(edited by Snowgoons.6349)
Showing Posts For Snowgoons.6349:
How to fix: if a player ALT+F4, logs out and bails to the character select while in a downed state in WvW, they receive a debuff with the following tooltip:
Your ego was damaged in WvW — you need a 30 minute timeout before it can be bruised again.
why exactly would someone only pve anyways? i don’t even understand people that only pvp/wvw. why would you NOT want to experience 100% of the game? i guess the same reason why people drop $59.99 on call of duty every year and rush to only play a subpar online fps experience :/
I must admit I alt f4 often in WvW. I like to get my daily achievements there and often roam around solo looking for rare nodes; cooking mats and kill variety. I have not gotten to Orr yet so besides the more recent addition of lost shores EB puzzle was my only option to get Ori ore. It’s where I got all my ore to craft my exotics. If I want to fight I will. If I’m doing the above however and get steamrolled by a zerg or some campers in the JP I’ll just log out but not before I have managed to get them way of path and forced them to redo half the puzzle. I hate it when people still attack me in the JP after I have made it clear that I don’t care to fight them; especially when it’s a group of people or some broken build class that thinks they can one shot me. Don’t kitten with me cause you’ll end up off track and badgeless.
People are actually logging off completely after downed??? LOL That sounds like a complete lame tactic and if more people continue this trend they should just lower/remove nodes from WvW and add them as random drops for taking keeps/towers etc. If you want to pve…pve…
Why do people always have to find the lamest thing possible to do at ALL times these days?
What happened to people accepting that they will lose and cannot win every battle?
What is the joy in knowing you just had to use an obvious unintentional exploit just to avoid spending 1-2 silver?
Ridiculous, but I completely agree with the people pointing out this is a complete waste of time on your behalf. It really doesn’t bother me, it bothers me when people try to defend it like the above poster like there is a fair reasoning for why they are doing something so lame.
EDIT: If any mod reads this thread, add a coward condition that prevents you from coming back into WvW for an hour after doing this AND turns your armor dye pink.
OR: I guess you could save the person doing this the embarrassment and just award the badge if they log or not…but I’d like to see the first option calling out cowards.
(edited by Snowgoons.6349)
Well anymore thief nerfs I’m done with this game. Its the only class I play and enjoy playing.
Like thief has suffered through mass uncalled for nerfs right? lol
Yeah Sa Da Tay. It was the same situation, everyone complained, blizzard couldn’t not listen, but everyone was defending rogue, so they settled on resilience and it sucked. That is obviously what the thieves of GW2 want. I don’t see any other end to this battle if they aren’t willing to be reasonable.
I am calling it now, people are going to complain until a WoW like stat like Resilience comes in and ruins the game completely.
Rogue forum looked exactly like the Thief forum, everyone seeing how lame perma stunlock and followups were, then magically Resilience.
Calling it now:
2:02 am November 3, 2012
It wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t have ranged immunity on dagger storm, plenty of ways to stealth, bow to teleport, weapon skill and utility skill to portal back to location of their choosing.
Look thieves, you have to choose, either incredible damage or incredible movement speed. You can’t just have it all. Not fair at all.
The Laby’s Champion Skeleton chainsaw noise that it does randomly added to certain skills while using this skin. Including a ON/OFF option to disable the sound if you don’t want to hear it or get annoyed by others spamming it in town or something. Please please please….please?
Thank you for the amazing event, and completely understandable if this was already rejected at some point in time.
I wish threads like this could be only replied to if you didn’t have a man crush on the class.
Yes +1000000 to the original poster. Thief Dagger Storm has been and always will be until changed. OVERPOWERED.
Let the river of tears flow in from thieves trying to say it’s not overpowered.
Then let’s check that river of tears to see how many are running dagger storm.
I bet you it will be a high %.
Lol. That’s what I am saying man. These people know it’s overpowered and know why, but they try to look under every stone for some reason to say it’s not overpowered. “Well I own them on my guardian” that doesn’t mean anything? Maybe the thief you fought was new?
The bottom line that thieves are unwilling to accept is that the skill has far too much utility while dealing out great damage, for a class that already has far too much utility.
Hell before a recent patch I was able to hide 25 seconds of the downtime in perma stealth lol.
It’s completely and utterly hilarious to watch people on these forums defend anything under the moon, in an effort to not get nerfed.
All my chars have something overpowered and I would gladly point them all out lol.
The fact that most other elites of most other professions are plain bad does not mean that all elites must be bad.
If we talk about it, my understanding of what elite skill is – the main skill around which whole build is created. Sadly, A-net decided to destroy that.
