Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
Showing Posts For Spike.1526:
Also I dont know about shots with venoms, do the bouncing shots apply the effect or no. If yes it would be amazing, can anyone confirm the countrary?
Here you go^^
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
The Acrobatics traits needs new theorycraft now^^
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
“Deadly Arts VI—Sundering Strikes: Increased the trigger chance from 33% to 50%. Removed the internal cooldown. Decreased the vulnerability duration from 14 seconds to 6 seconds”
What do you think about this?
Might be interesting on a P/P build with unload.
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
42% is enough as critical rate?
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
I was wondering, in fact, if 63% critical hit rate is enough, or, maybe, too much.
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
I would like to know why Ascended berzerker weapons only got 5% Critical damage, where as Ascended berzeker accessories got 7% Critical damage?
Ascended berzerker weapons :
+94 Power
+67 Precision
+5% Critical damage
Ascended berzerker accessories :
+91 power
+60 precision
+7% Critical damage
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
What is, in theorycrafting, the critical rate for max DPS without putting too much points in precision?
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
(edited by Spike.1526)
Why do so many people care about an achievement that gives nothing ?
Many because many people are really involved in WvW?
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
I got the same problem.
I can’t access the ledge, Piston is broken
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
Nice video.
Would be interesting to get a vision of your build
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
If i can understand that Anet want to nerf initiative regen (however it’s what makes Thief profession so specific), is it necessary to nerf ALL initiative regen traits or skills in THE SAME TIME?
What i would like to say is that nerfing all will affect all kind of builds, and also all kind of gameplay. For exemple, nerfing Kleptomaniac, where as it’s a Steal using traits is quite disappointing : You steal on enemy, so you take a risk, and the bonus you can get of this risk is nerf?
Nerfing Quick Recovery, Signet Use, etc... is quite understable, but Kleptomaniac?
Other thing : for me, Ricochet and Ankle Shots need to be switch, as Ricochet seems more interesting for direct damage people than Ankle Shots, that would more look like a Trickery on my own opinion.
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
Ricochet in Trickery is not that useless for P/P Direct damage since :
- you get an initiative regen with Kleptomaniac
- you get 3 extra initiatives with Preaparedness
- you get aoe buff Thrill of The Crime that provide fury for at least 10 secs, uping your Critical rate.
And, as everyone said, either you are playing P/P Shortbow or P/P D/D, the Condition damage is not wasted with the #1 of P/P, Dagger Storm and second weapon skills.
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
In my opinion, the changes P/P need would be :
- 1 initiative costless on Unload
- Switch Ankle shots and Ricochet in the traits, since ricochet is more a direct damage upgrader, and Ankle Shots a kind of Trickery.
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
I’ve tried this ont tonight, and all i can say is that it is quite effective^^
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
Pain response and Instictual Response are options i’m thinking about also.
But i"m really wondering if i shall use a "Ricochet" build, or a "stealth" one.
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
I’ll listen to his advices for sure!
But i’ve been playing WvW as thief P/P and Shortbow for a year now nearly.
Playing in a big guild, as a raid sentinel : Option from Seaferer’s Rest on EU Server.
I started whith a venom sharing,...;4RwFc0Y5FPVd0;9;4T-T9-37B;138B1;3cJ11-Z-EpLQhpLQhc-kg7A16-V_uciVmWrXw224850s-L-1o;608ZF18Z;9;9;9;9;8G-6d swap later on a more survivability/stealth set for scouting.;4Rw-_0K5VOVd0;9;5T9J9;145A3;018-4;0hNl0-Z-EV19cV19cn-Fg-A16-N_ucW-a0f1kYq3w4230B-2s;57V-17V-1;9;9;9;9;0V0;4E-6o
that’s why i’m looking for some advices, since i wanna still play around the raid, but with more bust, as a DPS Range
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
I understand the Changes and agree to a few of them considering the increase in base regen, but how about Opportunist specifically? I think it is a trait that brings that feeling of reward for sticking it out in a fight and it would be harmful to nerf it to a 5 second ICD.
Thanks for the response
I totally agree on your vision of Opportunist, but i don’t think that the changes will be such a nerf.
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
I’m really not sure about that, since ICD are not the same for Generosity (10secs) and Fire (5secs)
Any comments about the builds i’ve posted just before?
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
Ok i now hesitate between those two Builds (both for WvW and PVE)
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
(edited by Spike.1526)
I’ll take a look at your suggestion
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
Thanks for advices.
Yes it’s mostly a WvW (and some PVE build).
