Showing Posts Upvoted By Snack.9315:

grenade kit, hold #1 to keep throwing

in Engineer

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


“Make Grenade 1 an auto attack”

“Remove ground targeting of Geranade 1”

“Hold the key for keep attackin”
. . . gives a deeply hug with a tear in my eye VOTE FOR THIS MAN!

Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”

grenade kit, hold #1 to keep throwing

in Engineer

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


This is a no brainer, cmon anet. less carpal tunnel.

Entire Charr race made a laughing stock

in Charr

Posted by: Revendell.9036


So you think this hairstyle is a joke ? I might agree on DBZ hair but I really like this one.


(edited by Revendell.9036)

Entire Charr race made a laughing stock

in Charr

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


It’s an MMO. People have the freedom to make whatever character they want, as long as it’s not openly offensive. Yes, the Super Saiyan Charr are immersion breaking, but so was the Sailor Moon Senshi team, the gigantic naked Norn with a bright pink mustache named Dr Dance Queen, the red fro’d human who was the spitting image of Ronald McDonald, and the all-black/red fiery armor dude named Xx Darth Slayer Xx. And you know what? I still had a good laugh at all of them (except Darth Slayer. That was just unimaginative :P).

As a RPer, I love immersion probably more than most, but total immersion just can’t be found in an MMO. If I wanted total immersion, I’d play a single player RPG.

Engineers and Sexy Weapons~

in Engineer

Posted by: Fuuyu.9210


All classes deserve to be able to see their weapon skins, I agree!

Yep, I think we all deserve to see them sexy weps we made because everyone knows that, this game is all about Looks when you Hit 80!!

Hobosacks are so last season!
Also last thread about them being changed around was 1 year ago that’s why I wanna push this! CHANGE MUST HAPPEN!!!

Engineers and Sexy Weapons~

in Engineer

Posted by: Fuuyu.9210


Hey Errreeeboooddyy,

I know this has been discussed over and over, and a lot of posts have been put up, but the only way to get something through is by spamming it (like the Shawshank Redemp. Guy when he wanted to expand the library!…WATCH if you haven’t)

Legie…As an Engineer I adore the class way more than any other classes so I decided to make all 3 legies it can have, but sadly Wep/Device kits keep me from actually seeing my legies 97% of the time. We cant keep the Aura or the Footfall once we switch to those, and that alone is depressing.

Without Legie…A lot of us have spent much time, effort, and money making Sexy Weapons just to barely use/see them…why can’t the BIG UGLY SACK on our back just be a little pouch/pouches on our sides!? (That way the back piece will show, 1 stone 2 birds )

P.S people QQed about spending much time on an Eternity just to have throw skills be rocks/and it looking a lot like Sunrise/Twilight and not special…and they got what they want WE STILL HAVE HOPE

(edited by Fuuyu.9210)

Still no autoattack on grenade kit1?

in Engineer

Posted by: Mayama.1854


I’m actually grateful that granades are neither autoattack or autotarget.

You sir must have an iron wrist

Still no autoattack on grenade kit1?

in Engineer

Posted by: MeanCoffeeBean.2073


Because the tendons for your fingers are located on the underside of your wrist and repeatedly spamming the same keys over and over for extended periods and pulling those tendons causes what some people refer to as ‘pain’.

It’s poor design for extended play.

Fluttershy – Mesmer
Clarishy – Ranger
Tinkershy – Engineer

Still no autoattack on grenade kit1?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lert.6287


I’m actually grateful that granades are neither autoattack or autotarget.

You sir must have an iron wrist

Being currently single helps.

Engineer / Piken Square
Former Team Psy [Psy] member/ [BNF] guest
YT Channel

Potential PvE support build

in Engineer

Posted by: Ronin.5038


Good engineer support is through stacking vulnerability, blinding enemies, stacking team might, slowing/controlling with chill, team stealth, and cleansing allies.

There’s a build that has it all. It even has some group heals if that’s what your after.

Potential PvE support build

in Engineer

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


Support in PvE = moar damageee!!! We are anyway able to do everythinng else than damage … AND DAMAGE >:D

Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”

Potential PvE support build

in Engineer

Posted by: Mork vom Ork.2598

Mork vom Ork.2598

Turrets are just bad in PvE, they deal very low damage and die fast. Fortified Turrets is only useful in a few situations and should only be used with low cooldown turrets (rifle, flame, net).
As it stands now, support is not really needed in PvE as it’s all about maximum damage and evades/blocks/reflects. If you want to play a “supportive” spec you should at least include some damage.

