Showing Posts For Suxen.8574:

Today We all are France

in WvW

Posted by: Suxen.8574


I leave here this proposal:
do not attack anyone or anything tonight from 22:00 to 23:00 in the WvW, to protest by terrorist attack in Paris.

If the leaders of the clans see it well, transmit it.
Players of GW2 also condemn this terrorist attack.


(I am spanish, sorry by my poor english)

Suxen [OdS] – thief in Baruch Bay [ES] – Spain

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Suxen.8574


Anet, are you crazy?
do you think really we are going to buy that?
that price is to laugh of us?

Suxen [OdS] – thief in Baruch Bay [ES] – Spain

(edited by Suxen.8574)

New traits and thiefs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Suxen.8574


Dear Zepidel:

- Deadly Arts – Revealed Training
No thiefs use Deadly Arts more than Master
And this new trait is of Great Master. not worth spending points here

- Critical Strikes – Invigorating Precision
Eeeeeh???, example: critical hit = 7000 … 5% = 350, …350 of health? XDD

- Shadow Art – Resilience of Shadows
This Trait is not useful because no one hits me when I’m in stealth.
Other traits are better in Shadow Art.
This trait does not give me anything I did not already have

- Acrobatics – Assassin’s Equilibrium
This is good but it is Great Master and not worth spend 30 points here

- Trickery – Bewildering Ambush
This is very very good, but only to thiefs use Condition Damage

Is not gold that glitters
Play a thief first, become an expert and then give opinions.

We only ask to Anet that the meeting table GW2 should have a thief to defend this profession.

Suxen [OdS] – thief in Baruch Bay [ES] – Spain

(edited by Suxen.8574)

New traits and thiefs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Suxen.8574


Anet have you played a Thief in WvW?
have you asked their opinions to some expert Thiefs in WvW?

The Thief is the profession worst treated of the game.
In WvW, play a Thief is learning to survive, to kill someone is a secondary objective.

Today, create a thief no longer worth, a Warrior has more speed, more damage and more defense.

Now, you have created new Traits (15 april). Did you comment it with any expert thief?
Because it is not useful. Actual traits are better.

Also, you are going to reduce the Critical Damage, our main quality.
But you are not going to reduce the qualities of other professions.
Neither you will give more defense to thiefs

Do you want to tell us something?
Do you want to tell us to abandon the profession Thief?
The Thief is annoying in GW2?

We think that the meeting table GW2 should have a thief to defend this profession because you do not know what is missing nor know our problems.


(I am from Spain, sorry for my English)

Suxen [OdS] – thief in Baruch Bay [ES] – Spain

Thieves in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Suxen.8574


Oooh my god , Thiefs are op.
They have killed me, … Nerf nerf please!

20 months = …. Ufff. Practise!

Thieves are the most difficult to handle in WvW currently

Suxen [OdS] – thief in Baruch Bay [ES] – Spain

(edited by Suxen.8574)

Concerns about WvW future

in WvW

Posted by: Suxen.8574


2 League

Anet does not know create good rewards. They does not value the effort.
PVE rewards are much better than those of WvW, with less effort.

In WvW, we want EXCLUSIVE rewards for the first three Servers.

If my server wins the League we want to have a exclusive weapon design and an exclusive FINISHER PERMANENT.
and no one should ever be able to get it, even from PVE (forge mystic, …)

We want something that differentiates us from others.
I would like to say: “I was there and we won” and you… not. Look at my Finisher!, Look at my weapon!

9 week, 24 hour = great effort. Anet, value it!

Suxen [OdS] – thief in Baruch Bay [ES] – Spain

Collaborative Development: Edge of the Mists

in CDI

Posted by: Suxen.8574


Suxen [OdS] – thief in Baruch Bay [ES] – Spain

(edited by Suxen.8574)

Collaborative Development: Edge of the Mists

in CDI

Posted by: Suxen.8574


3 ideas:

Place a temporary Teleport anywhere on the map.

Goal of proposal
Give players more mobility and
oblige defenders to attack these Teleports and not only defend from within the Fortresses.