Soldier SB is for easier tanking in high number fight.
I’ll take a look at your suggestions. Thanks a lot
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
(edited by Spike.1526)
I would like to get some opinions about this build :
Thanks a lot
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
So zero GvGs this week?
too much fear and pee in the pants …
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
I didn’t know SFR had such a low level.. even Jade Sea did better.
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
Highly Friday. I’m really ashamed to play against SFR. They lose points, but also in small fights and 1v1. It’s like breaking a “wheelchair” by cruelty, there is really no glory in this …
Just ZDs is good, the rest, my god … :/
SFR is more than ancient history and it’s sad … :/
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
Thanks for information.
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
I actually change my build for a scouting/DPS one.
Really enjoy it^^
The acrobatics traits are really awesome.
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
(edited by Spike.1526)
And what do you think about this one, compared to the first one i suggest :;4RwFc0X5FOFd0;9;49TT;03;052A38B;46;09_Z-EoHAhoHAhn-kk0-mXgV_ucW-a0f1kYq3w40s-G-1k;57V-17V-1;9;9;9;9;0V0;4Ek3Q
Maybe Lyssa’s rune instead of Mad king?
Btw, i take a look on your build Kallist. It might be really good as full dps role, but not really useful for supporting a group. For me, in WvW, it’s mostly support build that shall be reached.
Well by support, I really mean he can usually survive a trip in to the enemy to help an allie get back up.
Was looking at your stats, they almost match up with mine. Your hits must be pretty good considering its a condition focused build, and the fact that they cant run or get in range of you, I like that.
Why did you focus so much on getting your crit chance up there? I could be wrong, but you may be able to get your crit damage up to 75% with out a huge hit to your chance.
I may try something like this when I have some more money. I looks pretty fun.
This is my final choice^^ :;4RwFc0X5BPFd0;9;49TT;03;052A38B;46;09_Z-EoHAhoHAhc-kk0-mXgV_ucW-a0f1kYq3w40s-G-1k;6W-17V-1;9;9;9;9;0V0;4Ek3f
And for your question about Critical rate, i’ve played with the build i’ve posted first as condition damage dps for weeks, and i was quite disappointed about it. The damages didn’t seems really good, and i wanna try something else without removing the sharing venoms.
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
Does someone know if the venoms shared get the condition duration of the sharing’s thief ?
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
And what do you think about this one, compared to the first one i suggest :;4RwFc0X5FOFd0;9;49TT;03;052A38B;46;09_Z-EoHAhoHAhn-kk0-mXgV_ucW-a0f1kYq3w40s-G-1k;57V-17V-1;9;9;9;9;0V0;4Ek3Q
Maybe Lyssa’s rune instead of Mad king?
Btw, i take a look on your build Kallist. It might be really good as full dps role, but not really useful for supporting a group. For me, in WvW, it’s mostly support build that shall be reached.
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
(edited by Spike.1526)
What is your actual build for WvW?
This is mine actually, a support venom sharing one :;4RwFc0X5FPFd0;9;4T-T-937B;138B;14;06;09_Z-EoHAhoHAhq-kk0-s1Us_u7P-U0Z1d2jZo40sVF-1o;57V-17V-1;9;9;9;9;0V0;3V6s5S
What about you?
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
I’ve been playing Venom Sharing in all enviroments for quite a long time now. Some tips I can give you:
- Replace Basilisk Venom for Thieves Guild. Basilisk Venom is not good for sharing (the effect doesn’t stack), it’s a skill intended for bursters you won’t get good enough use of it. Thieves Guild instead benefit from your venom sharing and most times you’re not going to share with the max of 5 targets as the range is close so this way you get good use of it. Spider Venom with leeching does around 2K+ aditional damage (the leeched damage is added to the attack number) so that means 4K+ extra damage with your 2 buddies.
- The only 2 venoms worth using are Spider Venom and Devourer Venom. Ice Drake isn’t worth his recharge time. I would recommend replacing it with Shadow Refuge, probably our best skill overal and no doubt the best support skill we got. It allows for easy scapes, ally resurrection, healing, extra auto-healing due to Dark Field health stealing (Sneak Attack 100% combo*5 chance + Dark Field + Spider Venom can return a good chunk of your HP).
I highly recommend a Carrion set with P/D and Shortbow. Shortbow is a great support weapon, it has the best combo finisher in the game and the poison field also keeps your opponents in 75% of their damage due to Lotus Poison trait. It also is great for travelling and getting shortcuts and is excellent for “tagging” in events (the more targets you tag with a hit, the better the reward and more drops you will get).