I dunno Ichishi it’s a two way street, you can’t have plain bad elites on some chars and good elites on other chars. While you say the plain bad ones doesn’t mean all elites should be bad, the same could be said with regards to the bad elites. There should not be any elites that are bad, and there should not be any elites that completely dominate. You have good valid points. I respect this.
However DS is still OP in it’s current state I can’t sit here and say moa morph is 100% fair because it’s a “better elite” and not all elites should be bad. Everyone still complains.
You do realize that while doing it you’re still vulnerable to melee and AoE damage right?
It’s not OP, you will be killed by anyone who’s not so bad to not know what the skill does.
Are you not understanding how stability works? It’s not about being good or bad. It’s not about your personal experience. It’s about the class as a whole. Stealth stacking/easy getaway/and massive range aoe whirlwind skill that blocks ranged damage and prevents u from being cc’d (because for some reason stability was added to a skill where you are twisting around the entire skill) DOES NOT MIX.
(edited by Snowgoons.6349)
men. ds is there (on most thieves bars) BECAUSE
1) its largest aoe skill
2) it provides some protection during channel
3) it is one of very few aoes that are not limitied by 5 target rule.
4) given MOST players are dumb, a thief is ALWAYS more likely to encounter someone who will try to shoot him in DS = usefulness of skill increases
edit: there are people that are not only getting captured by vines, but also those that cant kill them?
I don’t understand ur listing why it’s overpowered but trying to say it’s not overpowered because of it’s utility?
As for the grasping roots comment, I just cloned and killed 4 people on my mesmer sitting in ranger vines at the entrance of a tower. Maybe it’s yet again a rendering issue not being able to see or click what the comp isn’t seeing, but 4 kills later I can confirm that ranger vines CAN BE pretty lame as well.
I’ve not only been stuck in them multiple times, I haven’t been able to do damage to them as well. They seem pretty bugged as I have missed being caught in them only to teleport and have them on top of me.
there are a few legitimate complaints about thieves, but dagger storm isn’t one of them. the only thing wrong with DS is the horrid animation, and it is conceptually ridiculous… wouldn’t you be much, much LESS stable if you were twirling around like a stupid fairy?
Few legitimate complaints about thieves and DS isn’t one of them yet… you list 2 complaints with DS? 1 being the animation and the other it having bundled stability?
Am I being punk’d or how are these people agreeing with me trying to disagree with me lol?
(edited by Snowgoons.6349)
When I see a thief dagger storming, I combo them with my Mesmer and they typically die instantly.
It’s really a red flag for me: “this person is not dodging, kill now lolol”.
Please, more dagger storming, tyty.
There are definite counters, but still. It’s just a lame overall skill, just like allowing thief to stack stealth was lame overall.
Just like how ranger and sylvari grasping vines are lame overall. How you gonna put in a crowd control skill that I have to destroy to get out of that I can’t even target 70% of the time?
Way off topic. lol.
Bottom line is, compared to everyone’s elites DS is definitely up there with moa form and grasping vines lameness. I play a mesmer and a thief and can still respect the lameness :P
I don’t remember ANet ever promoting the notion of balance in WvWvW. In fact I am pretty sure they explicitly stated the opposite, and that for multiple reasons we should expect it to not be balanced. Why is anything horribly overpowered because it’s super effective in a portion of the game that, by definition, we should expect to not be balanced at all?
When tPvP is horribly imbalanced because of Dagger Storm I’ll show concern. Until then I’m not feeling it, especially if one of the primary uses of the skill is “Jump in to a zerg and DS while no one can see you because of rendering issues”.
PS: Using a skill once every 90 seconds does not constitute “spamming”.
Newsflash: It’s overpowered in tpvp as well, just not as overpowered as the instant kill you backstab cloak and dagger specs….lol I assume you must know this since you obviously claim to play sPvP?
Oh.. and PS: if you mash a button everytime that button is available to use, you are spamming said button.
(edited by Snowgoons.6349)
idk i usualy rush intro daggers when they do dagger storm
as an guardian i love when daggers use it and not stealth awayI’d love it as a guardian too, funny one of the only classes that can handle it is the more pure tank class :P
I am not saying everyone should be able to kill a thief during a DS but, something needs to be done. In a game promoting balance and many ways to complete certain objectives, I don’t know why we are seeing 90% of thieves use the same elite skill.
80% people are still blowing their ranged cooldowns onto a spinning thief.
And do mind that it is an elite with 90 seconds cooldown. And unless you are actually shooting one, its damage is far from warrior’s or guardian’s spin. And what is cooldown on those?Warriors and Guardians don’t have stealth. Also 90 seconds is VERY short for an elite skill. This is also why it’s the best elite for a thief. If you aren’t going against a guardian it’s a guaranteed win a lot of the time. They soak up the cripples and bleeds then try to run while you come out of DS and just throw daggers to keep them close finish them with heart seeker.
