Showing Posts For Surferboy.1649:

Current state of thief

in Thief

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


so basically what i can read from this post is, that one build should be nerfed and all others are basically kitten^^

Which Server has nice wvw guilds?

in WvW

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


yeah, i am on SFR. Maybe I’ll join one of them then and have a look at prime time.
Well Dawdler, I guess nowadays it is too expensive for guilds to transfer to different servers as a whole^^

Which Server has nice wvw guilds?

in WvW

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


I am searching for a EU english spoken server with nice wvw guilds, who do raids and stuff. Can’t afford 400g to change to a T1 server though. Gems are so kitten expensive nowadays.
I was with Craic on SFR back in the days when it was absolutely awesome, but now it seems like a PVE server.

High Level D/P Thief PvP Channel[Youtube]

in Thief

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


hey mate, could you post your build? I’m starting to play a little bit again after 1 year of absence and am also fan of the D/P build. A hint which build is now played with that weapon set would be great.

(edited by Surferboy.1649)

Stomp Farming Guild Members

in WvW

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


you get 25 stacks within 1 zerg fight, why should someone do that. You’d need players who couldn’t join your raid, seems pretty dumb to me

Pistol Whip

in PvP

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


The only good idea here comes from Arganthium, and if you still ask, why thief is the best berserker?
Take that from us, and we are broken. Every other class is better in tanking, supporting, conditions, ….
you are whining about thief berserkers? shall we start whining about not having any other option than to go for squishy?
why not give us also invulernability, stability, high regeneration, …
Seriously, just start thinking about what you can do with your own class.

And one more question: who gets hit by autoattack of a thief? lol
If you get hit by autoattack all the time you definitely do something wrong.

In fact maybe the +3 initiative in the last traitline should be nerfed, cause without that the spammability would be decreased.
I never played S/P like that,but with that, you really just focus on spamming.
As I see it, nerfing that trait wouldn’t affect other builds.

Free Legendary??? I dont think so

in PvP

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


lol, the top teams should be awarded with 1 of each legendary.
Seriously, we don’t even get chests for winning tournaments anymore.
so playing without any mentionable reward.

Pistol Whip

in PvP

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


thief is a high dmg, fast dead class, and as soon as you learn to evade his first 2 attacks, he is almost out of initiative. And a thief without initiative does no dmg and if you do it right he is dead.

so it isn’t the class, you are the problem.
I mean seriously, I see complains about almost every available build of every class on this forum. So if all classes are overpowered, aren’t they equal again?

to pyriall, do you know how much initiative skill 5 costs? you can’t barely do anything after it any more. and it blinds once per second, as soon as you use an attack like 100b you will still hit the thief.

what I read yesterday was the wish to split Pistolwhip, i just can say: please do it, it will make us even stronger^^

The point is, you have to time pistolwhip, and as soon as the enemy is running, you must be sure, that you are real close to him, otherwise your shot will take so long, that he is already out of range, when you start hitting.
which leads to my question: are you just standing there and watching the thief hit you? cause then also a D/D thief is overpowered, or maybe even a thief with just one dagger lol

but back to serious: fact is, a thief needs to deal high dmg, because he needs to end a fight pretty fast, otherwise he will take too much dmg.
that is the big difference between a warrior and a thief.

you are qqing about getting downed so fast? well that’s exactly how thief should work.

Decap engi

in PvP

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


I don’t see decap engis as overpowered, just as really annoying. and sorry, but for annoying you can’t nerf a build.
Otherwise they would have nerfed stealth, evade, block, stun, daze, ………..

Pistol Whip and Decap Engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


so void is basically listing all classes except for guards as problems?

come on guys, maybe it’s not as bad as you guys present it.
For example, if decap engineering is so powerful, why isn’t everybody playing it?

If Pisolwhip is so overpowered, how comes Illusion Mesmers don’t need much skill to get me into big trouble, just because of their illusions and their constant porting and stealthing around.

In my view, sPvP is balanced quite nice at the moment.
In fact it is a bit similar to GW1, a specific build is good against certain classes and sucks against others.

What you guys want, is one build which can kill every other class, no matter how they are speced. That just can’t work.

By the way, this is the first time, I don’t attack the devs lol.

And by the way, if Anet nerfs Pistolwhip, thieves can’t keep any point anymore, because then we need to play D/P and have to stealth all the time.

Only the evades of Pistolwhip can keep us alive.
So I suggest, if you nerf pistolwhip, please nerf Stealth as well and give thieves a 50% chance to block and the ability to dodge 5 times in a row, because otherwise we are just rallybots for the enemy.

