Showing Posts For Silentear.3490:

I am blocked, the hacker is not....

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Silentear.3490


Ask your friend to screenshot it and use that with your post otherwise to everyone other than Anet this is hearsay, but if your friend is telling the truth then that really is disgusting.

Updating tickets is detrimental?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Silentear.3490


Gaile, I replied to you. any chance of a reply back?


Account perm banned for 'helping gold seller'... by reporting him?...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Silentear.3490



I am not lashing out, if whoever banned me was here, THEN, I would be lashing out.

I am very frustrated, and I have a right to voice that, as does everyone else who has had their accounts stolen from them by Anet’s unsuitable staff.

Like I said in somebody else’s thread, this is theft, the terms and conditions were never breached and I have never and never will waive my rights.
Common law, Magna Carta, under no corporate control.

My purchased account has effectively been taken from me without any legitimate reason by the people who sold it to me.

Just because you are online doesn’t mean you have no control, you are a human being not a pixel and if something is stolen from you, you shouldn’t ever feel too scared “threatened” to speak up for yourself.
The only gaming company I have come across that try to trick you into waiving your rights through their terms and conditions is EA.

Notice how the only person/s I have expressed my frustration towards is who/whatever the illiterate “person/s” was who so negligently perm banned me.

If this was say, a supermarket, and 30% of their customers had all their shopping taken and “terminated” at the door given a reason like “shoplifting” and ALL these people were able to prove their innocence, do you think they would just wait until the supermarket slowly sorted out their appeals?
No, so don’t talk to me about common sense unless you possess some of your own.

Account perm banned for 'helping gold seller'... by reporting him?...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Silentear.3490


Get this; I have an email from Blizzard asking why I haven’t played WoW in a while, they offer to roll one of my characters up to just before max level and give me a big selection of items and 7 days free…

They sent me that JUST for not playing, THAT is how you should treat your customers; As if they are valued not as if they are criminals all out to harm your self inflicted declining game!

Learn from them.

Teach your non English reading English server moderating employees the art of moderating, help these non English reading English server moderating employees understand the difference between reporting gold sellers, and being a gold seller, introduce them to Google translate so they don’t base their decision on … well … nothing!
Show them how to deal with situations differently rather than going straight in with the perm ban.

Teach them love.

Disappointing Game Support, Trading Post ate my gold over 2 weeks no help.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Silentear.3490


2 weeks is ridiculous, they are selling people games then perm banning them for no reason and people are losing a lot of money through their gem store, that’s called theft where I come from.

Remember max, just because this is online doesn’t mean you you waive any rights.
Theft is common law, broad and out of corporate control.

Account perm banned for 'helping gold seller'... by reporting him?...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Silentear.3490


The bot you were reporting for spam used his alts for counter reporting you, I would assume if enough people report someone it would autoban them.

“Let me clear this up right now. We do not have auto-banning. Each report is reviewed by a human being, and no amount of griefing will lead to a suspension or termination — the issues must be verified as legitimate.


There is no way a human being can make such a stupid decision, my ban was in no way legitimate, I was reading about the strict banning prior to being banned myself and I made sure I was very careful with everything I done in game.

I appreciate you defending the game but there is no defence. None, the only excuse I could possibly believe is that you have Non English speaking people moderating English speaking servers which is stupid!

As you can see with the situation I am in and a whole load of others, whatever you are doing and whoever is reviewing these reports is not doing their job right at all!

I would rather pay monthly than be burdened with such a “service” tbh.


Account perm banned for 'helping gold seller'... by reporting him?...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Silentear.3490


120911-007028 is my latest ticket number as I found out other people with unresolved tickets were emailed and I never got an email so I assumed I done the ticket wrong or something.

Account perm banned for 'helping gold seller'... by reporting him?...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Silentear.3490


#120911-007028 new ticket, Resolve please, o/

noob question - what does "kitten" mean

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Silentear.3490


I’m scared just talking about this kitten, I’m already perm banned for reporting a gold seller, I don’t want to possibly be accused of going off topic in forum and risk them finding and murdering me irl ._.

Why would I want the Digitial Edition when I got banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Silentear.3490


LOL I didn’t even get an email!

noob question - what does "kitten" mean

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Silentear.3490


its whats used to block out curse words

Report reason: gold selling

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Silentear.3490


I reported a gold seller for using a bot (auto-typing) and got perm banned.

