Showing Posts For Slimshot.3251:

This video sums up the game for me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Slimshot.3251


by the way thanks to the video goes to
I just seen it and thought ya this is what I think.

(edited by Slimshot.3251)

guardian review

in Guardian

Posted by: Slimshot.3251


warrior>melee dps support
necro>bunker cap holder

good for hammer kitten blast on fields
good for stability


To Guardians Who Say We're Underpowered...

in Guardian

Posted by: Slimshot.3251


you can hold a cap point unless its a well played power necro that auto attacks for 8k+, or a two shot thief that is played well…not great not top 10 play just half decent. simply put bunker is the only thing we have and it is slowing falling behind the arms race that is going on with the other class’s. As other class’s keep getting buffed to compete with each other the guardian falls behind. Guardian’s are great at pve and great in wvw hammer train to provide lots of stability and water blasts, with good cc using staff for some burst heal, speed boost, and might stacks…..nothing more.

Let's list the traits that we don't/never use

in Guardian

Posted by: Slimshot.3251


90% of the skills usless for wvw and spvp all the skills usefull for pve.

wvw hammer 2 and 3 and staff
spvp bunker that will soon not be needed.
pve gods. enjoy.

(edited by Slimshot.3251)

What Are Top tPvP Guards Running These Days?

in Guardian

Posted by: Slimshot.3251


bunker but some teams are finding they dont really need them because they can just run double mage. since most class’s are constantly improved and guardian do fine in pve they just let them rot. Soon the bunker guardian will simply be obsolete.

looking for wvwvw active guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Slimshot.3251


I have found a guild thanks for the replies.

looking for wvwvw active guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Slimshot.3251


time play varies for me im est though. days played vary to because of my job that might be changing soon as well, and I will move any server eu or na
i also moved to SFR before I got any replies but can move again.
Here is my play style as well:

looking for wvwvw active guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Slimshot.3251


so i played beta and for around 13 to 14 months after that I left the game.
I am a guardian lvl80 back from a long retirement. I was with a very large and active and vent using wvwvw guild. I am looking for an active large vent using pvp wvwvw guild to join on an active server. I am currently on ET but can move anywhere. thanks in advance for any serious replies.

w3 servers with good representation?

in WvW

Posted by: Slimshot.3251


looking for a server that has people out in wvwvw all times during the day. I tend to have changing shifts and I only wvwvw. Any opinions?

(edited by Slimshot.3251)

The Role of Guardians in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Slimshot.3251


an = skill = geared elementalist, thief, mesmer, engineer will be more valuable then you.
any warrior/guardian in wvwvw must run with either a specialized group or a large group. They are both a niche class in wvwvw. If you find yourself solo or in pug groups don’t bother making either class. They look great but lack in a lot of areas. So far my experience with both class’s are fine as burst units in large or specialized organized groups but lack staying power vrs zergs or large fights on their own….can they stay alive? yes; but what do they do? nothing but stay out of the fight till cds health back then burst in again. If they are mixed in specialized groups or in large zergs they can add great bursts of damage and support but thats it.

Elite gear Karma Vendors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Slimshot.3251


The Elite Gear Karma Vendors in Cathedrals and other areas that these spawn in are barren because people are in dungeons or fractals and are pritty much unabtainable for some servers. Can you put these Vendors In wvwvw areas or in a city or both. So that people can have reasonable access to them.

Incoming Guardian Nerf?

in Guardian

Posted by: Slimshot.3251


Well if they do nerf those skills, they better buff something else up!

by the very nature of the nerf means that single target attacks will now be more valuable vrs a single target. aoe is ment for multiple targets but is used vrs single target making single target skills not worth it. after all why use a single target skill when you can just aoe spam everything instead. This nerf is good for the skill level and tactical planning of build comps for the game.

Is there a lvl80 set with Precision/Toughness/Vitality?

in Guardian

Posted by: Slimshot.3251


you can get prec/vit/healing gear from AC vendor.

WvWvW Rewards and More

in Suggestions

Posted by: Slimshot.3251


There are two things that effect wvwvw I would like to see changed.

First, I am finding that in order to compete in WvWvW I have to leave WvWvW and go farm dungeons simply because pve players who do dungeons or fractals mostly earn more gold (for siege and keep claiming) and gain gear faster. I would like to not grind pve to be competitive in WvWvW.

