Showing Posts For Taaveti.3056:

Please give us an option to turn events off

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taaveti.3056


right? thanks Anet trolled me enough to skip playing today. bravo4

Lets all survive a little longer.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Taaveti.3056


I have tried Tequatl a few times and Powerful potion of undead slaying has helped a great deal with surviving.

I see a lot of people dropping very quickly so i thought i would share.

Serious question about grenades.

in Engineer

Posted by: Taaveti.3056


On Nov. 15th update.
The projectile speed of all grenades has been increased by 10-15%.
Grenade: This skill’s damage has been decreased by 10% in PvP only.
Shrapnel Grenade: This skill’s damage has been decreased by 15% in PvP only.
Freeze Grenade: This skill’s damage has been decreased by 10% in PvP only.
Grenade Barrage: This skill’s damage has been decreased by 10% in PvP only. It also now works correctly with the Explosives trait Grenadier while underwater.”

On Dec 14th. Engineer
Engineer kits now inherit the bonuses from currently equipped weapon sigils.
“Grenade” skill now does 30% less damage to balance against using sigils.
Grenade kit damage is now equal in PvP and PvE."

it is my understanding that in PvE that on Dec 14th that my:
Skill 1 = – 40%
Skill 2 = – 15%
Skill 4 = – 10%
grenade barrage = -10%

Since the grenade kit damage is equal to pvp now?
that is a lot worst then just a 30% drop on skill one…. for us PvE players.

is this correct?

(edited by Taaveti.3056)

Wanna go for a new build...but SHOULD I?!

in Engineer

Posted by: Taaveti.3056


Definitely not, I am running the same glass cannon build. I finished the exotics and runes just in time to receive the nerf hammer to the face… I highly regret it.

I was seriously considering the tankcat build too…. but I will not be made a fool twice lol… this time i am waiting to see what part of engineer they nerf into the ground.

Let's start predicting the next update

in Engineer

Posted by: Taaveti.3056


I predict that Anet will give us all the improvements we have been begging for. then make us a costume brawl only class.


in Engineer

Posted by: Taaveti.3056


Well I am no pro mmo gamer… but I can play decently… I am not getting booted from parties because I am well know for sucking… they straight up say no engineers.. it is not personal..


in Engineer

Posted by: Taaveti.3056


I guess it has come to this, I have been playing the engineer class since I got the game shortly after release. I have leveled him to 80 and fully geared him up.

Sadly after months of grinding and toiling for gear and skill points and trying builds.. I feel completely useless…. I get kicked from dungeon parties, I get eaten alive in pvp… I can’t even explore end game content because parties see me as adding 15 to 20 mins on the run time because simply we don’t get the job done.

Anet said they keep nerfing the class to stop it from becoming OP heck I have been wishing to become just regular powered…. I know many people say that if they play “this way and perfectly” they have had success… I understand that, but I am no MMO god or prodigy.. and if you have to be the Chosen one just to be mediocre there is something really wrong….

I see posts on here talking about Anet saying they are not going to fix engineer?
this is really discouraging for me Engineer was what really sold me on buying and playing this game.. now I don’t even want to hop online because other players make me feel like I am playing some kind of diseased joke class, some gimmicky thing that has no use.

I know the options are to wait and hope or change classes.. but I have so much time into my engineer… so I was hoping we could get some kind of class change option??

on a different note that Aion game is that made by Anet too? I think after this experience I am going to avoid them like the plague.