You cannot give a character that can stack 10+ seconds of stealth, a warrior or guardian like whirlwind skill. Then on TOP of that skill, add bleeds, cripples, stability, immune to range.
This has proven to be a terrible idea as the current state of WvW = 90% DS’ing thieves. Running in packs at times all DS’ing a 6+ man group down.
i rip stability and thief goes down in half a second. oh and you can try to stop shooting
the end
I see you added “oh you can try to stop shooting” how does this do anything for me on the receiving end of a DS? lol I mean obviously you aren’t gonna keep shooting something you can’t hurt but the point is thief should not be tanking ranged shots for 8 seconds.
Do you have to rip something from half the other characters “aoe” skill just to compete with them?
That’s my issue I guess, if anything guardians should have gotten a “shield” while doing a whirlwind attack.
I don’t even pay attention to my bar when I am Dagger Storming as everyone is just running or dying.
If someone has ripped stability from me it didn’t do much :P Perhaps I need to run into u.
(edited by Snowgoons.6349)
Everyone who doesn’t agree can flame away. End of the day this skill is ridiculously overpowered. Which is why 90% of WvW thieves including myself just spam it over and over.
This skill is giving every glass cannon spec thief HUGE damage mitigation. I barely take any damage while doing it, thanks to reflecting projectiles.
Can’t be crowd controlled, thanks to stability.
Added bleeds and cripples because hey let’s just add more on top of an already amazing skill?
If all goes wrong: Stealth/Bow port/Skill port/Any of the stealth/port skills and you’re gone, free and clear 90% of the time.
Considering anyone chasing you would have to be a thief to even do anything, and also considering everyone you just Dagger Stormed is half dead.
I’ve come to the conclusion that this skill is lame and overpowered to add to my already great skill set. Hell I kill people just by throwing knives at them and not even going melee sometimes. If I have to go melee I just pop Dagger Storm.
Lol. I mean if you don’t want to agree, whatever. However, I will admit it, I am overpowered. It WAS fun now it’s just cheese. I see no reason to go any other build as I am probably better than a ranger at range thanks to all my escapes/stealth/dagger storm.
My brother and I had a group setup of like 5-6 thieves all doing dagger storm. LOL. I mean were you guys actually being serious with this skill Anet? I am not even trying to flame it just feels so ridiculously OP.
Greatest lol moment: watching us blow through 5-10 skills + an elite trying to max damage output, then watching a short bow ranger do what took us 20 seconds to build up in about 5-10, knowing the ranger has plenty of other builds and probably is just dabbling in a condition spec.
Thank you Anet for an official comedy profession.
I get pretty dizzy and feel like I’m going to throw up if I play for an hour with my head tilted while holding a phone with my shoulder. Was so bad I’ve invested in a headset. Since using the headset no more nausea, even after 2-3 hour sessions. Dunno if it was all the action at that weird angle or what.
Saw some others mention nausea, figured I’d put in my 2 cents. Hope it helps!
(edited by Snowgoons.6349)
It’s ruining the chance at ever seeing love is what I mean. Guardians like you said, very tanky, but since no second health bar they got all kinds of love during creation and still mitigate damage amazingly. Who needs a second health bar when you have so many great skills that block and mitigate incoming damage?
I would trade the second bar in a heartbeat if it meant us getting off of this ridiculously low damage table, and the addition of some boons.
Give us 20% damage mitigation, a boon and MAYBE 10-15% damage reflect + random condition output for a small time and remove 50% or more of the second bar while in DS = what I’d do, but just my opinion.
Maybe you pop DS and it gives half the current second bar health but gives 2-3 random conditions (lasting 10 seconds each) in a frontal 900 range cone aoe? With a small chance to get burning condition? Maybe 50% chance of getting 10-15 seconds of a random boon (could be a set boon and not random decided by devs) when exiting DS?
I’m just throwing ideas out there hoping for the best.
(edited by Snowgoons.6349)
Too much of the Necromancer’s balance was tipped because of Death Shroud. Balancing around having “two life bars” made them take away a lot from the other areas.
Most classes have leaps, teleports and shadowsteps or other mobility movement skills that are usable without a target. All until recently, we had none to speak of, now we have Spectral Walk which is a huge upgrade from before, but it’s still far from the free range motion other classes can do. Dark Path is NOT it, it’s way limited compared to even just a regular leap.