I would like to see a system in WvWvW where I can get equal rewards for my time spent in WvWvW instead of making me go prepare for fun by running fractals or dungeons to get it then come back to have fun. When I take a keep I get 7s maybe 10s if im lucky…Really…no chest that drops items appropriate to your actual level like a dungeon or at least a 100%chance for siege and maybe 10 or 20 badges. You should be able to buy siege with Karma and Skill points too. That’s just some ideas. The main point is that wvwvw simply lacks the rewards to wvwvw you have to go prepare for fun to have fun in its current state.

Second, I’m finding that the first and second place teams are ganging up on the last place teams far too often.

I would like to see a system in place to add more incentive for attacking a team based on their current point leader position of the match. So as an example: the first place teams camp would be worth 8 points, the second place teams camp would be worth 5 points and the last place teams would be worth 2 instead of just 5points no matter what team it is.

p.s Really lets get to fighting each other not picking up loot bags Just a thought..


(edited by Slimshot.3251)

banner warrior vrs Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Slimshot.3251


Thanks for your input.

banner warrior vrs Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Slimshot.3251


Why play a support Guardian when you can play a banner warrior that has better mobility with better cooldowns and better ranged options? Not a troll just really want to learn to play.

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Slimshot.3251


Who cares, not everyone likes holding hands and walking yaks together. Some of us would rather just wvw. Plus not everyone even reads forums. Oh and are you really surprised that you where attacked holding a pve event in a pvp area?

(edited by Slimshot.3251)

Guardians, What annoys you the most?

in Guardian

Posted by: Slimshot.3251


I have to agree with Apraxas.3685.

No Gear Grind

in Suggestions

Posted by: Slimshot.3251


We were promised a game with a stat cap and no gear grinding, and equally as important, a game where max gear could be earned in PvE, WvW, Dungeons. The game promised options rather than grind. I think all the people who started the game because of that promise demand you stick to that model and not continue this Ascended Gear Grind.

Guardian or Thief

in WvW

Posted by: Slimshot.3251



I would suggest a guardian, the reason is … a lot of people cry out thieves and I wont go into details why but chances are they will get nerfed at some point whether they deserve it or not is irrelevant because it will happen. Guardians on the other hand I believe most will agree are in a good spot balance wise. So if you don’t want to deal with a lot of QQ/nerfs go guardian.

I have played guardian and its a lot of fun, I have never played a thief past lvl 5 so I can’t comment reliably on them but from what I’ve heard they are a lot of fun as well.

So do you want to be nerfed at some point or not because it seems both classes are enjoyable.

Guardians have been nerfed every patch since open beta. Not sure wtf you’re talking about.

Healing over 5 gone

in WvW

Posted by: Slimshot.3251



I have to ask, was there ever a reason not to turtle? if the answer is “no” then turtleing was overpowered, not because there are no counters, but because turtling is he dominate strategy.

There will always be a dominant strat. Always. But people max out gear and spend a lot of time learning the game and maxing there character, then have to restart. Now that would be fine if there was no way to beat the strat but there is. And that is just kitten kitten.

Healing over 5 gone

in WvW

Posted by: Slimshot.3251



All the players upset by this patch are the ones who turtle.

All the players that make comments like this are the people who cant beat the turtle even tough there are plenty of skill combos to do so and qq like little babies that need to be looked after or better yet maybe they should just learn to play.

Healing over 5 gone

in WvW

Posted by: Slimshot.3251



Snow Aeth.1937:

Once again Anet comes with a crappy way to fix things.

I don’t wanna be healing kitteny kitten pets or almost full heal targets near me.
I want to heal the dude in front of me that’s almost dead…

I might not want to heal the 5 randoms retreating into safety, but the 4 party members charging in with me at the same time to pull off our thing.

At least without cap everyone got healed, now I don’t even know who I ll be healing outside myself unless there’s only 4 others without pets or npcs.

Anet doesn’t want to you target heal – they have gone out of their way to make it as hard as possible for you to do it. This is intentional.

There are a few ways to “kind of” target heal, like Engineer’s medkits, and Merciful Intervention (heh), but you not being able to fully control who you heal is what they want."

Unless you’re an Anet developer keep your amazing kreskin thoughts on what they want to yourself.