Take a look at this build. You can simultaneously heal and deal damage, have the most important combo fields, condi removal and blinds.

Still loving the smell of Napalm
Bill Kilgore – [BIER] – Seafarer’s Rest random Megaserver

Entire Charr race made a laughing stock

in Charr

Posted by: Zefrost.3425


So if there’s something that you don’t do in an MMO, it’s make an entire race a laughing stock. Charrs had it bad enough before with the minimal amount of good looking skins, but these new hairstyles shouldn’t exist.

Sunglasses, top hats, monicals… sure. Those are fun items. But you just made the entire Charr race a pathetic joke with the new hairstyles. No one thinks they look good, they choose them to look like a joke.

New hairstyles that actually look good need to be created, every Charr character that has changed its hairstyle since the update needs to have hair reset to default and every one of them needs to be refunded a hairstyle kit.

This is beyond pathetic. Rytlock looks like he represents a bunch of idiots now.

(edited by Zefrost.3425)

Too big condition damage, do something?

in Engineer

Posted by: Adamantium.3682


You may not agree with me and I don’t care…

This is just my feedback ONLY for anet.
I won’t read or reply for upcoming comments whatsoever.

I can’t see how this doesn’t violate some sort of forums rules about trolling.

[TNO] Gizmo Gigawatt (Engineer)
Jade Quarry

Too big condition damage, do something?

in Engineer

Posted by: cheshader.5081


Vince, no point replying him, the guy doesn’t even know that necro hard counters our class.

Too big condition damage, do something?

in Engineer

Posted by: vincecontix.1264


Op and who are you exactly that we should just take your word for it? Fyi engis are weak to condition and cc. Also to get max potential out of engi you have to play multikit builds. Which is harder to play the majority of the faceroll meta build just so you know xd.

Shikamaru X Thief, Warrior, Mesmer, Engi(FT leader)
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir

Too big condition damage, do something?

in Engineer

Posted by: cheshader.5081


This post made me laugh.


Too big condition damage, do something?

in Engineer

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Great, I wonder why First ToL final match has ZERO engineer in both teams.
Warrior says hi! Ele says hi! Thief says hi! Mesmer says hi! Guardian says hi!
And almost none of them are condition specs because they’re just too easy to be countered by warrior, ele and guardians. Warrior has more sustain and very reliable source of both condition and power.

Well, Eng sure does a great job destroying scrubs in Hot Join though.
Maybe that’s what you’re talking about then?

You don’t have to reply to me either because clearly you don’t want to learn something and just want people to obey to your request, but all I can tell you is L2P.

(edited by Aomine.5012)

Too big condition damage, do something?

in Engineer

Posted by: Wolfar.6508


This post made me laugh. - Everything Engineer!

The agony of Charr armor. (Long read)

in Charr

Posted by: Darmikau.9413


( For better formatting, you can find the Reddit thread here: )

The short version can be found as this image: ( ).The longer version goes something like this:

It’s no secret that when it comes to armor, Charr get the shortest end of the stick. If you’re human you’re at the top, followed by the other three humanoid races, likely with Asura coming in last. Pulling in far behind them are Charr. As far as my knowledge goes, issues with the armor of other races exist, but are comparably few. With Charr armor, stretching, clipping, poor texturing, and a lack of consideration are not the exception; they’re the rule. If you think tail clipping is the extent of the Charr’s issues, you have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes. It’s been this way since launch and it’s not looking to get any better. If anything, it’s getting worse. It’s become a running joke among the Charr community about what levels stretching and clipping will reach next, and if you aren’t a Charr player yourself, here are the reasons why:

Anatomy and Culture:

