Effect
(4): Hashtag Believe, Europe and Asia, Sharks with Lasers, Team Teamwork
(2): Hashtag Believe, Sharks with Lasers
(3/4th place): Europe and Asia/Team Teamwork
(16): evil villains, Paradise, Starfleet Dental, Illicit Activity,Absolute Business, Diablos Revenge, Seraphs of Fortuna, Pantheon of Ultimate Gods, Cognitive Gaming, Banned For Exploits, 69 FPS, Before the Storm, Arkangeles, Ember Solace, Jyuken Club, I Radioactive I
(8): Evil Villains, Illilicit Activity, Absolute Business, Seraphs of Fortuna, Cognitive Gaming, 69 FPS, Arkangeles, I Radioactive I
(4): Evil Villains, Absolute Business, 69 FPS, I Radioactive I
(2): Evil Villains, I Radioactive I
(3/4th place): 69 FPS/ Absolute Business

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

Duels for Gold (Money Match Rules)

in PvP

Posted by: Shinju.1083


Looking forward to seeing some of the duels. (:

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

Make it to top1000 and escape the frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Shinju.1083


Just wait.

-he doesn’t know the truth behind leaderboard rank yet, don’t spoil it.

I know it doesn’t really mean anything but since getting ranked I haven’t had to deal with multiple people capping a point, players always rushing far at the start and dying, players always zerging, players with terribad builds, playing constantly fighting off points, player solo engaging bunker guard or banner regen wars on fully capped points, players that don’t understand skyhammer or spirit watch(dislike this maps but meh), player that engage in fights that dont accomplish anything(seen so may player jump into a 3v1 situation wtf!).

Actually since getting to 90% my gaming experienced has greatly improved and there is a very noticeable difference in skill. There were times I got really frustrated with the level of in-experience and incompetence of some players. I wondered why even play soloq if I just am constantly getting annoyed. Things do seem to change as you get higher and that has been my experience so far.

You still get those. I’m rank 436 in team que (I don’t play that much) and I still have to deal with those kinds of people… I used to be rank 150-200ish in solo que and then got a bad streak of those kinds of players and since I haven’t played in a long time I’m in the percentiles again sob and have to deal with that EVERY match.

But there -is- less of it, just not much better.

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

Make it to top1000 and escape the frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Shinju.1083


Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

!!!! Need More Girl Gamers For Guild !!!!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Shinju.1083


If there are any other girls who want to join just let me know.

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer


in PvP

Posted by: Shinju.1083


What about non-binary gender identities?

): Sorry, but it wouldn’t be girl-exclusive if I did that. :/

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

!!!! Need More Girl Gamers For Guild !!!!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Shinju.1083


Hey! I’m back. (:

Looking for more girl gamers for my girl-exclusive guild. It’s just for girls to be able to get a hold of other females in the game, if they wanted to play with them. It’s a nice change up of always playing with guys (trust me I would know..). If you’re interested PM/whisper me in game, or PM me here, or just quote me. Doesn’t matter to me.

So far I have 12 members, including me, and I’m looking for more! There seems to only be 3-4 girls on at a time, and I was hoping to get more that were online between 6-11pm PST.

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer


in PvP

Posted by: Shinju.1083


Um try guild recruitment…this is a PVP forum.

kitten sorry. I did it again.
Thanks! I’ll get rid of this one and move it.

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

I am both 837 and 32% - same player!

in PvP

Posted by: Shinju.1083



I meant it. You reply was polite and encouraging.

My problem is with the MMR matcher. That’s mostly what I am posting about, urging ANet to at least talk to us about it, and better, fix it so we are not given matches we have no hope of winning.

Without fair matches, why even have a leaderboard?

Why don’t you send them a message directly then? It’s going nowhere in the forums.

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

I am both 837 and 32% - same player!

in PvP

Posted by: Shinju.1083


First line of my OP: “I wonder how many months of playing it would take for my two MMRs to converge and actually represent my actual ability.”

Play on your rank 800 account and see then. If you go up, that’s great! If you go down, the. Who cares? Just have fun.


