Showing Posts For Tajah.8142:
Thank you Cruzyo for your PM. I’ve responded to you this morning!
Thank you Turial for your PM. I’ll be reviewing your guild today!
Dunewarrior, I’ve replied to your PM.
Thank you Dunewarrior for your detailed PM (which I do appreciate). I will be reviewing your guild today.
Thank you Blur, I’ve sent you a PM as well.
Thank you for contacting me Eclipses. I’ve returned your PM.
Having the same issue on Blackgate
(edited by Tajah.8142)
Thanks for your response to my post, Qtrkobra.
While I appreciate your interest, I am more interested right now in finding a guild (ideally) with a bit more history and experience under its belt. In addition, I would require more information about your guild (web site, average age of player, etc) before I would consider it. See my above post again for some idea what I am looking for.
(edited by Tajah.8142)
I just don’t understand this multiple guild feature, and what benefits it provides. To me, it is a license to bounce from guild to guild, glutting along the way, and taking advantage of each guild’s community for self agendas. That may not be a bad thing for an individual whose only goal is to satisfy his lone gaming experience, but it surely gives Guild Leaders a managerial and recruiting nightmare.
I’m old school. I like the idea of belonging to a single guild and building that guild together with like minded individuals. Guilds that are focused, have good leadership, and dedicated members have a good foundation for attaining success.
I’ve been searching for a ‘classic guild’ since launch. Are there any out there?
(edited by Tajah.8142)
Forgot to mention, server is not an issue. I am willing to transfer.
(edited by Tajah.8142)
WANTED: Goal Orientated and Active Guild for Committed Gamer:
Does YOUR GUILD have what it takes to win me over?
Seeking a well rounded community of mature gamers who are committed to long term goals for GuildWars2. If you are a guild serious about recruiting and building a top notch performing organization, I’m interested in reviewing you.
Positive points in your favor are as follows:
- Mature players over 30 years old (average)
- Veteran gamers with more than just WOW experience, such as EQ1, DAoC, and EVE
- An up to date website with policies, membership requirements, and recent achievements
- Ventrilo voice chat and microphone requirements
- Easy on the eyes and ears chat (meaning foul language is controlled)
- An active guild of 30+ players who represent at all times
- Active Leader
- Application Process with written and oral interviews
- Broad range of activities that includes PvE, PvP, and WvW with an emphasis on PvE
Points that won’t impress me:
- Hundreds of members
- Multiple Guild Leaders
- Top Heavy Officer Pool
- Lame Facebook pages
- A Guild History of wide membership fluctuations
- Absentee Leaders and Officers
- Members who promote ‘entitlement’ via whining, spamming, and general misconduct
- ‘Canned’ responses to this post via copy/paste
If you made it this far, then you are entitled to know what I will bring as a member to your guild.
Guild Benefits with My Membership:
- Loyalty and representation
- I follow, I lead
- MMO vet since Everquest I
- Experience in all major titles released to date since March 16, 1999
- Level 80 Warrior 400/400 Armorcraft/Jewelry
- Legendary goals
- Positive Attitudes
- Sense of Humor
- Long term commitment to Guild and Game
Interested Guilds may contact me via in-game email or leave me a private message on these forums. Contacting me via in-game chat may be ‘chancy’ since I tend to not read general chats. Please note, that I expect you to request more information from me, and by the same measure I will investigate all guilds who attempt to recruit me.
Thank you for reading!
(edited by Tajah.8142)
Anyone know if there was a hot fix on this today?
Well, it ain’t working on Blackgate. And switching servers is not an option, when you are committed to a Guild and daily activities, seeing as you can’t just switch back to it immediately. There is now a 24 hour wait to switch.
So we going to have to wait yet another week for this fix? I mean, a fix supposedly just went in…
OMG… I waited an entire week for this.
The RESET allows only ONE PERSON to get the skill point. Then it is broke AGAIN. There are currently 50 people standing around hoping for a fix, that isn’t coming. Come on ArenaNet… can we please get this fixed?
I use Sword/Axe… pull with range to break up a pack of mobs… load up fear to crowd control.
Metrica Province: SP bugged at Durotl Grounds. NPC needs to be reset.
Banners are lacking; trust me I’ve tried using them on many occasions. Most folks in a group also don’t have a clue about how to use banners to their advantage. They are always moving out of range. Now I run with 3 sigs and 2 group utils… I stay alive much longer as well.
It’s the warrior crafted armor, required armorsmith 300.
Here it is dyed with Midnight Ice. You can disable the graphic for the helmet.
The skin is the same for all different types: Berserker, Carrion, Cleric, Explorer, Knight, Rampager, Valkyrie, etc and minimum requirement to wear is level 70. It’s just a skin which conceals the actual stats, so anyone you find wearing it, could have the lower stats all the way up to the higher stats. The skin changes again once you hit armorsmith lvl 375.
I agree with you to a point. There needs to be some sting to death, but having to PAY to spawn at a waypoint, and then having to PAY to repair your gear is overkill. Do one or the other, not both.
Has anyone ever been so broke they could not PAY for the spawn at a waypoint? What happens if no one ever came along to rez you? Are you stuck in death for all eternity?