Death Shroud also used to break stuns, that’s why a lot of our skills that break stun happen to be on longer CDs. We have no reliable stun breaks that is under a minute in CD. This is something all other classes have. Shadowstep, the thief utility very similar to Spectral Walk in function breaks stun going both ways and is a 50s CD. Flesh Worm is a 40s CD, but it also requires set up first, it’s unlike the instant stun break abilities. When they took out the stun break from DShroud (Yea it was OP), they also did not add anything to compensate.
Our strongest defensive CD is Spectral Armor, its CD is on parr with Endure Pain and is LONGER than Myst Form. Necromancers have no need of an invul but when you look at other defensive CDs, our seems pretty whack. 6s of Protection, that’s something other classes have a 20-30s CD. Elementalists have Armor of Earth which share the same CD, it gives 8s of Protection and 8s of Stability, completely outclasses ours and we don’t have other choices like they do. I know it generates LF when hit, but that also means you have to put yourself more in harms way to gain a benefit than any other class. If you look at other defensive CDs most classes have, it’s either a quick evade/re-positioning or outright immunity.
It all comes back to Dshroud, because it was TOO good, all they’ve done is butcher it with every single development decision. Right now, they don’t want to give Necros a bone because Dshroud makes it too hard to balance and they can easily make the class too powerful. But because of this, the status quo right now is we have a crap class mechanic that is under performing, since it’s also dictating our balance, the rest of our toolkit is really watered down.
TLDR: Because of Dshroud, our mobility/escapes, defensive cds, and everything else is whack.
EXACTLY how I feel about DS “ruining” our class.
@Archinos and @ruinous
You guys make great points as well, didn’t want this to be a long kitten message lol. I agree we have SOME options Archinos, but we still have to work so hard to produce to little compared to many other classes. I haven’t played every class so can’t say all classes, but Thief and Warrior got it going on!
ruinous, we should all do that, just use axe only and make a necro statement as we burden and die lol At the end of the day at least we got a cool “spinny” axe animation right? lol
(edited by Snowgoons.6349)
Think everyone agrees we need something. Anything.
Ball is in your court Anet, ball is in your court.
@Angry Flying Squirrel
That’s my entire point, our class defining ability isn’t damage based, 90% of our skills aren’t damage based.
We end up getting majority of our damage from elite and utilities only.
If they don’t want us to do condition spec, either drastically improve our weapon damage or give us a weapon choice like 2h something that actually is damage oriented. Even this is still not enough as our traits kind of suck for power build.
Everything about necro screams, conditions, mass conditions, yet we end up doing it worse than some other classes.
Blue said pistol whip 15k damage I know it’s not ALWAYS this much and rarely is, but still why the hell is our most damaging skill a channeled skill that does MAYBE 4k damage over time?
Why are we not given ANY option to do say 4k damage with conditions?
I still say add a damage explosion to epidemic OR give us separate conditions that actually do damage. Like say add these conditions to our weapons somehow:
Corrupted (2-3 second cast after infected?) aoe, adds a condition which cannot be removed for its duration (10 sec?). This condition explodes an aoe damage explosion when that player walks into a mark. <—- ??
Doomed (4 second cast after infected, can remove it within those 4 seconds) single target, adds a condition that soaks up incoming damage until full then unleashes it on to the player and surrounding players x2? (Maybe too strong?)
Corrosive (2-3 second cast single target), adds special vulnerability that damages the targets armor (temporarily? or maybe even not really damaging your armor) Once armor is burned through: double any incoming bleed effect damage from the originating necro that cast corrosive on you?
I don’t know I am just throwing crap out there.
SOMETHING needs to be done.
(edited by Snowgoons.6349)
I don’t know about you guys, but I hate being pigeon holed into the staff as well. Give us 2h hammer (WOULD LOVE 2h AXE NECRO ANET), similar to how mesmer have their sword.
Open up some proper skills, re-do the traits so again we aren’t pigeon holed.
Then I will stop complaining :P
Necro is a lame let down JUST because they gave us DS. I know some of you love DS, but honestly I cannot see how they can up our damage with DS the way it is now. Maybe give us like some said here and another thread a diff DS based on weapons.
They simply will not let us walk around with 40k+ hp when including DS and do great damage.
(edited by Snowgoons.6349)
Thats funny, because I do that all the time to groups of 10+ people and survive thanks to protection + well of blinding. It creates a window where my group can push in and decimate their group because a good chunk of them can’t fight back and usually dont see it coming especially if they are defending a supply camp.
I am almost NEVER solo in 1v1 situations, I am built for supporting my group in ways besides DPS. Most fights for me I am fighting 5+ enemies.
