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A way to look up character name?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tahlie.4259


So you’re asking to know your GW1 character names? (Just asking- your question was a tad confusing to my groggy-early-morning brain)

But yeah, you can’t to find GW1 names to my knowledge. It was essentially a security question upon log-in and I don’t think A-net would release information like that in a way that could be looked up and connected to e-mail/other data.

I’d recommend seeing if you can find old screenshots, or ask old friends/guildies if they have any sceenshots or if they can remember one of your character’s names. Perhaps you can track it down if you were a member of the community outside the game (e.g. if you were part of a guild forum etc).

Fingers crossed that support will get back to you soon. As long as they can definitively prove that your GW1 account is yours, you should be ok.

No, not GW1, GW2. xD

A way to look up character name?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tahlie.4259


Is there a way to look up the names of characters? ‘cause I have an old Guild Wars 2 account that I want to give to my brother so that he can play with me, but I can’t remember the password, and I don’t remember the names of any of the characters. I sent in a support ticket, but Lord knows how long that’ll take.

(edited by Tahlie.4259)

Some requests for raiding.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tahlie.4259


As a former WoW player I believe that they should NEVER make different levels of difficulty. We’ve seen how it turned out for WoW and it sucked.

Lockouts go against the very nature of the game , so thats a big no no.

I just hope that the next raid is going to be just a little bit more challenging. Currently raids are considered “average” and many people call the “easy”. As the hardest game mode it should be a bit higher in terms of difficulty.

Um, I donno about you, but I’m pretty sure WoW was really popular during Wrath (in fact, WOTLK was the peak of the game), and only started declining in WoD, since they took all the fun out of the game.

And this game already has lockouts. But, instead of per character (like uh, you know, literally every other MMO out there), it’s per account. So, basically, you run once a week with your guild, and then don’t raid at all. What about people who don’t like guilds, or don’t have one? We’re stuck with nothing to do, since people don’t pug in this game, and the people who do are usually terrible. All I want is a per-character lockout, so that people have a reason to pug.

I’d hope they make the next raid harder, but then the “casuals” would start crying because they’re forced to put in effort and/or think about something, instead of just paying their way through.

Some requests for raiding.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tahlie.4259


So, I’m a long time MMO raider (14 years now), and I really miss having a game to play that has raids that are actually fun (I quit WoW when 6.0 launched, as it simplified the game way too much for me to have any fun). Now, GW2 raids are a blast, but they’re also kind of easy compared to the rest of the genre (given GW2’s audience though, that doesn’t surprise me), and have a few other issues to go along with that.

First, difficulty. Perhaps you could add difficulty levels, so that both casuals and hardcore players alike can find challenging, rewarding content. Have more complex mechanics and whatnot for hardcore mode, and have more forgiving (but still challenging) mechanics for casual mode. Now, both camps are happy, since casuals can play the content, and hardcore players aren’t just bored.

Second, lockouts. There is literally no reason to have lockouts be account-based. All this does is prevent pugging, as people won’t need to do the raid more than once. If gear is the issue, make all loot from raids (minus magnetite) be soulbound, rather than account bound, and make the lockouts per character.

Third isn’t an issue, just a hope. I hope you guys will keep on developing raids, and I hope you go beyond what other people have done. Rather than just beat up a bad guy until he dies, why not think outside the box? Maybe they’re too big to fight head on, maybe the encounter isn’t an actual monster you can fight (maybe a room or something full of traps), maybe it’s a time challenge, I donno. You have a unique IP and universe, so make the raiding follow suit.

An idea for a raid encounter.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tahlie.4259


So, in the video talking about The Keep Construct, you guys were talking about how you had to make the boss more player size… what if we went the opposite way?

Remember the Behemoth in the Cliffside fractal? What if we had a boss that was like double his size?

