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I noticed this today on my Norn warrior. At first I thought it was small leaves floating upwards but on closer inspection it was yellow/orange bubbles of some description.
I’m playing with graphics on full at 1920×1080 resolution so it’s displaying correctly, unless there’s a problem with the alpha mapping and it is indeed meant to be subtle flames…
First of all, bare in mind that staff is a support build first and foremost. That doesn’t mean you can’t spec full damage but if you want to do the most damage you can, go dagger/dagger.
I run staff ele, my traits are 0/20/10/20/20. I’m playing support so balance between power and vitality is key for me; I can effectively watch over my allies without worrying too much about losing HP whilst I’m healing or controlling. However, you could go all out power or healing depending on how you want to play. If you want to stand at the back and nuke everything go full berserker set and put 30 points into fire traits, for example.
In terms of traits, choose what you think you’ll benefit from most, but [Blasting staff] (larger staff AoE, 20 pts in Arcana) is a must.
All I can say beyond that is experiment and have fun. If you do spec damage (power/precision/critical damage) and you find your ele is a bit too squishy, don’t be afraid to sacrifice some damage for vitality or toughness and see how you get along.
I hope this helps, and enjoy your staff ele.
Just thought I’d post in this thread to bump it and save making a new one. I had the same issue today, once I entered an instance (exploring the Black Citadel currently) I could not leave; there was no exit button above the minimap and approaching the exit did not bring up the exit dialogue. I had to use waypoints to leave which cost me 1s39c each time.
I’ve played GW2 from closed beta 3 and not once has it ‘crashed,’ (had a few disconnects but that’s network related etc.) but I’ve experienced two crashes whilst running FotM. The first was in the Ascalon fractal. The party had gotten through the main gate and was clearing the alleyways when everyone dropped to desktop. The second (and the reason for this topic) was during the infused shaman fight in the Grawl fractal. The party was near to killing the boss when he spawned his 4th, maybe 5th, round of lava elementals, at which point my game simply froze. I couldn’t minimize, close, alt+tab, anything. Eventually I had to ctrl+alt+del to the task manager and close the game via that route.
The reason I haven’t posted this in the tech support forum is that I don’t feel it’s a hardware related issue; as previously stated, I had not experienced a CTD or freeze up until playing FotM. However, I won’t object to being proven wrong.
Anyone else encountered the same or had similar problems?
The entire event lagged for me (60mb/s connection and PC that can play game on full settings at an average of 45fps) but it wasn’t constant. Sometimes I’d have maybe 0.5sec of lag and others I’d be sat for 2-5 mins watching everyone on my screen stand around waving at the Karka. However, my friend has a 10mb/s connection (same overflow server, same ISP; lives 4 streets away) and he wasn’t getting much lag at all. I don’t really know enough about networking to explain this but maybe someone else on here could…
I found the fiery greatsword to be a godsend when running a D/D ele, If I couldn’t kill a creature with my standard attacks I’d just flop out my massive, flaming… sword and annihilate them. If you drop the other one on the enemy you get 3 seconds burn too. I’m currently running a staff ele for dungeons and the elemental works brilliantly if you use it in the right situation…
Large group of mobs = Air (stun)
Smaller group of hard hitters = Ice (chill)
When your damage just doesn’t seem to cut it = Fire
When your entire group is downed and you need time to cast renewal = Earth
In the end, a skill is only as good as the player using it.
But you’re right about one thing, tornado/whirlpool is about as useful as a marshmallow hammer.
I actually think that double scythe effect is really cool, reminds me of the reincarnated Deathscythe from Gundam Wing.
I would definitely love to see a toggle-able achievement progress bar on the UI, located where the milestones appear; in the space above the minimap but below the event tracker. It’s just one small thing that would help streamline the GW2 experience (in my opinion), especially when it comes to completing dailies/monthlies and those coveted title awards.
Can anyone think of a reason not to have this? I apologise if there’s an existing thread on the same topic.
In pve I play full trap AoE – Healing Spring, Flame Trap, Frost Trap, Muddy Terrain, Entangle. Traits are 10/30/30/0/0 ground targeted traps/+50% size, Spike Trap on revive, survival/main hand/off hand/bows 20% faster cooldowns. My weapons are Shortbow/Sword + Axe. Gear is specced mostly for power/condition dmg/vitality.
As you might imagine I rely a lot on combo fields for dps due to a near complete lack of self buffs, but I never realised how dependant I was on the SB fire rate until the “animation fix.” The SB, which used to be my mainstay weapon and best source of damage, barely sees action now, as the sword/axe combo easily out performs it.
Whereas my tactics used to involve a lot of kiting and pet tanking, they now consist of standing in place, drawing enemies in with the pet, and hammering them with my melee skills. I usually plant a fire trap behind myself and use hornet sting to draw the mob onto it, then leap in for fire shield, serpent’s strike, then generally finish with path of scars. It’s very repetitive and combat is nowhere near as much fun as it was before 7 Oct. I’m going to stick it out, and hopefully get rewarded for my faith with a shiny, new profession that can call itself the king when it comes to ranged combat.
What bothers me about the pronunciation involved with GW2 isn’t the way things are said in game (except Niamh as Nee-Am, it should be Neev as it is in Ireland), the thing that bothers me most is the way Ree Soesbee pronounced the word Legion in a dev talk video. She pronounced it lee-gun.
I mean c’mon… I can put up with kway and sen-tar, and just about put up with goll-em but if lee-gun had made it into the game I don’t know if I would be able to cope.
Also, with regards to centaur; I’m English so I say sen-tor. However, I have a question… How would any Americans out there pronounce Taurus, or Taurine?
My pets:
Drakehound: Fenton
Raven: Edgar (Edgar Alan Poe)
Marsh Drake: Godzirra
Eagle: Altair
Black Bear: Major Ursa
Jungle Stalker: Top Cat
Jaguar: Bageera
Warthog: Pumba
Shark: Jaws III (because it’s pretty crap)