Healing over 5 gone

in WvW

Posted by: Slimshot.3251




Hmm, I am starting to wonder how much leading of coordinated WvW you have contributed in.

With your statement, you haven’t seen the bottle neck issues that every keep has due to the design of them. At these points, it took sheer zerg power to push through + what ever healing people could supply.

Now, with this change, I can’t see it happening unless they limit the amount of seige weapons allowed to be deployed inside a keep.

There is a limit as to how much siege can be placed."

What the bottle neck where you can lay down aoe boon removal then cc to displace them problem…oh wait not really a problem is you just use the already in place counters to the so called turtle problem.

(edited by Slimshot.3251)

Healing over 5 gone

in WvW

Posted by: Slimshot.3251



So many people crying about this. You that mad you cant turtle anymore? Come up with an actually tactical strategy that doesn’t involve abusing the game engine."

boon removal, conditions, and CC like knockback was the counter to turtle groups. What we’re mad at is now unskilled players can now lay waste to what was a good defensive stlye of game play. With out using the already available tactics such as boon removal and cc, now utilty builds are utterly useless. So the game is going to turn into make the best glass cannon you can and mash buttons as fast as possible to win. The turtle was the tactical answer to the glass cannon aoe face on keyboard tactic that no skill hacks will now use.

(edited by Slimshot.3251)

Fear vs Stability Question

in WvW

Posted by: Slimshot.3251


Cool thanks a lot.

Fear vs Stability Question

in WvW

Posted by: Slimshot.3251


Stability list’s Fear as one of the things it prevents; yet when I look at gw2wikki it says Fear ignores Stability. My question is: Does stability prevent you from being feared or not?
For instance, if I fear someone that is casting a skill will it be interrupted while he has stability on or does fear actually ignore stability and the skill will be interrupted?

Guardian's HP

in Guardian

Posted by: Slimshot.3251


shelter 2second block direct heal great in pvp when being focused on

zeal trait, Zealous Blade greatsword attacks heal great for hitting lots of grouped up mobs you heal for eac person you hit

Altruistic Healing you get healed for every boon you place on an ally includes yourself great when around groups of allies 10 allies and one boon can mean up to 880 hp to you depending on your healing stat. great when supporting clumped up groups of allies. all skills and symbols that provide boons like mace symbol of faith and greatsword symbols that give boons work with this trait. Empowering might when you crit you boon you and alies also effects this trait.

Detonate staff and shield for heals you have and many more. you do not need more vitality you just need to build for it.

The Not Fun

in WvW

Posted by: Slimshot.3251


Its not fun to wait in the queues. Way too long. It’s even worse if you want to play with your friends. You team up and wait in the queue together only to get in one here one there if you’re lucky. So you run around like pugs until you actually get all of your members in…That’s if your lucky. If you’re unlucky half your party simply has waited an hour or so too long, while the people who did not get in listen to thier friends having fun the people who did get in remain frustrated that they can’t play with thier friends that did not get in. An hour or so passes and people just start to not want or can’t wait any longer sitting in front of their keyboard afraid to leave or to go to the washroom or get a drink for fear of missing the queue forcing them to requeue, or simply have just waisted two hours out of the three hours they have to play that night. Rubbing their eyes from the bordom they finally give up and just go watch tv or play another game.

ENet if you’re reading this, please for pete’s sake can we get the option to join as a raid/party that allow all people to enter at the same time, have overflows when all maps are full. Overflows could contribute points to the main server. Get better servers to handle more peope or add additional maps for people to play on…I mean anything something this is just not fun. Its frustrating and a waste of a lot peoples time sitting glued to their seats as they fall asleep at the keyboard waiting to get in….

p.s please stop free daily server transfers or just ditch the server ranking system. It’s not fun to have mass guilds on the top tiers just up and move to match up way lower then their ranking and just slaughter them.

I love wvwvw that is if I can get in.

Error 401: My friend can't enter the forums .

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Slimshot.3251


I had the same problem with 401. I cleared and allowed cookies still no dice. I am using explorer 9 on win 7. I went to tools in the right hand corner the little cog looking icon—internet options—Content—Auto Complete Settings—-I deleted auto complete history and unchecked any checked boxs in the “use auto complete for” section. I can now post.