Showing Posts For Siren Aradia.5863:
Playing Reaper has been so much fun this weekend that I don’t know if I can make it the 3 weeks to release
I feel the exact same way!
My spoiled brat who always wears purple and whose armor changes constantly. She’s not even currently wearing anything in these pics, not even the wings. XD
As a necro i actually love the idea of supportive healing using spirits or soul bound in a future spec.
That reminds me of Necro/Ritualist in GW1, and tbh that was all I used on my heroes when I wanted healers. If I took a monk at all it was for smiting, not healing, because the N/R was fantastic at keeping my NPC party alive, at least in my experience.
As it is in both games they’re a pretty good utility class, able to slam conditions and buff with wells and all sorts of little extras. Reaper really does just feel like a great extension of that, giving more damage capabilities and more options to play around with. I agree with this thread, there are some things that could be tweaked but for the most part it’s a great improvement on Necros and I can’t wait to give my main a greatsword.
I had to knock the settings way down on my aging desktop, which can run the rest of the game just fine. There’s a LOT of smoke/sparks/etc. going on and the 3D nature of the map puts a strain on the system is all. My beefy gaming laptop can handle it but my fps still drops randomly, so I’m not sure if it’s not optimized or if there’s just a LOT going on graphically in the newer areas. The ruins and the Itzel village are fine unless something like the village burning down happens, so I’m thinking it’s just all the fire and smoke effects hitting the machines hard.
I understand the smoke and such (lots of burning wreckage we’re just discovering and exploding wyvern eggs and all) but I’m looking forward to getting away from that to see if it’s just the one graphics-heavy area causing the trouble or if it’s the entire expansion.
It’s a little hard to go off of half of a zone during a beta test so we just can’t be sure.
[beta] How does mastery progression feel?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Siren Aradia.5863
I think the progression speed is just fine. Once there are more events/less-bugged events it might be a bit too quick, but I haven’t played enough to unlock second tiers yet so it’s good to know that they take a bit longer to unlock. We should be able to get absolute basic gliding and mushrooms without months of effort, just because you’ll need them to move around.
The only problem I’m seeing is people being confused about training skills and spending points. It confused me at first too. It made sense once it was explained to me that you have to “level up” each training trait to unlock it, then spend a point to use it, but I guess maybe I wasn’t reading something right? I just felt like it wasn’t explained very well.
your character finally having audible voice on story instances woot!. been feeling like if my character had took a vow of silence since the defeat of zhaitan
YES! This was great. It finally felt like my character was really commanding and involved in the scene.
I agree. It’s a thouroughly enjoyable event. There’s the possibility of strategy, or you can just grab-and-run and bop inquest in the head. It has a mini-game feel that I really like.
Player sylvari are still connected to the Pale Tree though, right? I mean excusing roleplay situations of course. But canonly, aren’t they all connected to the dream or whatever? (you can tell I don’t play sylvari much XD)
I had no problems with them. They did a pretty decent job of keeping the stupid vines off my back every time I fell off the ledge during the boss fight. >.o I’d rather fight with Braham and Marjory etc. than DE or anyone else we’ve see so far in the game.
I don’t think people understand what a “Story” is…
You took the words right out of my mouth.
I’m with amiavamp, I just gave up on dungeons myself. The few times I’ve managed to find a group that will run with me I pulled my weight just fine on a boring old face-roll condimancer, and more than once I was the last man standing.
I understand using meta builds for speed runs, but for a casual run I don’t feel like I should have to play the way other people want me to when I know the way I play works just fine. It’s not the fastest but it is effective survivable, which is all I care about in the end.
I saw a lot of the posts were Grove-related but I’ve been in Divinty’s Reach and Gendarran Fields mostly and it’s affecting me too. :\ Although I probably logged a character or 2 that was just sitting in the grove for the WvW XP and armor skins. Glad to see that they know and are working on a fix.
While the lack of server identity is something I’m wondering/worried about, I agree with Karlus. I would rather see people around at all hours to make it feel like a real city.
I’m pretty sure the weight restrictions will still apply, same with cultural armor skins. We might be able to preview them but if they’re restricted it won’t let us apply them to that character. At least I assume that’s what will happen.
It was one of my favorite things from last year, mostly because I was really really good at it, unlike the jumping puzzle. XD
I have only Arah left to do and its been like hat for ages, I know i will never ever do arah story, because from what i gather it takes too long.
It doesn’t take too long, maybe a half hour to 40 minutes depending on the party. I just recently finished off the PS on my main. I was pretty bummed that it ended in a dungeon because I don’t have a huge guild and my friends play pretty sporadically. The LFG tool was a blessing because it let me find other people who just needed to power through the story dungeon and not be elitist about it.
During times of turmoil why would a people give up something that makes them happy and helps them forget about terrible things for a few moments? Maybe some Charr refugees wanted to have one last party before slogging through hostile territory.
In all seriousness though, if the event is built into the zone like that I wonder how easy it would even be for them to turn it off? I assume they can, just like any other one-time or living world thing, but others have already pointed out that it’s one of the highlights of the zone, and easily one of the most entertaining lower level areas.
Fixed for me as well. Thanks a bunch!
Same thing happened to me, missing dye slot and un-dye-able red trim on the Whispers human armor. Glad to know they’re looking into it!
NA Sorrow’s Furnace here and I’m lagging crazily as well. What the heck was in that last update?