Showing Posts For Sparrowsong.4238:

AWW no costume?

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Sparrowsong.4238


I understand about progressing the story however the mad king is still here its his holiday. Therefor the title should return as well. I started playing this game because I seen someone else doing the event. I bought it the next week but sadly it was over. Ive been waiting all year for this event and when I logged on first place I went was the tower jp. Thats when I found out I cannot get the title, the witch costume, or do the master carver. I did a few things but I felt…what for? There was no proof I did that extremely hard jp. At least with Tribulation Mode I had proof new weapon. I’m not being entitled. I just want to be able to do the event that drew me to the game in the first place. I feel.. well frankly a little cheated.

welcome to the unviable damage club zerkers

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Sparrowsong.4238


I have zerk gear and I don’t have a survival problem. Geez how hard is it to dodge through waves or jump over…side step red circles or go around poison. The ONLY time I had trouble staying alive is when they had us all stand in one spot and thought the cannons would save us? YA right no thanks I do better fast on my feet any day.

Arrogant Commanders get trolled

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Sparrowsong.4238


I tend to ignore most commander badges I mean they didn’t really “earn” it by ranking to commander and winning so many battles on the field. No they bought it. So its a self entitled title and not worthy of my respect. However I have seen some people with them who actually do try and “teach” and they are worthy of my respect.

It is time to Disable guesting

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Sparrowsong.4238


I agree with home server has first slots and guesting filling in. Without guesting your going to be pretty lonely out there when it gets boring.

I love this update! (Also LOLing at trolls)

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Sparrowsong.4238


>.< everyone is a pug at some point its how some people learn! get over yourselves! Not everyone wants to be in a guild/raid. Just because its YOUR play style don’t call people nubs who don’t agree with you.

"Stationary boss easy mode" for the whiners?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Sparrowsong.4238


Personally I’m not going to farm this boss I will do it ONE time, get my achievement and go. I don’t care about drops, precursors, mini’s or titles. I just want to try out the content. I didn’t farms these dragons before I’m certainly not going to do it now. I don’t care if I’m in an overflow or whatever…What I do care about is people think they are better because they got lucky enough to get in a group who got it down and now think they are some kind of pro who deserves special recognition. It takes a group effort your single contribution did not defeat it. Give people a break.

End Date

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Sparrowsong.4238


Can’t you just leave it open? Some of us paid gems for an item that’s going to become completely unusable when you take SAB away…

Don’t throw it away once its over I’m hoping we can use it again once world three and four opens up

Create a tell for invisible spikes?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Sparrowsong.4238


memorizing where the traps are has nothing to do with following a guide…what “quide” did the ones making the videos follow? Don’t assume everyone who made it used a guide it just shows bitterness on your part.

Getting this dumb Motos Finger

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Sparrowsong.4238


What really worked for me doing it in trib mode was starting my 3 on the third to last cloud before the three clouds. then 3 on next cloud and 2 on next.. only having 331 left once i reached the three cloud cluster. Even if I fell I kept pressing the buttons and as luck would have it I opened the door while falling and then it stayed open! I just ran back and jumped in!.

Create a tell for invisible spikes?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Sparrowsong.4238


Isn’t memorizing where the traps are to avoid them a skill in itself? I never used a dodge jump prior to this content, now I’m quite skilled at it. As for jumping puzzles I love them. I personally don’t think jumping from rock to rock is skill. Jumping around a corner landing on the edge of a cliff to avoid instant death from invisible spikes is.

Tribulation Mode Completion Club

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Sparrowsong.4238


I’ve been able to complete this now three times so far for two yellow skins and 1 green, currently working on another yellow :} This has been the most fun I’ve had so far. I’ve really enjoyed this content.


Why Nobody is Playing in 4 Words

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Sparrowsong.4238


I guess I have more patience I loved this content. I spent hours/days doing everything I could. I solo’d everything. I’ve gotten one green and two yellow skins from tribulation mode. I don’t mind dying 20 times to figure out how to get moto’s finger. I spent $7.50 on a continue coin and got a week or more of awesome fun. I’ve spent 65 at gamestop for games I’ve played in 15 hours.. so yes the $7.50 was well worth it for me. Only thing i need now is master of baubles from w2z3. Am I gonna cry on the forums if I don’t get it…NO.

Suicide Button

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Sparrowsong.4238


I got stuck in gong log as well but if you stand in the middle and use your shovel eventually a bunny will kill you off..thank god i would of hated having to start over at that point.

Taking a relaxing bath in the rapids

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Sparrowsong.4238


Wow awesome video..I laughed so hard I pee’d my pants.

The owls are not what they seem.

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Sparrowsong.4238


My take on this is there is a bunch of owls in a very dark basement under the item shop that is at the cave entrance where you find this emote. use your candle and walk to the creepy owls and …they are not what they seem..they are instead wooden dolls you can hit for baubles…quite a few actually.

The owls are not what they seem. Huh?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Sparrowsong.4238


Actually I took this as a reference to the owls under the shop at the entrance to the cave. Use your candle and light up the area the owls are actually wooden dolls you can hit for baubles.

Shut out of invasion event after DC

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Sparrowsong.4238


Its still happening to me I’ve not been able to complete an event the last three times I’ve tried..each time I get client loses connection 30 minutes in and when I come back…I’m somewhere else..I won’t be doing this event sadly if I cannot even get the five needed to open my portal…

Candidate Trials T4

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Sparrowsong.4238


Most likely before reset. Well I’m so happy we got it down before the patch, but even with the extra spawns I would think the CC would still help.

Candidate Trials T4

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Sparrowsong.4238


My group was able to complete this yesterday by just using cc on the 1st bag guy we held him up for almost 1 minute. just leave the other spawns alone, each time you “release” the loot thief swim out a bit to un aggro any you may have picked up and remember NOT to kill any other npc. stand by the motars. we did it by the 5 loot thief since they only spawned on the one side. just stay by the motars on the left and lock that thief up!. don’t kill him! let him go at about 25% health and lock him up again when he returns. we did both phase 4 trials this way and it worked flawless.