Showing Posts For Suuns.9203:
Thanks! But still have no idea which build to choose for PVE
Don’t have an expansion yet.
Can anyone recommend me a good site for the latest/strongest builds?
Thanks in advance
Greetings Everyone,
I am downloading GW2 as we speak.
My main character was mesmer back then.
Have not purchased HoT yet.
Wanna know what changes have been made in 1+ year or so.
What is the new meta build for mesmers?
I mainly play PVE and WvW
Is there anything I need to know?
Let me just make sure of something here. The highlighted part you seem to be complaining about the lack of gear treadmill. Is that correct? If so the door’s over there, don’t let it hit you on the way out.
Incorrect. Just wanted to point out that every item here is purely cosmetic.
Funny how you all can not understand the point.
My point was IF you can compare brandy to water than you can do same with Wow and Gw2. (What all of you did btw)
Anytime I see such comparisons GW2 ppl attack OP by saying you can’t compare 2 different things…
With same success you can compare apple and orange.
Compare, Choose, enjoy.
The reason I switched back to WoW is that GW2 offers same things as 2 years ago.
No new classes,Weapons, spells (useless healing spells excluded), Dungeons, Bosses, It only offers timeless grind for some sparkly shiny skin which gives you 0 bonus and power over others.
Anyway I always say that you get what you pay for.
Thats why I compared water to GW2 because its nothing more. American Beer for German.
I prefer WoW because of:
Costumer Service
Don’t tell me that any mmo’s Lore is better than wow’s.
OK quest system sucks compared to GW2 but no one cares about quest system once you hit lvl cap in gw2.
Overall its big and legendary.
Grind Grind Grind Grind and what you get is a Skin. C’mon its ridiculous. Gem store is robbing you and you are happy with that. In the beginning it was something more than that.
AND Please don’t think that I’m a Gw2 hater or smth. I just want this game to be more and Devs should give it more love. I know its NCsoft’s fault that they can’t do anything more and supply us with cool updates because the only thing NCsoft cares about is Gem store. Thats why Blizzard is better and stronger company compared to any other mmo companies. They are investing millions of dollars to keep their player base happy and make them play their product. WIN WIN is not it?
AND2. btw this post is not about WoW, Brandy or water. It is about GW2 becoming poor/cheap game which NEEDS to offer its player base new content. Thousands of New MMOs are coming up and with this attitude Gw2 won’t make a stand and fall.
AND3. IF you are going to say that Blizzard is a huge company and Anet is not and thats why bla bla bla . Take a look at small MMO called Warframe and see how their Devs are working to keep up the good work. Each week they fill up the content with new things and come up with big or little ideas. New weapons missions etc etc … There is new Class/profession every 90 days aprox. So don’t tell me please that someone needs 2+ years to come up with new dungeon and implement it in game.
To all you saying WoW sucks, maybe it does for you, who am i to judge about tastes but for me it constantly offers something new that keeps millions of players. FUN and entertainment. One man’s garbage is another man’s treasure you know.
(edited by Suuns.9203)
Do you prefer brandy or water?
If a person asks you this question you will probably choose the one you prefer.
If this statement is true, than you are making decision between two completely different drinks, which are used in completely different situations. Then were they asked in one sentence?
Does not matter – the thing is if you can choose between these 2 completely different drinks, and you compare them in your brain in seconds, then why can’t you compare this particular game to any other game? I mean overally not in tiny details.
Don’t rage now
2 years ago when I first tried GW2 I was amazed: Graphics, characters, shiny armor, beautiful spells, dungeons etc. etc. but since then nothing changed, I mean many tiny things changed in terms of polishness of the game but nothing new has been added to it and now I still play WoW. And if you think that wow was buggy and chaotic in the beginning, I think that 1.12.1 was the best WoW.
You know why I still play WoW?
Because if you put out a bottle of water for 1 year it will get contaminated or simply no one will ever drink it. But why do you think no one refuses to a 10 year old bottle of Brandy?
Think about it.
I’m writing this because I love GW2 and want to have a reason to come back.
To me it’s just simply not moving forward and stands still like frozen a potato. Its stuck in never ending money sucking game called Guild of Credit Cards 2. “yay new skin”
Please don’t be Water GW2
are we talking actual sPvP / tPvP or WvW “PvP” for the PvP half.
PvE are you asking for dungeon builds or Open world solo builds or Zerg World Boss/event builds?
Hello fellow Mesmers,
Nowadays there are too many builds and I don’t know which one is better.
I’m looking for good PVP and PVE Build.
I know some answers are: “Experiment and find the build that suits you” but can’t come up with good builds myself so I prefer to stick to the ones that are already tested and approved.
Also I’m not in close relationship with forums so I don’t know many short versions of words like Prismatic Understanding = PU etc. etc. So please tell full names
Thanks in Advance.
Every time Thief leaves stealth, or attacks from stealth there was a sound “surprise motherf**ka” ?
