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Crashes in-game, no discernible pattern
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: SpookyElectric.1507
Today’s bug fix included increasing the memory for the 32-bit client.
While the problem didn’t vanish, it vastly improved. I’m back to the same performance I enjoyed when the Silverwastes were released. In two hours of gameplay, I only crashed once, and trust me that’s an amazing thing when you’ve been crashing every 10 minutes for the last few weeks.
Try the game again now and see if you also get some improvements. Whatever they did, it helped for me.
Mac player reporting: Today I played via the regular 32-bit mac client for two hours, only crashing once. I was able to finish multiple high-population events without a single crash.
Whatever ANet did today in the patch, it improved the stability of the game significantly. Yesterday I crashed frequently and could not play on HoT maps without crashing every 10 minutes. Just now, I could play just as I did before the Halloween patch.
It was only a few minutes ago that I learned tonight’s patch included a bug fix that reduced the memory usage for the 32-bit clients.
So a big THANK YOU to ANet for addressing this issue! I had a lot of fun tonight!
Give it a shot, it might be better for you guys too.
Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: SpookyElectric.1507
So today, I played for about an hour without any crashes. Logging back on, I played in HoT maps for about another hour with no crashes or issues at all. I wasn’t going to push my luck or anything (kept the settings low), but the game was WAY more playable.
Seeing the latest big fixes confirmed my suspicions. THANK YOU ANET! You have no idea how happy you’ve made me.
Thanks, I suspected it was just a 32-bit Windows fix. Although it helps confirm that the problem is with the client specifically.
I am already trying different wineskin options, although I appreciate the link!
Possibly dangerous questions…
My OS is 64-bit, but I’m on a mac. This means I must use the 32-bit client regardless. I’ve had frequent crashes since the Halloween patch and it gets worse every patch afterward.
I understand this solution increases the memory allowed to GW2 from 2GB to 3GB.
My questions:
Is there a way to implement this solution via the Mac terminal or some other method?
If so, would it actually help, since the problem seems to be related to the client and not my 64-bit OS?
Finally, what might this mess up on my computer, and how would I reverse it?
If anyone knows, then I really appreciate it. Thanks!
Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: SpookyElectric.1507
Clever clever…
On-Topic: Game still crashes. OOM errors each time.
I’ve been tweaking my Wine-staging GW2 build for a while now, but I cannot seem to get rid of the graphics glitches. They seem to occur in tandem with glowing and lighting effects, of which GW2 has a TON, so there is a constant garble of flashing, distorted environmental models, and other graphical messes that makes the game nearly unplayable. These glitches do not seem to affect the UI, Inventory Box, or options windows.
Furthermore, wine-staging apparently cannot not use the 64-bit windows client, so I am not sure that, even if I somehow fix the graphics problem, it will last any longer than the Mac client as it is now.
All of which is very unfortunate, because it seems to otherwise be the most stable. Looking online, I can find nothing about this particular problem.
Native Wine stopped working as of yesterday’s patch. So it was the best option until then.
I have to say, It’s kinda crummy that I’m looking into these sorts of options for a game advertised to me with a mac client. But until Cider comes in 64-bit, or until ANet comes out with a native client, I’m not sure what we can do.
Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: SpookyElectric.1507
I’ll give 400 gems to any1 that finds a dev note that mentions a mac fix within the last YEAR. That’s right, A YEAR.
Updated the installer icon.
Fixed an issue that caused extra windows to appear in Mission Control when running Guild Wars 2.
Fixed an issue that caused the “About Guild Wars 2” window to reduce in size when opened.
Time to pay the piper.
Before this latest patch, I could at least play in Central Tyria for about an hour or so without crashing. I wasn’t playing any of the HoT maps, but at least I could do fractals, etc.
But now I am crashing every 5 minutes all the time. The game’s not playable anymore. Really wish they’d fix this…
Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: SpookyElectric.1507
Thank you very much. I was already including the -dx9single command, but thank you for pointing it out.