Reason number one is that Charr culture and anatomy sit in a context far removed from the other races. We are a race that stand hunched, with large necks and horns, big ears and obvious tails, plus all the other various beastly features such as a muzzle, claws, and the like. Additionally, the Charr are a culture much unlike the other races. The Charr revere technology, not magic, and anything that alludes to magic is almost considered insulting within Charr society. Soldiers are the norm; and if you’re not a soldier you wear simple rags and outfits because you are of lesser use to the Legions. None of this, from anatomy to culture, is considered in Charr armor. The great irony, in fact, is that for a race so determined to be individualized from the other races, and for a race who are the direct antithesis to humans, the Charr receive nothing in the form of armor or town clothes except those which are first modeled for humans both in anatomy and context, and then grafted – stretched and mangled – to fit the Charr form. A simple scan through the gem shop confirms this. Sweaters, riding boots, vests and blossomed shirts, hoodies (for a race with horns). These are all human fashions, and while they don’t perfectly translate to the other races, they translate even less to Charr, who systematically oppose human culture. Of course, it’s not just town clothes.

Almost every armor model in the game is designed with humans and humanoids in mind first. In fact, with the exception of the cultural armors, there are, I believe, two outfits designed with Charr in mind: Vigil, and the Cook’s Outfit. If you’re asking about Citadel of Flame, we’ll get back to that. There’s a reason why I pick these two as examples: they generally conform to Charr anatomy. The Cook’s Outfit features a muzzle cage which shows that it was designed specifically with muzzles in mind. Similarly, Vigil armor features large turtlenecks and shoulderguards indicative of the Charr. Heavy Vigil also features what I presume to be a rear flap for the tail, one that was never actually modeled properly and left to clip (you can see it here: ).

The only other reason I presume Vigil was designed with Charr in mind is because the founder was a Charr, and it seems reasonable to assume that Anet designed heavy Charr Vigil armor with Almorra Soulkeeper’s physique in mind. Even so, it still presents the typical stretching issues (and you can see it in the above image, particularly about the belt on the hip, and on the backs of the calves), and all three armor tiers have tail clipping.

10% less dam. doesn't make support better

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Errant Venture.9371

Errant Venture.9371

A 10% reduction in the output of Zerker builds will not make people more likely to use support builds (healing power/toughness/vitality are still bad stats that promote bad play).

It’s just going to make already tedious encounters 10% slower. Defensive stats need a complete rework to be useful. People won’t use defensive stats just because damage sets are less damaging that they used to be.

This is a shortsighted change. Have Ferocity scale identically to current levels of crit damage when you push it live. Tinker with it later when you’re ready to start revising defensive stats completely.

The Battle Bakery [vPie]

(edited by Errant Venture.9371)

(Balance) Developer Livestream on Friday at 2pm PST

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Vavume.8065


  • Critical damage changes

I quit this game for 2 months when you added 4 sec reveal, I came back when it was reverted in WvW, now if this is another nerf to my thief I will be quitting and never coming back.
I played WOW for 5 years and never once quit or got angry about any balance change they made, but already some of the changes you have made to the game just make me want to uninstall and never play an Arenanet game ever again (thats putting it politely).

(edited by Vavume.8065)

(Balance) Developer Livestream on Friday at 2pm PST

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Celtus.8456


Dear sirs and/or madams of Anet,

My name is Skeletot and for the last few years I’ve been trying my best to obtain the power of Grey Skull. However, much to my demise He Tot is way overpowered and makes it impossible for me to take over Eternia…….I mean Tyria. So my proposition is that you make me more powerful than ever, preferably invincible, and I will invite you to all the summer parties at Castle Grey Skull.

Thank you in advance for your assumed cooperation,


bump this ^

Zulu Ox Tactics [zulu]

(Balance) Developer Livestream on Friday at 2pm PST

in Profession Balance

Posted by: transtemporal.2158


Yay! I posted in the thread that marked the slow decline of GW2!

(Balance) Developer Livestream on Friday at 2pm PST

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Fenrir.3609


I think everyone knows Zerker needs tweaks, the problem is – Anet. Everyone is worried and rightly so based on experience that Anet FAILS at anything to do with Balance. The most likely scenario we will see – is a HUGE over nerf that pretty much makes all Zerker builds useless…

The problem is everyone knew that to move away from a dps meta in pve in terms of speed runs/top players, that it required a mechanics overhaul and not a nerf.

Actually no, the problem is that everyone knew that ANet was never going to alter the mechanics and was going to simply nerf the crap out of zerker in order to appease a few whingers.