Showing Posts For Sui.2586:

When Does DX11 + Nvidia Patch Come Out?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sui.2586


In answer to your question, about the same time they fix the culling issue in WvWvW.

Generation Gaming
Isle of Janthir

"We don't want you to grind" Oh realy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sui.2586


3. Play the game normally, and collect what’s needed over a long period of time.

Play the game normally, what does this even mean?

I am confused about what this, how does it work? How do you play the game “normally”?

If you do 100% map completion you won’t get all the 250 stacks of t6 mats you need. Not even close. What other “normal” stuff is there to do? Wander around in Orr? Kill Jormag 1,000,000x? Stand around bored in LA?

Hey good luck with making your OWN mmorpg I would definitely play that one, infinite content. Every day new dungeon, every day new map and story

Nice. I am really looking forward

It looks to me that you never played any mmorpg before. MMORPGs always involve farming, repeating content. ALWAYS. And many people enjoy it, like myself.

Arenanet never said there is no grind involved in Guild Wars 2. They said you dont have to grind/farm to be on pair with everyone else (stat wise) but if you want the best, the most unique and the most rare weapon (Legendary) you have to WORK HARD for it.

So please try to understand this.

I’ve played a lot of MMOs numbering into the 50+, and these kind of comments come from the stinking bodies of dying MMOs. It’s that desperate hope and longing for something to live. That denial of the facts, that tell you when a MMO is really under siege. I’ve seen these kinds of posts before, and I see them popping up all over this board. Those posts of denial, all the way up until they pull the plug.

^^^ This ^^^
Warhammer and SW-TOR come to mind most recently for me. So much hope at the start, and as the weeks go on, and the communication dies, and the “it’s coming soon” starts up, the hope dwindles to the realization that the suits have killed another game.

Generation Gaming
Isle of Janthir

How many here are playing less? And why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sui.2586


Further to my previous post in this thread, I have now somewhat revised my opinion and reasons for no longer being the active GW2 player I was a month ago.

I no longer believe that ANet is in sole control of its’ own or GW2s’ destiny. And that Nexons’ 14.7% majority shareholding in ANets’ parent company NCSoft, is wholly responsible for the notable change of direction.

Majority shareholders may not have outright control of a companies day to day operations but they do exert significant influence in the boardroom and can be almost guaranteed a place on the board.

Without too much guesswork, it seems understandable that Nexon are looking to make a substantial return on their $687 million dollar investment. Who wouldn’t?

There is enough evidence to suggest that;

Guild Wars 2 was released earlier than ANet had originally intended because of Nexon pressure to recoup some of their substantial investment in NCSoft as quickly as possible. Ready or not!

The ANet design philosophy (as per the original manifesto) of horizontal progression, no gear grind etc. is not in keeping with the Nexon profitable business model of F2P, P2W, grind based gaming.

Now, for the more speculative part of my post.

Diminishing loot drops (despite claims to the contrary), more grind, vertical progression, expanded gem store, the seeming abandonment of the ANet manifesto within months of launch etc. all point to the Nexon influence in the boardroom having prevailed as the new corporate philosophy within NCSoft and ANet.

He, who pays the piper, calls the tune!

“Puts on tinfoil hat " ^^ This ^^

The game is going down the same street that Warhammer and SW-TOR did.

God forbid they actually listen to their player base. They are to busy listening to suits from NCSoft / Nexon.

Generation Gaming
Isle of Janthir

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: Sui.2586


That, or they logged out and are still in queue ;-)

Generation Gaming
Isle of Janthir

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Sui.2586


IoJ don’t want no Tier 1, CD is quite welcome to it :-)

Generation Gaming
Isle of Janthir

Are all WvW matchups being decided by off peak hours?

in WvW

Posted by: Sui.2586


What kills a game faster than anything is when a game stops being fun. This game stopped being fun when the sole determining factor for success turned out to be “how many Aussies are on your server.” It’s not players’ job to give Anet time to fix their game (especially when the last official post on this issue was that this situation is working as intended). It’s Anet’s job to give us a game that’s worth playing.

^^^^ This. ^^^^

Generation Gaming
Isle of Janthir