However, it is not the framerate that is the problem running WineStage, it is the constant graphical glitches. Rendering errors, things appearing as JPG artifacts but in 3D, odd spikes, the entire screen flashing pink and green… it was far less playable than just using a WineSkin.
I’m going to look into it though. But thank you.
The ideal is still ArenaNet fixing the problem, though.
(edited by SpookyElectric.1507)
Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: SpookyElectric.1507
I just tried WineSkin with the 64-bit Windows client. I also tried Wine-Staging.
Short version: Wineskin with the 64-bit Windows client works. So does Wine-Stage with the 32-bit client. However, in exchange for playing without (frequent) crashing, you suffer performance issues.
Longer version:
I first tried WineStaging with the 64-bit client, but this did not work whatsoever. The Terminal rejects launching with the 64-bit exe and will only accept the 32-bit. Regardless, I was able to play on Wineskin for an hour or more in the Verdant Brink without a single crash, with decent graphics settings, far better than on the Mac client. The downside was graphic glitches. Graphics mess up pretty much constantly, and although you can adjust this a little, I don’t suggest playing in this way. It is more stable, but few will consider it playable.
Making a WineSkin with the 64-bit client was the best of both worlds for me. I used the latest Engine and my existing DAT file from the Mac side. I know it was the 64-bit client because it said so in the top right-hand corner. After adjusting the graphics settings, I could tell there was a slight difference from the Mac client, but they were still very good. In fact, they were nearly identical.
There were some issues, though. In populated areas the framerate would drop, a problem I never had with the Mac Client. Furthermore, the camera is limited to a 180-degree spin; with the Mac Client, I could turn the camera 360 degrees and freely, using that to “steer” my character. Using the WineSkin, I could no longer do this. Either I could not find the option to resume my previous camera setting, or it didn’t work. Also my Mac-specific OS shortcuts didn’t work anymore, but that’s to be expected while running a WineSkin.
I was able to play for about an hour in the Verdant Brink before the game crashed. While this means the WineSkined 64-bit client did not solve the problem, it VASTLY improved the situation over the Mac Client, where I would crash every 10 minutes or less on populated maps, or every 45 minutes in Central Tyria. The 64-bit client WineSkin was MUCH more stable, in exchange for the aforementioned camera issues and a varying degrade in framerate.
So that’s what I can report. I might fiddle with it a little more, or I might return to using the Mac Client since it feels more natural.
This is a band-aid solution, naturally. A 64-bit Mac Client, or a solution to the memory crash problem, would be FAR more ideal.
Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: SpookyElectric.1507
I’m about to try a Wineskin of the Windows 64-bit client, bypassing the Mac client completely. If this works and my crashes go away, I will report back here.
Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: SpookyElectric.1507
Your pain, it is my own.
The game ran very well for me on my Mac with no issues whatsoever. Then, around the time the Silverwastes became a thing, the game would crash every two hours or so, especially if the map was heavily populated. Often, the game would fail to load textures, and characters would appear transparent or oddly-colored, and then the game would crash.
Lowering the graphics settings made this better. Lowering the number of characters on screen at a time, texture quality, draw distance, etc. That gave me more time to play before the game eventually crashed.
After the Halloween patch, everything got much worse. I can’t play on any of the HoT maps without crashing after fifteen minutes or so. I crash on maps where I previously never had any issues. Graphics settings seem to have no effect.
It’s not just a Mac issue. It appears to affect PC users too, although not as much. I have heard it’s a memory leak issue, or because the servers are 32-bit, or a few other explanations. I’m not sure what the problem is, but I sure hope it is fixed soon. I really enjoy the game, and I’d enjoy it even more if it didn’t crash so often now.
Edit: They are testing a 64-bit Windows client that will hopefully solve or improve these issues. The bad news is that there is no such client yet available for the Mac. I am hoping we’ll see one relatively soon.
(edited by SpookyElectric.1507)
I can’t stay logged in for more than ten to twenty minutes. Very frustrating when you’re participating in events or your story to get booted out completely, then rejoin having lost all of your progress and/receiving no credit.