So, instead of fighting a boss and just having it fall over dead, what if you have to like climb onto / teleport onto the boss and cripple it piece by piece (maybe it’s some kind of construct like the marionette thing from Season 1, and you have to take out power nodes or something), or maybe it’s some kind of leviathan (think marine mythology), and you get swallowed whole — surviving that, you fight it from the inside out, crippling important organs or internal magic sources and fighting its immune system (could be monsters and things) before fighting the boss itself and escaping.

I’ve never seen an MMO do something like that, and I think it could be really interesting.

Also, you could try things that don’t involve literally attacking something until it dies, and dodging it’s basic attacks. Like, say some huge monster is throwing rubble at you, and you have to avoid its throws (instant kill, maybe) while baiting it into attacking a support column or something, which would then make something fall on it, stunning it for a while so you can attack it without being crushed.

I think you should go big! Monsters that you can’t just fight with standard MMO combat, but with mechanics unique to GW2. ^^

So Anet, a couple things about raids.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tahlie.4259


First, this belongs in the Fractals, Dungeons and Raids forum.

Second, raids always ment to be high difficulty organised group content, thus they are more likely to be completed by guilds. Arenanet even stated before adding the first wing that they expect pugs to only get so far before it required dedicated raid groups. The fact that raids are easy enough that they can be puged is more a design flaw and caving to the low skill cap of casual players. This is not WoW LFR though where you get to run through halfblind and still get loot.

Third, lockouts while certainly not benefiting the pool of available players for raids are in place for a reason (balance of raid rewards per account). They are a common practice for this kind of content in every MMO. They also mean that players with say 12 characters like myself or 30+ characters like some others don’t fill up on raids rewards withint 1-2 weeks (again leaving the pool of players after).

Final thought, if you are serious about raiding there is no reason not to apply to a guild and stop pugging or at least get some like minded players and start running a dedicated group. This seems a bit more inuitive as solution to me than reworking the party and commander system (which does not solve the core problem of you playing seemingly a class which is undesired or getting kicked for whatever reason).

I don’t like guilds, and they don’t like me. I play like a super neckbeard hardcore nerd, but I have the mindset of a casual — in other words, I play a lot and I play well, but I don’t treat the game like a job, and just have fun with it. So, I have to either go with a hardcore guild that can keep up with me but sucks all the fun out of the game, or join a casual guild that drives me crazy with their incompetence. Both of those just wouldn’t work for me. Sure, I could try making my own guild, but I’m not really a people person, and typically make people hate me before they like me, so it’d never go anywhere.

In my >10 years of playing WoW, I never had a guild, but I did all the raid content when it was new and fresh. I even pugged heroic stuff and did fine, not just LFR. When people can function in a raid, and know what to do (or are capable of learning), you clear things without a guild. To act like a guild is a requirement for raiding is just silly.

And, no. Literally every other game with raiding does lockouts per character, not account. If they’re so afraid of people getting loot, just make all ascended drops in the raid soulbound, and magnetite shards per character. Boom. Now you have a reason to constantly run with all your characters. But, I’m sure there’s some greedy F2P philosophy behind it, so I don’t think they really care.

Well, one reason I get kicked every now and then is because I like to play a power Scrapper. Did a lot of testing on the golem, and I do just as much (and often more) damage as a condi Engi — and I’m not even full ascended. People are just so afraid of the raids in this game, even though they’re kittening pathetic compared to every other game in the genre.

So Anet, a couple things about raids.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tahlie.4259


First, just get a real party system in place for them, not this squad crap. Several times now, I’ve set up a pug, only for someone to tag up, take control, and kick me to make room for their friends, or because they don’t like the class I play, or they just don’t like me, or something. I shouldn’t have to go out and spend days in utter boredom farming 300g just to have control of my group.

And, speaking of pugs, they basically don’t exist. Wanna know why? It’s because you decided to make lockouts per account, instead of per character. All that does is make raiding a guild-exclusive thing, and make pugging basically impossible. Anyone who clears the raid with their guild isn’t goinna want to pug and run it again like most other MMOs, since the lockout is for their whole account.

