Showing Posts For Spanex.1950:

Now i get why Braham is bald

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spanex.1950


His surname is now Eirsans

Toxicity in the RP Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spanex.1950


What OP wrote is exactly how I feel about this. I used to roleplay with tonics so I could play as an animal. You can only do so much as an animal though. But being incredibly introvert and anxious about doing something wrong in other roleplayers’ eyes I didn’t dare going any deeper into roleplaying as an actual, talking character. Past experiences with running into elitists have not helped me get over that roadbump either. Now I’ve just kind of given up completely. It’s not worth the effort.

I was a casualist roleplayer, you might say. I want it to be just for fun. Very few people I’ve come across while roleplaying share this sentiment.

This is just my experience, but it’s a pretty bad experience nonetheless.

Journal keeps reopening unfinished episodes

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spanex.1950


I don’t know if this was intentional or not, but I’m annoyed at how we’re not allowed to just quit a living story episode on a character unless you complete all of it. I don’t feel like redoing it all on my alts, but I don’t want that quest showing up in my event log to keep reminding me I have unfinished business, either. If I press “quit episode”, the journal just immediately reopens it again, or it opens the episode that comes before it and hasn’t been completed.

Especially now that the Scarlet’s invasion ‘episode’ has rolled in, all my alts are forced to have this show up in their event logs. You can’t hide it either, since it’s not personal story.

This is really more of a pet peeve than anything and it’s not really a high priority, but I really would like to know if this is an intended feature or a bug.

arah longbow not unlocking in collection

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spanex.1950


Again new update. I was opening a weapons box in a PvP match to pick shortbow this time. The skin unlocked, but it didn’t register into the collection once again.

BUT, one of my friends opened a weapon box of Twilight Arbor in a PvP match as well, and the weapon registered right away.

arah longbow not unlocking in collection

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spanex.1950


I recall only spectating once or twice, way before Reward Tracks and Collections were introduced. And I don’t know what I could have possibly done to break a collection in such a way that it can’t be completed.

By the way, my broken weapon is the axe. I don’t know if OP really checks back here anymore. He should.

arah longbow not unlocking in collection

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spanex.1950


In my case, I did not. I was always either in PvE or the PvP hub.

arah longbow not unlocking in collection

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spanex.1950


And update: This time I chose longbow playing a guardian, and it registered itself into the collection.

Come on people. Whoever gets the bug, please report it in-game. You know who you are. We want this to get Anet’s attention.

arah longbow not unlocking in collection

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spanex.1950


Alright, I tried it. Opened the box and chose an axe using Warrior. It didn’t work.

I also used bug report in game. This is the last box I’m wasting on that kitten axe.

arah longbow not unlocking in collection

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spanex.1950


I’ve tried salvaging my last axe that didn’t register, but that didn’t help any. I’ve also tried equipping the axe on a necromancer, but not choosing the weapon from the box on that class. TBH, I’m not really in the mood to potentially waste another box on trying to unlock a broken weapon, but in the name of science…

Yet, it’s not right. A weapon should just unlock regardless. >:(

arah longbow not unlocking in collection

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spanex.1950


I have the same problem, but with Axe of the Dragon’s Deep.


Wintersday daily doesn't count for meta?

in Living World

Posted by: Spanex.1950


I really dislike that the recent Meta Achievements give you no more choices in which achievements you want to do in order to get it. I was the worst when I had trumpet lessons (I once “accidently” dropped the kitten thing out of utter frustration towards the teacher) and needless to say Bell Choir will only stress me out and give me a headache. I was extra mad when I discovered that my favourite activity, Winter Wonder Land, does not even count!

Latency/Lag for EU Players? [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spanex.1950


Location: Netherlands
Time: Since the Tangled Paths update
Game World: Tarnished Coast

I knew it! I’m not the only one with this problem! I’m only having latency lag, but it gets annoying when you’re in a fight and playing a squishy. Also, I didn’t know what latency meant before until I came across this thread and googled it. You learn something new every day.

boycott silver fed salvage o matic!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Spanex.1950


I made the mistake of buying the silver-fed salvage-o-matic before doing the math. I would ask a refund, but it’s my mistake for not thinking beforehand. So I will have to just keep it in my bank and hope for a change in the item’s cost-per-use.

Refund on all townclothes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spanex.1950


There are actually four dye areas on outfits, and I found out that you can hide the head, shoulder, and glove parts by hiding the corresponding armor piece. Not AS customizable as before but not nearly as complete a loss as this makes it out to be.

So THAT’S how it works! I was getting afraid that I had to put up with that huge hat from Pirate’s outfit. What a relief!

Dolyak Express - March 28, 2014

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spanex.1950


My question isn’t related to the april 15th patch but I’ve been getting into 3d modeling and I have a question for the dev who rigged/animated the krait. What I want to ask is: How many bones were used in the krait model’s tail?

Feedback/Questions: Town clothes, Costumes, & Combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spanex.1950


Since some light has been shed upon the mix&match issues, I can understand the changes being made. But I’m still disappointed. Don’t get me wrong, I’m truly excited for most changes announced for the update so far. But I’m definitely going to miss dressing my charr up like a fancy gentleman. (see attachment below.)

That being said, I hope you devs will continue to look into improving the system and, hopefully/eventually, give us the mix/match options back somehow. I for one won’t refund my tonics. Instead I’ll keep them around in hopes they can someday be returned to their original glory.


