Showing Posts For Suriz.9753:

Light of Dwayna

in Crafting

Posted by: Suriz.9753


Light of Dwayna:
Can we expect these wings to become bigger/better/larger in future crafting? This would give me reason to pursue making them.

The same goes for Shadow of Grenth. If the dark shroud cape effect was bigger/better/larger, I’d seek crafting this.

Furthermore, can we expect rewards from long crafting lines, like Mawdrey II, from other items? (ie: Tri-forge pendant, Light of Dwayna, Fractal Capacitor, etc…)

This would personally have me work on crafting both/more of these items.

[merged] BUG On Swift Wings Achievement

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Suriz.9753



Infusion Wishlist

in Suggestions

Posted by: Suriz.9753


Utility Infusion: 5% Boon Duration

Sickle Axe Pick

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Suriz.9753


Super Adventure Box themed Unlimited Mining Pick > Minecraft

Sickle Axe Pick

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Suriz.9753


I hope they do another round of them soon for people that weren’t paying attention. :x

Sickle Axe Pick

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Suriz.9753


Hey I missed the Molten Alliance Mining Pick, can we expect these to become available again in the future?
(paying the $10 for it)

How much Health should a player have minimum?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Suriz.9753


Boon Guardian (PvE):
So far I haven’t seen any reason why dodging and skill aren’t enough to survive.
Until there is content that requires players to take an unmitigated amount of damage, I see no reason to purposely apply additional Vitality.

How much Health should a player have minimum?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Suriz.9753


How much Health should a player have minimum?
What is the heaviest non-direct damage (where Toughness is not applicable) to players in a single hit?

Purpose: the answer to this is important in deciding how much minimum Vitality/Health a player should have.

Boon Duration %

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Suriz.9753



Let me put it this way, per the first possibility;

16.6 seconds of regeneration(R1) are applied to a target from a level 80 player with 1500 Healing Power.
5 seconds later, 16.6 seconds of regeneration(R2) are applied to the same target from a level 80 player with 2000 Healing Power.
The target will experience 317.5 health per second for the first 5 seconds, then 380 health per second for the next 16.6 seconds, then 317.5 health per second for the next 11.6 seconds.

There would be a cut off to both the 16.6s and 11.6s, and there would be a lag time between R1 and R2 of 1.6s(time time it takes for R1 to fall off + the time it takes for R2 to tick once). That same .6s cut off would occur again at the end of R2.

If we are bound to a universal ticker, like the game clock, it would explain how skills like Symbol of Swiftness applies its effect. At times walking through this ground cast may apply its effect right away, or later, or not at all.
Usually this is attributed to “lag” or latency, but I prefer if there is an internal ticker we are always on, and effects are either on or off, but always in sync. This gives the game more randomness.

Boon Duration %

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Suriz.9753


Can Giver’s armor do 2%+ per piece… or can we have an infusion with % Boon Duration.
Casting Stand Your Ground and Save Yourself gives 16s of Regeneration * 66%BD = 26.56s * 20% Rune Duration = 31.872s.
Obviously, any decimal to regeneration duration is going to become some random number that ultimately comes down to losing 1 tick of regeneration. Or does it? I am assuming that these like boons combine;

Expected Conclusion: Duration to ticking effects will add to continuity, but only apply per intervals.

I contest with this;
“10 seconds of regeneration are applied to a target from a level 80 player with 1500 Healing Power. 5 seconds later, 10 seconds of regeneration are applied to the same target from a level 80 player with 2000 Healing Power. The target will experience 317.5 health per second for the first 5 seconds, then 380 health per second for the next 10 seconds, then 317.5 health per second for the next 5 seconds.”

What if this was now 16.6s?
Would we lose every last tick off every single cast application?

Thanks all for replies thus far.

Boon Duration %

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Suriz.9753


Player X casts 10 seconds of Protection. Player X has 60% Boon Duration. Boon lasts;
16 seconds?

Player Y casts 10 seconds of Protection. Player Y has 65% Boon Duration. Boon lasts;
16.5 seconds?
16 seconds?
17 seconds?

Player Z casts 10 seconds of Protection. Player Z has 66% Boon Duration. Boon lasts;
16.6 seconds?
16.5 seconds?
16.75 seconds?
16 seconds?
17 seconds?

Does GW2 round duration down? up? to the nearest 1/4 second? 1/2 second? 1 second?

I think this about covers what I’m inquiring.