Showing Posts For Siege.4280:

Feb 1: DR/EB/IOJ

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


Thanks EB for a great time at Hills on DR. We had a great time.

Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


Hello Kaineng

Its been a while my old buddy. In case you don’t know who I am or forgot. I’m a commander for [RED]. Well not so much anymore stuck with a netbook atm cant really play.

But instead of crying cause you gained a bunch or guilds and we lost a bunch of guilds. I wanted to say good job. What ever you did it has worked. And I hope that if you hit a brick wall like we did you don’t see fallout. And maybe you wont with free transfers getting removed.

But I’m going to get back to killing your member’s regardless. Maybe we will see you again after this week is over and maybe not.

Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

Help with Guild Roster & Managing Guilds

in Suggestions

Posted by: Siege.4280


A officer chat channel.

And plz break up the admin lower ranks. I’m in a guild of 500 active member. If one of our officer’s decided to quit and get kitten. They could kick 500 member from our guild.

So for the moment our officer’s have to be the lowest rank in our guild.

Side note. OP we use 2 ranks to keep are member active. We set them into rank 1 at the 1st of every month. Promote them to rank 2 as we see them log in. Then at the end of the month kick anyone left in rank 1. Then reset everyone back down. Its a lot of work. But for now it gets the job done.

Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

Welcome to Eredon KWBH guild!

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


From a friend and from [RED] you guys will be really missed on DR. I pray that are server will fall back to T8 and you guys join us again

Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


Well I’ve been gone the last few weeks. But I just wanted to say a few things to each server.

DR: Keep up the good work. Winning the last 6 weeks. I can’t wait to get back.

Kain: suck you guys are lossin people. I really wanted to see you guys move up with us. You put up some great fights. If only you had the spirit to keep it up.

Freg: seems you guys a bouncing back. And allot faster than I thought you would keep it up.

Also if anyone was wondering ill be back some time next week

Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


Thank Drednyte for coming to my going away party. I can’t wait to get moved in an a new computer built. Sadly mines to big to bring. Once my new job is up a going Commander Pieg will be back leading RED. Its has been allot of fun I hope the reset of the week is good clean fun.

Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


Kain you guys put up a good fight tonight. But you did last week right after reset. It wasnt really till later in the week we passed you guys. So this fight anit over yet. DR will be pushing you guys every chance we get, you can belive that.

And I have noticed allot of Thief’s from freg and kain. A ton of Kaineng have seemed to reroll to a Thief. Also wont name any guilds or server. But i have noticed member reping guilds from other server running with my members.

Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


good fight so far. I can say imo DR has 4 or more new commaders tonight, doing god knows what.


Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


I cant wait. It has been a blast the last 2 weeks. And I will miss the orb there has been some great fights around it. Its sad a few bad apples ruinned it for everyone.

Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


better now than tomorrow

Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


I will miss the orb there are so many great battle pitted around them. We just tried to steal it again form kaineng adn freg. Crazy rush trying to get it to the garrsion. Good job on your part kaineng getting it and the bay.

Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


LOL Zen. He has been here for HOURS!!!! Vent has been such a great time. Thank you kaineng.

Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


Kaineng nice job defending your last supply camp. I have been laughing so hard in vent.

Took my buddy Zen a while to get it


Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


just a small update. Also kain and freg. What did you guys think about that ninja on hills while you 2 where fighting over the inner gate of hills.

I will say this Freg great job protecting your garrsion. I was trying to get it form any side. But you guys where on the look out.


Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


@Asquared I think you missed the point. They say we use cheap tatics. When most of mine come from them. But I have never helped another server break down a wall. And I mean both of them attacking the same spot and not attacking each other.

And i have seen it happen before outside of EB.

Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


@Zizanzi I wasn’t going ot pust this pic on here. But after your post I figured why not, if we are all going to brag.

This happened just the other night. on 10/29

@GregorClegane Dirty tricks. What about kaineng attacking Sm and freg on the same walling helping them today. You guys have teamed up to get DR.


Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

(edited by Siege.4280)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280



I’m the WvW Officer and Commander Pieg[RED]

We try adn stay out of the drama. We enjoy WvW and are willing to paly with mostly everyone on the server. We are from DR and just want to have fun while we play.

Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


Been a great fight so far


Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


I’m the WvW Officer and commander from [RED] on Devona’s Rest. We jumped on the kaineng map right after reset. Had a good turn out from the guild and a few allys [SoCo] Always a fun time with you guys around.

I had a few guild’s set up to do work on DR map. But they didn’t get on. And [PRO] hit freg map really fast. Good jobs there guys.

But here’s a screen cap from about 20 mins ago. And some of the work we where able to do.


Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

10/19: Kain/Ferg/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


OMG, blatant kaineng/ferg alliance to dominate Devonas! conspiracy!

pics below for proof!111!

I was the leader of the DR group there. We thoguht kaineng wehre attaccking the front gate. We decided to leave, Well the smart half. We wehre jsut waiting for hte kaineng to take it so we could take it from them. Let them do the hard work.

Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

10/19: Kain/Ferg/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


I’m a Officer in [RED] on DR, And Commander. And I know we didnt have freg’s attacking us on EB, But the kainend put up a good fight. Just wanted to say great job from everyone that came and helped us out.

But guys we really need to defend what take. We lost the whole map in less time than it took to fight for it. Just because we all left.

We could have defended that for a long time.

Anyways was allot of fun.


Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

(edited by Siege.4280)

10/19: Kain/Ferg/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


Sirenic I’m not talking about you guys at all. I just found out you guys moved here cause of forums. Later ill contact you in game. So you can be come part of a team of guilds we have going on.

It’s the commanders on the server that troll each other. And there are people who arnt commanders but lead groups and again troll other people. Ate biggest problem is are self/trolls.

Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

(edited by Siege.4280)

10/19: Kain/Ferg/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


I lead the group that got killed at EH last night. I hope there isnt video. But while we let the ferg take it from you. We took allot more. Then went and got it from them. But do any of you kaineng remember the other night at the bay where we held you off for about 45 mins.

Some really good meatgrinder tatics

Anyways heres a day 2 screen cap on points.

Also a little side night for all thses new commanders on DR, From one to another cant we all just get allong???


Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

To Kaineng, From Ferguson's:

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


I’m am member on DR. And wvw officer in my guild. And even though I love to see kaineng blood at the end of my staff. Good job guys.

And as far as this match up goes this week. You will see allot from DR more than you ever had. We are rallying together allot more. Last night was one of the first nights everyone worked together on are map. And after being attacked bye ferg’s and kaineng at the same time. We where able to hold off the both of you. And gain ground.

Here’s to a good clean fight.

Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

When WvWvW become 2W v W

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


Yeah its going on right now, Freg and Kain VS DR

Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member