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What is your realm best known for?

in WvW

Posted by: Tamvir.2940


IoJ is probably best known internally for our free Chocolate Omnomberry Cream service. I’ll grant you that it’s a tad weird that Arctix insists on personally feeding everyone tube-to-mouth… but hey, free food! Message Arctx “Gimme some of that chocolate berry cream!” in game to get started.

This message brought to you by Team Legacy’s “You’ll find a friend in Arctix” advertising program.

(edited by Tamvir.2940)

Grenades underwater spread

in Engineer

Posted by: Tamvir.2940


Spread was changed but there is a plus side to the change. When grenades traveled in a tight cluster a strafing player could avoid them without much trouble. While a travel speed reduction would be required to remove this as a factor, I find that the spread actually improves this issue over medium range.

It also helps you tag more npc during underwater events.

Why do I even bother to equip a weapon?

in Engineer

Posted by: Tamvir.2940


Has it actually been said that ANET is planning on fixing this? I get the impression that because it’s on our bug lists everyone assumes that it will be, but I’ve seen no opinion from them on it.

Repeated disconnects in chokevine gorge/splintered coast

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tamvir.2940


I have no problems in other PVE or WvW locations, but reliably anytime I go to the chokevine gorge or splintered coast regions of sparkfly fen I have lag spikes which often lead to “location to server lost” messages. This happens reliably over evenings, and stops as soon as I go into a different area.

One-shotted a full health Warrior as an Engineer with my riffle ^^

in Engineer

Posted by: Tamvir.2940


Random though: as an engineer, if you’re falling and you try jumpshot right before you hit the ground, does it save you from fall damage?

Nope – at least not in limited testing. Skill definitely performs as normal, though, so you might be able to use it to transport you some distance laterally to stop a very long fall.

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Tamvir.2940


I’m not saying you guys aren’t weaker during the night than we are – but DB does not have a strong night reputation. We’ve been slaughtered during week day nights the last 2 matches vs JQ and BG.

WWvWW and other cooperative variations (wonkish)

in WvW

Posted by: Tamvir.2940


Not knowing the details of the present ranking system (Elo?) I am going to assume that it has the general property of taking into account prior scores to predict an expected server power (the score in the server rankings list). I haven’t been watching for long so please correct me if you disagree with that assumption.

To provide the best match-ups worlds are paired with their nearest expected powers. This has two potential benefits. First, servers are always provided with the closest thing to an even match as is available. And second, close match-ups are great if you want to decrease your uncertainty regarding your server rankings.

But – does that mean the match-ups will be fun to play? To answer that we need to define the personal utility functions of individual players. I can identify two sides to that utility function: “How am I doing in this week’s match-up?” and “How novel am I finding this experience?”.

“How am I doing in this week’s match-up?” – We have a very good measure of this one. The closer the score at the end of the week, the more net fun (net fun = total fun – total misery) being had. I believe they’re tuning the system to satisfy this factor, but in a flawed manner. The flaw stems from the fact that they’re not using their current expected power ratings to create a scenario where the expected game outcome is an even score. This means that even if they know with a 95% probability that HoD will win by 100K points, they will still create the pairing. Before we address how to fix that, let’s talk about factor two in player utility functions “How novel am I finding this experience?”

As far as novelty goes, I believe the current system is very lacking. Worlds are dividing into tiers, the ranking system certainty regarding the tiers is increasing, and within the tolerance of server flux and the ranking system’s memory we’re going to see a high correlation in the worlds we fight. (Granted these are moving targets, more on that at the end)

So how could we fix this? I’ve seen a number of good suggestions on the forum – buffing the losing team would help, but the timing and magnitude of those buffs would be a confounding factor for the ranking system and it would have little effect on novelty.

My suggestion has two parts – the first one is the hard one for ANet. You allow the system to generate built-in alliances, two worlds will split a score and share keeps/towers/supply camps – all of the typical restrictions apply but they share a side. This could take the form of WWvWW, or WvWW which would work with the current map. The second change is to create match-ups where the expected outcome of the game is as close to possible as even. That could be WvWvW (best for ranking), or one of these novel match-ups.

There are myriad benefits to this, but the two most salient are that it would seek out match-ups that were inherently the most fun and that it would allow for a huge increase the week-to-week novelty without compromising that balance.

I want to be clear that I’m not suggesting that the current system won’t work as a long term solution – I believe that there is a feedback loop where people/guilds in repetitive or bad situations will leave a server until that server’s status in the rankings changes. But, that requires people to become either bored or fed-up with their current situation. That’s not a good thing.

Main hand doesn't affect kits?

in Engineer

Posted by: Tamvir.2940


afaik they haven’t commented on this, although you’ll find it included on pretty much every player created engineer bug list.

It definitely leads to some weird combat situations. For instance I will drop an equipped kit so I can be holding my rifle before I use a tool belt skill. Very illogical when you consider that some tool belt skills receiving the rifle bonus from that swap come directly from weapon kits.

All turrets build

in Engineer

Posted by: Tamvir.2940


The Inventions trait line has a full set of turret buffs, so you should check that out. Also check out the Tools for deployable turrets (possibly broken still?).

I think you should use turrets because you think they’re fun, not because you’re trying to build a top notch pvp build. As several people on here frequently complain a lot of turret abilities don’t scale with player equipment. Still, they’re fun and have some good situational uses.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Tamvir.2940


I don’t know if anybody else has noticed, but my grenade kit automatically unequips after awhile. It happened to me consistently yesterday.

This, +1. Not an automatic thing like someone suggested, generally only happens in combat. Can happen twice in one combat, or 30 minutes in between. It may be useful to note that auto-attack settings for heals/utility slots aren’t reset like they would be if I had pressed grenade kit accidentally. I believe it’s similar to if you pick up a weapon off the ground, then drop it.

When I switch back into the kit, however, the auto-attack setting on heals/utilities are lost – which makes this bug very annoying since it requires me to ctrl+right click to reset my auto-casts.