Thank you for the polite, encouraging reply.

Thank you for your smart reply. But seriously, if you just take advice from people and stop qq’ing and actually PLAY you’ll go somewhere.

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

I am both 837 and 32% - same player!

in PvP

Posted by: Shinju.1083


First line of my OP: “I wonder how many months of playing it would take for my two MMRs to converge and actually represent my actual ability.”

Play on your rank 800 account and see then. If you go up, that’s great! If you go down, the. Who cares? Just have fun.

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

I am both 837 and 32% - same player!

in PvP

Posted by: Shinju.1083


I started off as rank 75, but I started to play better players as me and have had some bad luck along the way, and now I’m near rank 400. But I’ve been playing on the same account anyway. I’ve gotten upset of course, but I didn’t start playing on my mule account because of it. My husband told me to just have fun, and even though I care about my rank, I still have fun even if I lose.

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

I am both 837 and 32% - same player!

in PvP

Posted by: Shinju.1083



You, too, are free to ignore my posts and not comment on them.

Every thread you post is complaining. You could, for once, make a thread asking on how to improve your rank. People would be glad to help. But the threads you’re making are annoying people and making a bad name for you.

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

I am both 837 and 32% - same player!

in PvP

Posted by: Shinju.1083


Hello Silentshoes,

We are tired of your QQ threads


The PvP forums


Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

Girl Gamer Looking For More Girl Gamers

in Looking for...

Posted by: Shinju.1083


Maybe you should Esport guild for a chance. I occasionally bump into girls here and there in that guilds. The guild is PvP focus.

I’m actually already in the Esports guild. I was one of it’s first members. My friend Android invited me to it a long time ago.

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

Girl Gamer Looking For More Girl Gamers

in Looking for...

Posted by: Shinju.1083


Not sure if you want to put more effort into it — also not sure if it’s creepy but you can possibly hop onto different public PvP TS servers and pvp hop and when you bump into a fellow female gamer, you can ask if they are interested in joining. But this could also be super creepy.

Lol, I’ve been asking in game too. Not much luck in game though. I’m just about to start server hopping and spamming the recruitment in every area, PvP and PvE.

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

Looking for more girls to play with

in Looking for...

Posted by: Shinju.1083


Thirty-mumble mature married girl gamer here. I play most evenings (6-9pm, PDT) on Devona’s Rest with my husband – the couple that games together, stays together). Other girls who want to play with their own gender are free to look me up.

I play with my husband too, lol. It’s just more enjoyable, isn’t it? That’s usually the times when I’m on, but maybe a little later some nights. I won’t be in game until around noon or later today, but I’ll definitely add you!

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

Looking for more girls to play with

in Looking for...

Posted by: Shinju.1083


Think it’s great to have a guild for the ladies that like to talk openly about anything and not get judged by those immature males out there that think nearly every woman should be with them just because ….. {whatever}.

Kudos! Hope your Guild takes off and flourishes. Strange you never mentioned which server to have your girlfriends on. I have a few ladies in my guild (TSR) on Darkhaven, and as far as I know, none have been embarrassed or disgraced by our members. Which server are you located on?

Thank you (: . I’m on Sorrows Furnace, but you don’t have to be on my server to be in the guild. As long as your in NA servers, it’s fine. (:

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

Girl Gamer Looking For More Girl Gamers

in Looking for...

Posted by: Shinju.1083


I cant refuse to say something to that thread. Although i miss words…
So many Pedos here omg…

Tbh, Shinju, im sure you wont make it work. Wiwra didnt and nor did i.

Anyway, gl…

Even if there are only 10 girls in the guild, it doesn’t matter. As long as I can play with other females every once in a while, it will be fine.

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

Girl Gamer Looking For More Girl Gamers

in Looking for...

Posted by: Shinju.1083


Thanks for the luck, I’ll need it.

But even if there are only 5-10 girls in the guild, it’s fine with me. I just want to be able to play with them every once in a while if they wanted to. I’m making the guild so I can become friends with other females. 98% of my friends are male, and I only know 4 girls, and they’re all in my guild, so I’m just looking to make more female friends.

