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Paying for World Transfers fixes the Problem?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sumyjkl.7805


Population fluctuations will be less dramatic now that it’s not free.

Yes, but as my main point (hopefully) was, it doesn’t fix the problem.

It’s not going to quickly balance. It’s going to take time to balance out. It’s not going to be balanced overnight.

I didn’t say it would, nor do I expect it to, I’m speculating what will happen in the future with this, not saying “why hasn’t it happened yet”.

You don’t have to be on the best WvW server to get those PvE bonuses, though, just the winning one no matter what tier your server is on.

I’m not sure I understand. It does still matter how well your server is doing because most of the time with stacked teams you will have a greedy team that owns the whole map and exploits the game to do so.

Reply to your edit: I don’t think ANet needs to make all servers equal. That’s going to fail no matter what. There are just too many servers. What they need to do is make sure that during each match, that the three teams that are competing against each other are balanced when compared to each other.

That’s pretty much what I’m saying here.
It’s not only that people are transferring that makes the whole of the problem though, it’s also the system that judges what server fights what other server. Ultimately the competitive side of the game is broken and can be fixed without too much hassle, I’m saying it just needs to be recognized as the problem instead of blaming it on players who transfer and saying “problem solved!”.

The problem is stacked and unfair server matches.
The solution is to fix what matches those servers.

Paying for World Transfers fixes the Problem?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sumyjkl.7805


I disagree, it won’t balance out simply because of the broken matchup system. I’ve seen in the few days before last month’s match, that the enemy server deliberately starts losing points so they are fighting servers lower than they might be normally.
I know this balances out a little because it’s accumulated throughout the month, but it’s enough to give some servers a bloodbath.
How is guesting related? I don’t know much about it.

PvE is affected by your server’s WvW standing, to the point where you get more gold, and in my experience (tested) more gathering bonuses.

People switching servers is always a bad idea if there’s no incentive to be on a losing server, because guess what? You get less everything when you’re losing, so why would you join a server that’s losing..?

The reason it won’t balance out is this, people joining fresh will join high populated servers, almost always, and people in crappy servers won’t want to spend the (at the least) 500 gems/~6usd to switch to a server that they will do worse in. I said all this in a massive thread that no-one replied to, here: link

(edited by Sumyjkl.7805)

Paying for World Transfers fixes the Problem?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sumyjkl.7805


Apparently the original idea of paying for world transfers was to stop server stacking.
I think it didn’t work, to be honest.

The only thing that paying for transfers will do, at least in my eyes is make the stacked teams permanent and make the people who don’t pay for transfers have a worse wvw and pve experience for the sake of those who do pay $10-20 for world transfers to a server that’s winning 600 to 1.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sumyjkl.7805


Achievement system that discourages chores.

Well, it’s just been changed once, but I still want to add this.

If you have any kind of reward for doing something, you play the game differently, even if that is not what you would normally want to do. The achievement system at present does just this, and instead of playing the game the way you see the most enjoyment, you play the way you progress the most – getting niche achievements.

I think the way of getting the daily achievements should be altered to make it so it slowly adds points to the parts of it you haven’t done by you doing the parts you already have.

If I’ve already killed enough enemies for example, and I keep killing enemies, every time I complete that another time (60, 120, 180 etc kills), it adds some points to the other ones, like kill variety or events.

Non-rage reason for the new system

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sumyjkl.7805


The same sort of system works in fractals, it’s not the fact that you can’t wp that’s annoying, it’s that you think you’re entitled to be able to since you can always waypoint when there are waypoints.

My game’s still updating believe it or not, so I don’t know what it’s actually like but if it’s as it has been described, it would be easier and make a better mechanic if it was a perfect copy of the fractals.

Non-rage reason for the new system

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sumyjkl.7805


I’ve noticed a lot of the threads in this forum are not touching on the real reason the new “no waypoint while in combat” change is not a good game mechanic, it’s not just because it’s frustrating.

The reason it will be frustrating is because it goes against people’s psychology, the option is there, but you can’t use it. You have no control over what you usually have control over.

This exact system is already implemented in the fractals and the reason it’s less annoying is because there isn’t anything to tell you that there is a way to get back to the fight. There are no waypoints floating around on the map screen, you just get thrown back in when everyone’s dead.

Oh, and I’m a bit sick of people using the “no change 4 evar!!11!” argument, you’re making it seem that everyone with the same sort of view is equally biased.

I suggest that the same module (as in copy-paste) in the fractals be used in normal dungeons, with the same checkpoints, no waypoints.

World transfers and World vs. World balancing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sumyjkl.7805


<> Sorry for the wall of text, if I wrote less it wouldn’t make enough sense.

I think there needs to be rewards in WvW for the losing team, and possibly even in PvE. These rewards could be as subtle as siege weapons costing less, or as open as coin rewards for transferring server to a losing team.
For example, the outmanned boon, which seems to only work when the ally to enemy ratio is about 1:200. I think it should be about 5:7 or so, or have more stages, or even just give you an extra 0.1% everything for each extra enemy or something.

The transfers system is apparently getting changed, so that it costs 500-1800 gems based on the player count in the server you are transferring to, but you have to realize all this will do is balance out the server load. I think you should have a reward for joining the losing team or make it free, instead of having to pay for working harder. You should also not be able to transfer to a server you are fighting.

Another idea that occurred to me when writing this, is that you could get gem or coin rewards for each winning enemy player kill. So if my server was losing, it would make sense for people to go to world vs world just to get the huge amount of extra stuff. I’m talking 50 copper to 2 silver extra each kill, depending on the amount of extra players and how much they’re winning by. There should also be rewards for taking points, more than the current 1-2s.

If you see any holes in my idea, go ahead and rip it apart, after all, the more something is criticized, the more it progresses.

Less repetitive third attack animations

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sumyjkl.7805


Human Warrior.
It’s hard to notice at first, but after a while it got way too apparent.

Less repetitive third attack animations

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sumyjkl.7805


I’m a little new to the game, but I have come to notice something.
In my opinion, the current default attacks are really kinda awkward, and feel like nothing is happening. They lack power, not in damage, in looks and feel.
This is not, and I make emphasis on not, because the attack animations don’t have enough particles or enough snazzy sounds. It makes the problem worse.

On to the real stuff!
I suggest this; that the animation for the third attack in the mandatory combo for the “press 1 all the time” attack be left out or radically changed.

The look is really irritating because it looks like it would do lots of damage, when it doesn’t, it only does about 10% extra than normal in my experience, and takes way too long.

Feel and timing
The time it takes to complete the third attack is too long and breaks the rhythm of the previous attacks. All the attacks should have the exact same time of completion. Opinion only, but that’s just how I feel.

The sound (for swords) is like a medium pitch screeching noise, it should sound like a sword.

Same same, been there done that
Because it’s the fundamental attack of pretty much anyone with a melee weapon, it gets really, really old. It’s so much that I actually dread the few milliseconds of my life when that sound plays and I lose some of my sanity.

It’d be much better in my opinion, if all the “press 1” attacks were just generic SWISH SWISH animations, with accompanying sounds of course ;)

I recognize this post won’t get anything in terms of results, because you guys wouldn’t want to redo all the animations for all the characters and weapons, (hell, I wouldn’t) but I think it’d be great nonetheless. And I just want to throw it out thar!