Showing Posts For SigiSixx.4826:
I’m not so much into watching other people gain loot. I’m glad for you with whatever you have/will get, but watching it? Nah.
Its fine ^^
I like to watch such videos. I watched videos of people investing 2000Gold into ecto gambling and opening 10.000 other chests xD
Its interesting what you can get sometimes.
I’m confused. What was the investment? Anyone can walk into Bitterfrost and fractals even if they have 0 gold.
So my investemtn was:
Buying 60 encryption keys every day = ~12 Gold per day = ~1135Gold
And buying at the end 9 Stacks of encryptions for 56Gold EACH stack = ~517Gold
So, the lesson here is in order to make gold, I need gold. Yeah, I’m broke.
Of course, but you will get always 4x more gold out.
If you invest 1000Gold, youll get 3000-4000Gold out
I feel like if you made it from scratch i’d be interested. Otherwise with 1700 gold you could have just done world completes and made legendaries and done daily fractals to come out with more than 5000 gold over the course of that many days.
Problem is, i hate making legendaries in GW2 and i would have to invest way more time.
In my 84 days project i just invested 2 hours per day.
EDIT: I need just 100Gold and i can instant craft Frostfang btw xD But im not sure if i shall keep it or sell it. I miss only the 100 icycle shards or however they are called ^^
(edited by SigiSixx.4826)
And also crafted ~300 pieces of a “secret” item which is worth ~900Gold
Im awaiting 5000Gold.. Maybe its way to much, but lets see haha
Am I missing something? If you got ~300 of an item worth ~900 Gold that would be about ~270000 Gold. Why are you worried about a measly 5000 Gold? That’s like pocket change by comparison. Just curious.
Edit: I’d watch the vid.
nono xD i mean 300 pieces of this item are totally worth 900Gold haha.
82 days ago i started a small project just for fun for myself.
I did everyday fractal dailies and farmed berries in bitterfrost in that 82 days.
In 2 days my project is done and i will have:
250x Fractal Initiate’s Chest
250x Fractal Adept’s Chest
250x Fractal Expert’s Chest
250x Fractal Master’s Chest
~5500x Cracked Fractal Encryption
~150.000 unbound magic
Additional to this items i have:
54x Black Lion Chest Keys
And also crafted ~300 pieces of a “secret” item which is worth ~900Gold
I invested into this project ~1700Gold
My guilds told me to do a live stream when i open the chests and i wanted to ask you here in the forum if you are also interested to watch me opening all that stuff.
Im awaiting 5000Gold.. Maybe its way to much, but lets see haha
What do you think?
I hope they wont give us a crappy “fix” slot item.. now we get T6 bag and its very good^^
the content of the black lions chests hasnt changed for a quiet while..
The skins which you can get out of them are worth only 20G already.
Isnt it time for a new content? I mean the T6 bag can stay but new skins or something like that would be nice tho.
Anet balances all the time(Adjusting numbers anyway)
The game was of course balanced to the zerker heavy armor only no necro’s in the early days. Moving to lets balance things in the name of esports and the balance cause we have trinity now for raids.
Balance comes in two forms for Anet a simple adjusting of numbers or pruning then sweeping it under the rug to be forgotten about forever. Member underwater combat, Anti-Toxin Spray, Clone Death, Ranger pets moving, skill animations, Guardian tomes(My guardian was shelved after tomes were cut), and though I’m not familiar with every class it seems every class is a little lighter on the mechanics today than they were in the past. Even with elites because things like guardian tomes were unique mechanics however elite specializations didn’t bring new class mechanics they reused existing mainly from wells, shouts, traps, and so forth its true classes got access to these things but there mechanics that existed on other classes.
Heck just check out the historical traits/skills and look at all the playstyles and builds that are completely removed from the game.
I’m all for balance but Anets version of balance is the reason why my Engineer can no longer heal with explosions. In this day an age with raids elixir-infused bomb trait would have been nice.
Its a good decision that anet removed skills from come classes.. Lets look at necros build and skills.. There is the minion build, NOBODY plays it.. People abuse this build just for afk farm. And minion build will never be usefull in pvp or pve..
Thats just kitten
Its just boring, all classes can choose 3 of 5 builds, but always only 3 are played because “most effective”.
Okey, kinda shocking to hear that anet is ignoring it. I thouhgt i will get answers like “stop cry” or “necros are only for noobs”. But im happy that you share the same thoughts.
Yeah, true, the idea/concept is rly bad.
It feels like
Anet designer: “hey lets make some short raids, with bosses who dont require much skill and lets add a few classes who just stay on point and do dps”
Aner worker: “Oh good idea, lets do this concept to any raid and bossfight, so we dont need to be to creative and the players have something to do for the next 6 months”
i am strugling with the fact, that the classes in this game are so badly unbalanced as nowhere in a other game.
So lets talk first about the (boring) raids:
I was raiding now for like 7 weeks. And what i have seen were the boring, always same setups..
Like: 1 Mesmer Tank, 1 DPS Mesmer, 2 PS warriors, 2 Druids and mostly 4 Tempests..
I would love to see more varied setups like 1 druid healer, 1 ele healer, 1 necro dps, 1 thief dps and so on..
I LOVE to play necro. But necro is so much hated and nobody takes necros into raids (thats why i raid with my PS).
In my opinion EVERY class should be playable in raids or any other content like fractals or PvP.