One simple thing to make PvP way better

in PvP

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


remove evade? sure, why not give thief just 1hp :P
before you remove the evade please just remove the stun.
Seriously, if you remove the evade, s/p is unplayable. Then you will only have d/p thieves. Do you really want that? or will you start crying about all the stealthing thieves then?
In fact, you can dodge that attack so easy, I meet many who just keep standing in front of me, although they aren’t stunned any more and just take the damage. Maybe 1/10 just dodges Pistol Whip as soon as they can. And then they got maybe 3k dmg.
We can’t move with you, cause then we interupt Pistol Whip, it’s not like 100b who can just follow you.

And when we are at nerfing? Why not nerf mesmers? they can jump like all the time, have 5 illusions attacking you and I always have the feeling they can stealth as often as thieves.

BUT, in my view it is pretty good balanced right now. So I’d say, leave it as it is.
There will always be someone who thinks he is discriminated.

The truth is: if you always loose against one class, then you should change something, train more, maybe look at the combos which kill you.
I got killed by every class at least once. With some classes I have bigger problems than with others, but that is because of the way I play, not the balancing system.
Some players are more experienced than me and just know, how I will behave next, so they kill me.
That has nothing to do with a class being OP, just with the person who plays it.

And if you get gangbanged by 3 people, well you can’t use that as an argument against stuns.
The hammer attack of a warrior takes that long, you can easily dodge that if you see it coming.

You really have to reconsider your points, because nerfing one mechanism of a game means, other mechanism will get much stronger. Nerfing one mechanism will destroy builds of classes and by that buffing other classes. The question now it, are the classes which would get buffed so much weaker, that this will get them on an equal level. Or are they equal now and will be overpowered after this nerf?

At this rate Anet might delete PvP......

in PvP

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


So if you listen to the player base, why is there still no gvg? players have been begging for it for months.

Rewards from new PvP rank up chests

in PvP

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


you really want these kittenty rewards? they could at least give us 1 exotic per rank up, i got t1-2 mats on rank 24, so what shall i do with that kitten. it is worth nothing. I’d rather get the old chests.
Also winning a match in spvp and tpvp just feels lame now. I’m always waiting for a chest to pop up.

Please Fix: Last Refuge

in Thief

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


push, this skill continues to kill us.

13% thieves class in gw2

in Thief

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


if they just count the existing thieves, well I have 4 thieves, and i’m using 3 of the to store stuff.
So if everyone deletes his bank thief and creates a bank necros, necros will be OP and will get nerfed so less people play them?
if it works like this, gj Anet^^

If they check, who actually plays actively, please define active Anet.
For me activeley doesn’t mean, crafting and get a daily Teq chest.

What would be really interesting, is: how is the percentage of each class depending on the main character.

Autodetect graphic settings causes crash

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


I’d like to post a bug, which causes my game to crash.
I always change my graphic setting to the lowest when i fight Teq, because sometimes the game crashes on normal settings, but that’s not the bug i’d like to post.
When I go back to LS and then directly change my graphic settings by autodetect, my game crashes.
That is kind of wierd, because when I log in again and choose autodetect again, it works.

Maybe it is, if I start running while changing the settings and the game still has to load many things, it gets stuck somewhere.

My setup is a GTX670 and an i5 3570K

Dec 10th thief changes

in Thief

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


I’d actually like to have a dev who really plays thief in pvp and wvw, so he knows how balanced thief is. If he then still thinks the next update will buff us, then I know, it is my fault and I have to adapt. But a dev who plays his thief only in pve has no clue, if a class is balanced and which buffs would help.
In my view, this is our main problem: we don’t have a Dev who knows the class.
So every other class gets nice buffs (see warriors), but we don’t.
Warriors aren’t op, compared to guards, necros or mesmers. I think the fights between them are pretty balanced. The problem is, that the thieves get constantly nerfed as soon as they play a build well.

And as you want constructive examples:
Let’s look at sb, probably the only usable weapon in zerg fights (maybe also d/d on condition).
Cluster Bomb? no dmg, can be maybe used for tagging and getting loot. But 500dmg on a few enemies. They can start dancing and won’t die.
Choking Gas? yeah, i can shoot 3 times and am out of initiative.

Alright so thieves are useless in zerg fights.
That means, in wvw they only can roam.
But who else is excellent in roaming? engineers, mesmers, warriors, probably even rangers and guardians.
Let me think about it: all these classes can roam and are good in zerg fights.
Why should anyone play a thief, what can thieves, what others can’t do that nice?
Sorry, but the only thing I can think of, is running away.
IMO we should get back crit on C&D, crit on MUG, more dmg by dagger storm.
SB has to get usefull again (except for running away).