So, please, if you want to include raiding in your game, at least do it right. Make the lockouts per character (or give me a kitten ed good reason why it’s per account), and make a real party system that doesn’t rely on the archaic commander squad system.

So hey, medium armor.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tahlie.4259


Can we get medium armor […] that’s not a trenchcoat, and is sleeveless?

How about this?

For a Norn or Charr, that’d be awesome. But, for a female Asura, something that’s a little more modest. Closed chest, but still shoulder-length sleeves. :P

So hey, medium armor.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tahlie.4259


My Asura female has Viper’s armor. Gloves are Inquest.

Yeah, I’ve been looking at Illustrious, Viper’s and Leystone — but none are easy to get. xD

I’d be using Duelist Gloves though (just the hands, open fingers), so it needs to look good with them.

So hey, medium armor.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tahlie.4259


I agree. Male characters and female asura (who wear male skins most of the time) really could do with more variety.

It would be nice to have an option for bare arms in particular. I’ve got a charr with a really nice fur pattern, a norn with cool tattoos and a sylvari with bioluminescence and none of them are able to show it off because it ends up hidden under their clothing.

Yeah, outside of light armor, most of the stuff in this game is either super bulky, a robe, or a trenchcoat. The Leystone medium chest is nice, but I don’t like the butt flap it has.

Light Asura T3 though. <3 That and Conjuror Vest.

I’m sure it’d be easier to make a sleeveless, non-trenchcoat piece too, since there’s less animation involved.

Yea, I find it curious on how engineers, rangers, or thieves would all require trenchcoats.

Carapace armor isn’t a trenchcoat at least.

On a female Asura, it’s like a shirt that’s too small. Skin-tight, and the sleeves go halfway down your forearm. Looks kind of silly. Same with Triumphant (if the sleeves were elbow length… I’d love it).

(edited by Tahlie.4259)

So hey, medium armor.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tahlie.4259


Can we get medium armor (specifically for female Asura) that’s not a trenchcoat, and is sleeveless? Simple request. :P

I just don’t think it’s really thematically fitting for someone like a Thief or Ranger to be running around in a giant trenchcoat, as it’d get in the way. Something form-fitting with short sleeves or none at all would be nice though.

The Jungle Provides (Tizlak)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tahlie.4259


I’ve done it just fine, several times over. O.o Not sure what issue you’re running into.

Just not really enjoying myself.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tahlie.4259


For this week I’d suggest get into the SAB, and don’t come out again before it closes its doors . I’m having an awesome time in there, either by myself or with friends. Unfortunately it’s only a time-limited festival, but one week of insane fun is much better than a week being bored .

In general try to sit back and figure out what goals really do interest you. I know I’m starting to get bored (or rather burned out) if I go after material goals too much. Trying to farm wood for a specific weapon I want to get, or going after a specific meta event to gather those map tokens is a sure-fire way to turn me off the game.

Whenever I realize I’m on such a dangerous path, I make myself sit back, let go of that “goal”, and look around for something fun instead. Just taking an asura and going on a map, looking behind all corners, gathering all materials on the way, fighting with classes/builds/setups I haven’t used before, usually makes me find the “fun” in the game again pretty quickly. What good is that one stupidly expensive weapon to me when I can spend the time I would need to get it having fun instead?

Maybe it’s time for you to try something different. Create a character of a totally different race and class that you haven’t played (much) yet, and see where it gets you. Gather your own equipment, build your own builds, pug dungeons on-level rather than at 80, go slow, smell the roses, have as much fun as you can find without thinking of way-off material goals.

Go on a sight-seeing tour through all the jumping puzzles in this game, and see if you can still do them all (or (re-)learn how to do them in the first place). Check out the different area meta event chains, follow them from start to finish, and see their stories evolve before your eyes. Hunt out the most beautiful screenshots from vistas all over the world to use as desktop background.