Proposal functionality
- Guilds can investigate the improvement to create temporary Teleports
- When a Guilds place a Teleports, their members can not place another one until 30 minutes later.
- This Teleports(TP) are temporary and it are destroyed by itself after 20 minutes.
- There are areas of the map where it are not allowed to place a TP of this type
- All players of the server can use this TP
- The TP is displayed on the map
- The enemy can attack and destroy those TPs
- Borders will only allow two simultaneous TPs of this type in their maps. C.Eternals will allow 3 simultaneous TPs of this type on the map.

Some Towers owned by guilds for a full week .
We need larger maps.

Goal of proposal
Add new Towers that can be sieged only one day of the week (by example: Saturday) and be claimed by a Clan. Those towers will be owned by those Guilds the rest of week.

This Guild will investigate improvements as a Teletrasport which will be exclusive to the Guild members . NPCs , etc. .

Proposal functionality
These towers can be sieged Saturdays only. The three servers will can siege it, like any other tower. And at 23:59 on Saturday the siege will close and the Server owned at this hour will be the rest of the week.
Guilds of that Server must bid ( gold ) for its property.

- The auction will last only 1 hour ( 0:00 – 1:00 )
- Only Guilds with minimal members may participate
- Only the Guild leader may bid

The guild owner can investigate improvements as:
- Place a Teleport in the Tower (exclusive to members of the Clan)
- Enable NPCs in the Tower
- Improved vitality clan members

Larger maps with teleports that can be disabled by cutting communications, like Teso.

Goal of proposal
Larger maps and more Fortresses and to prevent players having to travel long distances to reach the fighting, place strategic teleports.
But these teleports can be disabled destroying lines of communication, like Teso WvW.

(I am from spain. I trust that my English is understood)

Suxen [OdS] – thief in Baruch Bay [ES] – Spain

(edited by Suxen.8574)

Concerns about WvW future

in WvW

Posted by: Suxen.8574


Anet has left the WvW
Anet thinks the future of GW2 is in PVE
at least so it seems

WvW players only have one output: find another game
I like GW2, i love WvW but unchanged …. 20 months is much

Suxen [OdS] – thief in Baruch Bay [ES] – Spain

WvW getting monotonous

in WvW

Posted by: Suxen.8574


OK, i am from Spain, i am playing in Baruch Bay Server and I speak English poorly.

Concerning doubts:

. yes, MvM = WvW

. telegraph post:
more ideas (Teso idea):
…something like telegraph post:
…TP of towers clan only works if all telegraph post are intact.

Suxen [OdS] – thief in Baruch Bay [ES] – Spain

WvW getting monotonous

in WvW

Posted by: Suxen.8574


Anet, the WvW is a great Endgame populated by many players. Dont forget us!.
Many people will try the Teso looking for new stuff.
Look your statistics!

Anet, we have played 20 months almost without changes in WvW. Only:
- WvW Skills
- Ruins
- New Map of the Mist (okay but is separate from the competition)

MONOTONY, this is the problem. Every day we do the same, 20 months like this.
I like GW2. I love WvW, but we do the same every days. Anet do something please!

ANET, go another games and take ideas!!!, Copy it!!!
Play Teso and copy ideas, please!! and take it to here!

Change maps WvW !!!
Add more fortresses, towers, camps!!
think in new skills siege

Do you want an idea?

Create new Towers(in the middle of maps of WvW) that we can only siege on Saturday and the clan whose claimed it will own one week (as in Lineage2).
this towers will have particular TP just to the owners.
it will be home clan
can investigate further improvements to the clan

but you need maps greater

more ideas (Teso idea):
something like telegraph post:
TP of towers clan only works if all telegraph post are intact.

The MONOTONY is killing the game WvW, slowly but mercilessly.
PVE is very good, but we play WvW, our Endgame is WvW and we are many players. Dont forget us, please.

IDEAS!!! go another games and take it for here!