The guy asks which is the highest possible mesmer burst with hope to get a suitable build to deal the highest possible damage, gets 412312 different builds. Gets even more confused, depressed, deletes gw2.
Hi, Can anyone teach me how to beat Liadri with guardian?
Boss Blitz gold style
can you explain what is that?
Hello. Can anyone tell me what are the ways to farm this item?
can anyone post build etc? thanks in advance
and is it legal?
what’s CI, and CS mean?
CS is a GM trait in Domination tree which stands under number XII: Confounding Suggestions – Chance to inflict Stun whenever you daze a target. Increased daze duration.
While CI is also a GM trait in Chaos tree XI: Chaotic Interruption – Immobilize your target when you interrupt them and randomly apply Blind, Cripple or Chill.
PS. Jebro thanks a lot for this awesome build now I can Mesmer again ^^
hello, how do you think which dye color is this shield?
hello guys, I want to know if there is any pvp pve hammer build
and also if there is any good pve/pvp gs build
15/04/14 builds i mean ^^
and if there is any superior builds then these. staff build or whatever
(edited by Suuns.9203)
thank you very much and one more question, how about PVP, WvW?
I want to know if scepter is any good for Guardian in PVE? Does it do any good and are there any scepter pve builds? In which situation would Guard use Scepter? If anyone could enlighten me with guardian’s scepter gameplay I would be grateful.
In each Profession’s subforum there are complaints about broken things. Broken this, bugged that. "Anet fix this, Anet fix that. My question is, which profession is most balanced and strong in terms of “not broken”?
hairstyles? cmon
(edited by Suuns.9203)
I don’t know if its a bug or not but if anyone could help i would appreciate it.
I’m Stuck at Orr explorer 59/60 achievement, have searched for hours but couldn’t find the spot. is it bug or there is one extra hidden place? I have all Orr maps 100% completed.
Black Lion Trade Center Bug: when i installed the game first time the letters (fonts) whatever you call it were looking good but then in couple of seconds it like crushed and broke. Since then it have not changed back. Re-installing the game didn’t help
1) So i have this hint problem: in items and equipment category there is a “laurels” explained and to be ticked it says to go to vendor and talk to him. well i have done this many times and have many ascended jewels bought but it still does not Tick. Therefore I cant get my Hint completion achievement 82/83. Re-installing the game didn’t help.
2) Black Lion Trade Center Bug: when i installed the game first time the letters (fonts) whatever you call it were looking good but then in couple of seconds it like crushed and since then it have not changed back. Re-installing the game didn’t help
3) I don’t know if its a bug or not but if anyone could help i would appreciate it.
I’m Stuck at Orr explorer 59/60 achievement, have searched for hours but couldn’t find the spot. is it bug or there is one extra hidden place? I have all Orr maps 100% completed.
These goes on for more then a year
First, I love this game. I don’t really know why but it’s stunning and habit forming. The world is beautiful, Characters and professions are unique and original, personally I have not played any mmos which has such interesting character development, quest competition, Events, raids and ofc the Graphics – which are astonishing! On the other hand the game lacks some confidence, polish and content…
Every time I log on Forums I see negative posts about something not working and that something is broken, or there is not enough creativeness added to professions/LS/spvp/WvW/PVE/World also the game economics being screwed and the new features added wrongly (not what players want). Now I know that its off topic BUT whenever I log on WoW forums or EVEN wowhead site… ppl are happy on every update there is up to come. compared to world of warcraft, this game has much more to propose because its new type of mmo, new mmo era has started and GW2 has had much to offer and intrigue us, BUT we are here now, QQing on every single update, crying on every nerf and buff. I’m getting the feeling that players understand this game more than devs sadly… I wish good future to this game and don’t want to give it up… something has to be done.
1. Mesmer
2. Elementalist
3. Necromancer
well then how much to level all professions to 400? i know it wont get me to 80 but still
Hello, Can anyone tell me how much gold + time is required to level with crafting from 1 to 80? (if a person had to buy all mats from TP)
Please Anet make this happen
for example Fanged Dread Mask (mesmer) would be awesome to transmute it and use for other professions it looks like samurai mask if you dye it correctly it would look amazing on other toons.
same with other items
Thanks a lot that clears my mind!
Now the last thing ^^ sigils :P
Ok maybe I’m too bad at searching, tried to find suitable build/guide but most are out of date others are not what I was looking for… I really need professional’s help.
first I’ll show you my gear and build and I want someone to guide me. (noo suuns this is terrible idea change trait V to trait II so that bla bla bla, or good boy suuns you’re doing good!)
Im using GS as my main and don’t know what to use as my secondary weapon (staff which I think is completely useless for my build, but thats the only thing I have atm.)
As for Gear I use Berserker stats + Ruby orbs.
Also I’m not sure which sigils to use on weapons.
This is how my Mesmer looks:
Don’t know what you guys call this build. The thing is I doubt that it will be good in High level fractals. Also if there is needed a necessary change in traits OR if there is more suitable build for this gear or vice versa. Also I’m Confused which ascended amulets I need to go for.