The first few nerfes a year ago were really necessary, for example no perma stealth.
Back then, I could understand other classes complaining about thieves. The problem was, you started buffing everyone else and nerfing us.
The question is, when you actually start balancing.

But hey, just keep nerfing us. In fact, why don’t you lower our health pool, don’t you think we should get one hitted by auto-attack?

Well, whatever, I’m already that inactive, I don’t care how far you nerf thieves. I still have fun in my guilds raids on weekends, even if i’m not helpful at all with my cluster bombs.

(edited by Surferboy.1649)

Are you going to still play WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


WvW is a joke now. Mostly nothing organized any more. VcY hasn’t even a raid at primetime any more. And to be honest, there is no sense in it. We were 5 people, building an alpha golem and running to garrison. We go to inner, a view of us got wiped. I run up on the ceiling, 2 followed me. I trolled them a bit and was expecting the zerg coming for me. But nothing happened, so I killed 3 people who were in inner, rezzed a mesmer. He ported the the respawned people in and we capped garrison.
This wouldn’t have been possible before the patch.
I mean, the people don’t report any more, they just were watching us capping their home garri.

I think wvw will be splitting up: the servers who are high populated and don’t care about unfair fight. These will have all bls all week and then there are the smaller servers – they will just quit gaming. So on long term, there will be one powerful server and all other servers won’t play wvw any more, means wvw will die.

I guess, I’m quitting wvw as my guildmates mostly did. WvW is not about 1v1 or 5v5. WvW means worlds are fighting against each other. If I want little fight I go sPvP.

Sometimes I believe Anet just doesn’t realize how they are calling stuff.
Same for GuildWars2, what is GW2 without gvg?
GvG was one of the best things in GW, so why didn’t they stick to it?

(edited by Surferboy.1649)

Thieves - never well-rounded with Initiative

in Thief

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


I love initiative, it forces me to think about which skill to use. Is it the right time or will my enemy just dodge my attack, so I will waste my initiative? Is it better to use Heartseeker to reduce the distance or use a dodge and then CnD?

I’d hate these cooldown skills.
In fact it isn’t much different with cooldown classes:
Is my best skill ready? yes? spam it. no? spam my second best. aso
Means, what you are really arguing about is, that there are differences between the powerfulness of skills. And in this case, maybe you are right. But it has nothing to do with initiative or cooldown.

True thieves are suffering

in Thief

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


I just have to agree with TheGuy, I’m playing D/D now since over 12 months. In the beginning it was OP, no questions. With reveal it got harder, but people werew still whining, so our dmg was decreased. I’m playing in a WvW guild, so I’m playing thief in zergs, means I am not zerker (tbh it is too weak in my view).
And yes 90% of the time, I don’t have problems with killing people. But remember I’m playing thief since 12 months, so I know when to hit, when to dodge and when to stealth.
But if I meet another good player, it gets really hard. A warrior can block you many times, can stun you, and so on. They don’t need a counter to stealth, because they won’t even let you stealth with CnD and if you stealth with another skill. They just get a block for those 3s. So what are you going to do know? D/D relies on stealth.

I’m only playing D/D because my mindset is, that a thief has to play with 2 daggers and because i’m used to it.
And about the gc thieves, they are good for trolling and roaming (and gvgs, which don’t really exist)
We will see, if the next patch will make stealth useless, thieves maybe need to drop D/D. But I don’t think so, this ranger skill seems rather senseless

Anti -stealth buff to rangers

in Thief

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


so reavel is 4s? hahaha, I was thinking we would be revealed for 10s. come on, 4s are like peanuts. Have fun rangers, I will now start kitten you, just because you are the only class who can’t whine about stealth any more.
You know what the biggest problems with thieves is? They are weak, so they need to learn dodging. As soon as they can dodge, they kill everyone else. Because everyone think, if a thief stealths, you can just wait for the thief without moving. And then you are surprised if we run behind you and do a critical hit.
Yeah, the OP thieves, learn dodging and get skill.
Funny fact is, we get nerfes, because you aren’t able to learn how to kill a thief.
But if Anet goes on like that, i just can laugh.
Actually they do the right thing with 4s reveal. It doesn’t hurt thieves, but rangers can’t whine about thieves anymore.

