Showing Posts For Snorehax.1904:

Suggestion: Archievement Title for completing Clock Tower

in Suggestions

Posted by: Snorehax.1904


Like it or not the clock tower HAD a reward – Mad King Slippers (an exotic).

You got an item rather then a title for all your hard work (or for some their 1-2 attempts). To be fair and honest its probably a more USEFUL reward then yet another title that probably won’t be seen by anyone due to their current nature.

That left:
Carving 100 Pumpkins awarded you Master Carver title.
Doing everything else gave you the Emissary Title.

So all in all you already got TWO titles from Halloween anyway.

As it stands, currently there is no title for completing any, all or even X amounts of jumping puzzles in the entire game. I’d rather see something implemented here where you earn it for doing a COLLECTION of jumping puzzles then a single one.

(edited by Snorehax.1904)

Nerf Malchor's leap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Snorehax.1904


Couldn’t agree more. Its basically what Nels said.

45K karma for the monthly, over 70k with boosters. 1880 karma without boosters for your first dungeon run. Time to reward to effort why bother with orr events with poor reward schemes and that have been nerfed into oblivion (the present day). Correct me if I’m wrong but dungeons provide more money too.

Outside of map completionists, bots and the odd farmer these areas now lie as dormant wastelands full of ridiculous numbers of mobs and with at least half their maps/way points contested at all times. Any successful attempt to change this will be reverted 5-10 minutes later.

As for Arah….. it lies dormant with Story Modes of every dungeon being under-rewarding time sinks, and Arah’s Explorer mode is like a nuclear testing zone with mutant trash mobs that have the health of champions. Then in a brilliant idea it was made harder to hold against the Risen. So before you start an almost doomed Arah Exp you have to reclaim the door, then pray your group doesn’t fall apart before the 4hrs of mob grinding are over for your 60 tokens.

(edited by Snorehax.1904)

Crucible of Eternity - Infinity Commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Snorehax.1904


While we are ripping into this event I’m pretty sure they haven’t fixed the 10 second spamathon of his ONLY catch phrase that goes across nearby quest hubs making the zone pretty unbearable. If it was a player he’d have been banned 100 times over by now.

Barber Shop/Hair Customization Ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: Snorehax.1904


I believe they had kits for changing looks after creation in the Black Lion Trading Post but were pulled for the moment as they weren’t functioning as intended. However additional customizations brought with Gems would be cool, maybe a more expensive kit version with additional options? eg. normal edition 200 gems, special edition 350?

WvW Legendary monster attacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Snorehax.1904


WvWvW is supposed to be about 3 realms engaging in PvP, not PVE.

If you bring PVE into it you create the same problem WoW had with PvE farmers taking up valuable slots in PvP Wintergrasp vastly altering outcomes, and abusing the hard work the PvPers put into capturing without actually participating.

Personally I’d like the battlefields to feel more like you’re inside a war zone……

(edited by Snorehax.1904)

Need less weapon favoritism

in Suggestions

Posted by: Snorehax.1904


I fully agree.

However I feel its not just the cosmetic design but the mindset of developers on how the weapons should look that is too close-minded – ever notice that every mace seems like a round head on a stick (arguably even the legendary) and every hammer is a rock or rectangle on a stick. Why not a flail mace skin (1-3 chains?), greataxe greatsword skin or a halberd staff? I am of the opinion many greathammers lack the same level of detail and intricacy as greatswords on the whole as well.

I also feel the overuse of great swords is much more then cosmetic though and that often the viability/situational-ness of weapons channels people more toward the greatsword. This is a design flaw and the cosmetic appeal certainly doesn’t help matters.

With that said I think positive cosmetic changes to some of the other weapons may help in easing the over use of greatswords out there. I for one would happily switch to a flail mace on my guardian given the chance/choice.

Edit: There is a anchor skin for the hammer, but The Briny Deep animation is broken.

