Showing Posts For Skaan.1423:
I’m going to make my question as short as i can.
Does anyone know a good Tempest DPS build for general pve? I don’t really care much how effective the build is in dungeons or raids or pvp, i just want a good build for doing the HoT open world content and i like the overload mechanic (but i suck at making builds myself or doing the theorycrafting).
Thanks in advance.
Do you guys think it’s worth speccing Tempest if you don’t intend on using the warhorn? I like the mechanic of overloads, but i’m not a fan of the new warhorn skills (mainly because i prefer DPS over support). So do you think the overloads and the utility skills/traits that come with the Tempest spec are enough reasons to spec for Tempest?
Also, let’s say you want to create a high-damage Tempest build, what kind of build should i be looking at and which weapons should i use? I’ve always used a S/D Fresh Air build prior to HoT release, but i’m leaning more towards using a staff this time because i’ve read that staff can potentially deal the biggest damage out of all Ele weapons.
Thanks in advance
The very fact that gliding doesn’t have combat already makes it superior to swimming in my book. This is why i loved swimming in Lion’s Arch: you had the joy of underwater exploration without any annoying mobs getting in your way.
It feels like every single thing in this game, or every new feature that gets added, is centered/balanced around combat. So it’s fun if we get some new features every once in a while that don’t have anything to do with fighting stuff.
This game really needs more non-combat activities, IMO. But i guess i’ll keep that for another thread.
(edited by Skaan.1423)
I predict that shortly after HoT releases we will see a new tab appear much like the mail carrier tab and the gem store will have new glider skins for sale. Possibly with skins like flapping feathered wings, dragon wings, a parachute, or Da Vinci style flyers. The list could go on and on.
It would be even better if we could obtain these skins in-game as rewards from something, or even have class-unique skins, rather than just putting skins in the gemstore.
But knowing Anet, there’s no chance in hell we’ll be getting skins outside of the gemstore.
I’m assuming you’re talking about this track? (2:55)
If so, no, you’re not alone! I always do the 2 jumping puzzles in Southsun just to listen to this track. It fits the general look and feel of the zone very much.
I actually think this track (along with the music at the Labyrinthine Cliffs) are the only tracks in GW2 which really have an atmospheric quality to them. But i guess that’s also because they’re zone-unique tracks. Really hoping we’ll get more zone-unique music in the future, rather than just using random tracks everywhere.
Does anyone know the instruments used in the Southsun track btw? It kinda sounds like an organ to me.
Actually, look again at the title of this thread.
It states/asks “things I miss about Guild Wars”, not “What Guild Wars Features do you want in GW2” or the like.
My response is apt based on that context. You can’t miss something, if it’s not gone.
Now you’re just arguing semantics and backpedalling out of what you originally meant. It’s quite clear from the thread title that this was going to be a thread about features from GW1 which you want back in GW2.
If I want Guild Wars, I play guild wars.
I can’t miss it, because it’s not gone.This is Guild Wars 2. It’s a different game which has similar lore. It has its positives and its negatives.
That’s a terrible argument. Just because GW1 still exists (despite the fact that it’s relatively dead and has no content updates anymore) means we can’t have things which we miss? I probably like GW2 more than GW1, does that mean i should suddenly go play GW1 instead just because it has a couple of features which i miss in GW2?
This is not about wanting GW2 to become GW1. This thread is about wanting certain features from GW1 to return to GW2, which is entirely understandable considering it’s a sequel to GW1.
I agree with you about the eight-player parties. I like how crowded it felt to have 7 other players doing an elite area with you. 5 players feels a bit too small and lonely for me.
I’m not asking for them to retune the current dungeons for 8 players, but i really hope they’ll introduce some new instanced content in the future for 8-12 players. For example, if they ever decide to re-introduce the FoW and UW, i think it’ll lose a lot of its grandness if it’s only done with 5 players.
That being said, i like how this new feature patch seems to be moving the game more towards GW1 in some aspects. Traits being unlocked through exploration/hunting, wardrobe, pvp armor change, megaservers being a bit similar to GW1 districts, etc. All things that i missed a bit from GW1.
Yup, i’m also extremely happy about this. Even though i’m nowhere near the cap yet, i like how this basically makes the permanent achievements more relevant again instead of achievement points largely being based on how many daily/monthly achievements you have completed.
I also feel a lot more inclined to hunt for more achievement points now, because now i don’t have to worry about all those daily/monthly achievements i’ve missed in the past.
I just hope that there won’t be too much criticism against this and that Anet decides to revert this change in the future.
I also have this problem, can’t complete the hint
Echovald Forest could make for a very interesting zone aswell. Imagine being able to climb all those huge trees. The zone could also have different layers (like ground level, mid-tree level, and in some rare places even exploring the canopy)
Some anwhere here please:
Can we get some info on the composer's of the Halloween event themes?
in Audio
Posted by: Skaan.1423
Apparantly it’s by a guy called Maclaine
“Travel time is instantaneous ma’am…’”
Zone music and 8-player groups.
Most people who complain about our underwater damage haven’t learned how to use Water Attunement yet. I’m not saying the damage is excellent, but i’m saying it’s not something to complain about either.
Is it “The Darkness Will Fall”? I remember this playing at the end, but don’t know if it’s the one you’re looking for.
So i’ve been playing this game for a while now, and unless i’m just not paying enough attention, i’ve noticed there seems to be a lack of zone music.
By zone music i mean soundtracks that are unique to a certain zone. For example: in GW Factions; Shing Jea island, Kaineng City, Echovald Forest and the Jade Sea each had their own unique soundtracks that only played in those zones. In GW2, it seems like it’s mostly the same music across all the zones. If i remember right, Orr has some unique music, but there’s also the same music like i’ve heard everywhere else.
Some might ask, why is this so important? Well for me it is, because i think zone music does a great job in immersing yourself into that zone. In GW Factions, you knew you were in Shing Jea Island because of the music, you knew when you played in Kaineng City because of the music, or the Jade Sea, etc etc… Right now in GW2, i never really feel much difference when i go into a new zone because it’s always the same music playing.
I’m not complaining about the music itself, because i love it, i just wish each zone had it’s own unique soundtrack.
I know it’s probably too late to change this in the current game, but maybe you could try this out in future expansions?
I didn’t buy one of those cards, but i saw it in a store called Game Mania. I could be wrong, but if i remember right only Belgium and the Netherlands have these stores.
As lots of people on Youtube have said, good thing the game isn’t as bad as that trailer.
And i too laugh at the people who think we don’t like the trailer because we don’t understand it… We do understand the “2deep4u” message, but we still think it’s bad.
My local game store sells cards like you described (i live in Belgium).
It was about €25 for 2000 gems.