Showing Posts For Starkness.5274:
There is no chest at the end of dungeons for bosses. You get xp and a bit of silver…but it seems like a rip to get no chest.
I really like it. Will be easy to expand with more weapon types or additional skills and selectable mode later.
I want this……we have over 200 in our guild and around 1/2 are always representing various other guilds. Its really annoying and I think it is just dumb.
Yea gotta have something…I dont like having so many skills that I cant use in a party or event because they “fizzle”
*Crazy Idea* Enable *Trading Between Players* Without Using Mail System
in Suggestions
Posted by: Starkness.5274
I agree with the trade option because I don’ want to take away from the immersion too much. Think about it, we can teleport around instantly, trading post from under water, magically send collectibles to the bank, find a sword in a dungeon and mail to the top of a mountain across the world. It gets to be too easy. You should only be able to mail from mail boxes, and you should only be able to teleport by standing at an actual waypoint, or use trading post when you are standing at it.
I would like it if my summoned illusions had a cool down if there were no enemies in sight. Instead of the current, as soon at the targeted enemy is dead they all dissipate. It’s one thing when you are solo, but in a group setting, by the time I summon a clone or phantasm the mob is dead and I have to wait to reuse certain skills. I think it I should be able to roll in to 3 or 4 mobs, summon all my beasters, kill them one by one with out my illusions dissipating then once fight is over they shatter.
Agreed…..fighting in some caves and in houses is almost unplayable
I dont like it. I want to be able to stand on a mountain and see people and mobs moving around like ants
Acidic that isnt a proper fix. The draw distance and amount of max renders needs to be increased.
Up the maximum draw distance substantially
Why bother come into a thread then start name calling and trolling then backpedal? It contributes nothing
I agree. I didnt mind the OP stating its not D3 forums. Even the title of most posts show that most people are satisfied and only making suggsstions
Wow you have a very constructive first post. Too bad you are trolling.
Smells like a dirty troll to me
It will be okay dont worry
I couldnt agree more
Does anyone agree with this or see reasons that it would not be feasible or difficult to implement?
My two suggestions would be:
1: Draw distance maximum should be greatly increased. When i am on hill or cliff and trying to take in the scenery there are creatures, trees and players popping out of everywhere. I have a pretty decent machine and would like to be able to up the draw distance to eliminate texture popping and enjoy the game even more.
2: We need a 1st person camera option. Some indoor quests and cave quests become an almost unplayable mess because of the lack of first person.
Thank you for a great game.