The misheard phrases of GW2. :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spanex.1950


Kragg Ghosttalker: “The Yes come on in Catacombs are a restricted area. Identify yourself!”

He doesn’t say this anymore though.

Endless Plush Griffon Tonic Recipe

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spanex.1950


I also have this problem. I consumed a recipe for Endless Toy Golem Tonic, but I cannot find it in any of the crafting lists.

Bachelor of Baubles bugged

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Spanex.1950


I’ll try it again, I guess. Not now though. I’m so kitten ed at zone 2, I’d just fail again, I’m sure of it. >>

Bachelor of Baubles bugged

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Spanex.1950


After very closely following Dulfy’s guide for Z2W2, and about an hour of failure at shortcut eagle, I thought I finally would get Bachelor of Baubles achievement when I killed the zone’s final boss and ported to zone 3.

Well, no. I didn’t get it.

This was, by far, the most frustrating, unrewarding, punishing time I’ve spent on the game. I hardly ever complain about new content, so this is saying something.

Magic find stuck at 25

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spanex.1950


From those 5 essences or what? Keep in mind that they only give a measly 20% (at best). To get up to 60%, you must have either salvaged 500+ greens and be lucky with the drops or have something like 60,000 achievement points – which I somehow doubt.

Also you can check your progress in the achievement tab, on each essence consumed. That way you can be certain that it increases. The requirement raise alot with each level. In the beginning its just 100 to next MF percentage, at 60% its somewhere around 1000.

I did never say I had 0 MF before I used those essences, did I? But then again, neither did I say I had around 40% before consuming them. Anyway, in the achievement tab, two days ago, my MF was at “42 from luck, 5 from achievement”, i.e. 47%. Now, it’s “33 from luck, 5 from achievement”. That doesn’t seem right.

Again, no food or banners were involved. And as far as my guild is concerned, they only use guild buffs on weekends.

Magic find stuck at 25

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spanex.1950


I seem to keep losing my Magic Find. At the beginning of the SAB patch when we recieved 5 of these legendary essences, I got my MF up to 60%. The next day, it was 47. Suddenly now, it’s 37.

Edit: It would probably also be useful to note that I was not using any magic find bonuses like food or banners.

What’s going on here? Aren’t these essences permanent? Anet should have been more clear about this.

(edited by Spanex.1950)

New Fellblades?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Spanex.1950



Those weapons are part of the new champion loot drops which include a bunch of new skins like the one in the picture. Also the rapier.

The Sovereign set is completely different, and available from the vendors inside the Crown Pavilion.

I’m actually really sad about hearing this because I had hoped these swords would be part of a new weapon set. I’m a big fan of the old Tormented weapons from Guild Wars 1 and when I saw these fellblades with magenta swirls I just knew I had to get a scepter/dagger set like that. :’(

I know there’s the nightmare set but I’m not fond of their twiggy appearance.

He said they were part of a “bunch of new skins” so there might be a scepter or dagger version in there somewhere. We’ll have to wait and see.

As much as I’d love to share your optimism, I think it’s more likely that these other skins are not going to be part of a set with similar style and the same name.

Back to wishful thinking for an eventual re-release of Tormented then. >>

New Fellblades?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Spanex.1950


Those weapons are part of the new champion loot drops which include a bunch of new skins like the one in the picture. Also the rapier.

The Sovereign set is completely different, and available from the vendors inside the Crown Pavilion.

I’m actually really sad about hearing this because I had hoped these swords would be part of a new weapon set. I’m a big fan of the old Tormented weapons from Guild Wars 1 and when I saw these fellblades with magenta swirls I just knew I had to get a scepter/dagger set like that. :’(

I know there’s the nightmare set but I’m not fond of their twiggy appearance.

Elementalist: Scepter and focus skills broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spanex.1950


I have this bug too. Glad to see I’m not going crazy!

griefing with the horns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spanex.1950


I recorded an example of said horn trolling right here.

Maybe this will make Anet change their minds about the item.

griefing with the horns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spanex.1950


I have a few friends who bought the horn so the blocking suggestion isn’t that helpful. At least I ask them not to keep blowing it near me because the sound alone annoys me. Let alone people in Lion’s Arch using them only as vuvuzelas and not a musical instrument.

I enjoyed playing the game with sound on. Now I prefer to listen to the radio instead. All to avoid that horrible trumpet.

Karka Hatchling Shenanigans

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spanex.1950


Hatching Backpack! Make it happen Anet!

Mini's - A slot of their Own.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spanex.1950


Yes, please I really want to see this.

Minipets should also get a similar “running speed” of regular ranger pets. They usually run faster or slow down depending on how fast the player moves. Right now, even without a speed buff, my minipet constantly falls behind, and I paid an awful lot of gold for it.

Town Clothes Headgear not Visibile [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spanex.1950


Yup. We all seem to be suffering from this. I could log onto each of my characters but no checkbox to be seen. It’s especially frustrating since my Charr thief can’t look dashing anymore without his top hat. And this has been going for a long while now!

[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spanex.1950


It’s funny how I haven’t seen this issue being adressed yet.

The checkbox to show/hide townclothes headgear has vanished. I don’t know if this was intentional or not, but ever since my charr has been without his top hat…even though he’s wearing the item.

He’s really sad. :C Please make it so that they show again.


WvWvW Jumping puzzle bugs [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spanex.1950


I’m in Sanctum of Rall (this time against Yak’s and Gate of Madness) and I’m having the same issue.