Anti -stealth buff to rangers

in Thief

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


to be honest, if we get revealed for 3-4s, okay, no problem. I don’t give a kitten. I will probably die if a zerg is hunting me, if i don’t have initiative. Otherwise they won’t catch me.
And a 3-4s reveal every 40s. I can live with that. The ranger won’t live that long, so he could activate it twice.
On the other hand, if we get revealed for 10s. Then the fight will change significantly. At least if you have a build based on stealth.
In that case, well, have at least one weaponset which doesn’t rely on stealth, so you can kite until reveal is gone.

Nevertheless, I think this skill facing one class isn’t the right solution to fix problems.

Anti -stealth buff to rangers

in Thief

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


well, I don’t think Anet cares much about what the thieves think. Everyone else is whining about thieves, so they keep nerfing them, so all others are happy.
As I understood it, giving reveal to rangers is just a start and other classes will follow, wait another month and all classes can reveal us. So as soon as we fight against 2 we are dead, because we can’t stealth anymore.
I bet this class will be broken until Chrismas.
Right now, I can at least farm most players, because they just suck.
When fighting against good players, you really have a hard time already.
To be honest, a good ranger doesn’t need the reveal to kill you, if he knows when to dodge and when to block, but with it he has it much easier.

We will see how many rangers will use that skill. What annoys me is, that there is a skill which focuses on a single class. I mean, mesmers can also stealth, no question, but in 1v1 fights, they can’t use it often.
So which other skills exist in this game, which are against one class?

Anti -stealth buff to rangers

in Thief

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


why does Anet always make thieves worse? warriors can block, stun and do heavy dmg, they have a heavy armor and even a bad warrior gives a good thief a hard time. Wth is wrong with anet.
Buffing rangers? okay, seems fair. But why buffing them by hurting thieves?

Almost each patch is nerfing thieves. d/d is almost unplayable, s/d is good in gvg but not in 1v1. Shortbow? yeah, that is a joke, we can maybe spam choking gas. But dmg? not really.
And now: s/d gets a nerf, so we get probably useless in gvg

rangers can reveal stealth? Hey, why don’t you just minimize our dmg to 1?
We don’t have stability or great buffs, but every other class has. It’s like every class gets buffed, but thieves keep getting nerfed.

Dragon Chest just once a day per character

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


well, I noticed temples drop masses of dragonite ore, so everyone can do the 500 in 3 days or less, so there is nothing to complain about any more^^

Dragon Chest just once a day per character

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


yes it drops more than once per day, a few friends got it twice from Teq

(edited by Surferboy.1649)

Dragon Chest just once a day per character

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


Today I wanted to do Jormag twice with my thief, because it is my only character above lvl 30. But I just got the chest once (not the bonus chest).
So I’m wondering why it is possible to do a boss with 2 characters and get t7 mats double, but not with one. This is kind of discriminating players who focus on one class.

[merged] Can't login 42:0:9001:4131

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


same here, but i was guesting RoS, my home server is Aurora Glade

Thief - Trait 50% Speedbuff while in stealth

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


The speedbuff doesn’t work when I have another speedbuff. So if I have Signet of shadows active, which grants me 25% speedbuff, I don’t get faster by my trait 50%.
Imo the trait should have priority because it gives me more speedbuff than the signet.

Fractal: Cliffside arm seals after update

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


oh, the percentage increases with the level? nice, i will have 30ar soon, then I can level up to lvl 40

Fractal: Cliffside arm seals after update

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


not everyone wants a gs^^
i got a gs and now it is in my bank, because I don’t have any use of it. But yeah, I’m still waiting for my second dagger and with a ticket I would have exchanged the gs for it.

Well, maybe in some months they will implement what they wrote in the patch notes. I haven’t seen a patch note, which wasn’t bugged. Also the new dungeon was directly bugged.

Nevertheless it is possible to do it, even when both sides got killed. But it is really hard.

@Bismuth how often do you get a fractal weapon dropped? I did already at least 100 runs and got 3 fractal weapons. So everyone who wants a fractal weapon would have to level up to 20 and then get lucky to get one of the tickets. That is a lot of time.

In my view the fractal weapons aren’t really pretty, but due to the fact that there are no nice dagger skins (for thief) in this game yet, i want fractal daggers because of the gloom.

(edited by Surferboy.1649)

Attention medium pop servers

in WvW

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


do anything but don’t come to Seafarers Rest, we already got enough noobs who ruining our queue for wvw, so the our alliance can’t do its work any more.