I understand this is probably due to the memory leak issue, but I’ve never had these kinds of problems before the expansion. I’ve run the repair, decreased graphics, and so froth, but no luck so far. Really hope this gets fixed soon so I don’t have to move on to a different game.
Ever since the patch that reduced the Hero Points required to unlock specializations, the game will randomly crash every ten or fifteen minutes or so. I will be playing with no issues and then suddenly everything will freeze, then I will get an error message saying Exception c0000005 occurred, and that it was a “serious error.” This never used to happen until this patch hit. It’s making the game difficult to play.
Gem Purchase/Redemption Issues [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: SpookyElectric.1507
All I know is that I’m playing the game now having done that, and before I couldn’t even get the launcher to start. Maybe you’re having a different issue than the one I posted. Dunno man.
Gem Purchase/Redemption Issues [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: SpookyElectric.1507
For about a week now, I’ve had the TgUpdate every time I opened the program. When I logged into the game, I had the camera issue described above, with the camera wildly spinning even if I gently nudged the mouse. Minimizing and then maximizing the screen solved the problem, so I would just go about my business, no big deal.
Starting today, for some reason, whenever I start GW2, TgUpdate would launch, download completely, but then GW2 would just close. No launcher, no nothing. It doesn’t matter how many times I re-open the program, it just closes once the TgUpdate is done.
Hey! What gives?
I heard back from GW2 Support today regarding the issue I posted above. They suggested that I delete the GW2 folder in my Application Support within the Library. I followed those instructions, and it worked! I can access the game now; the launcher comes up just fine.
Thanks, Ashe!
Gem Purchase/Redemption Issues [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: SpookyElectric.1507
I just submitted a ticket.
In the drop-down menus to select your operating system version, 10.9 wasn’t even listed. One might almost think that Mavericks caused the problem, except that it was running fine on Mavericks for weeks now, until last night.
This is a real puzzler.
Gem Purchase/Redemption Issues [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: SpookyElectric.1507
15" Retina MacBook Pro
Intel Core i7 2.3GHz Haswell processor
16GB 1600MHz DDR3 RAM
2GB NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M
Running on OSX 10.9 (13A3017)
Guild Wars 2 Version 1.0.009112
For about a week now, I’ve had the TgUpdate every time I opened the program. When I logged into the game, I had the camera issue described above, with the camera wildly spinning even if I gently nudged the mouse. Minimizing and then maximizing the screen solved the problem, so I would just go about my business, no big deal.
Starting today, for some reason, whenever I start GW2, TgUpdate would launch, download completely, but then GW2 would just close. No launcher, no nothing. It doesn’t matter how many times I re-open the program, it just closes once the TgUpdate is done.
Hey! What gives?
Edit : I tried launching the game with the Terminal to see what it said. I got the following error messages, if it’s helpful to diagnose this issue:
“failed to launch task: launch path not accessible
2013-12-15 23:24:49.180 cider[22484:507] regapi failed: 1
wine client error:0×56: Unable to retrieve bootstrap port”
I’m not sure what that means, but I’m looking into it. Can anyone decipher this for us?
(edited by SpookyElectric.1507)
TgUpdate 1.11 everytime i open the launcher
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: SpookyElectric.1507
Having the same problem now.
For about a week, I’ve had the TgUpdate every time I opened the program. When I logged into the game, I had the camera issue described above, with the camera wildly spinning even if I gently nudged the mouse. Minimizing and then maximizing the screen solved the problem, so I would just go about my business, no big deal.
Starting today, for some reason, whenever I start GW2, TgUpdate would launch, download completely, but then GW2 would just close. No launcher, no nothing. It doesn’t matter how many times I re-open the program, it just closes once the TgUpdate is done.
I live in a moderately remote place, and I really don’t want to have to delete my files and re-download 17GB on my slowish connection. Is there really no other way to fix this issue? What is going on?
I have noticed this as well, but from what I can tell, it doesn’t affect the in-game colors too badly. Game still looks great!
I just got the game running in WineSkin today, and literally 5 minutes later I see this announcement.
So you’re welcome, everyone.