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No New Personal Story for Revenants

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Starcrusher.4172


It was easier to justify it lore-wise before Rytlock was declared as the “world’s first Revenant”, but I have a feeling it is recoverable.

Yah. Lorewise, it makes no sense.

The devs stated, iirc, way back at PAX East(?) or during someones interview at the press test back in March that there are Revenants already in the world. Just because we haven’t seen them, doesn’t mean that they don’t exist or that they screw up the lore of the game and should get their own story.

CDI-Guilds- Raiding

in CDI

Posted by: Starcrusher.4172


1. Knowledge and Challenge:
In Guild Wars 1, when the elite areas (Underworld, Fissure of Woe, etc.) came out they were very difficult to finish, even before Hard Mode came into existence. As time went on these areas each got easier and easier to do. Underworld could be done casually in 30 minutes. Fissure of Woe would be done in 10-20 minutes. Urgoz took 10-30 minutes (depending on Assassin tank or manly way). The Deep could be done in under 10 minutes. The Domain of Anguish was able to be farmed in 30-40 minutes.

All of these areas took hours to do when they were first introduced. As the game progressed and people were able to play in these areas more, they learned better ways to do them. Once their map layouts, quests, boss/area mechanics, monster skills, monster leashing points, and more were all learned each of these areas became farm-able for guilds that did them regularly. At one point it even pugs were able do most of them.

These areas each posed difficulty at their introduction into the game and even towards the launch of Guild Wars 2. Even for experienced groups, there sometime were screw ups and wipes, but the challenge was still there even 5-7 years later.

2. Small Size
One of the core game mechanics in GW2 is the ability to have the game engine scale an event or boss to the amount of people that are around it. This is a true fact that the devs improve on whenever they can for more playable open world content.

For open world bosses (aside from Tequtal and Triple Trouble) the majority of people are able to stand there and press 1 during the boss and the pre events. For the Mega Bosses, we have to split into smaller groups (Teq for defenses, TT for specific wurm groups, and condi/reflect teams) which means more individual recognition for those who are in those groups. The rest of the people are basically a zerg of a people that follow the commander around. There is no individual recognition for these players because they are a 40-120 man group.

Keeping the size small for raids (10 at a minimum, 20 at the absolute maximum) will give people a better understanding of what they can do for the raid. Each player’s contribution will be more easily seen by the others and where each player actually matters.

3. Unique Rewards
As I stated before the Guild Wars 1 elite areas were are able to be farmed from year 4 onward. There was a reason for this of course and it wasn’t just because they were fun to do. Each area offered different and unique rewards (DoA: arm braces, FoW: obsidian shards and obsidian armor, UW: ectos, minis, and unique weapons, Urgoz & Deep: unique weapon skins, armor materials, faction points) which made people actually want to do them, especially during bonus weekends. Each of these rewards gave players incentives to keep doing the zones more and more.

For raids in GW2, we should have a set of rewards that are given to players for each boss they beat and the entire zone. There were a few ideas that incorporated this (Nike’s post on page 2 being one of my favorites), but having unique rewards that players want to have will make them do the raids even after its been out for a year or two.

What event would you want to see in FotM?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Starcrusher.4172


Fall of Abaddon

^This please

Mega Boss Spawn times

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Starcrusher.4172


I just wanted to ask and see which times will actually be valid for the spawning of the mega bosses. I know server time is now UTC, but in the patch notes UTC time jumps an hour ahead of the PST spawn time between the 17:00 UTC (10:00 PST) spawn of Evolved Jungle Wurm, and the 19:00 UTC (11:00 PST) spawn of Karka Queen.

Is this a typo? And for which time will it actually spawn? Or is there an invisible hour that I don’t know about anywhere else?! D=

No chests spawning from doing Guild Missions

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Starcrusher.4172


I just finished my guild missions. I ended up missing the challenge and puzzle rewards because I switched characters after our rush. But I got the bounty when we did a make up at the end.

I think the problem is you still need to be guested to the server you’re doing missions on so that you can get the rewards. Seems like a silly thing, but yea…

can we get 6-10 free charges for patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Starcrusher.4172


if you are rank 60: do you get 60 or 80 charges? Does it count old or new rank?

It counts the new rank. So if you’re rank 80 in the new system, you get 80 charges. If you’re rank 40 in the new system, you get 40 charges.

Stat Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Starcrusher.4172


I was hoping that a thread would come out about this topic, so people will stop going crazy about the PvP amulet change D=.

Izzy: like someone mentioned, are Boon and Condition duration on the table for main stats? Or even for possibilities on new PvP amulets?

But like many people said:
Condition Damage/Power/Precision
Power/Condition Damage/Precision
Healing Power/Vitality/(not condition damage)

Now that Crit Damage is changed, a main stat Ferocity could be good. I think people have asked for basically Barbarian’s PvP amulet in PvE.

Heart of the Mists Megaserver?

in PvP

Posted by: Starcrusher.4172


Zoose got his wish! Manvil Rock is back!

Communication in game

in PvP

Posted by: Starcrusher.4172


I typically turn off team chat in solo queue. It rarely has anything good to say. If things are going well, no one says anything. If things are going bad, everyone thinks it is everyone else’s fault. No real value to any voice chats. I wouldn’t use it.

For team queue, those teams already have access to voice com. I don’t think they need something in game.

To be honest, you shouldn’t turn off team chat in SoloQ, TeamQ, or WvW. I was in a match earlier today, 3 of us agreed to push 1-3-1 split to open on temple. It turned into a 2-1-2 split because the 2 that didn’t say anything just did what they want. We lost mid, lost the fight at far, then it snowballed and we lost the buffs. With 2 people not listening (aka having team chat off), they pretty much cost us what chance we had to win the game.

As for TeamQ and some form of VOIP, not everyone uses one. There are a lot of people on NA, and I assume EU too, that are sick of the crappy Skyhammer and Spiritwatch maps we always seem to get in YoloQ. So they go at it solo in TeamQ. I’ve met some great players because they don’t queue with teams, and to be honest, 75% of the day most teams are thrown together of pugs (from what I’ve seen over the past few months).

So systems like the one Five Gauge (Caithe) informed us of for just different pings/icons on map. Or Zietlogik’s ideas of having different icons/colors for build types.

These two posts, if implemented in some form, would greatly help new people learn. In terms of SoloQ, a lot of matches are lost because people don’t have a lot of experience in reading the situations, don’t look at the map, or just have Team chat off like you Style.

Having a team that can look at the map and read chat will greatly help, but these ideas will help even more in SoloQ, as well as TeamQ.

Stuck in Solo Q Match (FoN)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Starcrusher.4172


Our match finished about 20 minutes ago. We all left the map as normal, only to load right back into the same match that was already over. Switching characters and letting the afk timer run out did not let us out of the match. We all submitted bug reports with the in-game system, but we don’t know when it will be looked at.

Any help would be wonderful.