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Why turn servers into virtual guilds?

in WvW

Posted by: SpeciesNL.7685


Just create more maps that are adjecent to eachother to spread the load. Then you need more tactics in stead of running in one zerg. Make the maps bigger then the amount of allowed players in stead of small maps with huge amount of players(queued players)

Collaborative Development: World Population

in CDI

Posted by: SpeciesNL.7685


BL BLUE —> newmap BLUE —> EB and enemy BL (2x)
BL RED —> newmap RED -- > EB and enemy BL (2x)
BL GREEN —> newmap GREEN —> EB and enemy BL (2x)

This way you create a big triangle with EB in the center as the current map is desiged.

MAP BL portals of enemy adjecent to new maps. and create a cool new map that fits the design of the WvWvW layout….

Collaborative Development: World Population

in CDI

Posted by: SpeciesNL.7685


Maybe think differently.

Create a new map adjecent to BL and EB. Only spawn in Home BL or Keep(new map) or in Keep EB. New map means another 80-100 people in it on all servers. Wich means the zerg will need to split to cover all angles.

Now its to small and a zerg can be there is a small amount of time.

Also maybe make spawnpoint only available when you are dead. means less easy jumping and need tactics to safe a sieged keep/castle etc..

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: SpeciesNL.7685


1. Create new WvW map(s) and link them together so you can’t insta-spawn to a map(unless special upgrade done) like Borderland map server-> new map server -> EB. New map can have 1 buildable spawnoint. Then you need to travel to portal to EB and build a spawnpoint inside EB keep. (more need to defend/valueble to attack)

2. Commander abilities.

3. Population issues

Guild vs Guild map

in Suggestions

Posted by: SpeciesNL.7685


Or make it bigger and better with the following:

Make a open world map that link single maps to eachother with portals with other Guilds on them. One map consists of 3 guild. That is one alliance. So they can battle against eachother. On the map a Guild can own a small outpost. They can upgrade the outpost to small keeps until one big fortified castle!
Make people mine for stone/wood for building walls, iron for gates/canons etc.
maybe some special resources that is harder to find that your guild need to gather serveral maps further. (escort the gatherers) Build/Create guards, patrols, several strenghts.
So many idea’s and ways to make this kind of GvG interesting. Maybe a whole economic system can be created.
Maybe resources can be gathered in the pve world and put into the guild GvGbank.

Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SpeciesNL.7685


Got the same problem for 2 weeks with my Razer Viper. Played 3 months without any issues.

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: SpeciesNL.7685


its the same with killing the champ of a keep. If you are attacking players and you are not on time in the circle you missing your reward.
so everyone rushes to the top and then the clean action begins.

Allow us to do supply runs

in WvW

Posted by: SpeciesNL.7685


When stealing is possible, its more rewarding to defend you outposts/keeps etc.
Stealing Skrit

Maybe the highest commander can order a Supply run task to move supplies on demand. Then players can accepts the mission on interact and they are off on a mission!

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: SpeciesNL.7685


defence score: Make a defence circle like the Flag Guards to capture. In that zone the the damage dealt/taken will be logged and after the defence is succesfull it will reward you according to the scoring list. It’s like a mini game. Then you can choose how to reward players. Minimal 5 defender to trigger this event and reward the top 3 with good stuff and till a max of 25 for /camp/outpost, 50 keep and 100 for castle or whatever.
Then you will fight to defend! and not staying and looking how
Maybe a different reward for defending a supply camp or other types of outpost/keeps/castles

A real guild war: My WvW dream

in WvW

Posted by: SpeciesNL.7685


Im just wondering why its called Guild Wars, and not Server wars

Just hoping it would be one day to fight in a pvp persistent word to defend your land and build up your own keep

A real guild war: My WvW dream

in WvW

Posted by: SpeciesNL.7685


Or make one big Map like PvE with portals to parts of the map.
Then based of your guild WvW participation (or guild point/influence etc) you can buy a small outpost. Then you must defend that outpost and with supplies you can upgrade your outpost to keep/castle/stronghold!
Make a mission person in your outpost to do special missions to earn more stuff. Cosmetic stuff or extra guard to man your castle. more point can hire stronger guards like champs legionary etc.

Then there will be an alliance option to make like three allies max and some NAPs like other games.

This just pops into my mind this way you have an unique world and something to fight for!