Ok, Enough is Enough, you need a Phone Support Number

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Silentear.3490


The problem with phone support is you get people on the phone with stupid problems, demanding (and getting, because they are on the phone) priority.

Anet’s ban bot / online customer ’’support’’ is obviously not working, loyal and innocent players are suffering for it.
If they respect and care about their game and the people who populate their servers then they can deal with a few people “on the phone with stupid problems” !

Full support to OP

Account perm banned for 'helping gold seller'... by reporting him?...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Silentear.3490


Would it not be more intelligent to mute the characters in question for 48 hours and have it reviewed first before “permanently” banning the player? Or are the players not worth, actual, “expensive”, humans moderating?

How lazy / tight can they get? “Oh we have their money now, lets just use some shoddy software to moderate them and let a small group of employees slowly rectify its hundreds of mistakes”

Account perm banned for 'helping gold seller'... by reporting him?...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Silentear.3490


Permanently? That’s comforting.

Unresolved ticket

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Silentear.3490



Recently you submitted ticket 120829-006110 to the Guild Wars 2 Support Team. In the time since your submission, we?ve addressed several problems that have likely resolved your initial issue or answered your question. Information regarding these changes can be found in the Guild Wars 2 Game Status Updates.

If you are still experiencing a problem with Guild Wars 2, please use the link below to reopen your ticket. Otherwise we will consider your issue resolved and the ticket closed.

Click here to re-open your support ticket.

The Guild Wars 2 Support Team

You closed my ticket without resolving it! Worst…. Service…. Ever….

I read the GW2wiki and it says this:

Reporting exploits
If you discover an emergency game-breaking or economy-breaking bug, do not exploit it, but please notify us immediately at this email address: exploits (at) arena (dot) net

How about the exploit where GW2 charge people for a product and don’t supply what was paid for?

Stunned and amazed!

“How about the exploit where GW2 charge people for a product and don’t supply what was paid for?” <— Quote of the day. <3

Account perm banned for 'helping gold seller'... by reporting him?...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Silentear.3490


I was playing on my GW2 main character and in Divinities Reach /m chat was being spammed by a gold seller, I made a joke about his name, I reported him for botting and I told everyone in /m to report him; Another player asked me how to report him, I told them and I told them why I chose the bot report option thing (Because he was auto typing); I told them this because you do not have a real world trading report option and I found the bot one best fitting.

Immediately after I was logged out to an error telling me my account had been terminated and banned permanently for ‘reason 20’

I found reason 20 which is :
‘20.You may not use any third-party program (such as a “bot”) in order to automate gameplay functions, including playing, chatting, interacting, or gathering gold or items within Guild Wars 2. You may not assist, relay, or store gold or items for other players who are using these processes.’


How does your ban machine in any way interpret me REPORTING IT and helping others REPORT IT with NO previous contact ever with the character it was using, as me ‘using a third party product, assisting, relaying, storing gold or items’ for him?!

I have appealed and have no way of tracking it, I am seeing other players talk about a week + of waiting with no response and that’s just not on!

You have a beautiful game and thousands of loyal users but not only are you banning those players without reason, your customer support is complicated, slow and from what I’ve been reading, only effective for those who actually HAVE broken rules?!

Should we be afraid to report bugs / rule offenders ?


(edited by Silentear.3490)

Account Hacked? Permanently Banned? Post here! [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Silentear.3490



Hello, My account I am using now just got logged out and I had a message saying my account has been “terminated” and “perminantly” banned for “reason 20”!!

This is ridiculous, the last thing I was doing was telling someone how to report a player who was selling gold and powerleveling in the /m chat!!!

I’ve just found reason 20 :
20.You may not use any third-party program (such as a “bot”) in order to automate gameplay functions, including playing, chatting, interacting, or gathering gold or items within Guild Wars 2. You may not assist, relay, or store gold or items for other players who are using these processes.

How does me REPORTING a gold seller and telling another play how to report him in ANY way assist him?!?! All I did was not condone what he was doing publically (without even swearing) and help moderate YOUR rules by making you aware of him with ONE report.

Please take a look at what you have done and what you are accusing me of and you will 100% find that you made a mistake!


(edited by Silentear.3490)