I mean I am not saying it can’t be DONE. I agree it can be done, I however cannot agree with having to blow 10+ skills just to accomplish what some classes can do with 1. I am not for nerfing any class, but we need some love.
I know what you mean in terms of supporting my team, we are support kings, honestly spreading others conditions to people, keeping people off siege weapons, keeping people off finishing your friends. Hell putting fear mark in clever places to temporarily deny access. BUT still….end of the day we hardly get ANY kills, we don’t get anything for 90% of what we do. If they want to add some sort of bonus for support I am for that too.
You cannot seriously tell me you are getting the same amount of badges and kills and stuff as your other chars on your necro and MAYBE we aren’t supposed to. However we should be listed as a heavy team support char if that is the case and I still think that should have been more the guardian. I honestly think I do more supporting than guardians do and they are named.. Guardians.
You know what…I will give it a try Punny. I am going to play an hour like a warr/thief with extra HP and skills of DS, but seeing as so many said it pretty much still isn’t good not getting my hopes up…well see.
You aren’t going to Dark Path to someone and do anything in fights like 10v10 and more. Range is 900…You are just going to be seen and focused down and then limp away alternating between DS and whatever you have to stay alive. Sure in 1v1 you can own anything. My point isn’t really 1v1 related. Thief should really be limited to being best at 1v1 in terms of “generic assassin lore” however they have plenty of options when the fight gets bigger.
Add invisibility to DS Anet. You know you want to, so I can be a Voodoo Shaman ASSASSIN!
Back on track:
I mean for the SAME effort put into playing your necro, you would have probably killed 4-5 people on any other class. We have to basically matrix bend over backwards to get ANYTHING done.
(edited by Snowgoons.6349)
Bottom line is:
If you go conditions which is sadly the build 90% of us are forced into, you are given what was given to every other class. Even fear was given to other classes.
If you go power build, you don’t have Warriors cool burstness, hell you don’t even compare to a staff wielding Guardian.
We uniquely have a second HP bar and can last a long time, while doing the damage of a gnat at a picnic.
We are amazing at letting others laugh and smile as they are having a good time, and then spreading their good time to other enemies. While our “good time” ticks at sometimes less than 100 a tick.
(edited by Snowgoons.6349)
I didn’t say it NEEDED to be removed, I am saying I would trade mine for proper damage.
The first skill is damage fail to see the hidden synergy…
Don’t pretend you aren’t hitting F1 and mashing 4 like the rest of us
The fear on DS is cool when the fear from staff is down. Useful for getting people off a ram or something at times. Dark path would be amazing to combo with some of the closer ranged weapons we weirdly are forced into using…but still I dislike throwing even a tanky char like this into melee as after I press 3 buttons I have nothing to use. Then yeah the MIGHTY Life Transfer. That skill is awesome no complaints.
But I guess my point is, we shouldn’t have to come down to using elite skills and utility skills to do anything. DS is just a in-between filler for when staff is completely down. It has other uses but MAJORITY of the time it’s a filler because you have absolutely nothing off cooldown.
If they added 1200 range to some of the other weapons, I wouldn’t have made this thread. Guardians are the only other peeps in this boat of having to figure out how they are going to get closer than every other class to do ANY damage. They still get great other skills though….
There is a reason 90% of people are running Staff and Scepter/Dagger there simply just is NO other option.
(edited by Snowgoons.6349)
That’s just a kitten shame, seriously. You can use every single skill available as a necro and still end up dying majority of the time.
Hell I have gotten the jump on someone afk and still I don’t have the damage output to kill them before they come back.
This is ridiculous.
Sure there are times I have won, but seriously I just wear people down while other people reap the benefits. We have no kitten finishing power!
But seriously, anything, remove DS if it means we will do proper damage. Necromancers should be in the top 10 currently being looked at issues.
I am glad you guys don’t make quick decisions and are taking your time, but seriously EVERY other class can routinely hit you for good damage, yet we are given what they should have just given Guardian…another HP bar…and crap damage.
Some people say Necros are ok, but no one will tell you they don’t need SOME love.
I don’t even know what to say when I am playing mine.
I love him too much to give Necro up, but seriously Anet….it’s time for a Necro love patch….
They aren’t unplayable, but at the same time…it’s like they just need one or two things or some sort of damage option or just increased condition damage across the board. I dunno, why the heck are so many classes given what we do in a better form anyways?
Who was in charge of balancing from the beginning? You are telling me they didn’t notice we are forced into condition builds while other classes can apply conditions the same if not better?
Give us some kind of explosion when the condition ends, or an explosion if the condition is removed.
JUST PLEASE DO SOMETHING I am gonna go NUTS here Anet.