And the best thing about it: by the time you start wondering about your former goals again you might just find that all that goofing around has actually filled your material storage with a substantial part of the stuff you need … and all that while having fun .

That’s a great way of thinking, but I’m not really a sight-seeing kind of person. Whereas most people would be happy to go to some new city and see the sights, I’d rather be doing things. In games, I enjoy the story the first time through (GW2’s story in-game is kind of weak), but once I know it, it just loses its appeal.

So, while someone might enjoy going around and finding every little hidden thing, I like to be out there fighting some big, challenging boss, or figuring out a puzzle, or beating this really hard JP or something. And GW2 just doesn’t have much in the way of that that I haven’t already done. And, at 80, it’s the same handful of dungeons / bosses / events / whatever day after day. And, couple that with the fact that the raid is so exclusive that I never get in (and the fact that, because of no trinity, the fights are kind of lackluster), I just don’t have that much fun. Fractals were fun at first, but I’m so sick of them.

And no other MMO out there really offers what I want anymore. : / I don’t like sandboxes (unless it’s done like Skyrim / Fallout / etc), and I like instanced PvE content with a trinity and all that. I also like PvP like WoW’s battlegrounds, not the zerg-fest that is GW2 PvP. So, I just don’t know what to do anymore.

Just not really enjoying myself.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tahlie.4259


Definitely new game time. There’s so many exciting and interesting games available right now (unless you only play MMOs). Your gaming time is your leisure time, so you should be enjoying it.

Thing is, I’ve been looking for a new game for close to two years now. : / I played WoW for over 10 years (launch to 6.0 patch), but the 6.0 patch just went and killed it for me. Since then, I’ve been looking for a new game to get into, but I just can’t find any that really interest me. I played Wildstar, but it was too easy, and I got bored. I played Blade and Soul, but it was too repetitive and spammy. I picked up League and hate it, but still play it…. I’ve played so many games, and none stick. I came back to GW2, and the raid was just kind of a letdown, and the game is still as grindy as ever, so I’m just not having fun.

Gaming just isn’t really meant for people like me anymore; I don’t want instant gratification and pretty graphics, I want a game that’s fun to play and doesn’t take itself super seriously. Like the old Mario / Zelda games on the Gamecube, or WoW before GC left, or any of those. I’ve been thinking of grabbing a Playstation and buying a bunch of old and new games, but is a $350 console really worth it for just a handful of games?

I just don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t enjoy most authors these days, don’t enjoy most cartoons (and can’t stand “adult” shows), don’t enjoy a lot of video games anymore (like ,they might be fun at first, but a pathetically easy game just gets boring after a while), none of it.

Just not really enjoying myself.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tahlie.4259


So, I bought the original GW2 when it first launched, and I loved it for a couple months, but then it just got really old, doing the same thing every day (and with no challenge either). When raiding came out, I thought it’d be kind of fun, since I enjoyed the combat in GW2 back in the day. First thing I learned is that my favorite class (Engineer with power gear) isn’t “viable” despite putting out a lot higher numbers than any condi build. Second, is that, because of the whole no trinity thing, the mechanics were kind of lackluster.

Since no one pugs anyway, I’ve been just sitting and doing the same thing every day, and there’s just nothing else to do. I’m just not really enjoying GW2 anymore, and I don’t have any other games to play… so I just don’t know what to do.

Why are people so afraid of raiding?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tahlie.4259


So, I played GW2 when it first came out, and had a lot of fun with it — at first. Fractals rolled around, and they were fun, but you can only do the same thing so many times before it gets boring. So, I quit at about the beginning of Living Story season 1.

Flash forward a few years, and here I started playing again ~3 weeks ago. When I heard about new fractals, a raid, and all kinds of challenging content, I just had to come back! So, now I have an 80 Engineer and Elementalist (both fully geared out), I’ve been raiding in MMOs for upwards of 12 years, and all that — yet, to date, I’ve not even set foot inside the raid.