Necros are just useless somehow.. they dont do as much dps as tempests.. they dont share any boons and they are also useless as tanks. But IF one day, the necro gets a buff and will do more dps than tempests, then nobody will take tempests into raids anymore.
The reason why im writing this post is because i logged on into the game today, wanted to do fractals and felt the hate against necros today..
I read lfg texts like “T4 daily (no necro)” or i joined 100cm and got kicked because “necro is no dps”.. SO WHAT AM I?
Im playing power necro since 5 months, clear nearly everyday 100cm with it and i do often so much better than other players with other classes.. Yeah, necro has a lot HP but for what does a class need a lot HP in GW2 when you are useless in PvE.
The concept behind the necro is somehow fail. The skills are cool and thats why i love to play power necro, but on the other way, necro isnt the best class vor PvP and espacially not for PvE.
Im not sure how balanced the other classes are, maybe you can share me your expiriences with your main class -> pros and cons in PvE and PvP.
But its disappointed that after 4 years, anet isnt able to find a way to make all classes playable in all contents..
I cant imagine how player do still play GW2 after 4 years.. I play it only 8 months and i already feel bored. I do log in only for fractals and then i dont know what to do. Raids are also done in 2 days tho. I miss more enjoyable ideas. The new maps, anet released the last months are also done in 1 week and nobody goes to them anymore.
(edited by SigiSixx.4826)
Save your gold. Having 500 doesn’t mean that you MUST spend it. If you do I guarantee that the very next week a cool item will come from the Gem Store and you will have to use your credit card because you manage your finances like a Quaggan.
The funny fact is, i will get in 32 days ~ 6000Gold ^^ Thats why i want to spent just 500 of it
With 500 gold that you specifically want to gamble, I wouldn’t choose either option.
- 25 BL keys isn’t enough to guarantee even something nice, let alone valuable.
- 500g is barely enough to get started gambling ecto.
Instead, I’d recommend that you spend on a festival bag of some sort:
- Trick or Treat Bags (big win: phospho infusion; small wins: minis & refractors)
- Wintersday Gifts (big win: winter’s heart infusion, light of dwayna recipe; small wins: mini)
- Lunar New Year envelopes (use > 650% MF to guarantee 10-20% return on your investment overall)
I bought like over 50k trick or treat bags last weeks and got not a single infusion ^^
But i was lucky during winterday and got 3x winters infusion out of the bags..
But good idea. Maybe i should spent my gold on the bags?
Buy gems then something from gem shop.
Ecto gambling only if you want that portable vendor to sell trash.
Wait, portable vendor? xD
How do i get it?
what would you do with 500g?
Buy 25 bl keys or Ecto Gamble go 500g?
Im aware, that i could lose nearly 1000g at ecto gambling because the ectos are also nearly 100g worth each stack.
But i would like to spent it.
So what shall i do? ^^ Where is the higher chance to make more win?
Devs actually gave it the OK
This is allowed behavior; as it was designed to function that way.
If your pets are doing the killing and your mastery is doing the looting; you’re okay as far as GMs are concerned. This does not mean design can’t/won’t/should/shouldn’t update the system as it works today.
Your examples are 10months old.. The newer one is 9 months old which says “AFK Farming is NOT allowed”
Anet should give finally a official statement and mark it as favourite in the forums.. its quiet annoying..
i lost the connection to the game 2 times in the last 30 minutes.. It told me “The connection to the server have been lost” or something.
We were trying to kill the last boss in “Nightmare” on challenge mode for about 3 hours. He had only 5% when i got the connection loss..
My internet was still online, tried it instantly on the browser like YouTube.
Im really kittened, because im trying to kill the boss since 3 hours and in the last 5% the game loses connections..
Im also stucked since 15 minutes… With other people
You should close the duplicate ticket, and only update the original ticket, as submitting duplicate tickets slows the process and sends you to the back of the queue.
Some features only grant access up to after 30 days once you have purchased the game. You can read more about access in the Wiki (link above) or the Knowledge Base (Support link above/below).
Good luck.
How can i actually close the duplicate? I tried to but i see no options in my user area
If the offer ends before you can access the sale price, your ticket is logged before hand, support are normally very good, and will more than likely honour the sale price of the items your looking for, as the restriction is out of your hands due to the validation process.
If your ticket is indeed longer than 3 days old you can post in this topic
Really? =O Wow thats sounds nice! =D I hope you are right! Thanks!
i am playing Guild Wars 2 now for 4 weeks.. I played first as a “Free2Play” Player.
Now after i saw the items in the GemStore i decided to upgrade my account to the “Heart of Thorns” expansion, just because i wanted the Samurai sword and the black wings.
So, ive got the expansion since 3 days and i still cant buy anything in the auctionshouse and have also a limited access to the gem store!
And i am getting really angry now! The Samurai Sword and the Black Wings arent available in 4 hours anymore.. So what did i buy the game for???? I mean this " Validity checking" doesnt makes even sense because im already playing this game for more than 4 weeks!
I wrote 1 ticket 3 days ago and 1 ticket yesterday to the support.. Still waiting for an answer.
It says, that when i BUY the expansion, i get the WHOLE ACCESS to the game! And now? Im still sitting here with the limited access here! Such a joke!
In the worst case, i will go for a refund of the game, because this doesnt makes any sense to me.
This Validy checking is just wasting my time of playing this game by not having the whole access to the acutions house and the gem store.
I hope for help from a support member her!
(edited by SigiSixx.4826)