(edited by Snorehax.1904)

More Weapon Types

in Suggestions

Posted by: Snorehax.1904


I like the ideas of halbediers and great axes – even if this is just a skin option for the great sword it would be a nice change. However, is the problem of great sword domination a lack of weapons, or an imbalance/usefulness of weapons or perhaps its the look (I haven’t seen a hammer i liked yet).

(edited by Snorehax.1904)

Infinity Coil Commander Voice

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Snorehax.1904


This is still occurring – and it seems to happen every 5-10 seconds. Secondly the area for this audio is arguably too wide, expanding beyond the dungeon area to the nearby quest hubs.

It makes the zone practically unbearable.

The best part is…. he’s a champion so you can’t even kill him without enough people to do the fight to keep him quiet.

(edited by Snorehax.1904)

Trading Post suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Snorehax.1904


I also agree with the OP, and the 2nd response. Armor filtering and previewing needs to made available. If nothing more an armor filter by type!!!

On the note of filters – a filter by STATs would be nice too so its possible to look for gear with/without magic find, condition damage, etc.

The way the game has been designed makes the TP a key element of the game and therefore deserves the time, effort and features to correctly utilise it for players of all players and classes and make it easy to use. NONE of the suggested features would complicate it, and to some degree would uncomplicate it.

We spend enough time grinding different aspects of the game without having to sit down flick through pages seeking the right items, and looking around on google for previews or lists.

(edited by Snorehax.1904)

Dungeon Etiquette

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Snorehax.1904


Sadly it happens, but on the whole its a rarity. Unlike WoW this game doesn’t punish too harshly for wipes. My armor completely busted is a massive 10s 50c or there about. If anything he caused the pug to become the self fulfilling prophecy of failing.

As Icpdragonslayer said – you just encountered the nastiest end of leetism in the gaming community.

One Token to rule them all...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Snorehax.1904


The one token system would probably be counter intuitive to the exact reasons the OP is suggesting.

To successfully implement that style of system you would have to tinker with the dungeons to even coax people into them (WoW uses mounts/achievements/titles – particularly for the number of different ways, speeds, and styles to kill bosses). You would have to redevelop the dungeons thoroughly to prevent speed running and exploitation and provide better incentives.

In order to stop the “easiest dungeon” running you’d probably find the amount of tokens per run/path to be REDUCED, and/or prices of gear put UP! You’d need some form of limiter system to ensure gear is EARNED!!! Ultimately your “limited time” gets blown out to the point of requiring MORE TIME to earn the same gear. Yes you get variety in dungeons, but you lose the ability to farm single dungeons to counteract it. I think you may find some people then content with running the bare minimum/easiest batch of dungeons/paths per day and being “satisfied” with that much and no more a day, and some dungeons/paths becoming “sitting relics”.

If you care to argue the point on this I’ve watched groups sit for 20-30mins for trash despawns, got to great lengths to avoid trash mobs, kite around unnecessary bosses, spend 20-30mins to avoid a 10min underwater fight, etc. The community at large is perhaps the worst for trying to find a lazy way around things (whether its dungeon design or community issues who cares, the point remains its there!)

Furthermore the dungeon armor sets as pointed out lose the significance of the dungeons they are attached to and the value with them. Those who EARNED their gear through the current method would be pretty ticked off. Remembering back to WoW such an implementation in their raids had a huge negative impact in the high end community but those were slightly different circumstances to these. Some of the content like Naxx was never touched again outside of achievement running. I’m looking at those dungeons here that are classed as hard or too time consuming.

That’s my 5 cents worth, for what value it may have. Long story short this game has been designed in such a way that a one token system would IMHO not work.

If anything my main complaint lies in the variety of stats available ON the gear – not in getting it. There’s also the “rewards chest” for the bosses being “unrewarding”, and said “Bonus Events” being nothing but a time sink with no actual “Bonus” – this should be renamed to “Ambush Event”. Bonus implies a benefit, for which you get nothing beneficial…. eh that’s my rant with gear and dungeons.

(edited by Snorehax.1904)