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Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Sinzia.1237
I was very excited to play my new chrono, but now i have no desire to log in. I’m not going to demand a refund, i just won’t play. I assumed character progression would come in the form of masteries, and by unlocking all of the original core spec you would have access to the new spec or elite.
Oh well Blade and soul beta begins on the 30th. can’t wait
GW1 sucked and I only played it for the 30 HoM points rewards.
If you want to play it, it’s still there in all it’s glory.
This. I thought it sucked also
nope I’m sorry i’m wrong all 3 are tier 3 norn. I was looking at the boots.
I think the first and 3rd pic are Karma. The second pic is of norn cultural tier3.
Warriors are very powerful, and very easy to learn. I use my warrior for farming. I personally like the Mesmer and elementalist more though.
I play every class and I can tell you that elementalist, and mesmer start off slow but become very powerful at later levels when played correctly. Elementalist has alot of AOE. Mesmer is more of a 1 on 1 character but can take on multiple enemys with clever use of illusions, clones and phantasms. Engineer uses alot of conditions and has alot of aoe also. Your best bet is to roll one of each and see which fits your style more. I can tell you that I love all of them but Memer is the only class I have 2 of.
I have been trying all day to purchase gems using multiple credit cards and paypal and I keep getting unable to process. I have absolutely no clue how to create a ticket. I really hope someone can solve this problem soon.
yup unable to purchase gems. All my cards fail when they shouldn’t.
I’m doing the same. The only two professions I’m missing is mesmer and thief. Honestly though, mesmer makes me want to quit because it is incredibly ridiculous how fast I go down. And as for thieves, oh god…it’s even worse
Yes both are very difficult at the beginning. But they also get very strong later on. I’m also leveling one of each class. The only 80 I have is my Mesmer all my alts are between 30, and 50.
This is driving me crazy. I’ve tried updating Graphics drivers, restarting my router and modem, restarting computer, running updates and nothing works. My character will constantly roll dodge and move backwards on its own. It does this if I’m just standing there doing nothing and also when in combat. I have never had this problem before. It started doing this yesterday. Is anyone else having this problem?
I’m having a similar problem with movement. I’ll be running forward and when I stop my character starts dodging on its own or moves backwards on its own. It’s driving me crazy. I have no idea whats causing this.
I really don’t like the way they did armor in this game. I wish it was more like the dye system where you can unlock styles. Then I could change my armor look freely while keeping the same stats. Now, once I make a set, I feel like I’m locked into it.
I do wish there was a way to save different looks and switch between them. Unfortunately transmutation stones are a money maker for them. Sometimes I have to buy the same item twice just to transmute 2 different looks. I do hope they come up with a better system in the future. I’m just happy that we do have a system, even if it is costly with so many alts.
You can actually make your character look like its a high level just by using Transmutation stones. Do a search on google for GW2 crafted armor sets. When you find one you like get it off the AH and transmute it. My level 70 mesmer has been running around in level 65+ gear since level 14. Of course you can’t keep the stats from the gear but you can still look good.
This game really does have some nice gear you just have to look for it, and sometimes it helps to mix different styles together and create your own.
My 2 favorites are my Mesmer, and Elementalist. Both took time to learn and skill to play, but now they wreck anything that comes near them. Once I understood how to juggle attunements and use self combos the Elementalist became a machine.
I also think the Thief and Engineer are fun also.
Guardian is Ok, kind of find it boring
I think the warrior is the most boring.
I didn’t have any interest in this game before launch. I thought there we’re too many fanboys knocking on every other MMO and glorifying a game that hadn’t launched yet. I admit that I wanted to see the game fail.
But, because I love MMO’s I tried it anyway. Out of all the MMO’s I am currently subscribed to, this is the best. The graphics, scenery and combat are amazing. The monthly FREE updates show me a company that is taking my money and putting it right back into the game.
I take my time leveling, and level every profession. My highest level is a 65 Mesmer.
When I get bored of playing I either level a different class, or take a break from the game and play something else.
It doesn’t matter how good a game is. If you play too much you will get bored.
I can’t speak for other servers but Blackgate is always active with plenty of people.
My opinion: this is the best MMO out today and I plan to play as long as I can.