I’ve been listing myself in LFG for a week and a half or so, I’ve been asking around in chat, and so on. But, there’s just no one pugging a raid, or filling a spot, or any of that. And no guilds are recruiting that actually go into the raid.

So, what exactly is the issue? Is the raid in GW2 just one of the hardest in the genre or something, or are people just being silly?

Raiding was the main reason I came back to the game. : / And it doesn’t seem like I’ll even set foot in the raid any time soon.

Question about classes.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tahlie.4259


So, basically, which class is the fastest-paced and least repetitive? In other MMOs, I always enjoyed classes that had a lot of versatility and damage, but had to intelligently use their kit to do anything with it — they couldn’t just button mash to win.

In GW2, which class would be fast-paced, dynamic and just overall fun?

Looking for a guild -- PvX, raiding, etc...

in Looking for...

Posted by: Tahlie.4259


So! I’m looking for a guild! Now, before you all beg me to join (because who wouldn’t, right?), there are a few things I’m looking for:

  • Hardcore playstyle, casual mentality.

What does that mean? Well, I want a guild that plays a lot and does a lot of the harder content, like raiding and upper-tier fractals, but doesn’t have the uber serious, “hardcore” mentality; they would just do all that stuff ‘cause it’s fun, not ‘cause they want to be the best or anything. I want a competent guild that’s fun to be in, rather than a guild that treats gaming like a job.

  • Friendly, inviting community.

Simple enough. Just want a guild with friendly, talkative people who don’t shun newcomers and all that.

  • Silly games and contests.

I love playing weird games and whatnot, even if a prize isn’t involved. So ideally I’d like a guild that hosts competitions, races, silly games, all that.

  • Isn’t perverted / drug-addicted / etc.

I don’t care what people do in their life, but I don’t want to constantly hear about sex, drugs and all that. Every now and then is fine, but when it’s constant it’s just irritating.

So, yeah. In a nutshell, I’m just looking for a fun, friendly guild that isn’t casual, but doesn’t have the whole asinine hardcore mentality. I want to raid, and I love fractals, but I also love doing silly guild contests / games, and I absolutely love playing with the musical instruments.

Any guild like that exist?

Lute (plucked) is too quiet. D:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tahlie.4259


I have it set as high as it will go. But I’m talking relative to the other instruments; the lute is super quiet, and the others are loud.

Lute (plucked) is too quiet. D:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tahlie.4259


So, yeah, the title. When you play the lute and strum it, it’s perfectly audible and all that. But when you switch to individual notes, it’s just so quiet in the upper octave and the upper half of the mid octave that you can hardly hear it.

Does anyone else have that issue, or am I just losing my hearing? Harp is fine, even loud, but the lute is just super quiet. Maybe Anet could turn up the volume on it just a bit? xD

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tahlie.4259


I donno how likely it is, or if it’s even been suggested, but would you ever consider adding a violin (and, if you do, please add the option to play it pizzicato (plucked)), piano and/or acoustic guitar to the available musical instruments?

And, if it’s even within the realm of possible, could you add the ability to play flats? Like, we have 1-8 being notes, so have F1-F8 being flats, maybe?

Why love for Tybalt, and not other mentors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tahlie.4259


I’ve never done the other orders up to that point (back when I played, you had to do every single quest, not packs of them every 10 levels), so I can’t talk about them… but Tybalt was just a really likable character.

He was a disgrace, but he kept chasing his dreams, and even though he was afraid and crippled, he didn’t give up. When doing quests with him, he always had wild and crazy plans (drinking contest with pirates), and he acted like a kid a lot of the time. In the end, he just swallowed his fear and showed real courage, saving you and everyone else on Claw Island.

So, he’s got issues but overcomes them. That’s why people like him, I think. ^^

What new fractals would you like to see?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tahlie.4259


I want fractals that are heavy on jumping puzzles and more traditional puzzle solving, rather than just killing things. Like the Super Adventure Box, but GW2 mode. :P