EDIT: I corrected errors

Suxen [OdS] – thief in Baruch Bay [ES] – Spain

(edited by Suxen.8574)

Calculation points based in enemies online

in WvW

Posted by: Suxen.8574


Suggestion to MvM
Calculation points per “tick”, based on the amount of enemies online
If there are few enemies, your server will score less
If there are equal or more enemies online, your server will score 100%
simple but very effective, and fairer than the same rate during 24hours:

MvM have those Players at this time:
BLUE: nº
RED: nº

GO TO CALCULATE % for RED and their enemies:

x = ( nRED’PLAYERS * 100% ) / nTOTAL’Players = x%

e = ( (nGREEN’PLAYERS+nBLUE’PLAYERS) * 100% ) / nTOTAL’Players = e%

[DIF]: x% – e% = [DIF]%

IF [DIF] <= 1 then [factor] = 1
ELSIF [DIF] = 100 then [factor] = 0.1
ELSE [factor] = 1 – ([DIF]/100)

POINT in “tick” for RED:

CAMP (5) = 5 * [factor]
TOWER (10) = 10 * [factor]
KEEP (25) = 25 * [factor]
CASTLE (35) = 35 * [factor]


The same calculations for GREEN and for BLUE Server

EXAMPLE: calculate RED SERVER in this “tick”:

In this example we can observe that RED server has more players than the other two servers together in this “tick”:

GREEN: 50 players
BLUE: 70 players
RED: 200 players
. . . . . . . . . . .
Total: 320 players


RED: x = ( 200 * 100% ) / 320 = 62%
ENEMIES: e = ( (50+70) * 100% ) / 320 = 38%

[DIF]: 62% – 38% = 25%
[factor] = 1 – ([DIF]/100) = 0.75

POINT in this “tick” for RED:

CAMP (5) = 5 * [factor] = 5 * 0.75 = 3.75
TOWER (10) = 10 * [factor] = 10 * 0.75 = 7.5
KEEP (25) = 25 * [factor] = 25 * 0.75 = 18.75
CASTLE (35) = 35 * [factor] = 35 * 0.75 = 26.25

And we know than RED Server have(example): 10 CAMPs, 4 TOWERs, 2 KEEPs
TOTAL POINTS in TICK = 10*3.75 + 4*7.5 + 2*18.75 = 105 points

Suxen [OdS] – thief in Baruch Bay [ES] – Spain

(edited by Suxen.8574)

2nd League MvM ???

in WvW

Posted by: Suxen.8574


Have you any information about the 2nd League MvM?

Any data?


Suxen [OdS] – thief in Baruch Bay [ES] – Spain

Web Interface to the game: posibilities

in Crafting

Posted by: Suxen.8574


I want to buy / sell at the Bazaar from the web
I want to see and modify my inventory from the web
I want to craft items with my crafts from the web
I want to chat with my clan from the web

I think we could do many things from a Web interface without connecting to the game.

I want craft items from my telephone/iPad, from my job, from my sister’s home, …

Suxen [OdS] – thief in Baruch Bay [ES] – Spain

(edited by Suxen.8574)

WvW Season One Rewards Are Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: Suxen.8574


Watch Arena Net completely ignore this.

Who on earth thought green trash weapons would make a good reward? I mean seriously? Who? Why? Greens. Seriously. Are they out of touch with their own game?

Anet = bungler (with respect, just adjetive)

Suxen [OdS] – thief in Baruch Bay [ES] – Spain

Dec. 10th Balance Preview - Updated Nov 6th.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Suxen.8574


We are thinking Anet has no clear ideas.

The Thief must hit hard and avoid being hit. This is his role.
That is the definition of the Profession. What are you thinking Anet?

Go here and read it:

Experts at stealth and surprise, thieves can move through the shadows, vanish into thin air, or steal items from their opponents and use them as weapons. Thieves practice an agile, acrobatic fighting style, which can make them very hard to hit.

Suxen [OdS] – thief in Baruch Bay [ES] – Spain

(edited by Suxen.8574)

design style for weapons and armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Suxen.8574


Suxen [OdS] – thief in Baruch Bay [ES] – Spain

(edited by Suxen.8574)