Shortbow is a great weapon, but is great as secondary weapon, you should always focus more on your primary weapon. The one I’ve been using is P/D. It works great with the build and I recommend the following to increase its efficency:
- Replace Shadow’s Embrace for Infusion of Shadow, this way the “technical cost” of Cloak and Dagger is 4. This is important as the main strategy with P/D is using CnD and follow with Sneak Attack. You lose a bit of condition remocal but I’ve never had big problems with that and most times a well timed Hide in Shadows is all I need.
- Get just 25 in DA instead of 30 (the extra use of venoms isn’t that great for a 3rd tier IMO), and get those 5 points in Trickery for +50 Condition Damage and most importantly, 15 total initiative.
- Get 3 Krait Runes and 3 Afflicted Runes, this way you still add to your condition damage (some would recommend 2 of each and 2 centaur, but you lose a lot of condition damage doing that) and also put in your Pistol and Dagger 2 sigils of agony. This way your Bleeds will last 7 seconds instead of 4 (15%and15% from runes, 10%and10% from sigils and 25% from Deadly Arts for total of +75% increase). With bleeds only full seconds matter so having 80% duration would be the same than 75%.
For the Shortbow I recommend either Sigil of Energy to replenish Stamina, or Sigil of Corruption to stack more condition damage.
Continue in next post.
I would say Mad King Runes are more effective thanks to “Ravens”, power+, condition duration+, and Bleeding duration+, don’t you think so?
Also why not spending the 25 points in Acrobatics for stamina regeneration and Might bonus for exemple instead of Trickery?
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
Updated link
I’m using Carrion gear, Soldier’s Shortbows, and Mad King Runes.
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
BV works really really well with Mad King runes. It’s really even better than Lyssa.
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
I’m actually playing a Thief as Venom sharing support in WvW
And i’m wondering what is the more efficient to play with :
- Maximum Power or maximum Condition damage
- Playing with Hide in Shadow (for condition removal) or Signet of Malice
Thanks for advising.
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
(edited by Spike.1526)
Sounds like a good way to get yourself revealed in the middle of a fight, à la Last Refuge.
Edit: The issue is, this can proc without you realizing it, causing you to waste the stealth opportunity.
Thanks for advice, but i already knew about that
What i would like to ask is that does this skill useful for WvW in your opinion, as it might stealth, blind, give also might through SA.
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
20 in shadow arts is like a staple for thief….run in all the best builds and like 80% of all builds in total.
Not if you are playing a full support venom build for WvW or Spvp.
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
All is in the title^^
Do you play with it?
What is your opinion about it when playing with a full Shadow Arts trait, and specially Shadow’s Embrace?
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
I would like to know if Vigorous recovery procs with :
- leeching venoms
- Sigil of restoration
- regeneration boon
Does it proc with another stuff?
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
Arachnophobia for the win
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
Is there any official anouncement about WL quitting?
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
Trick Shot skill: First arrow is no longer heat-seeking.
What exactly does that mean?
+1. I don’t really understand…
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
Thanks i’ll take a look about it^^
And so you are playing this with full Mad King Runes?
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
Can you link me your build please?
For conditions removal, Stealth upgraded by the 4th of Shadow arts is great.
That’s one of the reason i’m not using SoM : 30 points in Shadow arts with the IV traits overpowered Stealth.
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
(edited by Spike.1526)
So, for you, Venom Sharing build is mostly effective only with Lyssa?
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
Where can you see informations about next patch?
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
So, Ravens worth it or not with that kind of build?
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
I’m actually using a full rune of Lyssa set for WvW with a Thief mainly using SB and Venom sharing with a 20/0/30/0/20 traits build.
I would like to get some feedbacks about those set of runes with Venom Sharing build and condition damage :
- Runes of the Afflicted
- Runes of Mad King
Thanks a lot
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
(edited by Spike.1526)
I’m actually working on improving my build for WvW with my thief.
I’m playing a Venom/Support build with condition damage, but i hesitate between getting all Condition and no critical, or getting nearly 20% critical rate
This is the different kind of build i’m thinking about :|5.1c.h4|5.1o.hz|1h.7i.1h.7i.1h.7i.1h.7i.1h.7i.1h.7i|4u.d1g.3y.d1e.3w.d1e.3x.d1e.2x.d12.2u.d1e|k48.0.u29c.0.k57|30.d|57.5r.5t.5q.5u|e
I’m also thinking about getting P/P as secondary.
And what you do think of the combination Lyssa/Venom?
Thanks for advice.
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief