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WvW Players Names!

in WvW

Posted by: Subte.8725


Why simply do you not write the names of the WvW enemy players in a reduced way. I mean just enter the name of the server in a simplified form, the rank in number and the guild tag.


Fsp 1800 [Ax] = Far Shiverpeaks Platinum Knight somthing else [Ax]
BB 10800 [Gcef] = Baruch Bay rank 10800 called Voltyan [Gcef]
Deso 771 [Ash] = Mithril Scout something else [Ash]

Will PvP EVER get better?

in PvP

Posted by: Subte.8725


Personally i played many games and gw2 has the best balanced skill based play. Conquest mode was someting amazing and new. I dont ask Anet to reset and put the things back as before. HoT was something good for the pvp but Anet needs to find a balance between core specs and specialization specs. Also u have to build a big big big wall between pve, wvw and pvp. Is a very serious mistake to try to mix this comunitys. As i said before let pve playes play pvp dont force them to play pvp and THIS IS FOR PVE PLAYERS if u are not pvp players dont come searching a kittening legendary backpack u have yours in fractals.

Mixing the comunitys u make the pve players frustrate cause they can win a single match and u make the pvp comunity be furious with u. How can u solve this problem? Make 3 league modes. Easy, medium and heavy modes with the same divisions. Put more pips in each division of easy and medium mode than heavy and good & pro players will join heavy league, average players will join medium and pvers searching for achievments will join easy mode.

As i said before the only real pvp now in gw2 are the duels and the 5v5 scrims in guild arenas.

(edited by Subte.8725)

Will PvP EVER get better?

in PvP

Posted by: Subte.8725


We must also keep in mind that a couple of years ago we had quality players that made the soloQ something very funny and entertaining. Nowadays the 50% of the pvp comunity are scrubs and unbrain players. 25% are inexperienced and the other 25% are the pro players. If u want to reach legend quick u need to pre-made with good players but is not imposible to reach playing soloQ. I reached legendary in all seasons playing mostly soloQ or duoQ bu. Season 1 was funny for me despite the bunker meta. Season 2 was made for crybabes and this season 3 is also “very” funny to play. We dont have a kittening condition meta in this season. We have a rotation meta where good players that knows to rotate can outrotate the enemy and bad ppl slacks in one node. Thats why ppl cry too much.

Also 2 years ago we had a non-rewarded ranked syteam with no loot, no legendary backpacks, no pips where players could make rankeds and was something exclusive for good & experienced players. In those days we was not expecting Anet to reward us, we was happy with the simple ranked systeam. Now Anets forces players to play in a rewarded ranked league systeam where we have good players, pro players, inexp players, pve players and scrubs all togheter in one with a poor MM trying to make the imposible. Why u force pve players to play pvp. If u want to make the gw2 e-sport let the pve and the wvw comunity far pls dont mix it pls. Let the pve players play pve and let us play pvp.

The only real pvp remaining in gw2 are the duels and the 5v5 scrims in guild arenas. Stronghold is a joke made for pvers, and Conquest still funny when both teams knows to play.

(edited by Subte.8725)

Player rendering bugged?(culling) [Merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Subte.8725


Before you could play against groups of 60 enemies and the drop of fps was not noticeble. Now is imposible with the limit of character set in low or midle the fps drop under 13 and is imposible to play when u have a f*** zerg in front of u. Put it back as it was before the patch pls.

Thx and sry for my bad english.

S3 is designed to stop players climbing

in PvP

Posted by: Subte.8725


PvP is dead, is boring, is frustraing. I started to play this sunday and im in diamond, win streak & easy money. 0 fun matches, ppl crying cause some of their team mates goes in rage mode and stay afk, other ppl is a complete dead hands playing, etc. This league system is a complete sh** and joke for the ppl who play rankeds only to improve our skill and enjoy good fights without expecting any kind of reward.

Pls Anet give us old rankeds. No pips, No achivments, No Legendary PvP Backpack. We are in a PvP mode, this in not pve. PLAYER VS PLAYER MODE let the f****n* achivments in pve or move it to unrankeds. Give us a non reward league systeam with no pips and no ranks and no divisions=old ranked systeam.

Old rankeds means only real pvp players will play it. Means no frustration for climb up to reach the f****** legedary where ppl are “good” players cause only the fisrt weeks they are good, 3 weeks or 4 and u can only find dead hands in legend too. Means ppl wont come to cry here. WvW players will stay in wvw and make wvw. PvE players will stay in open world and make pve AND PVP PLAYERS WILL MAKE PVP. “Only PvP players” This is hard to understand. S3 has to be the last season. If the ppl dont have their f*c***** achivments in 3 seasons and their “PvP” Legendary Backpack, listen “PvP” legendary backpack if u are not a pvp player return to your pve u will not get this skin. 3 seasons are enounght to do it. From the start of the game playing pvp in season 1 & 2 i was legendary and one of my guild mates was legendary too, he started to play pvp in season 2, he is a complete dead hand and he was legendary in S2.

The only real PvP now in Gw2 are the duels in 1v1 servers. League systeam is a joke. U are killing your own players. Not only the real pvp players. U are killing your pve players cause u gives him a legendary skin that they cant have cause they are not pvp players, u are killing your normal pvp players cause they want a f*****g tag in their name that shows “skill”. Oh look at me im legendary look at my skill lvl. Sh** lvl go to any 1v1 serv and tell him that u are legendary they will f*** u and your tag too.

Finish this. I hope this is the last seasson.

PD: Sry for my bad English.

(edited by Subte.8725)

Instead of Nerfing Dobule Moa

in PvP

Posted by: Subte.8725


wll we saw ROM in moa pecking Frostball in Sam’s account in the last match until he kills him^^

Ok Bros, What Are We Doing About Chronos?

in PvP

Posted by: Subte.8725


I feel like mesmer is the next class that is gonna get rekt by Anet. Sure, rev’s and ele’s are also both broken in their own ways, but there seems to be way more complaints about mesmer around the community. Not to say that I blame anyone, double moa is broken.

If Mesmer gets rekt next by Anet, nothing will change. Mesmer mains will still bring their mes, people will still get rekt, and the forums will still continue to QQ about Mesmers.

It’s the way it’s always been regardless of how many mesmers were in torny teams or not XD

Like Ross Biddle.2367 says Anet can nerf the mesmer whatever they want. Main mesmers we will still bring mesmer to rankeds and we will find other spec to make it seem broken. And the ppl who cries searching for the easy life will remain REKT^^.

5 days from the patch and i only see cries. I guess from here to the S3 starts some ppl will have committed suicide.

Ok Bros, What Are We Doing About Chronos?

in PvP

Posted by: Subte.8725


mistsim.2748 I redirect u to the last Pro League seasson when CC played vs TCG. In all the 1v1 fights in far that Panic Sam(pro mesmer) from CC vs ROM. ROM was the one who took the wins. Also we saw Helseth kill him in 1v1. So we are not saying that Sam is bad he is one of the best mesmers in gw2 but we have classes that can easily counter him in 1v1. We have revenant that can finishs him when he is low hp or with cd’s. Engi and ele can easily bunk him in 1v1. Necro can kill him easliy too. But if u run to him with to many cooldowns or with low hp or if u face him in 1v1 with no brain if he is a good mesmer he will kill u without need to use the moa or the signet of illusions.

The mesmer only need a nerf/redisign of the moa to prevent the double moa unbrain ppl to use it cause the good mesmers we dont use the moa without CS with that we only reduce the cd from 180 to 90 secs.

Mesmer dont deserve any kind of nerf apart from the moa. Like i said before reduce his range from 1200 to 360 or make the moa dont work with stab and make it lockable.

To Flumek.9043, we have 4 meta classes now rev, druid, ele and mesmer. Perphas these classes will be in all the teams and the 5th place will be for the thief or the engi and maybe maybe for the necro.

PD: Yesterdat I was fighting necro and thief in one base. The thief was very slippery so i decided to focus the necro. He comes to me in shroud with full health(O_O) i used moa to quick burst and when we was at 4% of health in moa the shroud procs due the auto proc trait and he was a moa in shroud^^ very funny to see.

(edited by Subte.8725)

Ok Bros, What Are We Doing About Chronos?

in PvP

Posted by: Subte.8725


What are you doing about those Mesmers?

Ranger, main hand axe, lots of conditions, 3 stun breaks, and cross your fingers you can avoid both Moa’s

Maybe if u try to go sword/dagger + staff u will have 4 dodges( sword2, sword3, dagger4, staff3) + 2 dodges = 6 dodges. Maybe u can time the dodge when u see the moa’s cast and dodge it to his cotinuum shift then u destroy it to prevent the moa reset.

Oh wait!!! No No No No. Is a better idea to wait Anet to nerf mesmer and lets let him make our job easy. (Irony mode on)

(edited by Subte.8725)

Ok Bros, What Are We Doing About Chronos?

in PvP

Posted by: Subte.8725


And via CS and mimic, mesmer can blink 3 times in a row: cast F5 then instantly use mimic the use CShift to restor mimic, then u blink, activate again mimic, blink and blink^^ only work in pve or wvw to troll ppl and call u hacker, in pvp is a complete loss of time and cd’s^^. but is funny to see how ppl call u cheater when is a simple combo of skills.

Ok Bros, What Are We Doing About Chronos?

in PvP

Posted by: Subte.8725


U say mesmer is op. I remind u that there’re teams in the ProLeague that played without mesmer and they won vs team with mes.

The double blink that u said is a common blink + skill 2 of staff. I suppose that many of u are new in pvp, cause u dont remember when a thief could insta remove u from the game with a simple combo like many other classes. The mesmer was meta all the time due to his burst(power or condi), mobility(portal) and no more.

Before cry take the mesmer and play it and u will see in first person if is broken or not cause u see good mesmers playing and making things normal to him(due to their skill and knowledgement). If u still thinking that is broken then come here and cry but im 100% sure that u will be destroyed by thieves or necros spaming 2 moas.

Im pretty sure that Anet will redisign or nerf the Moa and he deserve a small nerf in this skill but nothing else.

Sry for my bad English^^

(edited by Subte.8725)

so i want to offer a reasonable moa nerf

in PvP

Posted by: Subte.8725


As Ithilwen.1529 says u will not see any good mesmer use the moa twice before he again gets the F5 skill back. But yes the moa needs some kind of nerf. Something like the moa only can affects in a range of 360 or as musu.9205 says make the F5 no affect to the elite and reduce moa’s cd to 120 secs.

The moa is not something that u can spam, good mesmers they keep it to make focus in teamfight or to prevet from stomp or rez, or in a 1v2. Without moa the mes cant deal vs classes like the engi, necro or the druid. Also u can see the moa coming from km, easy dodgeble and if u are smart u can destroy his continuum shift to prevent the double moa.

They can make Time Warp or Gravity Well more interesting so ppl would choose something diferent than the moa to play. But mesmer does not deserve a huge nerf again. Only a small change that makes the double moa spamers think a little bit.

Thx, when i say this u have to know that im main mesmer too and sorry for my bad english^^.

(edited by Subte.8725)

A Friendly Request from a Thief

in PvP

Posted by: Subte.8725


if u want to blame someone, blame Anet. They made thief and warr complete useless class in this & previous meta. Personally i wont carry 2 thieves that dont wat to reroll to something not useless. When i say that u have to know that i played thief in pvp since the first day of gw2 and now im playing revenant. I reached legendary twice, in this seasson and in the previous playing revenant cause why u will play thief when reve is more strong, has more dps, more survival, more team suport, has teleports, perma dodge & boons. Thief will be out of this meta until the revenant gets a huge nerf in Shiro’s teleport, well sry let me change the last sentence, until the revenant gets a huge nerf in all cause is broken.