I love cookies. ;_;

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

Looking for more girls to play with

in Looking for...

Posted by: Shinju.1083


I think the only people who understood what my post was about was Reesha and Sitkaz.
I had to add in the married and not interested in flirting part because the first post someone made, was in fact, flirting. I had that post deleted so other people wouldn’t follow his lead.

I’m not making this guild to ‘steal all the women away’. I’m only making it so girls can find other girls to play with IF THEY WANTED TO. So all you guys out there that are mad that I’m ‘sexist’ and ‘arrogant’, you can believe what you want. I just want the chance to become friends with other females, and play with them every once in a while.

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

Girl Gamer Looking For More Girl Gamers

in Looking for...

Posted by: Shinju.1083


Bump! Shinju is awesome.

Venus is awesome.

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

Looking for more girls to play with

in Looking for...

Posted by: Shinju.1083


this should be in either the looking for team

or guild recruitment

good luck!

Thank you for the links.

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

Looking for more girls to play with

in Looking for...

Posted by: Shinju.1083


Lol. I had to edit that last part in because of someone.
I put a thread in the recruiting forum too, but more people come to this one.

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

Looking for more girls to play with

in Looking for...

Posted by: Shinju.1083


This guild is only for girls.

I love to play pvp, but I mostly play with guys and I’m looking for more girls to play with. I have a vent, Skype, and TeamSpeak so it won’t be hard for me to get on vc if needed. I made a guild called Ultimate Girl Gamers [UGGs]. I’ll send you an invite as soon as I know that you want to join, and I’d like only girls to be in the guild. I can also PvE, but I don’t do it nearly as much.

I have been on Leaderboards before, but haven’t played much recently, so I’ve dropped off of it. I don’t really care if you’re on the Leaderboards or not, I just want to find other girls to have fun playing the game with.

It will help us girls to find other girls to play with, and to become friends with in game. If you’re interested, please add Shinju.1083. You can leave me a PM or whisper me if I’m online to let me know that you’re interested. You can leave at any time if you don’t find it agreeable.

I am a married woman, and flirting is greatly frowned on. I will not reply to those who flirt.

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

(edited by Shinju.1083)

Girl Gamer Looking For More Girl Gamers

in Looking for...

Posted by: Shinju.1083


This guild is only for girls.

I love to play pvp, but I mostly play with guys and I’m looking for more girls to play with. I have a vent, Skype, and TeamSpeak so it won’t be hard for me to get on vc if needed. I made a guild called Ultimate Girl Gamers [UGGs]. I’ll send you an invite as soon as I know that you want to join, and I’d like only girls to be in the guild. I can also PvE, but I don’t do it nearly as much.

I have been on Leaderboards before, but haven’t played much recently, so I’ve dropped off of it. I don’t really care if you’re on the Leaderboards or not, I just want to find other girls to have fun playing the game with.

It will help us girls to find other girls to play with, and to become friends with in game. If you’re interested, please add Shinju.1083. You can leave me a PM or whisper me if I’m online to let me know that you’re interested. You can leave at any time if you don’t find it agreeable.

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

(edited by Shinju.1083)

SOAC Revenge Tourney - Great Work!

in Ranger

Posted by: Shinju.1083


I’d like to sign up for Saturday. In game name is Shinju.

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

International friend banned for botting?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shinju.1083


Karu (Qooo Qooo) is a Malaysian who plays on US servers, and was just banned while we were talking to him on Skype while we were playing. He was reported for being a bot and got banned almost an hour ago. He has over 6000 achievement points, does dungeons with us almost daily, and fractals if we go, and he talks in Guild Chat.

It honestly seems like he was profiled because he’s an international who doesn’t speak English well, he has a character named Qooo Qooo, and he plays as a ranger.

He put in a support ticket not long ago, but he wasn’t able to make a forum topic of his own, I’m guessing because he was banned, so I made one for him. Being his friend, it bothers me that he was banned so easily when it’s obvious he’s not a bot. Here is the number for the support ticket he created: #130306-001869

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

(edited by Shinju.1083)