I like dealing big DMG so want to keep it as high as possible, and also I need to be suitable for high level fractals and do best in Dungeons.
Big Thanks to whoever will help me! God bless Mesmers!!!
It’s a Roleplaying Game, I play the Role of a character I created, I don’t want my necro to be a corrupted elementalist or any kind of character whose background story is set in stone by the developer.
If you want your Characters to have background stories, create them yourself like you did here. The few choices we can make it terms of the past of your character are so minor that you can create your own past easily.
So you enjoy doing same thing over and over again? Sure it can be a choice too.
I’m just suggesting that story(leveling) can be more appealing and not so boring as it is now. Have you leveled more than one toon passed level 30-35? Then you know that for everyone it becomes same more or less.
I just suggested another option that can fulfill the role of a profession.
Where have you seen a kind hearted necromancer who has relentless desire to save people from corruption and necrotic creatures? Sounds kinda ridiculous to me.
And also as I said above this should not change the current system how backgrounds are introduced to us in game, just merged the current ones.
Here I’ll make it easy for you to imagine.
Players should be given choices like they are now.
Racial based story should be also introduced to us. (as it is atm)
Story shouldn’t be “set in stone” but develop on player’s choices. (To kill or not, go right or left, trick or treat etc. etc.)
I think leveling 8 professions can be boring when “personal” story becomes the same passed the certain line. A person for example who prefers Charr more then any race and wants all his toons to be Charrs will get pretty tired and bored soon. (same on other races). So I think it will be much more fun if Anet makes story based on our profession.
Few Examples:
A noble mage (elementalist) who becomes corrupted because of loss of his wife/children, darkness and hate surrounds him and in the name of revenge he sells his soul to devil and starts to use more powerful black/demonic magic. The whole story can be based on this and in the end he has his revenge… But his doomed soul can never find salvation…
Why would a person under this title be so honored in the end of storyline?
Can’t he be just a thief? Isn’t thief’s main goal to steal from someone?
I would like to see a poor hungry but smart thief who dreams of gold and steals map or artifact or a key which finally leads to his own El dorado. (Piracy can be also involved as i look on medium armor only one word comes in my mind “Pirate”)
Here can work any typical story of a noble warrior who couldn’t protect a king or a princess. Who was really good at hist job but failed. Became drunkard bum and all he was doing was drinking until fate gave him a second chance and now he has to correct his past mistakes and save the kingdom from [Insert danger here].
Give them opportunity to really guard spirits and living from evil.
I’m sure someone can come up with better ideas for such storylines so I would like to hear. I think this kind of change will make this game much more fun and active.
P.S I’m not saying that the full storyline system should be rebuilt but Anet can somehow merge race/profession storylines and make even more fun out of it.
What is most suitable build for GS/staff full berserker gear atm?
and is there a better DMG build, I mean with other weapons and gear that can be achieved?
rangers and thieves should wield every ranged weapon
not saying it should be harry potter way but all magicians love it as main hand
for warriors and guardians
As Athel suggested Whips would be amazing + it can also be for caster professions, animations would be cool, Remember how cool Balrog swings his flame whip in front of Gandalf.
1) Different dungeon difficulties = better rewards. For example heroic mode
2) More Skins/stats from Crafting professions. Make Professions needed for other players.
make players say: LF LW, Tailor etc etc
3) Improved “Last Boss Loot”. For example 80% drop chance for rare, 30% exotic etc. etc.
you could exclude CoF or make it happen in heroic mode.
yes it works fine the only letters ingame letters are fine too just ones on TP. ill post screen tomorrow not on my computer atm
The visuals since the second day when I purchased the game are crushed (3-4months). the writings are messed. they are readable but still letters are broken like they are written in 8bit. Don’t know really how to explain it more clearly maybe someone has same problem and knows how to solve it. Thanks
CoF can be renamed for farming pit and could be exception for rare drops!
What Im saying is that we need better drop system on bosses.
Or all that excites you is seeing an exotic from trash in 7th CoF run?
Necro links exotic medium gear which will be sold for 4 gold on TP
Peak of excitement….
Charr Mesmers would apriciate it.
It would be awesome and more fun I think if last boss in dungeon X had specific Loot.
for example it would 100% drop rare (yellow) item, or 2x-5x 100% rare material or even had 30% drop chance for Exotics. It is very upsetting when you spend 1-2h in dungeons and come out of it with greens and blues. (and dont tell me about Magic Find some players just dont want to run around with magic find – farming Gear). Same for Fractals.
Yeah I saw that Thread but there are mostly out of date information. All I want to know which build is fun/fast for leveling and which build is cool in pve (thinking of heavy condition dmg build) and need a little guidance here ^^
I have lvl17 engineer. I find it very fun but know almost nothing about this profession. And I can’t find much about PVE engineers on forums. So can anyone supply me with a solid/fun leveling build and also strong PVE builds? (Which PVE build is most common among Engineers, which is most interesting, offensive, defensive, supportive, etc. etc.)
(edited by Suuns.9203)