Break our gear, but let us have a free waypoint spawn.
Just wait till you need 15 rares of one type for one insignia. HA!
If you plan on crafting legendary items, you need 100% of the map completed.
Thanks for that reply! I was wondering this myself… also trying to figure out how to get all the necessary skill points for the legendaries… and now I know how!
Ha! I use my bow to set up my fire combos, which are awesome! Love my warrior.
I think you need to step outside of the defining box you may have for a ‘warrior’ and play the class creatively. There is no right or wrong way to play it. Part of the fun is discovering your class and it’s many abilities. For me, I found sword/axe with bow to be a ton of fun. For the next guy it might be a different set of weapons. If you get really good at your class, no one can pigeon hole you into a ‘uber play-style’, because honestly… you will develop your own play-style for your warrior which will be just as viable as a warrior who plays his class different.
Bleh… already PM’d you. I’ll catch ya later tonight!
I’m gonna pm you… stand by
Thank you! Now that puts a whole lot more substance to your recruiting post (you can thank me later )
After your reply, I’m really interested in your guild! It sounds to me like you enjoy a challenge, and starting up on the lower end of the guild server list is a great way to climb. It also will provide a real sense of accomplishment when the guild hits its stride and has earned its “bragging rights”.
I’m a vet gamer having played 99% of every MMO published since Everquest I. I say 99% because I am sure I may have missed one or two.
I lead, I follow, I team play. I’m currently a lvl 80 Warrior on Dragonbrand. I’ve not touched WvW yet except to poke my nose inside the map. I was impressed as it looked a whole lot like DAoC. Looks like fun. I’m also interested in running Dungeons.
I bring a young 16 year old player with me, who I adopted several games ago. He is very mature, well spoken and loves a challenge. In fact, he was an officer in a guild when I met him. I was completely floored when I learned how old he was!
If we sound like we would be a good fit with Aeterna, let’s talk!
OK Bladie… went to your site… it’s kinda skimpy. There really is no info about your guild, it’s policies, membership requirements, etc. I really liked your opening post… I like the fact you are willing to build from the ground up. However I’ve got some questions to boot…
- How many members do you currently have? Your website shows only a dozen or so.
- Are you selectively recruiting or just doing mass invites to get your numbers up?
- Are you requiring members to play full time WvW? Can they get breathing room to also do PvE?
- Do you have a minimum age requirement to join? Is this a mature crowd? Any vet gamers in your leadership?
- Talking of leaders, who are you? who are your leaders? who are your officers?
- What’s your guild history? are you new? just formed?
- Got any rules? Policies? Governing structure? Any organization other than to hit the WvW by the seat of our pants and let it fly?
It’s ok I suppose to basically spam your own thread… but give us some substance man so we can make choices!
You guys have a website? anything that you can point me to besides a recruit thread? Thanks!
After you are done with the heart, you can farm for the rare crafting mats that drop off the mobs in the area. You could also repeat dynamic events to build up your karma.
Amen… 2nd that.
Add a personal bookmarking system.
They also bragged endlessly before release, for YEARS, about how they were going to be different with GW2 and not do things like this.
I like the crafting, mainly because its simple and not some silly mini-game like EQ2 and Vanguard were, but the material supply situation is a joke right now.
I also don’t understand little annoyances like having to run to a marketplace NPC to get items you buy… but you can look at your bank account? Silly, just completely silly, and sometimes a big time waster.
I agree…
and running to the Marketplace after I purchase mats at the crafting station, is one of the annoyances in this game that drives me CRAZY. In fact, I made a bug report that the Trading Post was busted because I could NOT “take all” from the Trading Post after purchasing items from it while standing at the crafting station!
Of course, I felt like an idiot, but just goes to show how silly this is.
LOL… great shot!
Is there a way to bookmark a thread and attach it to our profiles so that we have a way of locating the thread quickly?
If not, I’d like to suggest it.
The issue is not with the crafting… the issue is with the leveling rate of our characters.
The game levels us too fast. We are flying through the game at a pace that does not keep up with the drop rates. We do not slow down because the game pushes us to the next level; the personal story, heart quests, and crafting all give us experience.
If you try to craft your own gear as you are leveling up, you out level yourself just by standing in front of the crafting station!
In addition, crafting begins to get very frustrating when you find yourself having to purchase or grind for the fine materials that require 8 items for each recipe. To add to the level of frustration, all the ‘discovery’ items that you can not use or are worthless to you, must be sold or salvaged. Try selling your blue items on the Trading Post… you and a hundred other players are selling the same item for 1 copper MORE than what you can get off a vendor sale. ONE COPPER. That hardly compensates the crafter for his time, travel expenses, and other overhead to advance.
I really like how the crafting system was designed. But it is broken. It is entwined with the leveling engine of the game in such a manner as to make it ridiculous to try to maintain a gear vs level pace.
Sadly I feel the broken trading post at launch added to the economic decline. When the trading post first opened, it was like releasing a dam. EVERYONE had stuff to sell and undercutting just drove all items down to vendor sale prices plus ONE COPPER. I really hope this gets resolved because games have completely gone belly up with a borked economy.
It’s been asked for multiple times… and this thread is going to get locked because of that.