Showing Posts For Tanner Richards.2134:

my specialization theory list

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tanner Richards.2134

Tanner Richards.2134

this is pretty good

Let's Talk About: Specializations

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tanner Richards.2134

Tanner Richards.2134

well it seems like the ranger becoming a druid is kind of like it becoming a new profession in a sense

The Dragon on the new LS trailer

in Living World

Posted by: Tanner Richards.2134

Tanner Richards.2134

I am hopeing this dragon egg will hatch when the 5 races have it and it could be a new elder dragon but on our side and give people a new power which can be the new proffesion for the game

Looking for Guild in Black Gate

in Looking for...

Posted by: Tanner Richards.2134

Tanner Richards.2134

A friend and I are looking for a large guild to join in Black Gate that is fairly rich and does WvW often, we are currently on another server and wish to switch but don’t have enough to pay for the switch over and were hoping to find a guild that would pay for our switch. Thanks for reading this and hopefully get a message soon

Profession Idea?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tanner Richards.2134

Tanner Richards.2134

I know there are always posts like this but just want to put this one out in the open just to get it out there. But I had an idea for a new profession where it’s mechanic is stances and with each stance your in you get new skills like how the elementalist works but it’s an adventure class and the stances would be White Tiger, Black Tortuise/Turtle, Red Phoneix, Blue/Azure Dragon. Based off of the old Myth, but even though I would like to for it to be an adventure class I would also like for it to have a lot of magical properties like how the guardian works. Each stance would work deferently for example Black Turtle would give the player more control based abilities, while White Tiger and Red Phoniex are more Damage based skills and Blue Dragon gives a better support role with heals and boons. Not the best idea in the world but I like it any ideas from anyone?

Looking for Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Tanner Richards.2134

Tanner Richards.2134

I’m looking for a guild in Sanctum of Rall so I can craft all I want

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tanner Richards.2134

Tanner Richards.2134

I agree Race Change should be implemented into the Game because not everyone wants to re-level another character with planning on having everything be the same but the only difference is the race, or to make it more appealing in a story fashion if you absolutely want to change into this race for sure and have it stay that race then it will open an extra story for you. You could go on some quest where you have to go find and capture some “evil” shaman because of experiments he has been conducting and when you get to his lair you find yourself wakening up in a dungeon as that new race you have chosen to and angrily you fight your way out of the dungeon and route your way through his castle to try and find the shaman to change you back while also going through changes as your sympathizing with the race you chose more seeing the hardships they’ve gone through. Once finally reaching the Shaman (through multiple bonus personal story lines) figuring out that this was all just a setup by whichever Destiny’s Edge Character race you choose to become to get you to redeem your hatred or dislike of the race you chose because of something that made you have strong feelings against them in the first place, with that in mind The Shaman will change you back to your previous race if you didn’t enjoy being that race, Stay that race which will change future personal storylines of course. Mind that even if you stay the race you originally were that storyline you went through would have never actually happened and would be “erased” in some context while the 800 or 1600 gems would still be used but the race change option is still available for you but is free of gems this time as u never actually changed races so this way people can try all other races tell they find that perfect one

Coming Back

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tanner Richards.2134

Tanner Richards.2134

I haven’t played in awhile because the game was getting to repetitive for me, Is the game worth coming back to?


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tanner Richards.2134

Tanner Richards.2134

Kaining server just made alt could use someone to play with I’m a Norn Guardian just message me in game if would like to play


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tanner Richards.2134

Tanner Richards.2134

Just out of curiosity how long has it taken other people to get past the first area and level up remotely fast I keep finding myself just speeding through things with an hour later going by and only gained maybe 1 level or 2 and now still low level in starting areas , is leveling broken at all or is there something I can do to level up quicker and get through areas fast

Additional Professions based on Culture

in Lore

Posted by: Tanner Richards.2134

Tanner Richards.2134

I’ve been thinking that 7/8ths of the professions have come mostly from human culture besides the engineer remembering that profession originated from the Charr, and lately I’ve been seeing a lot of threads about Tengu as a possible new race but also about what profession it could bring to the table. So if in the next expansion there would be the Tengu and the Ritualist(example sense they were from Cantha), so if ArenaNet follows this formula with each new race they also add a profession from that races culture couldn’t they also add an additional 3 professions based on the Norn, Asura, and Sylvari cultures as well with the Tengu and whatever profession it brings with, witch would only have 7/12ths of the professions be from human culture mostly and it would add professions with more cultural appeal to players. This is just my personal opinion that a few of my friends share and was curious who else would like something like this and what new professions based of the other races cultures could come forth as playable

6th playable race, what's your top 3 pick?

in Lore

Posted by: Tanner Richards.2134

Tanner Richards.2134

For me I choose Tengu hands down just because I personally think they have the most potential over the other races, possibly even bringing a new profession with them. Seeing as how Tengus were apart of Cantha which had the Ritualist in the original Guild Wars. ArenaNet could try and use it I do have a bunch of great Ideas how the profession could overall work out but I will just make a thread on that later maybe with showing traitlines, weapon skills, and utility skills.

(edited by Tanner Richards.2134)

Profession choice

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tanner Richards.2134

Tanner Richards.2134

I will finally be getting my own computer so I will actually be able to play all the time at first I had to play on my friends account at his house to help his characters level up but to start off myself I don’t know what would be a good profession to play


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tanner Richards.2134

Tanner Richards.2134

Leveling seems to be really off at a lot of areas especially the starting zones, I’m always having to grind to gain a few levels to be a good enough level to do something or just to leave the zone in general, I know this has been an issue for other people as well were they are a few levels short after completing areas and spend the rest of the time grinding kills to catch up. When will this be fixed?

Need trait build help

in Guardian

Posted by: Tanner Richards.2134

Tanner Richards.2134

Thank you for the help

Need trait build help

in Guardian

Posted by: Tanner Richards.2134

Tanner Richards.2134

I love using a sword/torch and scepter/shield but I don’t know how to do the trait system yet sense I haven’t been able to get on all that much so I need a build that will help with this specific weapon sets