Transfering to medium servers for free

in WvW

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


I even heard it happened to Piken some time before, when Anet announced transfer will cost money, guilds joined and Piken lost its niveau. Now the same is happening to SFR, we are ticking with 170 at Primetime, a few days ago, we had at least 300. Thanks Anet for not learning out of your faults. Who gets the idea to open a T1 server for everyone?

Why do you always have to ruin your good work with stuff like that?
I mean: The end of culling is great, it’s awesome, BUT what does this update help us, if we can’t play anymore because there is a 2 hour queue …

(edited by Surferboy.1649)

Transfering to medium servers for free

in WvW

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


exactly dreztina, because for a good wvw server you don’t need a high populated one. A few hundred good players are enough. So we were medium populated and at the same time the best server in wvw. They should have kept the prices for t1 to t3 servers up and for the others free transfering.
And no, we won’t be friendly to the new guilds, why should we? because they want to tell of themselves that they are good because they are on a t1 server. If they really want to achieve something, they should go to a t4 server and bring it to t1 ….

Transfering to medium servers for free

in WvW

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


Why is transfering to medium servers for free?
What did Anet think by doing this????
SFR had a queue of 10 min at primetime a few days ago and now we have to wait 1h to get in even a few hours before primetime.
Thanks for ruining our server. Now the people how got it in T1 and made it the best European server need to leave because we don’t get in any more.
You should have put 2000 gems for transfering to every server, then there couldn’t have been whole guilds coming over.

End of culling start of LAGWARS

in WvW

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


Skill lag like before the patch, that has nothing to do with our hardware, it’s their servers which can’t manage huge fights. Biggest problem is: I can’t heal myself. Today I got killed a few times, because I was hitting the heal button but nothing happened.
What I’m wondering about is, why do other games even old ones can manage fights between 500 people but our wvw servers have problems with fights between 100?
And it’s definitly not the internect connection: I got up to 1,5GB/s so please don’t tell me my internet connection is too slow. (by the way the fastest site I had could give me a download speed of about 20-30 MB/s

(edited by Surferboy.1649)

Travelling while queued

in WvW

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


Does travelling between PVE maps or overflow has an effect on the length I am queued?

Name change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


thank you very much, wasn’t in the forum for a while

Name change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


Hey guys,
I know, that they said name change is coming in the future, but that was half a year ago.
Is there any information when it is coming for sure?
Just haven’t heard anything about it for a long time.

Post your legendary progress!

in Crafting

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


Finished The Dreamer by buying The Lover of the TP for 466g.
Won’t ever start a Legendary again except when I get a precursor dropped, well maybe not even then.

Unable to log in Error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


same error here. Seafarers. Didn’t we have the same error a few weeks ago?

Precursors and Patches and Market Changes

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


well, The Lover hasn’t changed a lot, but you’re right, I got 100g close to the highest buy offer^^
I hope the price will at least stay.

Dragons In Exile completed Tier 3 bount hunt

in Community Creations

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


guys, just read it. They are a WvW Guild. 1 Million is much, but not that hard for a WvW guild. Stop offending people.
They just want to share information.

New legendaries someday

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


yep, we should have done that.
But maybe we have luck and the precursors really will drop now.

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


As far as I see it, there are enough people at every event. But maybe this is just a problem of medium or lower servers and not of the ones with high population.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


guys, you can be in more than 1 guild. So just search for a big guild on your server and join it. This way you can do the guild missions.
It’s everywhere said, that precursors drop from these missions. But is the chance like dragon chests? (almost never) or will it be something like 5%.

Precursors and Patches and Market Changes

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


where did you get that?
It is hinted that they will be a possible drop in the chest as far as I know.

Precursors and Patches and Market Changes

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


this is a real lucky guild^^
in my guild (150 members) almost noone got a precursor drop ever^^
And we do have hardcore farmers. One achieved his second legendary by farming it and never got a precursor dropped.

Dusk Watch

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


with 6 precursors I’d also consider the world fine. 2 legendarys are no problem with such an amount.

Precursors and Patches and Market Changes

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


well, a friend experienced it too.
He already did around 30 daily fractals, but just recieved 4 rings. So I think there still is a bug in the system.
The problem is to find a bug in a distributed system.
In this case, they did it right. If you have bad luck, then you still can get what you want by playing -> pristine relics.
This should be done to precursors too.
Maybe by giving some sort of relics when using the forge.
For example: 4 rare bows -> 1 bow-relic
4 exotics bows-> 5 bow-relics
if you use 4 of different sorts, then a random one.
And for 1000 relics you can get a precursor.

(edited by Surferboy.1649)